1000 resultados para Adolescentes Conduta - Teses


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O conhecimento das mudanas que ocorrem no tero e ovrios durante a puberdade fundamental ao investigar alteraes da pelve feminina em crianas e adolescentes. O exame ultrassonogrfico nestas pacientes rotineiramente realizado por via abdominal usando o lquido da bexiga como uma janela ultrassnica, embora possa ser algumas vezes realizado pela via vaginal em adolescentes sexualmente ativas. As principais indicaes para ultrassonografia plvica em crianas e adolescentes so a puberdade precoce ou atrasada, dor ou massas plvicas, genitlia ambgua, sangramento vaginal em crianas e amenorreia primria. Neste artigo relatamos a tcnica do exame, alm de descrever os achados mais freqentes.


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Fundamentos: El consumo episdico excesivo de alcohol (CEEA) es una prctica extendida en la poblacin adolescente con graves riesgos para la salud, incluyendo el abuso/dependencia en la edad adulta. El objetivo de este artculo es analizar su asociacin con los estados de nimo negativos y algunas variables familiares entre los adolescentes catalanes. Mtodos: Estudio transversal de una muestra representativa de adolescentes (edad 14-18 aos) de Catalua (Segunda oleada del Panel de Familias e Infancia) (2006-2010). Se realizan modelos de regresin logstica para mujeres (n = 1.459) y hombres (n= 1.105) para estimar si los estados de nimo negativos auto-percibidos (tristeza, presin parental, etc.) estn asociados con el CEEA, capturado como haberse emborrachado por lo menos dos veces al mes durante el ltimo ao. Se estima en qu medida esos efectos son atribuibles a algunos factores familiares. Resultados: El sentimiento crnico de tristeza est asociado con el CEEA entre los varones (OR 2,7), al igual que sentirse presionado/a por los progenitores en ambos sexos (OR 1,8 hombres y OR 2,1 mujeres). Las mujeres de rentas medio-bajas y altas son ms proclives al CEEA (OR 1,6 y OR 1,7 respectivamente). La existencia de progenitores de origen inmigrante (OR 0,4) y la fijacin parental de un horario de retorno a casa los fines de semana (OR 0,6) presentan una asociacin negativa con el CEEA entre las mujeres. Conclusiones: Los estados de nimo negativos (EAN) estn asociados al CEEA. Los efectos de los factores socio-econmicos y familiares sobre el CEEA son ms relevantes en mujeres que en varones.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a adeso das funcionrias de um hospital em um programa de preveno do cncer de mama por meio da mamografia. MATERIAIS E MTODOS: O estudo contou com 91 funcionrias analisadas por meio de questionrio e acompanhamento da periodicidade da mamografia de 2000 at 2009. RESULTADOS: Foram realizadas 247 mamografias. Quarenta e oito funcionrias informaram obedecer periodicidade do exame, e dessas, 12,6% realizaram o exame por solicitao mdica, 47,9% por conhecerem a importncia do exame, 4,1% por terem casos de cncer na famlia e 35,4% por rotina. Quarenta e trs funcionrias no obedeceram periodicidade do exame, sendo que 37,3% no fazem por no terem solicitao mdica, 20,9% por no conseguirem pelo Sistema nico de Sade, 18,6% por medo, 23,2% por no conhecerem a importncia. CONCLUSO: A adeso ao programa foi baixa. As funcionrias desse hospital no tm conhecimento sobre a preveno do cncer de mama.


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The general aim of this paper is to explore and illustrate the role of the physical and psychological surrounding in narrative making ofthe personal identity. A qualitative study is put forward. It consists of a reduced version of the autobiographical multi-methodology(Bagnoli, 2004). That has been applied to a sample of six students of the Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas. The specific goals are: a) to illustrate, through citations obtained from interviews and graphical material, the theoretical concepts of attachment to theplace (Pol, 2002; Vidal y colaboradores, 2004) and community sense (Kim y Kaplan, 2004); and b) to detect the most relevantfactors of such concepts manifested in the students. Data was analyzed through the Atlas.ti computer program, version 5.0 (Muoz, 2005). The findings suggest that sense of connection and participation in the community (action - transformation) has been observed as the most significant factors in our studied sample


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Several studies have linked coping with personal wellbeing. However, there is no research evidence analyzing this relationship in theSpanish population using Cummins model (1997). The aim of this study was to know the level of personal wellbeing of a sample of adolescents and to analyze the relationship between coping strategies and styles and personal well-being. With that purpose in mind, the Personal Well Being Index (PWI) and the Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) have been administered to a sample of 656 adolescents aged between 11 and 17. The results allow identifying the effect of age and gender on personal wellbeing. Those coping strategies centered on focusing on the positive, physical recreation, working hard and achieving are associated to higher personal wellbeing while self-blaming and keeping to self are with lower personal wellbeing


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En este trabajo se analizarn las variables que influirn en el posible desarrollo de psicopatologas en los menores adoptados, tanto nacionales como internacionales, al llegar a la adolescencia. Las variables estudiadas sern: la adversidad en la primera infancia, la influencia del pas de origen, la identidad tnica y racial, las diferencias segn el gnero, la influencia de la institucionalizacin, del estilo educativo de los padres y de la calidad del vnculo entre padres e hijos. Adems hablaremos de la autoestima y del riesgo de suicidio en los adolescentes adoptados.


