870 resultados para Alcohol - Amylolytic yeasts


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Abstract. Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with increased morbidity and mortality as well as with labour and traffic accidents. However, current evidence suggests beneficial effects of moderate drinking on cardiovascular events including coronary heart disease, ischaemic stroke, peripheral arterial disease and congestive heart failure. The underlying mechanisms to explain these protective effects against coronary heart disease include an increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and an increase in insulin sensitivity, and a decrease in platelet aggregation and circulating concentrations of fibrinogen. However, there are discrepancies regarding the specific effects of different types of beverages on the cardiovascular system, and also whether the possible protective effects of alcoholic beverages are due to their alcohol component (ethanol) or non-alcoholic products containing, mainly polyphenols. Recent randomised clinical trials have shown that wine, a polyphenol-rich alcoholic beverage, provides higher antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects than some spirits such as gin, a polyphenol-free alcoholic beverage. In addition, dealcoholized red wine decreases blood pressure through a nitric oxide mediated mechanism, suggesting a protective effect of polyphenols on vascular function. Other studies performed in women have observed that daily doses of 1520 g of alcohol as red wine are sufficient to elicit protective effects similar to those observed in men who consumed higher doses of wine. In conclusion, moderate consumption of wine exerts a protective effect on biomarkers related to the progression and development of atherosclerosis due to its alcoholic (ethanol) and non-alcoholic (polyphenols) content. Women are more sensitive to the beneficial effects of wine.


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Traffic accidents are one of the causes of death for people between 1 and 45 years old. Many studies verify that the road accidents are related with the consumption of alcohol. This problem, is especially important in the young people and it is increased during dawns of the weekends. Some studies underline the lack of information and knowledge of many young people concerning law on alcohol consummation when driving and the effects of this drug on consumers. Another problem is the amount of mistaken beliefs on what to do neutralize the alcohol’s effect before drive. The objective of our study is to evaluate, in university students, the knowledge of the rules of driving behavior included in the circulation code and the personal beliefs about the effects of the alcohol in driving, and to find the frequency and the circumstances in which young people drive after alcohol consummation. The results suggest many actions that may be considered in the design of preventive campaigns that promotes safety road behavior in order to increase their effectivity


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The ventral striatum / nucleus accumbens has been implicated in the craving for drugs and alcohol which is a major reason for relapse of addicted people. Craving might be induced by drug-related cues. This suggests that disruption of craving-related neural activity in the nucleus accumbens may significantly reduce craving in alcohol-dependent patients. Here we report on preliminary clinical and neurophysiological evidence in three male patients who were treated with high frequency deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens bilaterally. All three had been alcohol dependent for many years, unable to abstain from drinking, and had experienced repeated relapses prior to the stimulation. After the operation, craving was greatly reduced and all three patients were able to abstain from drinking for extended periods of time. Immediately after the operation but prior to connection of the stimulation electrodes to the stimulator, local field potentials were obtained from the externalized cables in two patients while they performed cognitive tasks addressing action monitoring and incentive salience of drug related cues. LFPs in the action monitoring task provided further evidence for a role of the nucleus accumbens in goal-directed behaviors. Importantly, alcohol related cue stimuli in the incentive salience task modulated LFPs even though these cues were presented outside of the attentional focus. This implies that cue-related craving involves the nucleus accumbens and is highly automatic.


