968 resultados para Administrative agencies -- Records and correspondance
Several studies have identified the single nucleotide polymorphism STK15 F31I as a low-penetrance risk allele for breast cancer, but its prevalence and risk association in the Brazilian population have not been determined. The goal of this study was to identify the frequency of this polymorphism in the Brazilian setting. Considering the high degree of admixture of our population, it is of fundamental importance to validate the results already reported in the literature and also to verify the relationship between this variant and breast cancer risk. A total of 750 women without breast cancer were genotyped using the TaqMan PCR assay for STK15 F31I polymorphism. Clinical information was obtained from review of the medical records and mammographic density from the images obtained using the BI-RADS System. The estimated risk of developing cancer was calculated according to the Gail model. The genotypic frequencies observed in this study were 4.5, 38.7, and 56.6%, respectively, for the STK15 F31I AA, AT and TT genotypes. The AT and AA genotypes were encountered significantly more often in premenopausal women with moderately dense, dense and heterogeneously dense breast tissue (P = 0.023). In addition, the presence of the TT genotype was significantly associated with age at menarche ≥12 years (P = 0.023). High mammographic density, associated with increased breast cancer risk, was encountered more frequently in premenopausal women with the risk genotypes STK15 F31I AA and AT. The genotypic frequencies observed in our Brazilian sample were similar to those described in other predominantly European populations.
Vuoden 2013 sähkömarkkinalain uudistuksen myötä verkonhaltijoiden tulee varautua suurhäiriötilanteisiin aiempaa tehokkaammin. Lain toimitusvarmuusvaatimusten täyttäminen vaatii sähköverkkoyhtiöiltä entistä suurempia investointimääriä nopeassa aikataulussa. Caruna Oy investoi vuosittain noin 100 miljoonaa euroa säävarman verkon kehittämiseen ja rakentamiseen. Eltel Networks Oy toimii Carunan pääurakoitsijana useissa saneerausprojekteissa muun muassa Satakunnan ja Lounais-Suomen alueilla. Diplomityö tehtiin Eltel Networks Oy:lle ja tavoitteena oli laatia saneeraussuunnitelma Carunan Vahdon keskustan sähkönjakeluverkkoon sekä kehittää Eltelin suunnitteluprosessia Vahdon case-projektin avulla. Nykyverkon ongelmakohdiksi osoittautuivat käyttöikänsä päähän tulleet tai lähivuosina tulevat verkkokomponentit, verkon alhainen nykykäyttöarvo sekä korkeat keskeytyskustannukset. Suunnitellun verkon nykykäyttöarvo yli kaksinkertaistui nykyverkon arvosta, verkon keski-ikä pieneni seitsemällä vuodella ja keskeytyskustannukset pienenivät yli puolella. Case-projektin aikana suunnitteluprosessissa ilmeni useita kehityskohteita. Esimerkiksi kartta-aineistoja ja ilmakuvia kannattaisi hyödyntää monipuolisemmin suunnittelussa ja ohjemuutosten täytäntöönpanoajankohta tulisi määrittää ohjeen tärkeyden mukaan. Vierekkäisille suunnitteluprojekteille kannattaa hakea jatkossa esimerkiksi yhteiset ELY- ja AVI-luvat erillisten lupahakemusten sijaan, koska se vähentää suunnittelijoiden työmäärää ja nopeuttaa hakuprosessia. Suunnittelijoiden yhteistyötä kannattaa laajentaa niin lupahakemusten, sopimusten laadinnan kuin koko prosessin kattavaksi, koska yhteistyö vähentää virheiden määrää ja nopeuttaa suunnitteluprosessia. Yhteistyöllä suunnittelu voidaan toteuttaa nopeammin laadusta tinkimättä.
