969 resultados para Apis mellifera honey


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Globine sind kleine globuläre Proteine mit nahezu ubiquitärem Vorkommen in allen Tiergruppen. Sie weisen eine typische Sandwichstruktur auf, die in der Regel aus acht α-Helices mit einer zentralen prosthetischen Häm-Gruppe besteht und die Proteine zur Bindung gasförmiger Liganden befähigt. Die Funktionen der Globine reichen von O2-Transport und – Speicherung, über eine Beteiligung bei der Entgiftung reaktiver Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffspezies bis hin zu sensorischen physiologischen Aufgaben. Innerhalb der Klasse der Insekten schien das Vorhandensein von Globinen zunächst auf Insekten mit offensichtlich hypoxischen Habitaten beschränkt zu sein. Die Entdeckung des Globins glob1 in Drosophila melanogaster deutete jedoch eine sehr viel weitere Verbreitung der Globine in Insekten an, die sich durch die Identifizierung von Globingenen in einer Vielzahl von normoxisch lebenden Insekten, wie z.B. Apis mellifera oder Aedes aegypti bestätigte. D. melanogaster besitzt drei Globine, glob1, glob2 und glob3. Glob1 ist eng mit anderen intrazellulären Insektenglobinen verwandt, was zu der Annahme führte, dass es sich bei glob1 um das ursprüngliche und bei glob2 und glob3 um abgeleitete D. melanogaster Globine handelt. Glob1 wird in allen Entwicklungsstadien exprimiert, wobei die Hauptexpressionsorte der Fettkörper und das Tracheensystem sind. Die Transkription des glob1 startet von zwei alternativen Promotoren (Promotor I und II), wodurch in Kombination mit alternativem Splicing vier Transkriptvarianten (Isoform A-D) entstehen, deren Translation jedoch in einer Proteinvariante (glob1) resultiert. Hypoxische Bedingungen führen zu einer vermutlich HIF (=‚hypoxia-inducible factor‘) -vermittelten Abnahme der glob1 Genexpression, wohingegen Hyperoxie eine leichte Zunahme der glob1 mRNA Menge bewirkt. Der mithilfe des UAS/Gal4- Systems erzeugte, RNAi-vermittelte glob1 Knockdown führt zu einer schlechteren Überlebensrate adulter Fliegen unter hypoxischen Bedingungen, einer verkürzten Erholungszeit nach hypoxischem Stupor in Weibchen sowie zu einer erhöhten Resistenz gegenüber dem ROS (=‘reactive oxygen species‘) -generierenden Herbizid Paraquat in Larven und adulten Weibchen. Diese Beobachtungen sprechen für eine Funktion des Drosophila glob1 innerhalb der O2-Versorgung. Unter hyperoxischen Bedingungen hingegen wurde kein Unterschied zwischen Fliegen mit wildtypischer und manipulierter glob1-Expression festgestellt, wodurch eine Beteiligung des glob1 bei der Entgiftung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies als mögliche Funktion vorerst ausscheidet. Bei glob2 und glob3 handelt es sich um duplizierte Gene. Auf phylogenetischen Rekonstruktionen basierend konnte die Entstehung der Globin-Duplikate auf ein Duplikationsereignis vor der Radiation des Subgenus Sophophora vor mindestens 40 Millionen Jahren zurückgeführt werden. Die durchgeführten Analysen zur molekularen Sequenzevolution der Globin-Duplikate deuten darauf hin, dass glob2 und glob3 nach der Duplikation eine Kombination aus Sub- und Neo-Funktionalisierungsprozessen durchlaufen haben. Glob2 und glob3 zeigen eine deckungsgleiche mRNA Expression, die auf die männliche Keimbahn beschränkt ist. Aufgrund des hohen Konservierungsgrads der für die Häm- und O2-Bindung essentiellen Aminosäuren kann von der Funktionalität beider Proteine ausgegangen werden. Die streng auf die männliche Keimbahn begrenzte Expression von glob2 und glob3 deutet auf eine Rolle der Globin-Duplikate innerhalb der Spermatogenese hin, die möglicherweise in einem Schutz der Spermatogenese vor oxidativem Stress besteht. Auch eine Beteiligung beim korrekten Ablauf der Spermien-Individualisierung, beispielsweise durch Regulation von Apoptoseprozessen wäre denkbar.