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The psychometric properties of the Personal Wellbeing Index are analyzed on a Spanish and Portuguese adolescent sample. We test the reliability of the scale using Cronbachs alpha. And complementarily we analyze the item-total correlations in the different wellbeing domains included. We execute an exploratory factor analysis (principal components) and a multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results show that Cronbachs alpha is 0.79 for the Chilean version and in the Brazilian version is 0.78 confirming adequate levels of reliability found in previous studies. Correlations between fields of well-being shows values ranging between 0.224 and 0.496 for Chile and from 0.24 to 0.46 for Brazil. The results are similar to those obtained in other countries. The monofactorial structure of the scale is cinfirmed, also the adjustment to the scale structure to the data of the two samples and the comparability of means of global indices. The results suggest the existence of other well-being domains that had not been considered in the original proposal of the scale


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This study compared the 7-item Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) with two other versions which include the domains Spirituality and Religion, separately, in a sample of Brazilian (n = 1.047) and Chilean (n = 1.053) adolescents. A comparison of psychometric properties between the PWI versions was carried out through multigroup confi rmatory factor analysis showing adequate adjustments (CFI > .95, RMSEA < .08), whereas the item spirituality presented better performance. For the analysis of the differential contribution of each domain to the notion of global satisfaction, a regression on the item Overall Life Satisfaction (OLS) was applied using structural equations. It isrecommended the inclusion of the item spirituality in the original scale, considering the importance of such domain in both cultures


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Psychometric analysis of the AF5 multidimensional scale of self-concept in a sample of adolescents and adults in Catalonia. The aim of this study is to carry out a psychometric study of the AF5 scale in a sample of 4.825 Catalan subjects from 11 to 63 years-old. They are students from secondary compulsory education (ESO), from high school, middle-level vocational training (CFGM) and from the university. Using a principal component analysis (PCA) the theoretical validity of the components is established and the reliability of the instrument is also analyzed. Differential analyses are performed by gender and normative group using a 2 6 factorial design. The normative group variable includes the different levels classifi ed into 6 sub-groups: university, post-compulsory secondary education (high school and CFGM), 4th of ESO, 3rd of ESO, 2nd of ESO and 1st of ESO. The results indicate that the reliability of the Catalan version of the scale is similar to the original scale. The factorial structure also fi ts with the original model established beforehand. Signifi cant differences by normative group in the four components of self-concept explored (social, family, academic/occupational and physical) are observed. By gender, signifi cant differences appear in the component of physical self-concept, academic and social but not in the family component


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In the article we resume four experiments of an interdisciplinary nature carried out in four different secondary education centres. The nexus of the union of these didactic proposals is that of looking at values in sport and the critical capacity of the students from distinct perspectives: violence, mass media, politics and gender and the treatment of body in our society


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O presente artigo tem por objetivo, na primeira parte, explorar algumas teses gerais apresentadas por recente pesquisa de Josef Simon acerca do estatuto da linguagem na filosofia de Kant, em especial no que tange ao modo de significar e comunicar presente nas reivindicaes de verdade dos juzos. Em segundo lugar, pretende-se pontuar a crtica de Nietzsche a um modo de significar e comunicar ao qual denomina "gregrio", contrapondo-o a uma comunicao e significao "individualizada". Como apontamos no final, a visada interlocuo entre Kant e Nietzsche acerca do significar e comunicar se dar segundo um aspecto central: o fator subjetivo presente em qualquer reivindicao discursiva da razo.


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Realizou-se, dentro do Programa de Educao pelo Trabalho para a Sade (PET-Sade), uma pesquisa-ao em conjunto com o Centro de Sade e a Escola Municipal de Glaura, um dos distritos de Ouro Preto/MG, reunindo 123 alunos, entre 11 e 19 anos de idade, que participaram de encontros semanais de abril de 2009 a maro de 2010. O projeto visava integrao entre ensino e servio de sade, ao desenvolvimento da autonomia do cuidado, construo de vnculos e ao intercmbio de conhecimento com os adolescentes. Pautou-se na horizontalidade das relaes entre os monitores, o preceptor, a tutora e os adolescentes, sob a ptica da viso freiriana de educao popular. Foram realizadas dinmicas, encenaes cmicas e quizzes, tendo a sexualidade como tema principal. Posteriormente, estimulou-se a confeco de ferramentas multiplicadoras pelos adolescentes, como vdeos e peas de teatro, tornando-os protagonistas do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Este artigo serve como parmetro para avaliao qualitativa da eficcia do PET-Sade, alm de discutir a relevncia do programa para a formao mdica, especialmente no que tange as habilidades dos profissionais de sade para fornecer orientao afetivo-sexual aos adolescentes.


