599 resultados para Animal production


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An experiment on the growth embryonic muscle cell in the rabbit and sheep serum media was conducted in the Biotechnology Laboratory of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. The aim of this experiment was to observe the potency of the growth of embryonic muscle cell of the inbred chicken and indigeneous chicken in the medium of rabbit and sheep serum. Two kinds of embryo, the inbred and indigeneous chicken of eleven days old were used in the experiment. The rabbit and the sheep serum were prepared in the laboratory. The experiment was conducted by applying Nested Classification with basic Complete Randomized Design (CRD). Data collected was analyzed using analysis of variance and also using a proliferation index formula. Samples used in those research were the inner and outer cell nucleus after fourty eight hours of the growth. The result of the experiment indicated that the index of proliferation of embryonic muscle cell of the inbred chicken in the rabbit and sheep serum were 89.65 and 84.92 percent respectively. Whereas, the proliferation index of embryonic muscle cell of the indigeneous chicken in the rabbit and sheep serum were 86.20 and 84.82 percent respectively. The total of inner muscle cell nuclei of inbred chicken embryos was significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of indigeneous chicken embryos either in the rabbit or sheep serum, but there was no difference between the serum (P>0.05). inconclusion the muscle cell of inbred and indigeneous chicken embryos could growth in both serum but the growth muscle cell of inbred chicken embryo was better than that of indigeneous chicken embryo. (Animal Production 2(2): 75-82 (2000) Key words : tissue culture, chicken embryos, index proliferation, serum.


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This research is conducted to study the effect of steaming time before marketing on quality and storage time of broiler carcasses. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial 3 x 4 was used. The first factor was steaming time, i.e. steaming at 80˚C for 2 minutes, 4 minutes, and 6 minutes. The second factor was storage time at room temperature, i.e. initial condition, 4, 8, and 12 hours. The parameters observed were pH, water holding capacity, and total number of bacteria. Results showed that the interaction between steaming time and storage time had significant effect on pH, and  total number of bacteria. Storage time had significant effect on water holding capacity of broiler carcasses. It can be concluded that steaming at 80˚C before marketing significantly decreases total number of bacteria. Meanwhile, broiler carcasses stored for 8 hour at room temperature showed no significant decrease of carcass quality (pH, water holding capacity and total number of bacteria). (Animal Production 7(1): 1-5 (2005) Key words: Quality of broiler carcasses, steaming time, storage time, room temperature


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An experiment was designed to study the effect of unconventional protein source on the essential minerals balances of growing cattle.  The experiment had been conducted by experimental method with Completely Randomized Block Design, on twelve growing male cattle of Ongole Grade.  Based on the body weight, the animal trial was separated to three blocks, as the replication.  The tested treatment was four kind of protein sources in the ration (R):  R1 = kapok – seeds cakes; R2 = lamtoro – leave meals; R3 = cacao – pod meals and R4 = goat’s faeces.  The compose of ration was 50 percent of Elephant grass and 50 percent of concentrate (DM basis).  The measured variables were: the essential mineral balances i.e. Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potasium, Chlorine, Magnesium, Sulphur and Nitrogen.  The balance – trial was conducted by the total collection method.  The data was analyzed by the analysis of variance, and that of the interaction (Synergistic and antagonistic) by the Regression Analysis.  The result indicated that the total of essential mineral balance of each protein source or each ration on growing cattle of Ongole Grade is:  Cacao – pod meals = 116.09 g/day; Goat’s faeces = 111.89 g/day; lamtoro – leave meal = 84.64 g/day and Kapok – seed cake = 78.55 g/day.  These phenomena shown that all of the animal trial was in normal growth.  The strong synergistic interaction was reached by Ca « P (P <0.01; R2 = 0.92 – 0.98) while the weak interaction by Na « Cl (P > 0.05; R2 = 0.03 – 0.05).  Among the five couples of mineral elements of the antagonistic interaction the strong interaction was N ® S (P < 0.01; R2 = 0.70 – 0.75), while the weak interaction was Na ® P (P > 0.05; R2 = 0.08).  Based on all the variables measured, the experiment is concluded that: (1) all of the unconventional protein sources are able to improve the quality of the ration, indicated by the positive essential mineral balance on growing cattle of Ongole grade; (2) based on the total essential mineral balance, the most suitable protein source for growing cattle is cacao – pod meals; (3) the strong synergistic interaction was reached by Ca <----> P, while the antagonistic interaction was N ----> S.  (Animal Production 6(2): 101-109 (2004) Key Words: mineral, protein source, Ongole, cattle