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Multiple infections of managed honeybee, Apis mellifera, colonies are inevitable due to the ubiquitous ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor and might be an underlying cause of winter losses. Here we investigated the role of adult small hive beetles, Aethina tumida, alone and in combination with V. destructor for winter losses and for infections with the microsporidian endoparasite Nosema ceranae. We found no significant influence of A. tumida and V destructor alone or in combination on the numbers of N. ceranae spores. Likewise, A. tumida alone had no significant effects on winter losses, which is most likely due to the observed high winter mortality of the adult beetles. Therefore, our data suggest that A. tumida is unlikely to contribute to losses of overwintering honeybee colonies. However, high losses occurred in all groups highly infested with V. destructor, supporting the central role of the mite for colony losses.


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Like all organisms on the planet, honeybees (Apis mellifera) are susceptible to infection with a wide variety of viruses. These viruses may produce infections with no visible symptoms or may have devastating consequences on both the individual bee and the entire hive. Deformed Wing Virus, a member of the Iflavirus group of viruses, has an RNA genome and has had a particularly important impact on bee health. It can be spread between bees in a several ways – bees can infect each other during feeding or grooming activities, drones can pass the virus to the queen during mating and queens can lay infected eggs. The primary and most devastating way that these viruses are transmitted within and between hives involves a parasitic mite, an animal known ominously as Varroa destructor. The talk will discuss the effect that viruses have on the health and behavior of honeybees and will outline the collaborative research activities of Drs. Evans and Pizzorno over the last 7 years.


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Apis mellifera L., the European honeybee, is a crucial pollinator of many important agricultural crops in the United States. Recently, honeybee colonies have been affected by Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a disorder in which the colony fails due to the disappearance of a key functional group of worker bees. Though no direct causalrelationship has been confirmed, hives that experience CCD have been shown to have a high incidence of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV), a common honeybee virus. While the genome sequence and gene-order of DWV has been analyzed fairly recently, few other studies have been performed to understand the molecular characterization of the virus.Since little is known about where DWV proteins localize in infected host cells, the objective of this project was to determine the subcellular localization of two of the important non-structural proteins that are encoded in the DWV genome. This project focused on the protein 3C, an autocatalytic protease which cleaves itself from a longer polyprotein and helps to cut all of the other proteins apart from one another so that they can become functional, and 3D, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) which is critical for replication of the virus because it copies the viral genome. By tagging nested constructs containing these two proteins and tracking where they localized in living cells, this study aimed to better understand the replication of DWV and to elicit possible targetsfor further research on how to control the virus. Since DWV is a picorna-like virus, distantly related to human viruses such as polio, and picornavirus non-structural proteins aggregate at cellular membranes during viral replication, the major hypothesis was that the 3C and 3CD proteins would localize at cellular organelle membranes as well. Using confocal microscopy, both proteins were found to localize in the cytoplasm, but the 3CDprotein was found to be mostly diffuse cytoplasmic, and the 3C protein was found to localize more specifically on membranous structures just outside of the nucleus.


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Methods are described for working with Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae in the field and in the laboratory. For fieldwork, different sampling methods are described to determine colony level infections at a given point in time, but also for following the temporal infection dynamics. Suggestions are made for how to standardise field trials for evaluating treatments and disease impact. The laboratory methods described include different means for determining colony level and individual bee infection levels and methods for species determination, including light microscopy, electron microscopy, and molecular methods (PCR). Suggestions are made for how to standardise cage trials, and different inoculation methods for infecting bees are described, including control methods for spore viability. A cell culture system for in vitro rearing of Nosema spp. is described. Finally, how to conduct different types of experiments are described, including infectious dose, dose effects, course of infection and longevity tests