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Introducción Los avances en farmacoterapia del alcoholismo podrían propiciar un cambio de paradigma, basado en los nuevos programas de reducción del consumo de alcohol. Material y Método Este estudio revisa los fundamentos neurobiológicos y farmacoterapéuticos del alcoholismo, centrándose en los antagonistas opioides, el tratamiento orientado a la abstinencia y el orientado hacia la reducción del consumo de alcohol. Resultados 1. Los programas de tratamiento de la dependencia del alcohol presentan sólo una eficacia pequeña o moderada. 2. Los pacientes presentan una elevada motivación para reducir el consumo de alcohol pero una baja motivación para abandonar de manera continuada al consumo de alcohol. 3. El programa de reducción continuada del consumo de alcohol, asociado a un tratamiento intermitente con naltrexona, puede ser de utilidad en los pacientes con una baja gravedad de la dependencia del alcohol. Discusión Aunque los pacientes que presentan una grave dependencia del alcohol deberían ser tratados en programas orientados hacia la abstención continuada, los que presentan una baja gravedad pueden beneficiarse de los programas de reducción del consumo de alcohol, los cuales pueden conseguir a corto plazo una reducción el número de consumiciones por día de consumo y, a largo plazo, incluso una progresiva reducción de la"obsesión" por beber, la conducta de búsqueda de alcohol y los trastornos médicos, conductuales y sociales, causados por el consumo excesivo de alcohol. Para poder llevar a cabo este cambio de paradigma en el tratamiento del alcoholismo, se requieren futuros ensayos clínicos controlados para evaluar su eficacia y su tolerabilidad.


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A new cloud point extraction (CPE) method was developed for the separation and preconcentration of copper (II) prior to spectrophotometric analysis. For this purpose, 1-(2,4-dimethylphenyl) azonapthalen-2-ol (Sudan II) was used as a chelating agent and the solution pH was adjusted to 10.0 with borate buffer. Polyethylene glycol tert-octylphenyl ether (Triton X-114) was used as an extracting agent in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS). After phase separation, based on the cloud point of the mixture, the surfactant-rich phase was diluted with acetone, and the enriched analyte was spectrophotometrically determined at 537 nm. The variables affecting CPE efficiency were optimized. The calibration curve was linear within the range 0.285-20 µg L-1 with a detection limit of 0.085 µg L-1. The method was successfully applied to the quantification of copper in different beverage samples.


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The electrochemical oxidation on platinum and platinum rhodium bimetallic electrodes was studied by Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry for several ethanol concentrations in solution. It is found that increasing the ethanol concentration the production of the partially oxidized products (acetaldehyde) increases as the concentration increases. On the other hand, addition of 25% at. of rhodium increases the full oxidation to CO2. Another interesting result observed is a correlation between the intensity of the dehydrogenations peak at 0.3 V vs. RHE and the CO2 yield for the different ethanol concentration studied.


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Alkoholberusning är en av de starkaste riskfaktorerna för aggressivt beteende. Alla individer blir dock inte aggressiva under alkoholberusning. I sin doktorsavhandling undersökte Johansson ifall individens genetiska uppsättning kan förklara skillnader i vem som reagerar på alkohol med ökat aggressivt beteende och ilska och vem som inte gör det. Resultaten visade att individer som är bärare av en viss variant av genen som kodar för oxytocinets receptorer är i högre grad benägna att uppvisa aggressivt beteende än andra när de är alkoholberusade. Sambandet mellan alkohol och ilska påverkades även av individens genetiska uppsättning av två oxytocinreceptorgenvarianter, vilket antyder att dessa genvarianter även påverkar benägenheten att känna ilska under alkoholberusning. Oxytocinet, som fungerar både som ett hormon och en neurotransmittor, har i tidigare studier visats ha breda effekter på sociala förmågor hos människan, såsom förmåga till igenkännande av andras känslouttryck. Resultaten är de första att hos människan experimentellt påvisa att vissa individer beter sig mer aggressivt än andra när de är berusade, beroende på individens genetiska uppsättning. ”Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att genens effekt i det här fallet inte är av en sådan natur att den direkt och ofrånkomligen orsakar aggressivt beteende. Med andra ord är det orimligt i detta fall att tänka att en individ skulle tillmätas ansvarsfrihet i exempelvis ett våldsbrottmål om hon bär på en viss variant av denna gen”, påpekar Johansson. Oxytocinreceptorgenens effekter analyserades i två olika urval. I ett experimentellt upplägg indelades 116 män slumpässigt i två grupper: en grupp som tilldelades alkoholhaltiga drycker, och en kontrollgrupp som tilldelades alkoholfria drycker. Aggressivt beteende mättes med ett laboratorietest där försökspersonerna fick bestraffa en fiktiv motspelare genom att spela upp motbjudande ljud för denne. Resultaten replikerades i ett populationsbaserat urval av män och kvinnor (n = 3755) vilka besvarat frågor om deras aggressiva beteenden, ilska, och alkoholanvändning.