This dissertation examines parental disciplinary violence against children in authority records and in the criminal procedure in Finland. The main aim is to analyze disciplinary violence, how it is defined, and how it is constructed as a crime by social workers, the police, and parents. This dissertation consists of four sub-studies and a summary article. In the first sub-study, I examine how disciplinary violence appears in child welfare documents and analyze the decision-making processes and measures taken by the child welfare workers. The second sub-study, utilizing police interview data, examines police officers’ perceptions of disciplinary violence, its criminalization, and its investigation. In addition to this analysis of police officers’ own perceptions, in the third sub-study, I use reports of crime and pre-trial investigation documents to look at what a typical suspicion of disciplinary violence coming to the attention of the police is and examine the decision-making processes of the police. Utilizing authority data, the fourth sub-study analyzes how parents rationalize the use of disciplinary violence to the authorities investigating these suspicions. The research provides findings that are unprecedented in Finland. Firstly, it was shown that social workers’ decision-making processes in suspicions of disciplinary violence follow three pathways of reasoning, with many factors taken into consideration; and in less than one-third of the cases, a request for criminal investigation has been made to the police. Secondly, it was verified that police officers hold different perceptions of disciplinary violence, and these perceptions have multiple effects on the investigation of these cases and the construction of disciplinary violence as a crime. Thirdly, the analysis of the reports of crime and pre-trial investigation documents showed that almost two-thirds of the cases of disciplinary violence had been sent to a prosecutor by the police and, thus, defined as a crime. However, in many cases, acts of disciplinary violence were often seen as ‘educational, petty one-off incidents’ and a possible trial and punishment for the perpetrator were seen as unreasonable. Fourthly, it was found that parents often try to neutralize and rationalize the violence they have used against their children, for example, either by denying the victim, the criminal intent, or the entire act, or relying on the necessity of the forbidden act. The dissertation concludes that disciplinary violence is defined and constructed in authority policies and practices, first and foremost, by the severity of the act, the nature of the act as continuous or singular, the perceived harm caused by the act to a child, and the perceptions of authorities regarding physical punishment of children. The asymmetrical power setting present in disciplinary violence and parents’ legitimized right to raise and discipline their children partly seem to explain why criminal-law processing of these suspicions of violence and understanding these as crimes is difficult. Finally, this research calls for more coherent and consistent authority practices and policies, achieved by educating authorities and increasing awareness on disciplinary violence, questions the need for a concept like ‘disciplinary’ violence, and suggests more emphasis on unambiguous perceptions of a child’s best interest.
The Loyal Orange Association of British America is a Protestant fraternal society. The Loyal Orange Association originated in Ulster, Ireland during the late eighteenth century. Its purpose was to promote Protestant rights and privileges. The association was exclusively Protestant, fraternal, democratic, and benevolent. Orange principles were brought to Upper Canada by Protestant Irish settlers after 1815. The first Canadian Orange Lodge was formally established in Brockville, Leeds County, 1830. By the late 19th and early 20th century, the Loyal Orange Association of British North America had gained considerable popularity and political influence. Many prominent politicians, including several prime ministers, were members. Orangemen were particularly concerned with issues such as separate school funding, language rights, immigration, religious freedom and conscription. Further, they demanded the execution of Louis Riel and opposed the Jesuits Estates settlement. Administrative sketch courtesy Archives of Ontario.
The Welland Canals Society was a coalition of business, tourism, heritage, and recreational groups that joined with the Regional Government in 1986 to promote the redevelopment of the Welland Canals Corridor. The mandate of the Society was to provide leadership and assistance to the public and private sectors in achieving heritage-sensitive and tourism/recreation-related economic development in the Welland Canals Corridor. The Society folded in 1991 due to government funding cuts.
The origins of the Welland County Fair date back to the founding of the County of Welland in 1852. A provincial charter was issued in 1853 to create the Welland County Agricultural Society that was to operate the Fair. In 1970, the Welland County Fair became the Niagara Regional Exhibition, and the Society became known as the Niagara Regional Agriculture Society. The Society seeks to “encourage interest, promote improvements in and advance the standards of agriculture, domestic industry and rural life”. The Welland Festival of Arts was developed in 1986 in order to revitalize the town’s economy. An “outdoor art gallery” was created by painting murals on buildings that depicted the town’s heritage, a concept successfully adopted by the town of Chemainus, B.C. The first mural was completed in the summer of 1988, and by 1991 there were a total of 28 murals around the city. The endeavour proved successful: in the years that followed the creation of the Festival, two new hotels were constructed, a third was expanded, and there was an addition to the Seaway Mall to accommodate the increased tourist traffic. Optimist International is a non-profit organization that strives to “bring out the best in kids” . The first Canadian club was formed in Toronto in 1924. The Welland branch of the Optimist Club was founded in 1937. The first Welland County General Hospital opened in 1908. As the population increased, it became necessary to expand the existing facilities. Additions were made to the original structure with an East wing in 1930 and a children’s ward in 1931. However, in the 1950’s, the hospital was operating beyond optimum capacity and the need for a larger facility was clear. It was decided that a new hospital would be built, which opened in April 1960. The new hospital had 259 beds and 51 bassinets. Further additions were made in 1967 and 1978. The County of Welland was formed in 1850 when it was officially separated from Lincoln County, however, the two counties continued to operate together until 1856 when a new County building and jail for Welland County were completed. That same year, the first meeting of the Council of the Corporation of Welland County took place. The final meeting of the Council took place on December 18, 1969. The following year, the County of Welland merged with Lincoln County to form the Regional Municipality of Niagara. The Welland Mills in Thorold, Ont., was built in 1846-1847 by Jacob Keefer and is thought to have been one of the largest flour mills in Upper Canada. Ownership of the mill changed several times over the years and previous owners include the Howland family, the Hedley Shaw Milling Company and the Maple Leaf Milling Company. In 1986, the building received a heritage plaque from the Ontario Heritage Foundation, an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation. At this time, the mill was no longer in operation and was being used for storage by Fraser, Inc. By 2006, the dilapidated building had been redeveloped into18 apartments and 2 floors of commercial space, while maintaining many heritage features. The building is currently known as the Welland Mills Centre.