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Hymenoptera attach to smooth surfaces with a flexible pad, the arolium, between the claws. Here we investigate its movement in Asian weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) and honeybees (Apis mellifera).  When ants run upside down on a smooth surface, the arolium is unfolded and folded back with each step. Its extension is strictly coupled with the retraction of the claws. Experimental pull on the claw-flexor tendon revealed that the claw-flexor muscle not only retracts the claws, but also moves the arolium. The elicited arolium movement comprises (i) about a 90° rotation (extension) mediated by the interaction of the two rigid pretarsal sclerites arcus and manubrium and (ii) a lateral expansion and increase in volume. In severed legs of O. smaragdina ants, an increase in hemolymph pressure of 15 kPa was sufficient to inflate the arolium to its full size. Apart from being actively extended, an arolium in contact also can unfold passively when the leg is subject to a pull toward the body.  We propose a combined mechanical–hydraulic model for arolium movement: (i) the arolium is engaged by the action of the unguitractor, which mechanically extends the arolium; (ii) compression of the arolium gland reservoir pumps liquid into the arolium; (iii) arolia partly in contact with the surface are unfolded passively when the legs are pulled toward the body; and (iv) the arolium deflates and moves back to its default position by elastic recoil of the cuticle.


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O aumento da resistência microbiana devido a fatores como uso excessivo e ineficiente de antibióticos convencionais acarreta a necessidade da busca por novos compostos bioativos que atuem por mecanismos de ação diferentes aos fármacos já conhecidos. Na agricultura, o uso intensivo de pesticidas para o combate de microrganismos que comprometem principalmente a parte alimentícia também traz diversos problemas relacionados à resistência antimicrobiana e a riscos ambientais, oriundos do acúmulo dessas substâncias no solo. Dentro deste aspecto, o pseudofungo Pythium aphanidermatum, da classe dos oomicetos, destaca-se por ser uma espécie agressiva e altamente resistente a fungicidas comuns, apodrecendo raízes e frutos de cultivos de tomate, beterraba, pepino, pimentão, etc. A própolis verde, constituída em sua grande parte por material resinoso coletado e processado pela abelha da espécie Apis mellifera tem sido utilizada na medicina tradicional devido ao seu amplo espectro de ações preventivas e tratamentos de doenças, possuindo propriedades anti-inflamatórias, antimicrobianas, anticancerígenas e antioxidantes, tornando-se um produto de grande interesse na busca de novos compostos bioativos. Dentro destes aspectos apresentados, neste trabalho investigamos a ação da própolis verde contra o fitopatógeno P. aphanidermatum e identificamos através da técnica de cromatografia e bioensaios que a Artepillin C (3,5-diprenil-4-ácido-hidroxicinâmico), majoritária na própolis verde, foi o principal composto nesta ação. Os efeitos terapêuticos desta molécula tem sido foco de muitos estudos, porém ainda não há evidência em sua interação com agregados anfifílicos que mimetizam membranas celulares. O caráter anfifílico do composto, elevado pela presença dos grupos prenilados ligados ao ácido cinâmico, favoreceram a sua inserção nas membranas modelo, principalmente em seu estado agregado. Estas conclusões puderam ser inferidas devido às alterações nas propriedades das bicamadas lipídicas na presença da Artepillin C, podendo causar, especificamente para o caso de fitopatógenos como o P. aphanidermatum, perdas funcionais das proteínas de membranas, liberação de eletrólitos intracelulares e desintegração citoplasmática dos micélios e esporos. Ainda, as diferentes composições lipídicas nas vesículas influenciam no modo de interação do composto e consequentes alterações em suas estruturas, principalmente na presença do colesterol, que auxilia na manutenção da permeabilidade da bicamada lipídica, que pode contribuir para a integridade do conteúdo citoplasmático da célula.