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OBJECTIVE: to assess alcohol intake in the bariatric surgery pre and postoperative periods. METHODS: Patients were interviewed atSurgery Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - HC/UFPE (Brazil) from July 2011 to March 2012. We analyzed socioeconomic, anthropometric and clinical variables. We used the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT C). RESULTS: One hundred nineteen patients were enrolled (mean age: 41.23+11.30 years), with a predominance of the female gender (83.2%), non-Caucasian race (55%), married individuals or in a stable union (65.5%), with a high school education (40.3%)and active in the job market (37%). Weight and body mass index (BMI) were 128.77+25.28Kg and 49.09+9.26Kg/m2,respectively in the preoperative period (class II obesity) and 87.19+19.16Kg and 33.04+6.21Kg/m2, respectively in the postoperative period (class I obesity) (p<0.001). Hypertension was the most frequent disease in the pre (66.6%) and postoperative (36.5%) periods. The prevalence of alcohol use was 26.6% in the preoperative period, of which 2.2% of high risk, and 35.1% in the postoperative period, of which 1.4% of probable dependence; this difference did not achieve statistical significance (p=0.337). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of abusive alcohol intake and/or probable dependence was low in both the pre and postoperative periods, with little evidence of risky consumption among the patients submitted to bariatric surgery.


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Objective:to describe the causes and severities of trauma in patients who met the criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence according to Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, and to display the pattern of alcohol consumption and subsequent changes one year after trauma.Methods:a transversal and longitudinal quantitative study carried out between November 2012 and September 2013 in the ED. Medical and nursing students collected blood samples, applied the J section of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and submitted alcohol abusers and dependents to BI. One year after admission, patients were contacted and asked about their patterns of alcohol use and their reasons for any changes.Results:from a sample of 507 patients admitted to the ED for trauma, 348 responded to MINI, 90 (25.9%) being abusers and 36 (10.3%) dependent on alcohol. Among the abusers, the most frequent cause of injury was motorcycle accident (35.6%) and among the dependents it was predominantly interpersonal violence (22.2%). Positive blood samples for alcohol were identified in 31.7% of the abusers and 53.1% of the dependents. One year after trauma, 66 abusers and 31 dependents were contacted, and it was ascertained that 36.4% of the abusers and 19.4% of the dependents had decreased alcohol consumption. The main reported reason for the reduction was the experienced trauma.Conclusion:the motorcycle accident was the most common cause of injury. The detection of problematic alcohol use and implementation of BI are important strategies in the ED, however for alcohol abusers and dependents, BI was not the most reported reason for any changes in patterns of alcohol use.