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A study on  restructurization of lamb meat using several binding agents were conducted. Objectives of the study were evaluate  effectivity of Ca–alginate, salt and phosphate as binding agent and their effect on physical properties of the restructured meat stored at -20⁰C for up to 12 weeks. Three binding agents were added to the restructured products, which include NaCl 0.3 %/ NTPP 0.3 %; alginate 0.5 %/Ca-lactate 0.5%; NaCl 0.3 % / NTPP 0.5 %/alginate 0.5% and no binding agent as a control. The products were evaluated at 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of storage. The result showed that treatment with alginate 0.5%/Ca-lactate 0.5% had the least purge loss value of 4.3±0.2%. The least cooking losses of 30.2±3.79% and the highest shear force 61.6±13.77 N. (Animal Production 3(1): 20-25 (2001)Key Words: Alginate/Ca-lactate, purge loss, cooking losses, shear  force.


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A research has been conducted to study the use of agricultural and logging waste as litter materials in broiler rearing. Experimental method was used with completely randomized design. The treatments were the use of agricultural and logging waste as litter materials (L) consisting of L1 = rice hulls, L2 = rice straw, L3 = wood draff and L4 = saw dust. Parameters observed were litter moisture, production index and income over feed and litter cost (IOFLC). The experiment used 96 chickens, which were divided, into 24 cages. Statistical analysis showed that the use of agricultural and logging waste significantly (P<0,01) affected the litter moisture, production index and IOFLC. It could be concluded that rice straw, small plane wood and saw dust could be used as litter materials in broiler rearing. (Animal Production 5(1): 42-49 (2003) Key words: Agricultural, Logging, Waste, Litter, Broiler


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Scientist working in international livestock research are expected to be familiar with an interdisciplinary systems approach, and to work in multidisciplinary teams. The argument for this approach is that (1) discipline specialists are not equipped to understand the relationships between the components they focus on and the systems as a whole, (2) if the specialist operates in isolation from the other discipline, he/she is operating in isolation from the system and so the results may be irrelevant or, if applied, actually have a deleterious effect on the systems, (3) therefore, the specialist must understand the system through a  systems approach, a systems person, or the activities of a team. Applicants hoping to work in international livestock research are expected to have had project experience in the tropics, where the environment, culture, facilities and infrastructure  may be very different from that in Northern Europe. The purpose of this course is to familiarize student with the  multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary systems approach and to prepare them for their field projects in the tropics. (Animal Production 1(1) : 36-42 (1999).


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The Objectives of this research was to know income and efficiency level of local chicken entreprise. Beside that, to know potency of local chicken enterprise developing in DAS Serayu, Banyumas and know factors can effect level of that income and efficiency. Methode that used at this research is survey method to farmer families. Take of research data by random sampling.The data is analysed by multiple regression analysis. The results of this research showed that income level of local chicken entreprise at DAS Serayu is Rp 277.375,00 / year and economi efficiency 2.80 , that means the farmers get return Rp 2.80 for every one unit cost addition. The age of farmers and total of chicken possession effect at efficiency of  local chicken entreprise. Potency of local chicken developing very big if showed from power of area and human resources. Very important to increase entreprise capital and increase knowledge for farmer. Beside that more important present motivation and support for develop there enterprise (Animal Production 2(1): 13-17 (2000)Key Words: local chicken, farmers income, economic efficiency