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La abeja de la miel Apis mellifera es la principal especie polinizadora empleada por el hombre para aumentar la productividad de los cultivos, y además desempeña una importante función en el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad en todo el mundo. En las últimas décadas, se ha apreciado un incremento de la mortalidad de las colonias de abejas en numerosas regiones, lo que ha llevado a generar una gran alarma debido a sus potenciales repercusiones económicas y medioambientales. Este fenómeno, caracterizado por no tener una causa conocida, se ha clasificado principalemente en “Síndrome de Despoblamiento de las Colmenas” (SDC), cuando presenta una sintomatología concreta de despoblamiento de abejas adultas, o simplemente “mortalidad invernal”, cuando las colmenas no superan el invierno por causas no identificadas. Estas pérdidas se han observado también en España, el país con mayor censo de colmenas de la Unión Europea e importante productor de miel. Esta situación ha generado la necesidad de estudiar las causas de tales pérdidas. Actualmente se considera que no existe una causa única que explique esta mortalidad sino que, por el contrario, se trata de un fenómeno en el que la interacción de varios factores afecta a las colonias. Entre estos factores considerados ‘de riesgo’ destacan la mala nutrición y la escasez de recursos, la climatología adversa y el cambio climático, la exposición a pesticidas neonicotinoides empleados en los cultivos donde pecorean las abejas, la presencia de depredadores naturales y especies invasoras y la acción de los patógenos presentes en las colmenas. Entre los patógenos que pueden afectar a la abejas, destacan los virus porque a pesar de conocerse su amplia distribución y prevalencia en las colmenas y haber sido asociados con eventos de mortalidad de colonias de abejas, aún son muchos los interrogantes sobre su patogenia, cómo se ven afectados por otros factores y cómo son capaces de alterar el equilibrio con el hospedador produciendo estados patológicos...


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Las abejas, principalmente la especie Apis mellifera, desarrollan una función biológica muy importante puesto que se encargan de polinizar diversos cultivos agrícolas y la flora silvestre de todo el mundo. No obstante, existen numerosos factores que influyen en el estado sanitario de las colonias de abejas y presentan además un alto grado de interacciones entre ellos. Algunos de los potenciales riesgos para la apicultura española ya han sido identificados, como por ejemplo las dos especies de microsporidios, Nosema apis y N. ceranae, que actúan como parásitos intracelulares obligados o los ectoparásitos Varroa destructor, Acarapis woodi o Braula coeca; así como numerosos virus capaces de infectar a Apis melífera, de los cuales los principales son el virus de las alas deformadas (DWV), el virus de las realeras negras (BQCV), el virus Kashmir (KBV), el virus de la parálisis aguda (ABPV) y su variante israelí (IAPV). Otras enfermedades que afectan fundamentalmente a la cría de abejas son la loque americana y la loque europea, ambas de origen bacteriano (Paenibacillus larvae y Melissococcus plutonius respectivamente), así como la ascosferosis causada por el hongo Ascosphaera apis. Otro riesgo potencial para las abejas es la posible entrada de agentes exóticos como el coleóptero Aethina tumida o el ácaro Tropilaelaps clareae cuya presencia en Europa debe ser declarada según la OIE (2015). Recientemente se ha incluido a los neogregarinos y tripanosomátidos como posibles agentes patógenos. Actualmente, N. ceranae junto con V. destructor son los principales agentes patógenos que producen problemas sanitarios de las colonias de abejas en Europa. Además, se considera que los patógenos podrían jugar un papel primordial en el incremento de mortalidad de las abejas detectado en distintos países durante los últimos años...