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Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can potentially affect the developing fetus in devastating ways, leading to a range of physical, neurological, and behavioral alterations most accurately termed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Despite the fact that it is a preventable disorder, prenatal alcohol exposure today constitutes a leading cause of intellectual disability in the Western world. In Western countries where prevalence studies have been performed the rates of FASD exceed, for example, autism spectrum disorders, Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy. In addition to the direct effects of alcohol, children and adolescents with FASD are often exposed to a double burden in life, as their neurological sequelae are accompanied by adverse living surroundings exposing them to further environmental risk. However, children with FASD today remain remarkably underdiagnosed by the health care system. This thesis forms part of a larger multinational research project, The Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (the CIFASD), initiated by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) in the U.S.A. The general aim of the present thesis was to examine a cohort of children and adolescents growing up with fetal alcohol-related damage in Finland. The thesis consists of five studies with a broad focus on diagnosis, cognition, behavior, adaptation and brain metabolic alterations in children and adolescents with FASD. The participants consisted of four different groups: one group with histories of prenatal exposure to alcohol, the FASD group; one IQ matched contrast group mostly consisting of children with specific learning disorder (SLD); and two typically-developing control groups (CON1 and CON2). Participants were identified through medical records, random sampling from the Finnish national population registry and email alerts to students. Importantly, the participants in the present studies comprise a group of very carefully clinically characterized children with FASD as the studies were performed in close collaboration with leading experts in the field (Prof. Edward Riley and Prof. Sarah Mattson, Center for Behavioral Teratology, San Diego State University, U.S.A; Prof. Eugene Hoyme, Sanford School of Medicine, University of South Dakota, U.S.A.). In the present thesis, the revised Institute of Medicine diagnostic criteria for FASD were tested on a Finnish population and found to be a reliable tool for differentiating among the subgroups of FASD. A weighted dysmorphology scoring system proved to be a valuable additional adjunct in quantification of growth deficits and dysmorphic features in children with FASD (Study 1). The purpose of Study 2 was to clarify the relationship between alcohol-related dysmorphic features and general cognitive capacity. Results showed a significant correlation between dysmorphic features and cognitive capacity, suggesting that children with more severe growth deficiency and dysmorphic features have more cognitive limitations. This association was, however, only moderate, indicating that physical markers and cognitive capacity not always go hand in hand in individuals with FASD. Behavioral problems in the FASD group proved substantial compared to the typically developing control group. In Study 3 risk and protective factors associated with behavioral problems in the FASD group were explored further focusing on diagnostic and environmental factors. Two groups with elevated risks for behavioral problems emerged: length of time spent in residential care and a low dysmorphology score proved to be the most pervasive risk factor for behavioral problems. The results underscore the clinical importance of appropriate services and care for less visibly alcohol affected children and highlight the need to attend to children with FASD being raised in institutions. With their background of early biological and psychological impairment compounded with less opportunity for a close and continuous caregiver relationship, such children seem to run an especially great risk of adverse life outcomes. Study 4 focused on adaptive abilities such as communication, daily living skills and social skills, in other words skills that are important for gradually enabling an independent life, maintain social relationships and allow the individual to become integrated into society. The results showed that adaptive abilities of children and adolescents growing up with FASD were significantly compromised compared to both typically-developing peers and IQ-matched children with SLD. Clearly different adaptive profiles were revealed where the FASD group performed worse than the SLD group, who in turn performed worse than the CON1 group. Importantly, the SLD group outperformed the FASD group on adaptive behavior in spite of comparable cognitive levels. This is the first study to compare adaptive abilities in a group of children and adolescents with FASD relative to both a contrast group of IQ-matched children with SLD and to a group of typically-developing peers. Finally, in Study 5, through magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRS) evidence of longstanding neurochemical alterations were observed in adolescents and young adults with FASD related to alcohol exposure in utero 14-20 years earlier. Neurochemical alterations were seen in several brain areas: in frontal and parietal cortices, corpus callosum, thalamus and frontal white matter areas as well as in the cerebellar dentate nucleus. The findings are compatible with neuropsychological findings in FASD. Glial cells seemed to be more affected than neurons. In conclusion, more societal efforts and resources should be focused on recognizing and diagnosing FASD, and supporting subgroups with elevated risk of poor outcome. Without adequate intervention children and adolescents with FASD run a great risk of marginalization and social maladjustment, costly not only to society but also to the lives of the many young people with FASD.