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Feedstuff was limited by fat content, certainly, if the material feedstuff was storage on long time periods. Fat was oxidized or hydrolyzed, which was decreased nutritional quality. A Research on Inhibited of  Lypolysis Rice Bran with anti-microbial compound of Pseudomonas fluorescens was conducted during ten month. The research used experiment methods, with Randomized Completely Block Design, storage as block and concentration of anti-mikrobial compound as treatment. Fat and polyunsaturated fatty acids content during storage was observed. Result of experiment showed anti-microbial compound inhibited oxidize and hydrolyze process of fat rice bran during six month storage. (Animal Production 4(2): 89-93 (2002) 


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Abstract. This study aimed to describe the sustainability of forage system in the small holder dairy cattle  in the plateau in East Java, in particular related to the nutrient content. The method used was survey (interviews, questionnaires, field observations and sampling) at the cooperation unit, farmers, livestock and farming location in one of the areas of dairy cattle cooperation in the plateau (Cooperation of SAE Pujon-Malang). The data obtained were analyzed through descriptive and regression statistics. The results showed that forage system dominantly given during dry and rainy seasons are elephant grass and corn stalks. Linear regression equation for the nutrient content of elephant grass is TDN= 40.516 + 1.404 CP, while corn trees is TDN= 56.212 + 0.740 CP. The conclusion showed that the dependent variable is largely influenced by external factors (environment). Improved continuity of availability of forage can be done by increasing the feeding system in the region (plateau) as well as the support from outside the region. Key words: plateau, dairy cattle, forage  Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan keberlanjutan sistem pakan hijauan pada  peternakan sapi perah rakyat di wilayah dataran tinggi di Jawa Timur, khususnya tentang kandungan nutrisi. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei (wawancara, pengisian angket/kuesioner, observasi,  dan pengambilan sampel) di koperasi, petani ternak dan lokasi peternakan di salah satu wilayah koperasi persusuan di dataran tinggi (Koperasi SAE Pujon-Malang). Data yang didapat dianalisis dengan regresi dan statistik diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pakan hijaun yang dominan di  musim kemarau dan hujan adalah rumput gajah dan tebon jagung. Persamaan regresi linier untuk kandungan nutrisi rumput gajah adalah TDN= 40,516  + 1,404 PK,  sedangkan tebon jagung adalah TDN= 56,212 + 0,740 PK. Kesimpulannya adalah variabel dependen sebagian besar dipengaruhi oleh faktor luar (lingkungan). Peningkatan kontinuitas ketersediaan pakan hijauan dapat dilakukan dengan peningkatan sistem pakan  di wilayah (dataran tinggi)  dan dukungan sistem pakan dari luar wilayah. Kata kunci: dataran tinggi, sapi perah, pakan hijauan


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A research has been conducted to analyze physical characteristics of local grass. The aimed of this research was to observe grass physical characteristics, which are bulkiness, water regain capacity and water solubility. Also to observe correlation of water regain capacity to dry matter and organic matter digestibility as well as its degradation rate during 0, 12, 18 and 24 h incubation, in sacco, using 2 fistulae cows.  Five local grass were tested in this research, which are field grass, elephant grass, brachiaria grass, king grass and setaria. Fistulae cows consumed forages and concentrates with ratio of 70:30, minimum protein level of 12% and minimum TDN of 60%. Physical characteristics data that obtained then analyzed using analysis of variance. Furthermore, honestly significant different was also performed. Dry matter and organic matter digestibility data that obtained were analyzed with regression of physical characteristics.  Result showed that brachiaria grass has poor water regain capacity and water solubility.  There are positive linear correlation between water regains capacity with dry matter and organic matter digestibility. (Animal Production 6(1): 37-42 (2004) Key Words: Bulkiness, Water Regain Capacity, Water Solubility, Dry Matter and Organic Matter Digestibility


