945 resultados para Advantages and disadvantages


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Digital Television offers a resolution of highdefinition images and the possibility of interaction with the user. There is an estimate that by 2018 all municipalities in Brazil have digital signal availability and thus there will be a wide spread of Ginga. Ginga is a technology developed for digital television, which runs between the operating system and yours applications. However, the extensive use of Smart TVs would invalidate this technology? This article to cast a look on the topic, arousing reflection that effect and seeking bring issues that link the advantages and disadvantages of the two technologies, considering the current situation of Digital TV in Brazil.


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In modern society technologies have played an important space exerting influences in different spheres. Today's young people are born immersed in the digital and virtual reality, which has changed the ways of learning, as well as to relate to the world. All this context has intensified the debate on the potential of ICT in education and training means. In this study, we sought to investigate the teachers' vision of ICT in the school environment, how they are being incorporated into the school and the limits and possibilities of the use of ICT in the learning process. Questionnaires were administered to 150 teachers who teach in high school in the state network of São Paulo teaching, but specifically in Piracicaba. Continuing, semi-structured interviews with a group of 8 directors were carried out so that there was a deepening on the issues raised by teachers in the questionnaire. The research brought to light important issues for discussion and referral measures striving to support public policies of integration of ICT in schools. Teachers spoke about the advantages and disadvantages of their use and the process of integration. It was observed that, despite efforts to implementation, there are still problems with infrastructure of schools, teacher training and working conditions


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The profile of students has changed a lot, mainly due to the advent of new technologies, which in attractiveness has attracted the attention of students, and becoming a difficulty the teacher to attract the attention of the student to class. In this sense, it is needed reformulations in pedagogical practice so that the student's attention turns to science, arousing their curiosity. Thus, in Chemistry and Science Teaching, and lectures must encourage discussions about science, and one of the possible ways to insert dynamic classes is by inserting the trial. Thus, this present course conclusion work aims at presenting and discussing the ways in which Experimentation in Chemistry and Science Teaching has been applied in classrooms, the difficulties of its implementation as a teaching methodology, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of their use depending on the type of approach, training teachers, among other factors


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The diagnosis of various diseases has become more accessible and accurate with the rapid development of imaging modalities aiming to assist in medical diagnosis, and thereby in veterinary medicine. Different diagnostic imaging modalities such as ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy can be performed to obtain information about thyroid diseases, each one with advantages and disadvantages, depending on the thyroid disease in question. Diagnostic imaging is a tool that not only assists in the diagnosis, but also helps treatment and assessment of prognosis of thyroid diseases. The aim of this article is to discuss the limitations and benefits of each diagnostic imaging modality available in the veterinary medical field, and also to present the newest diagnostic imaging modalities in order to maximize and make more accurate diagnosis of thyroid diseases.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Due to the lack of optical random access memory, optical fiber delay line (FDL) is currently the only way to implement optical buffering. Feed-forward and feedback are two kinds of FDL structures in optical buffering. Both have advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, we propose a more effective hybrid FDL architecture that combines the merits of both schemes. The core of this switch is the arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) and the tunable wavelength converter (TWC). It requires smaller optical device sizes and fewer wavelengths and has less noise than feedback architecture. At the same time, it can facilitate preemptive priority routing which feed-forward architecture cannot support. Our numerical results show that the new switch architecture significantly reduces packet loss probability.


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EVAPORATIVE LIGHT-SCATTERING DETECTOR FOR ANALYSIS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS. The interest in the use of evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) for the analysis of different classes of natural products has grown over the years. This is because this detector has become an excellent alternative compared to other types of detectors, such as the refractive index detector and the ultraviolet (UV) detector. This review describes the basic principles of ELSD functioning and discusses the advantages and disadvantages in using an ELSD for the analysis of organic compounds. Additionally, an overview, covering the last 23 years, of ELSD applications in natural products analysis (saponins, terpenes, carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, peptides, polyketides, coumarins and iridoids) is presented and discussed.


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The interest in the use of evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) for the analysis of different classes of natural products has grown over the years. This is because this detector has become an excellent alternative compared to other types of detectors, such as the refractive index detector and the ultraviolet (UV) detector. This review describes the basic principles of ELSD functioning and discusses the advantages and disadvantages in using an ELSD for the analysis of organic compounds. Additionaly, an overview, covering the last 23 years, of ELSD applications in natural products analysis (saponins, terpenes, carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, peptides, polyketides, coumarins and iridoids) is presented and discussed.


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Máster en Gestión Sostenible de los Recursos Pesqueros


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[ES] El siguiente trabajo de fin de grado consiste en el análisis, desarrollo e implementación de una pequeña parte de un  videojuego, que tiene como título Darkest Nights, que se basa en la defensa de una plataforma, haciendo uso del motor gráfico Unity 3D. Con este trabajo se pretenden analizar los distintos componentes que influyen en el proceso de desarrollo e implementación del mismo, haciendo uso de distintas herramientas como, el canvas gamificado o una ficha de concepto que nos permitan definir y establecer un conjunto de características que nos servirán como punto de partida, desde el cual podremos identificar desde una temprana fase las partes más importantes y que requerirán más atención del videojuego. Dentro de este proyecto también se pretende realizar la implementación de distintos tipos de controles de un jugador en un entorno 3D, el jugador debe realizar distintas acciones como moverse, esquivar y atacar a sus enemigos para defender con éxito una plataforma. Estos controles se implementaran con la finalidad de analizar y evaluar su viabilidad en las pantallas táctiles de los dispositivos móviles. En concreto se realiza la implementación y explicación de 4 tipos distintos de controles donde se comentan sus  ventajas, desventajas y las sensaciones que causaban en los jugadores, llevándonos a sacar conclusiones que nos permitían mejorar las siguientes implementaciones.  Además se explica con detalle la generación de personajes y enemigos en 3D con sus respectivas animaciones, explicando los distintos componentes necesarios para su implementación, al igual que la lógica básica necesaria para que sigan un determinado comportamiento.