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En nuestro país la explotación de la abeja Apis mellifera, se ve afectada por un gran número de enfermedades y plagas. En la actualidad la enfermedad que mayormente afecta a los apicultores es el acaro varroa (Varroa destructor ), que es un parásito externo. Por lo que se hace necesario buscar métodos alternos para el control de esta; como la utilización de productos químicos y naturales. En esta investigación la principal finalidad es comprobar, la efectividad del producto químico acaricida Amitraz, en diferentes dosificaciones: 1cc de Amitraz por 750 ml de agua, 2cc de Amitraz por 750 ml de agua, 3 cc de Amitraz por 750 ml de agua; a excepción de un tratamiento que no poseía ninguna dosis. La investigación se realizó en un apiario ubicado en el cantón el Paraisal Jurisdicción del municipio de Jucuapa Departamento de Usulután. Propiedad del Sr. Hansy Gregorio Gómez Díaz, Se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos: T0 sin ninguna aplicación de Amitraz T1 1cc de Amitraz, T2 2cc de Amitraz, T3 3cc de Amitraz. Todas las dosificaciones fueron diluidas en 750 ml de agua; el diseño estadístico que se utilizó fue un bloque completamente al azar con 5 repeticiones por tratamiento las variables evaluadas fueron: Porcentaje de infestación y eficiencia del producto Amitraz (número de ácaros muertos)


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Secretory phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)) exert proinflammatory actions through lipid mediators. These enzymes have been found to be elevated in many inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, sepsis, and atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of harpalycin 2 (Har2), an isoflavone isolated from Harpalyce brasiliana Benth., in the enzymatic, edematogenic, and myotoxic activities of sPLA2 from Bothrops pirajai, Crotalus durissus terrificus, Apis mellifera, and Naja naja venoms. Har2 inhibits all sPLA(2) tested. PrTX-III (B. pirajai venom) was inhibited at about 58.7%, Cdt F15 (C. d. terrificus venom) at 78.8%, Apis (from bee venom) at 87.7%, and Naja (N. naja venom) at 88.1%. Edema induced by exogenous sPLA(2) administration performed in mice paws showed significant inhibition by Har2 at the initial step. In addition, Har2 also inhibited the myotoxic activity of these sPLA(2)s. In order to understand how Har2 interacts with these enzymes, docking calculations were made, indicating that the residues His48 and Asp49 in the active site of these enzymes interacted powerfully with Har2 through hydrogen bonds. These data pointed to a possible anti-inflammatory activity of Har2 through sPLA(2) inhibition.


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Samples of Brazilian royal jelly from Africanized Apis mellifera were analysed in order to determine the gross composition: crude moisture ranged from 67.80% to 69.40%, crude protein from 15.80% to 16.70%, crude lipid from 2.90% to 3.98% and-total sugars from 11.40% to 11.50%. The sugar fraction was investigated and revealed the presence of the following compounds identified by their retention time during HPLC analysis: ribose, fructose, glucose, sucrose, mannose, trehalose, erythritol, adonitol and mannitol.


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Floral morphology and biology are important characteristics for plant-pollinator interactions and may influence the behavior of these agents. This study aimed to determine which floral attributes of different melon hybrids influence this interaction and, consequently, their attractiveness in simultaneous crops. The study was conducted in the region of Petrolina, State of Pernambuco (PE)/Juazeiro, State of Bahia (BA) and Mossoró, State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in areas with the following melon hybrids: Yellow type, Piel de Sapo, Cantaloupe and Galia. For studies on floral morphology and biology, hermaphrodites and male flowers of each hybrid were analyzed for their size and nectar chamber size, pollen and nectar production, anthesis time and flower lifespan. Floral visitors were observed simultaneously in hybrids of three types of melon, from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., in the two study sites. Evaluations of the corolla diameter and flower height indicated that the hermaphrodite flowers were larger in size than male flowers in all types of melon investigated, in both study sites. As for nectar chamber, male flowers are larger in width, but smaller in height, compared to hermaphrodite flowers. Regarding the volume of nectar, differences were found between floral types for the hybrids evaluated, in the two study sites; the hermaphrodite flowers produced 2-7 times more nectar than male flowers in all studied hybrids. Observations of visits of Apis mellifera to areas with simultaneous flowering of the three types of melon demonstrated differences in the frequency of visits between hybrids, floral type and foraged resource. Flowers of the hybrids Piel de Sapo and Cantaloupe exhibited larger corolla diameter, larger dimensions of the nectar chamber and greater supply of resources for foraging, which could explain the higher number of visits of bees to their flowers in the sites studied.