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Empat ekor domba yang berfistula pada bagian rumen digunakan pada rancangan Bujur sangkar latin 3 x 3. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi Yucca schidigera dengan atau tanpa nisin terhadap penggunaan nitrogen, konsentrasi amonia dalam rumen, konsentrasi nitrogen urea dalam plasma, suplai nitrogen mikroba pada domba yang diberi pakan basal hay rumput timothy dan konsentrat. Tiga perlakuan pakan yaitu pakan basal (kontrol), pakan basal + Yucca schidigera 240 ppm (yucca), pakan basal + Yucca schidigera 240 ppm + nisin 6 mg/kg BW 0.75 (yucca+nisin). Ekskresi nitrogen dalam urin domba yang diberi perlakuan yucca+nisin lebih rendah (P<0.05) dibandingkan perlakuan kontrol. Perlakuan yucca+nisin meningkatkan keseimbangan nitrogen sebesar 8 % dibandingkan kontrol. Konsentrasi amonia  dalam rumen pada perlakuan yucca dan yucca+nisin lebih rendah (P<0.05) daripada perlakuan kontrol, dan konsentrasi tersebut masih berada diatas konsentrasi minimal untuk pertumbuhan mikroba dalam rumen. Konsentrasi nitrogen urea dalam plasma tidak dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan dan bervariasi antara 20.8 – 22.0 mg/dl. Suplai nitrogen mikroba pada perlakuan yucca dan yucca+nisin lebih tinggi (P<0.05) dibandingkan perlakuan kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi yucca atau kombinasi yucca dan nisin dapat menurunkan konsentrasi amonia dalam rumen, sehingga menurunkan ekskresi nitrogen pada urin dimana hal ini berimplikasi positif dalam mengurangi pencemaran nitrogen di lingkungan. (Animal Production 7(1): 34-39 (2005) Kata kunci : Yucca schidigera, Nisin, Penggunaan N, N Mikroba


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The study on semen quantity and quality of Kampung and Arab fowl under various levels of vitamin E supplementation was conducted, using 2x4 factorial Completely Randomized Design with 4 replicates.  Analysis of variance followed by Duncan New Multiple Range Test were used to analyze the data.  Levels  of vitamin E given orally were 0 IU (control); 2 IU (t1); 4 IU (t2) and 8 IU (t3) per bird daily.  The results showed that semen volume was not affected by genotype (Kampung: 0.26 ± 0.05 ml Vs.  Arab: 0.22 ± 0.05 ml) while the vitamin E treatments significantly (P<0.05) affected the semen volume i.e. 0.16 ± 0.06 ml (control); 0.27 ± 0.04 ml (t1); 0.28 ± 0.03 ml (t2) and 0.23 ± 0.03 ml (t3).  Semen viscosity was not affected by genotype, but was substantially affected by vitamin E treatments.  The semen pH was not influenced by all treatments given, spermatozoa concentration of Kampung (1.80 ± 0.39 billion/ml) was not significantly different with that of Arab (1.86 ± 0.16 billion/ml).  Vitamin E treatments resulted in different (P<0.05) spermatozoa concentration among control (1.50 ± 0.16 billion/ml), t1 (1.98 ± 0.14 billion/ml), t2 (2.01 ± 0.09 billion/ml) and t3 (1.87 ± 0.18 billion/ml).  No significant different found on semen mass movement between Kampung and Arab, also among vitamin E treatments.  The spermatozoa motility of Kampung and Arab was not statistically different, however vitamin E improved motility significantly (P<0.05); control (2.90 ± 0.59); t1 (3.5 ± 0.16); t2 (3.54 ± 0.25) and t3 (3.44 ± 0.48).  Percentage of dead spermatozoa of Kampung and Arab were 18.24 ± 1.98% and 17.35 ± 2.74%, while vitamin E supplementation results were as follows 18.10 ± 3.03% (control); 18.54 ± 2.01% (t1); 17.72 ± 1.47% (t2) and 16.82 ± 2.87% (t3) no significant different was found.  Percentage of abnormal spermatozoa of Kampung (4.35 ± 0.80%) and Arab (4.64 ± 0.87%) was not different statistically.  Among the vitamin E treatments the results was as follows 4.31 ± 1.40% (control); 4.75 ± 0.69% (t1); 4.94 ± 1.91% (t2) and 3.97 ± 1.14% (t3).  However, significant (P<0.05) interaction effects were found in Kampung males at treatment t2 (4 IU) and t3 (8 IU). (Animal Production 7(2): 67-73 (2005) Key Words: Kampung, Arab, Fowl, Semen, Vitamin E