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In the present study we explored whether and how the situational factors; emotional states, sexual arousal, and alcohol intoxication influenced the propensity in adults to engage in online sexual contact with children (13 or younger) and adolescents (14 – 17 year olds). The results were compared to a group of adults that had engaged in online sexual contact with adults only (18 or older). We also looked at the variation over time within these situational factors during the online sexual contact with a child, an adolescent, or an adult. The present study was an online self-report survey to the adult populations in Finland, Sweden, and Germany, with a final sample (N = 776) of women and men who were active on the Internet. The participants were asked to report whether, how, and with whom they had engaged in online sexual contact. The results showed that more men than women reported online sexual contact with persons of all age groups, and that the situational factors; emotional states and sexual arousal influenced the propensity in both women and men to engage in online sexual contact with children and adolescents. However, the effects of alcohol intoxication were small and significant only for men. These results indicate that higher levels of emotional state and sexual arousal might increase the propensity to go against social norms and contact children and adolescents online for sexual purposes, but it can also imply that that those who look for online sexual contact online with children and adolescents, are more emotionally and/or sexually aroused than the group that only seek adult company or that these are post-hoc explanations for such sexual activities.


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Enantiopure intermediates are of high value in drug synthesis. Biocatalysis alone or combined with chemical synthesis provides powerful tools to access enantiopure compounds. In biocatalysis, chemo-, regio- and enantioselectivity of enzymes are combined with their inherent environmentally benign nature. Enzymes can be applied in versatile chemical reactions with non-natural substrates under synthesis conditions. Immobilization of an enzyme is a crucial part of an efficient biocatalytic synthesis method. Successful immobilization enhances the catalytic performance of an enzyme and enables its reuse in successive reactions. This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of biocatalysis in the preparation of enantiopure secondary alcohols and primary amines. Viability and synthetic usability of the studied biocatalytic methods have been addressed throughout this thesis. Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B) catalyzed enantioselective O-acylation of racemic secondary alcohols was successfully incorporated with in situ racemization in the dynamic kinetic resolution, affording the (R)-esters in high yields and enantiopurities. Side reactions causing decrease in yield and enantiopurity were suppressed. CAL-B was also utilized in the solvent-free kinetic resolution of racemic primary amines. This method produced the enantiomers as (R)-amides and (S)-amines under ambient conditions. An in-house sol-gel entrapment increased the reusability of CAL-B. Arthrobacter sp. omega-transaminase was entrapped in sol-gel matrices to obtain a reusable catalyst for the preparation enantiopure primary amines in an aqueous medium. The obtained heterogeneous omega-transaminase catalyst enabled the enantiomeric enrichment of the racemic amines to their (S)-enantiomers. The synthetic usability of the sol-gel catalyst was demonstrated in five successive preparative kinetic resolutions.


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The objective of the present experiment was to assess ethyl alcohol (ETOH) dependence brought about by a semivoluntary intermittent intake regimen in rats. Male Wistar rats weighing 150-250 g at the onset of the experiment were assigned to the following groups: 0% ETOH (N = 11), 5% ETOH (N = 20), 20% ETOH (N = 20) and 40% ETOH (N = 18). ETOH solutions were offered at the end of the day and overnight from Monday to Friday, and throughout weekends, for 90 days. The concentration of the ETOH solutions was increased in a stepwise fashion allowing the rats to get used to the taste of alcohol. Reposition of pure water was permitted during 1-h water drinking periods in the morning. Daily volume intake (± SEM) averaged 25.4 ± 0.4 ml (0% ETOH), 23.8 ± 0.6 ml (5% ETOH), 17.6 ± 0.7 ml (20% ETOH) and 17.5 ± 0.6 ml (40% ETOH). ETOH consumption differed significantly (P<0.05) among groups, averaging 4.4 ± 0.2 g kg-1 day-1 (5% ETOH), 10.3 ± 0.3 g kg-1 day-1 (20% ETOH) and 26 ± 1.2 g kg-1 day-1 (40% ETOH). Furthermore, ETOH detection in plasma 10-12 h after offering the solution indicated that its consumption in the 40% ETOH group was sufficient to override its metabolism. Overt signs of ETOH dependence, such as increased thirst, hyperactivity, puffing, hair ruffling and startle responsiveness as well as reduced drowsiness, were significantly increased in the 20% and 40% ETOH groups compared to the 0% and 5% groups. Accordingly, the model described here proved to be a useful tool for the evaluation of subtle or moderate behavioral and physical consequences of long-term ETOH intake