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In the most recent years there is a renovate interest for Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) problems. This can be explained for different reasons: (i) the performance of solvers handling non-linear constraints was largely improved; (ii) the awareness that most of the applications from the real-world can be modeled as an MINLP problem; (iii) the challenging nature of this very general class of problems. It is well-known that MINLP problems are NP-hard because they are the generalization of MILP problems, which are NP-hard themselves. However, MINLPs are, in general, also hard to solve in practice. We address to non-convex MINLPs, i.e. having non-convex continuous relaxations: the presence of non-convexities in the model makes these problems usually even harder to solve. The aim of this Ph.D. thesis is to give a flavor of different possible approaches that one can study to attack MINLP problems with non-convexities, with a special attention to real-world problems. In Part 1 of the thesis we introduce the problem and present three special cases of general MINLPs and the most common methods used to solve them. These techniques play a fundamental role in the resolution of general MINLP problems. Then we describe algorithms addressing general MINLPs. Parts 2 and 3 contain the main contributions of the Ph.D. thesis. In particular, in Part 2 four different methods aimed at solving different classes of MINLP problems are presented. Part 3 of the thesis is devoted to real-world applications: two different problems and approaches to MINLPs are presented, namely Scheduling and Unit Commitment for Hydro-Plants and Water Network Design problems. The results show that each of these different methods has advantages and disadvantages. Thus, typically the method to be adopted to solve a real-world problem should be tailored on the characteristics, structure and size of the problem. Part 4 of the thesis consists of a brief review on tools commonly used for general MINLP problems, constituted an integral part of the development of this Ph.D. thesis (especially the use and development of open-source software). We present the main characteristics of solvers for each special case of MINLP.


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The present work focuses on a specific aspect of the general issue concerning the possible consequences of the reform of business corporations (“società di capitali”) on the discipline of partnerships (“società di persone”). After the reform of business law enacted with legislative decree n. 6/2003, the majority of the literature, in the light of the provisions of art. 2361 co. 2 civil code and art. 111-duodecies of the regulatory provisions (“disposizioni di attuazione”) of the civil code itself, maintains the possibility for a business corporation to be executive of a partnership. As a matter of fact, whenever all the members of a partnership are actually business corporations, it shall be possible that either one of the latter becomes the executive, either such role is played by a third party, i. e. a non-partner. After displaying the possible advantages and disadvantages stemming from a business corporation managing a partnership, the analysis investigates the legal feasibility of the case in point. First of all, the reasons supporting the theory under which a legal person cannot be manager of a partnership are examined in depth; an overview of the principal EU Member States’ legal systems and of the discipline of the European Economic Interest Grouping and of European Corporate is then provider for. At the outset of such analysis, the author asserts the legal possibility for a legal person to act as manager of a corporation, including a partnership. Afterwards, the investigation covers the issue of the executive-member in the partnerships. Initially, an overview of the literature concerning the legal nature of the management is offered; then, the three different categories of partnership are analyzed, in order to understand whether such legal persons can be managed by a third party (i.e. a non-member). On the basis of the existing strict connection between executive powers and unlimited liability, the author concludes that only the members shall be manager of the partnerships. Another chapter of the thesis is centred, from the one hand, on the textual data that, after the reform of 2003, support the aforesaid conclusion; from the other hand, on the peculiar features of the corporate business that is executive of a partnership. In particular, the attention is focused on the necessity or on the mere opportunity of an article of association explicitly providing that a corporate business can be executive of the partnership; on the practical ways by which the former shall manage the latter (especially on the necessity of nominating a permanent representative of the legal person and on the possibility to designate the procurators to this end); on the disclosure obligations applicable to the case in point.


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Bei der Auswahl einer Sterilisationsmethode stehen, gemäß den Vorgaben des Europäischen Arzneibuches, die Sterilisation mittels Hitze (Dampf bzw. Heißluft) oder ionisierender Strahlung im Vordergrund. Diese so genannten Referenzverfahren verfügen neben einem breiten Wirkungsspektrum über eine hohe Effektivität und zeichnen sich durch eine gute Reproduzierbarkeit aus. Häufig jedoch verbieten die physikalisch – chemischen Eigenschaften des zu sterilisierenden Gutes eine Anwendung der Referenzverfahren. In derartigen Fällen muss nach geeigneten Alternativverfahren gesucht werden, will man eine aseptische Herstellung vermeiden. Besonders bei thermolabilen Gütern hat sich der Einsatz von gasförmigen Agenzien mit keimtötender Wirkung bewährt. Bei entsprechenden Rahmenbedingungen ist hier eine Sterilisation unterhalb der Raumtemperatur möglich. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Anwendbarkeit der Ethylenoxidsterilisation bzw. der Sterilisation mittels gasförmigen Wasserstoffperoxids (Vapour Phase Hydrogen Peroxide) auf verschiedene Materialoberflächen am Beispiel zweier aktueller Anwendungen aus der pharmazeutischen Industrie. Dabei werden die Vor- und Nachteile der beiden Verfahren aufgezeigt und in Relation zu den Referenzverfahren gestellt. Im Rahmen der abschließenden mikrobiologischen Leistungsbeurteilung beider Verfahren werden verschiedene methodische Ansätze, wie Halbzyklus und Fraction Negative Analysis zur Anwendung gebracht und bewertet.