Au Mali, une loi hospitalière a été adoptée en 2002 pour définir le cadre institutionnel d’une réforme majeure. Cette loi a décrété des transformations substantielles de la structure interne, tant administrative que clinique des établissements publics hospitaliers notamment l’implication des populations locales dans la prise de décision de l’établissement, l’autonomie administrative et financière à travers la délégation budgétaire et l’implication des professionnels de santé à la gestion, l’intégration des services de spécialité et la participation du secteur privé au service public hospitalier. Cependant, la capacité des hôpitaux à réussir les transformations prévues a été remise en question par la majorité des acteurs internes et externes. L’objectif de cette thèse a été d’étudier de quelle manière l’hôpital malien se transforme sous la pression de la décentralisation des pouvoirs de l’État et d’étudier comment les groupes d’acteurs réagissent face à ces changements à partir de deux cadres d’analyse. Le premier cadre intègre les caractéristiques essentielles des transformations hospitalières en termes de différents types de décentralisation et le second cadre inspiré des travaux de Crozier et coll. (1977) analyse les jeux de pouvoir entre les groupes d’acteurs hospitaliers selon deux niveaux à savoir un niveau stratégique et systémique. Pour cela, nous avons conduit une étude multiple de deux cas et utilisé trois modes de collecte des données à savoir les entrevues semi-structurées auprès des informateurs clés, l’analyse documentaire, et l’observation lors de réunions. Dans un premier temps, les analyses ont révélé pour les changements intervenus dans la structure, selon l’importance des responsabilités attribuées à l’hôpital public, (1) plusieurs variantes de la décentralisation. Globalement, l’intention politique était focalisée sur une délégation puis une déconcentration et une dévolution; les mécanismes mis en place ont penché plus vers une déconcentration puis une délégation et une dévolution tandis que les transformations réellement effectuées dans les établissements publics hospitaliers ont plutôt confirmé une déconcentration en plus d’une délégation particulièrement dans le cas de l’implication des populations locales dans la gestion hospitalière. Tandis que l’hôpital public pouvait faire des recettes à partir du recouvrement partiel des coûts des soins auprès des usagers, l’État gardait une main forte sur la gestion financière et la gestion du personnel, et définissait les directives et les objectifs à poursuivre. (2) Les analyses apportent une compréhension des liens existant entre les différents éléments du processus de réforme, le type de mécanisme mis en place dans le cadre de la réforme semble déterminer le type de transformation effectué selon les fonctions que peut assurer l’hôpital public. La logique traduit le passage de la délégation vers une déconcentration qui est jugée comme étant la forme la moins poussée d’une décentralisation. Dans un deuxième temps, les résultats confirment la présence de conflit entre les normes professionnelles établies et reconnues par les professionnels de santé et les normes organisationnelles et institutionnelles mises en avant par la réforme. Elles sont défendues par la majorité des gestionnaires qui sont imputables face aux autorités alors que les normes professionnelles dominent dans les services cliniques. Les deux cas ont mis en évidence le soutien de leur direction générale, il existait une tension dans les réactions des médecins, qui a été variable selon le type de changement structurel visé, tandis que les infirmiers se sont montrés plutôt accessibles face aux nouvelles mesures introduites par la réforme. L’une des originalités de cette thèse tient au fait que très peu de travaux sur les pays en développement ont tenté d’opérationnaliser de façon multidimensionnelle les concepts de décentralisation avant d’analyser les variantes susceptibles d’exister entre eux et les stratégies développées par les groupes d’acteurs de l’hôpital. En outre, alors que la pertinence de la prise en compte des caractéristiques du contexte organisationnel dans la mise en place des réformes des systèmes de soins est au cœur des préoccupations, ce travail est l’un des premiers à analyser l’influence de l’interaction entre le processus de réforme hospitalière et les prises de position des acteurs. Les résultats de cette thèse fournissent des recommandations aux décideurs politiques et aux gestionnaires quant aux modes de changement structurel à privilégier ou en éviter dans la planification, l’exécution et la mise en œuvre du processus de réforme hospitalière en fonction des caractéristiques du contexte organisationnel sanitaire. La planification de la réforme est essentielle : Élaborer un projet d’établissement discuté et validé par l’ensemble des acteurs de l’hôpital. Ce projet doit être compatible avec les objectifs du schéma d’organisation sanitaire nationale et déterminer les moyens en personnel et en équipements, dont l’hôpital doit disposer pour réaliser ses objectifs. Concevoir un cadre budgétaire et financier hospitalier flexible (qui va alléger la chaine de prise de décision), sur lequel reposera le nouveau système de gestion des hôpitaux. La capacité de mobilisation et d’exécution des ressources hospitalières devrait renforcer l’autonomie de gestion. Enfin, promouvoir une culture de l’évaluation et faciliter les évaluations périodiques de la mise en œuvre de la réforme hospitalière par des organismes d’évaluation externes et indépendants.
