992 resultados para Application software -- Development -- TFC


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The traditional waterfall software life cycle model has several weaknesses. One problem is that a working version of a system is unavailable until a late stage in the development; any omissions and mistakes in the specification undetected until that stage can be costly to maintain. The operational approach which emphasises the construction of executable specifications can help to remedy this problem. An operational specification may be exercised to generate the behaviours of the specified system, thereby serving as a prototype to facilitate early validation of the system's functional requirements. Recent ideas have centred on using an existing operational method such as JSD in the specification phase of object-oriented development. An explicit transformation phase following specification is necessary in this approach because differences in abstractions between the two domains need to be bridged. This research explores an alternative approach of developing an operational specification method specifically for object-oriented development. By incorporating object-oriented concepts in operational specifications, the specifications have the advantage of directly facilitating implementation in an object-oriented language without requiring further significant transformations. In addition, object-oriented concepts can help the developer manage the complexity of the problem domain specification, whilst providing the user with a specification that closely reflects the real world and so the specification and its execution can be readily understood and validated. A graphical notation has been developed for the specification method which can capture the dynamic properties of an object-oriented system. A tool has also been implemented comprising an editor to facilitate the input of specifications, and an interpreter which can execute the specifications and graphically animate the behaviours of the specified systems.


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The process of developing software is a complex undertaking involving multiple stakeholders. While the intentions of these parties might vary to some extent, the ultimate goal can be seen as a satisfactory product. Lean and agile software development practices strive toward this and they place customer contentment as one of the highest aims of the process. An important aspect of any development process is the act of innovation. Without it, nothing progresses and the whole process is unnecessary. As a target domain expert, the customer is an important part of effective innovation. Problems arise, however, when the customer is not actively taking part in the activities. Lack of familiarity with software development can easily cause such issues. Unfortunately, the amount of research conducted on product innovation is unimpressive. This makes it difficult to formulate a recommended approach on stimulating the customer and encouraging a more active participation. Ultimately, a small set of high-level guidelines were identified from the available literary resources for inducing innovation. To conclude, this thesis presents the findings made during the development of a small web application and compares them to the aforementioned literature findings. While the guidelines seem to provide promising results, further empirical research is needed to attain more significant conclusions.


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The main purpose of this paper is to propose and test a model to assess the degree of conditions favorability in the adoption of agile methods to develop software where traditional methods predominate. In order to achieve this aim, a survey was applied on software developers of a Brazilian public retail bank. Two different statistical techniques were used in order to assess the quantitative data from the closed questions in the survey. The first, exploratory factorial analysis validated the structure of perspectives related to the agile model of the proposed assessment. The second, frequency distribution analysis to categorize the answers. Qualitative data from the survey opened question were analyzed with the technique of qualitative thematic content analysis. As a result, the paper proposes a model to assess the degree of favorability conditions in the adoption of Agile practices within the context of the proposed study.


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The Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) research area is increasingly investigated due to its high potential in reducing the maintenance costs and in ensuring the systems safety in several industrial application fields. A growing demand of new SHM systems, permanently embedded into the structures, for savings in weight and cabling, comes from the aeronautical and aerospace application fields. As consequence, the embedded electronic devices are to be wirelessly connected and battery powered. As result, a low power consumption is requested. At the same time, high performance in defects or impacts detection and localization are to be ensured to assess the structural integrity. To achieve these goals, the design paradigms can be changed together with the associate signal processing. The present thesis proposes design strategies and unconventional solutions, suitable both for real-time monitoring and periodic inspections, relying on piezo-transducers and Ultrasonic Guided Waves. In the first context, arrays of closely located sensors were designed, according to appropriate optimality criteria, by exploiting sensors re-shaping and optimal positioning, to achieve improved damages/impacts localisation performance in noisy environments. An additional sensor re-shaping procedure was developed to tackle another well-known issue which arises in realistic scenario, namely the reverberation. A novel sensor, able to filter undesired mechanical boundaries reflections, was validated via simulations based on the Green's functions formalism and FEM. In the active SHM context, a novel design methodology was used to develop a single transducer, called Spectrum-Scanning Acoustic Transducer, to actively inspect a structure. It can estimate the number of defects and their distances with an accuracy of 2[cm]. It can also estimate the damage angular coordinate with an equivalent mainlobe aperture of 8[deg], when a 24[cm] radial gap between two defects is ensured. A suitable signal processing was developed in order to limit the computational cost, allowing its use with embedded electronic devices.


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In the Era of precision medicine and big medical data sharing, it is necessary to solve the work-flow of digital radiological big data in a productive and effective way. In particular, nowadays, it is possible to extract information “hidden” in digital images, in order to create diagnostic algorithms helping clinicians to set up more personalized therapies, which are in particular targets of modern oncological medicine. Digital images generated by the patient have a “texture” structure that is not visible but encrypted; it is “hidden” because it cannot be recognized by sight alone. Thanks to artificial intelligence, pre- and post-processing software and generation of mathematical calculation algorithms, we could perform a classification based on non-visible data contained in radiological images. Being able to calculate the volume of tissue body composition could lead to creating clasterized classes of patients inserted in standard morphological reference tables, based on human anatomy distinguished by gender and age, and maybe in future also by race. Furthermore, the branch of “morpho-radiology" is a useful modality to solve problems regarding personalized therapies, which is particularly needed in the oncological field. Actually oncological therapies are no longer based on generic drugs but on target personalized therapy. The lack of gender and age therapies table could be filled thanks to morpho-radiology data analysis application.