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The objective of current study was to evaluate the impact dietary non-fibrous carbohydrate ( NFC) and ruminally degradable intake protein (DIP) concentration have on ruminal fermentation , nutrient digestion and performance of local sheep. The animal had a mean of  liveweight 19.80 ±1.55 kg. four diets ,arranged in a 2x2 factorial ,were formulated to contain either 40 or 50 % NFC and 50 or 60 % of dietary crude protein as DIP .dietary DM contained 25 % Indonesian field grass and 75 % concentrate. Solvent –extracted or formaldehyd  2 % -treated soybean meal were used to alter DIP and corn or soybean hulls to alter NFC level. Percentage of  energy and NDF digestion was similar ( p<0,01) as DIP level decreased in the diets. The soybean hulls was fermentable and total VFA concentration in the rumen increased ( p<0.01), but N-NH3 concentration was decreased ( p<0.01) as DIP level decreased in the diets. Daily live weight gain ( 146.29±25.84 g) and body composition ( fat, water , protein and mineral) was similar ( p<0.05) among diets. The preponderance ruminal fermentation ,nutrient digestion and performance of local sheeps did not be improved by sincronization of energy and nitrogen release but may more likely be limited by either energy or nitrogen alone. (Animal Production 3(2): 53-61 (2001)Key Word : Carbohydrate, protein, rumen fermentation, nutrients digestion and performance


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The purpose of this experiment was to investigate an adaptation time sheep to eat at a normal amount required by the local experiencing liveweight loss due to feed restriction, to investigate feed intake and feed digestibility and to investigate sheep growth following feed restriction. The experiment was conducted in The Experimental Farm of Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unsoed. Twelve local sheep were randomly assigned to two different groups of treatment: namely, control (C) and restrictively Fed Animal (R). there were two periods through out the experiment, Period I (PI) and II (PII). During P I (6 week), Animals in group R were restrictively fed so that they lost live weight of approximately 15%. During P II Animals in group  R were than offered ad libitum. Whereas, animal in group C were fed ad libitum through out the experiment. The results of this experiment showed that animals in group R needed 17 days for adaptation to consume feed at a normal amount after they had experienced feed restriction for 6 weeks. Dry matter intake was not different between group C dan R. However, when it was expressed per metabolic live weight (g/Kg0,75), Dry matter intake for group R was significantly higher than that for group C (102.35 vs 91,79). Dry matter digestibility value for group R was higher than that for group C either during PI (62 vs 57%) or during PII (70 vs 61%). The rate of live weight gain was not different between C and R during period II. In conclusion, local sheep had capability of consuming more feed after resumption of full feeding for 17 days. (Animal Production 2(2): 47-52 (2000) Key words : local sheep, dry matter, organic matter, period, restriction, digestibility


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Rumen is an interesting ecosystem for microbial exploration and their products. Isolation of the chitinolytic bacteria from the rumen ecosystem found 109 colonies that produced clear zone, 84 colonies (86%) anaerobic and 17 colonies (14%) aerobic. Clear zone appeared in the third and fourth days incubation. Four potential isolates were chosen for identification purposes. Results showed that the bacteria were sticky, gram-positive, motile, endospore-forming, mesophilic and aerobic. It was supposed to Bacillus spp. the optimal pH and temperature to produce chitinase from isolate 18 are pH 6.0 and temperature of 35-40ºC. Divalent cations Mg, Ca, Zn, and Mn increase chitinase activity, while Cu and Co inhibit enzyme activity. When isolate 18 was grown on shrimp waste meal, it showed aptimal activity on the fifth days incubation. (Animal Production 5(2): 73-78 (2003) Key Words : Isolation, Identification, Chitinolytic Bacteria, Rumen