The present study is an attempt to highlight the problem of typographical errors in OPACS. The errors made while typing catalogue entries as well as importing bibliographical records from other libraries exist unnoticed by librarians resulting the non-retrieval of available records and affecting the quality of OPACs. This paper follows previous research on the topic mainly by Jeffrey Beall and Terry Ballard. The word “management” was chosen from the list of likely to be misspelled words identified by previous research. It was found that the word is wrongly entered in several forms in local, national and international OPACs justifying the observations of Ballard that typos occur in almost everywhere. Though there are lots of corrective measures proposed and are in use, the study asserts the fact that human effort is needed to get rid of the problem. The paper is also an invitation to the library professionals and system designers to construct a strategy to solve the issue
The present study is an attempt to highlight the problem of typographical errors in OPACS. The errors made while typing catalogue entries as well as importing bibliographical records from other libraries exist unnoticed by librarians resulting the non-retrieval of available records and affecting the quality of OPACs. This paper follows previous research on the topic mainly by Jeffrey Beall and Terry Ballard. The word “management” was chosen from the list of likely to be misspelled words identified by previous research. It was found that the word is wrongly entered in several forms in local, national and international OPACs justifying the observations of Ballard that typos occur in almost everywhere. Though there are lots of corrective measures proposed and are in use, the study asserts the fact that human effort is needed to get rid of the problem. The paper is also an invitation to the library professionals and system designers to construct a strategy to solve the issue
Models developed to identify the rates and origins of nutrient export from land to stream require an accurate assessment of the nutrient load present in the water body in order to calibrate model parameters and structure. These data are rarely available at a representative scale and in an appropriate chemical form except in research catchments. Observational errors associated with nutrient load estimates based on these data lead to a high degree of uncertainty in modelling and nutrient budgeting studies. Here, daily paired instantaneous P and flow data for 17 UK research catchments covering a total of 39 water years (WY) have been used to explore the nature and extent of the observational error associated with nutrient flux estimates based on partial fractions and infrequent sampling. The daily records were artificially decimated to create 7 stratified sampling records, 7 weekly records, and 30 monthly records from each WY and catchment. These were used to evaluate the impact of sampling frequency on load estimate uncertainty. The analysis underlines the high uncertainty of load estimates based on monthly data and individual P fractions rather than total P. Catchments with a high baseflow index and/or low population density were found to return a lower RMSE on load estimates when sampled infrequently than those with a tow baseflow index and high population density. Catchment size was not shown to be important, though a limitation of this study is that daily records may fail to capture the full range of P export behaviour in smaller catchments with flashy hydrographs, leading to an underestimate of uncertainty in Load estimates for such catchments. Further analysis of sub-daily records is needed to investigate this fully. Here, recommendations are given on load estimation methodologies for different catchment types sampled at different frequencies, and the ways in which this analysis can be used to identify observational error and uncertainty for model calibration and nutrient budgeting studies. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for the public to attempt to assess risks using traditional methods such as smell, taste or other physical attributes of food. The existence of extrinsic cues such as the country of origin (COO) of food can help to make food purchase decisions easier for consumers. However, the use of extrinsic cues depends heavily on the extent to which consumers trust such signals to be indicative of quality or safety, which in turn depends on the credibility behind that cue. This paper aims to examine consumers association of domestically produced food with increased food safety standards and the association of COO and food safety information with socio-demographics and other aspects of consumer psychology such as attitudes, risk perception and trust. Using an ordered probit model, domestic production is examined as an extrinsic cue for food safety by looking at the relationship with trust in food safety information provided by national food standards agencies (NFSAs) and other socio-demographic characteristics, based on nationally representative data from 2725 face-to-face interviews across five European countries. Results suggest that domestic production of food is an extrinsic cue for food safety and as consumers place increasing importance on food safety they are more interested in food produced in their own country. This, coupled with consumer trust in a strong, and independent national food standards agency, suggests the potential exists for the increased consumption of domestically produced foods.