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The Corporate world is becoming more and more competitive. This leads organisations to adapt to this reality, by adopting more efficient processes, which result in a decrease in cost as well as an increase of product quality. One of these processes consists in making proposals to clients, which necessarily include a cost estimation of the project. This estimation is the main focus of this project. In particular, one of the goals is to evaluate which estimation models fit the Altran Portugal software factory the most, the organization where the fieldwork of this thesis will be carried out. There is no broad agreement about which is the type of estimation model more suitable to be used in software projects. Concerning contexts where there is plenty of objective information available to be used as input to an estimation model, model-based methods usually yield better results than the expert judgment. However, what happens more frequently is not having this volume and quality of information, which has a negative impact in the model-based methods performance, favouring the usage of expert judgement. In practice, most organisations use expert judgment, making themselves dependent on the expert. A common problem found is that the performance of the expert’s estimation depends on his previous experience with identical projects. This means that when new types of projects arrive, the estimation will have an unpredictable accuracy. Moreover, different experts will make different estimates, based on their individual experience. As a result, the company will not directly attain a continuous growing knowledge about how the estimate should be carried. Estimation models depend on the input information collected from previous projects, the size of the project database and the resources available. Altran currently does not store the input information from previous projects in a systematic way. It has a small project database and a team of experts. Our work is targeted to companies that operate in similar contexts. We start by gathering information from the organisation in order to identify which estimation approaches can be applied considering the organization’s context. A gap analysis is used to understand what type of information the company would have to collect so that other approaches would become available. Based on our assessment, in our opinion, expert judgment is the most adequate approach for Altran Portugal, in the current context. We analysed past development and evolution projects from Altran Portugal and assessed their estimates. This resulted in the identification of common estimation deviations, errors, and patterns, which lead to the proposal of metrics to help estimators produce estimates leveraging past projects quantitative and qualitative information in a convenient way. This dissertation aims to contribute to more realistic estimates, by identifying shortcomings in the current estimation process and supporting the self-improvement of the process, by gathering as much relevant information as possible from each finished project.


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Feature-Oriented Programming, Aspect-Oriented Programming, Software Product Lines, Stepwise Development


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2010


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Aplicació de gestió per al manteniment dels paquets de software distribuïts als usuaris de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. El treball consisteix en el disseny i anàlisi de la base de dades, juntament amb el desenvolupament de l'aplicació.


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El present projecte tracta sobre el desenvolupament d'un marc de treball o framework per la capa de presentació d'aplicacions J2EE.En un primer bloc, s'analitzen els frameworks més utilitzats al món empresarial a dia d'avui: Struts 2, Spring MVC i JavaServer Faces. S'estudia com funcionen i les característiques principals de cada un, comparant-les per veure quines són comuns a tots i es consideren imprescindibles per un framework d'aquest tipus. A més, es fa un anàlisi exhaustiu dels patrons J2EE i les bones pràctiques que poden aportar al projecte.El segon bloc del projecte és el desenvolupament de Jewel Framework, el marc de treball que s'ha creat. Primer, s'analitza quines són les funcionalitats que ha de complir el framework i es fa un disseny de l'arquitectura i estructura que segueix. Després, s'implementa seguint el disseny i tenint cura que es compleixin tots els requisits, tant funcionals com de qualitat del producte. Finalment, es dissenya i desenvolupa una aplicació d'exemple que demostra la usabilitat i bon funcionament de Jewel.


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L'evolució que la tecnologia de les comunicacions sense fils ha experimentat en els darrers anys permet que avui en dia els dispositius mòbils proporcionin una resposta més que acceptable. Ja s'han superat molts dels problemes de mobilitat, d'infraestructura i d'ample de banda que fins ara dificultaven l'ús d'aquests dispositius. Aquest fet ha fomentat l'expansió de diferents sistemes dels que es pot destacar Android, iPhone OS i Windows Mobile/Windows Phone 7. Els dos primers són els que actualment es disputen el lideratge del mercat dels dispositius i aplicacions mòbils i és Android el que ha experimentat el major creixement els darrers anys. Paral·lelament, la constant introducció de programari d'e-learning destinat a activitats de formació no presencial basades en Internet ha permès arribar a milions d'usuaris en diferents àmbits, com ara universitats, empreses i institucions d'arreu del món. D'aquest conjunt de programari destaca Moodle, suite de codi obert que permet crear llocs web de formació en línia de forma senzilla i eficaç.Aquest Projecte de Final de Carrera, emmarcat en l'àrea de Xarxes de Computadors, conjugaaquests tres conceptes mitjançant el desenvolupament d'una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils Android que connecta a un servidor Moodle. La comunicació entre ells utilitza intensivament les xarxes sense fils i fa crides als serveis que aquest ofereix gràcies als Web Services, mètode de comunicacions composat d'un conjunt de protocols i de programari que permet la comunicació entre dos dispositius a través de la xarxa.


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Plataforma per a la gestió d'un servei de lloguer de vehicles desenvolupat en tecnologia .Net de Microsoft.Consta d'una plana web enfocada als clients, una aplicació d'administració i d'una aplicació mòbil per a la gestió per part del personal de taller.


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Solució per a gestionar el funcionament d'un restaurant a nivell logístic i deixant de banda la gestió financera realitzada amb ASP.net, Visual Basic.NET i WCF.


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El presente TFC se centra en la creación de un sistema de información geográfica destinado a dispositivos móviles (Ipads, Smartphones ¿) y dedicado al senderismo, utilizando para ello varias aplicaciones de código abierto ofrecidas en la actualidad.


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El Virtual Camarero es un proyecto de final de carrera realizado con .NET. Consiste en una aplicación para terminal táctil para poder realizar pedidos en un bar o restaurante desde la mesa de un local. Sin la necesidad de que el camarero venga a pedir lo que se quiere tomar.