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Yeast multi-copy vectors carrying the formaldehyde-resistance marker gene SFA have proved to be a valuable tool for research on industrially used strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The genetics of these strains is often poorly understood, and for various reasons it is not possible to simply subject these strains to protocols of genetic engineering that have been established for laboratory strains of S. cerevisiae. We tested our vectors and protocols using 10 randomly picked baker's and wine yeasts all of which could be transformed by a simple protocol with vectors conferring hyperresistance to formaldehyde. The application of formaldehyde as a selecting agent also offers the advantage of its biodegradation to CO2 during fermentation, i.e., the selecting agent will be consumed and therefore its removal during down-stream processing is not necessary. Thus, this vector provides an expression system which is simple to apply and inexpensive to use


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The purpose of this thesis is to study how and to which extent Finland, Sweden and Norway have adapted their alcohol policies to the framework imposed to them by the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA) since the mid-1990s. This is done by studying the underlying mechanisms that have influenced the formation of alcohol policy in the Nordic countries in that period. As a part of this analysis main differences in alcohol policies and alcohol consumption between the three countries are assessed and the phenomenon of cross-border trade with alcohol is discussed. The study examines also the development of Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish alcohol policies between 1994 and 2012 and compares the Nordic alcohol policies with other alcohol policies in Europe as the situation was in 2012. The time frame of the study spans from the mid-1990s to the end of 2013 and is divided into three phases. Studying the role of the Europeanisation process on the formation of alcohol policies has a key role in the analysis. Besides alcohol policies, the analyses comprise the development of alcohol consumption and cross-border trade with alcohol. In addition, a quantitative scale constructed to measure the strictness of alcohol policies is utilised in the analyses. The results from the scale are used to substantiate the qualitative analysis and to test whether the stereotypical view of a strict Nordic alcohol policy is still true. The results from the study clearly corroborate earlier findings on the significance of Europeanisation and the Single Market for the development of alcohol policies in the Nordic countries. Free movement of goods and unhindered competition have challenged the principle of disinterest and enabled private profit seeking in alcohol trade. The Single Market has also contributed to the increase in availability of alcohol and made it more difficult for the Nordic EU member states to maintain restrictive alcohol policies. All in all, alcohol policies in the Nordic countries are more liberal in 2013 than they were in 1994. Norway, being outside the EU has, however, managed to maintain a stricter alcohol policy than Finland and Sweden. Norway has also been spared from several EU directives that have affected Finland and Sweden, the most remarkable being the abolishment of the travellers’ import quotas for alcohol within the EU. Due to its position as a non-EU country Norway has been able to maintain high alcohol taxes without being subjected to a ”race to the bottom” regarding alcohol taxes the same way as Finland and Sweden. Finland distinguishes as the country that has liberalised its alcohol policy most during the study period. The changes in alcohol policies were not only induced by Europeanisation and the Single Market, but also by autonomous decision-making and political processes in the individual countries. Furthermore, the study shows that alcohol policy measures are implemented more widely in Europe than before and that there is a slow process of convergence going on regarding alcohol policy in Europe. Despite this, alcohol policies in the Nordic countries are still by far the strictest in all of Europe. From a Europeanisation perspective, the Nordic countries were clearly on the receiving end during the first two study phases (1994–2007), having more to adjust to rules from the EU and the Single Market than having success in uploading and shaping alcohol policy on the European and international field. During the third and final study phase (2008–2013), however, the Nordic countries have increasingly succeeded in contributing to shape the alcohol policy arena in the EU and also more widely through the WHOs global alcohol strategy. The restrictive Nordic policy tradition on which the current alcohol policies in Finland, Sweden and Norway were built on has still quite a solid evidence base. Although the basis of the restrictive alcohol policy has crumbled somewhat during the past twenty years and the policies have become less effective, nothing prevents it from being the base for alcohol policy in the Nordic countries even in the long term. In the future, all that is needed for an effective and successful alcohol policy is a solid evidence base, enough political will and support from the general public.