In order to establish firm evidence for the health effects of dietary polyphenol consumption, it is essential to have quantitative information regarding their dietary intake. The usefulness of the current methods, which rely mainly on the assessment of polyphenol intake using food records and food composition tables, is limited as they fail to assess total intake accurately. This review highlights the problems associated with such methods with regard to polyphenol-intake predictions. We suggest that the development of biological biomarkers, measured in both blood and urine, are essential for making accurate estimates of polyphenol intake. However, the relationship between dietary intakes and nutritional biomarkers are often highly complex. This review identifies the criteria that must be considered in the development of such biomarkers. In addition, we provide an assessment of the limited number of potential biomarkers of polyphenol intake currently available.
Objective: To describe the calculations and approaches used to design experimental diets of differing saturated fatty acid (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) compositions for use in a long-term dietary intervention study, and to evaluate the degree to which the dietary targets were met. Design, setting and subjects: Fifty-one students living in a university hall of residence consumed a reference (SFA) diet for 8 weeks followed by either a moderate MUFA (MM) diet or a high MUFA (HM) diet for 16 weeks. The three diets were designed to differ only in their proportions of SFA and MUFA, while keeping total fat, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), trans-fatty acids, and the ratio of palmitic to stearic acid, and n-6 to n-3 PUFA, unchanged. Results: Using habitual diet records and a standardised database for food fatty acid compositions, a sequential process of theoretical fat substitutions enabled suitable fat sources for use in the three diets to be identified, and experimental margarines for baking, spreading and the manufacture of snack foods to be designed. The dietary intervention was largely successful in achieving the fatty acid targets of the three diets, although unintended differences between the original target and the analysed fatty acid composition of the experimental margarines resulted in a lower than anticipated MUFA intake on the HM diet, and a lower ratio of palmitic to stearic acid compared with the reference or MM diet. Conclusions: This study has revealed important theoretical considerations that should be taken into account when designing diets of specific fatty acid composition, as well as practical issues of implementation.
Our objective in this study was to develop and implement an effective intervention strategy to manipulate the amount and composition of dietary fat and carbohydrate (CHO) in free-living individuals in the RISCK study. The study was a randomized, controlled dietary intervention study that was conducted in 720 participants identified as higher risk for or with metabolic syndrome. All followed a 4-wk run-in reference diet [high saturated fatty acids (SF)/high glycemic index (GI)]. Volunteers were randomized to continue this diet for a further 24 wk or to I of 4 isoenergetic prescriptions [high monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA)/high GI; high MUFA/low GI; low fat (LF)/high GI; and LF/low GI]. We developed a food exchange model to implement each diet. Dietary records and plasma phospholipid fatty acids were used to assess the effectiveness of the intervention strategy. Reported fat intake from the LF diets was significantly reduced to 28% of energy (%E) compared with 38% E from the HM and LF diets. SF intake was successfully decreased in the HM and LF diets was similar to 10% E compared with 17% E in the reference diet (P = 0.001). Dietary MUFA in the HIM diets was similar to 17% E, significantly higher than in the reference (12% E) and LF diets (10% E) (P = 0.001). Changes in plasma phospholipid fatty acids provided further evidence for the successful manipulation of fat intake. The GI of the HGI and LGI arms differed by similar to 9 points (P = 0.001). The food exchange model provided an effective dietary strategy for the design and implementation across multiple sites of 5 experimental diets with specific targets for the proportion of fat and CHO. J. Nutr. 139: 1534-1540, 2009.
This paper examines issues related to potential analytical performance systems for global property funds. These will include traditional attribution methods but will also cover the performance concepts of alpha and beta widely used in other asset classes. We look at issues including...what creates beta, and what drives alpha in real estate investment? How can it be measured and isolated? How do these concepts relate to traditional attribution systems? Can performance records and performance fees adequately distinguish between these drivers? In this paper we illustrate these issues by reference to a case study addressing the complete performance record of a single unlisted fund.