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A frequ&#234;ncia de dermatoses &#233; alta, apresentando grande impacto na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Contudo, h&#225; poucas pol&#237;ticas p&#250;blicas nesta &#225;rea de sa&#250;de, e o tempo destinado ao ensino dermatol&#243;gico na gradua&#231;&#227;o m&#233;dica &#233; restrito. Objetivos Definir as hip&#243;teses diagn&#243;sticas e as condutas mais frequentes adotadas nas consultas realizadas em uma Unidade B&#225;sica de Sa&#250;de (UBS). M&#233;todos Foram utilizados cadernos de registro de atendimento da UBS para an&#225;lise de variantes como idade, sexo, diagn&#243;stico, conduta e encaminhamento dos pacientes. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo programa SPSS 15.0. Resultados As hip&#243;teses diagn&#243;sticas mais frequentes foram: eczemas, tumores benignos, transtornos pigmentares, onicopatias, infec&#231;&#245;es f&#250;ngicas, bacterianas e virais, les&#245;es acneiformes foliculares e eritematodescamativas. Conclus&#227;o As hip&#243;teses diagn&#243;sticas mais frequentes nas consultas de um m&#233;dico generalista diferem daquelas feitas pelo especialista. Os resultados deste estudo dever&#227;o promover uma discuss&#227;o sobre o ensino da Dermatologia nos cursos de Medicina.


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Adenocarcinomas of the cardia and gastroesophageal junction are peculiar entities with three different origins, which differ somewhat from other adenocarcinomas of the stomach in their clinical presentation and pathogenesis, and have a poorer prognosis. In this article the authors reviewed definitions, incidence and epidemiology, etiologic factors, genetic implications, clinical presentation, diagnosis, staging and treatment, with emphasis on the surgical approach, discussing the current management of these cancers. The prognostic factors related specifically to the cardia cancers are: esophageal invasion greater than 3cm, microscopic residual tumor and wall penetration (>T2). Preoperative workup should include computed tomography, and endoscopic ultrasonography and laparoscopy when available. Preoperative recognition of T3/ T4/N2 lesions should indicate inclusion in neo-adjuvant protocols whenever possible. The authors present the results of 46 resected cases of adenocarcinomas of the cardia and GE junction of the Instituto Nacional do Cncer- Brazil (1981-1995). Cure was intended in 29 and palliation in 17 patients. The most common type of resection was total gastrectomy with abdominal esophagectomy (28 cases). Morbidity (major and minor) occurred in 50% of the patients. The main causes were of respiratory origin and fistulas (19.6% each). Death occurred in 44% of the patients with fistula. Postoperative death until the 30th day occurred in 17.24% of the curative cases and in 23.52% of the palliative ones. The median survival time was 68.5 months for stage I, 25 months for stage II, 31 months for stage III and 12.5 months for stage IV diseases. The median survival time was 8 months for palliation and 28.5 months for cure. No long-term survival was obtained with the palliative group, whereas 25% survived five years of more in the curative group. The authors conclude that the surgical approach should be the one the surgeon feels more comfortable with. Complete removal of the disease proved by frozen section, splenectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy should be the standard therapy with curative intent.


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O Divertculo de Meckel uma malfonnao rara. Quando presente, na maioria das vezes no motivo de sintomatologia. Nos casos complicados, os sintomas so inespecficos, o que torna o diagnstico pr-operatrio muito difcil. A raridade desta condio, assim como as dificuldades diagnsticas e as controvrsias no tratamento, principalmente quando seu achado incidental, motivaram a anlise de uma srie de 18 Divertculos de Meckel (DM) operados na Unidade de Cirurgia Geral (UCG) do Hospital Regional de Sobradinho (HRS), Braslia-DF, no perodo de 1985 a 1995. O estudo demonstrou que os portadores destas anomalias foram operados sem diagnstico pr-operatrio mesmo nos pacientes sintomticos. Em nove oportunidades, os achados foram incidentais durante laparotomias por outros motivos. Diversas condutas operatrias foram verificadas nesta reviso, variando desde a simples diverticulectomia at a enterectomia segmentar com reconstruo por anastomose primria trmino-terminal. Estas controvrsias levaram o staff da UCG do HRS a eleger a ltima tcnica citada como a mais adequada para a uniformizao do tratamento no s dos casos sintomticos como tambm para os achados incidentais.