793 resultados para Addiction


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The dependency of psychoactive substances whether licit or illicit, among adolescents is a topic that has aroused much discussion today. One of the psychoactive substance that has caught the attention of authorities and experts, its potential dependence, increasing the number of addicts and speed with which triggers the human degeneration is the crack (a derivative of cocaine - Erythroxylon coca), used via the smoked administration. Understanding the phenomenon of increasing their use requires an analysis of the concepts of addiction throughout history, current research encompassing scientific findings in epidemiology and statistics involving several types of pharmacological substances, and especially the analysis of data related specifically to crack the focus of our theme. In order to contribute to ongoing discussions and offer possible alternatives for effective intervention, especially in schools, we conducted a survey that sought to find evidence of a possible relationship between crack use and moral reasoning. Since our work specifically theoretical nature, we use to reach our goals, assumptions, two researchers in the concept of human morality: Jean Piaget (1994) and Lawrence Kohlberg (1992) both traveling within the proposed cognitive-evolutionary human development. For an understanding of the proposals of these two researchers, we use research to (Lepre, 2005), as guiding thesis of this work. The results presented indicate that adolescents who use crack are very close to a level of moral reasoning pre-conventional and conventional, although it is important to state that more accurate results require further research on the subject, including those involving field research. Yet we can conclude that prevention must go through a dialogue that privileges the moral education as possible means of effective intervention against the use of crack, allowing the construction of autonomy... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The waste, exaggerated and incorrect disposal of biomass are common practices in modern times where everything is disposable. However the growing concern with the nature and the environment compel man to give nobler destinations for these products through sustainability and recycling of waste. Banana peel is a residual biomass, which is not consumed. It generates tons of waste per week in São Paulo city. This trash is disposed in dumps and landfills, which could be reduced by using it as reinforcement in natural composites. The high density polyethylene (HDPE) is a polymer derived from the ethylene polymerization and is easily recycled. Which makes it a sustainable material. In the present work characteristics of the natural composite composed with banana peel and high-density polyethylene were studied. It was noted that removing the lignin present in the banana peel, the fiber introduces a significant improvement in thermal resistance. The preparation of composite was made with a ratio of 5% and 10% of reinforcement in comparison with polymeric matrix mass. Composites were thermally, mechanically and microscopically characterized. The addition of fiber in the polymer increased the mechanical strength of the composite. The fiber surface treatment with distilled water removed the amorphous material present in the fibers, improving significantly thermal stability and increasing crystallinity of the celullose. The addition of 5% fiber in mass to the polymer increased significantly the tensile strength and elasticity modulus for the composite. With 10% of fiber addiction there were also an improvement when compared with pure HDPE, but when compared with 5% composite the mechanical properties are slightly lower. This may be due to the fiber particle size, which are small and eventually become a hub of tension ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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According to Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, there is a “thinking addiction" in Brazil that disfigures reviews and creates disadvantages for a better understanding of the real changing of conditions in society. It is in Raízes do Brasil that this "reasoning addiction" is best defined as an "Invincible disenchantment from the view of our real conditions". This definition is supported by the bovarism theory - pouvoir qu`a l`homme de se concevoir autre qu’il n’est - theory formulated by Jules de Gaultier (1858-1942), French homme de lettres and who promoted Nietzsche in France - for this title, he is self intended as a philosopher, which extends the characterization of the individual drama of Flaubertian's character of Madame Bovary for the characterization of nations. Sérgio Buarque de Holanda is not the only author who uses this notion, before him, it was also in Paulo Prado and Lima Barreto and much after him in Celso Furtado and Paulo Eduardo Arantes, to keep with the best known authors. This article aims to show how bovarism is born, what it is meant in the French context of origin and how it acclimatized in Brazilian's intellectual experience, theoretically basing important diagnostics of our society. This is to conduct genetic mapping of a concept which is still strong in the horizon of the decisive clash between national projects that deal with Brazil's peripheral condition.


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The sexual abuse suffered in childhood and adolescence, in addition to damage to physical and psychological health of the victim, is considered as an important risk factor for alcohol and drugs addiction, development of psychopathology and psychosocial damage in adulthood. In addition to the pain and humiliation that are submitted by the abuse, children and adolescents also experience shame and guilt which require them to adopt coping strategies to endure those feelings. The use of psychoactive substances is a recognized way of dealing with the pains of living. This work, which is of narrative style, analyses and discusses, through five case reports, chemical dependency as a result of sexual abuse suffered in childhood and/or adolescence. The eight subjects in this study are male and have suffered sexual violence in this age period of life. Their ages range from 23 years to 39 years, and all are admitted to a therapeutic community in a city in the interior of Sao Paulo state, in Brazil, for treatment of chemical dependency, being met by the Department of Psychology. The reasons for the choice of the participants for treatment modality for patients are: difficult to stop using drugs, even unwilling to take it, they have easy access to it; the feeling of losing control over their lives; by successive losses as a result of drug use, and for fear that their lives had a tragic ending. With the exception of two participants, the others do not classify that as a child suffered sexual violence. However, all attribute that facilitated their entry into the world of drugs. Seven participants experienced such violence in childhood (between 7 years and 9 years) and adolescence (age 14). The attackers were people closed to the victims—in the case of two victims, their families, with the exception of one participant who was raped by a stranger. Six participants declared themselves as homosexual. Another participant does not claim to be homosexual, but presents difficulties in terms of sexuality. Two participants are HIV positive. The start of psychoactive substances use occurred during adolescence (12 years to 17 years). The participants see drugs as an anesthetic to the pain of the soul, a way to get pleasure, but they get charged expensively, as it increases the feeling of emptiness, guilt, helplessness, worthlessness and hopelessness. Although participants have sought help to deal with addiction, it is noted that throughout the life course the issue of sexual violence was not treated. It was noted that the patients have a double stigma in society: the issue of drugs addiction and the orientation of sexual desire, because the majority of participants are homosexual. The results reinforce the need for effective action geared to accommodate the victims of sexual violence and effective preventive measures to prevent children and adolescents from being abused.


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Introduction: pre-operative assessment is of fundamental importance for the prevention of transoperative and of postoperative complications. Objective: to identify the prevalence of diseases and systemic conditions in patients undergoing surgical treatment in the discipline of surgery and Traumatology of University Center of Araraquara, in the period of 2004 to 2009. Material and method: for the development of this study, a survey in medical records of patients was performed and the factors considered included: age, sex, presence of vices, and systemic conditions that affect the world’s population. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and recorded in a table. Result:  Considering all patient records analyzed (693), 340 affirmative responses were detected (49,06%) to one or more diseases. Cardiovascular diseases were the most prevalent (22,34%). Considering the prevalence of diseases related to age, the age of less than 20 years represented 16,32%; of 20-29 years, 43,06%; 30-39 years, 45,16%; 40-44 years, 48,64%; 45-49 years, 56,25%; 50-54 years, 58,33%; 55-59 years, 57,74%; 60-64 years, 70,37%; 65-69 years, 66,66%; and 70 years or more, 68,75%. Conclusion: diseases and systemic alterations with higher prevalence were cardiovascular diseases, anemia, sinusitis and diabetes. The frequency of affirmative answers to systemic conditions was age-dependent and there was a predominance of females. The tobacco addiction was the most frequent. Thus, it was found that the preoperative assessment of the health of patients who will undergo surgical dental treatment is of fundamental importance.


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In this article, we tackle the issue of youth and drugs as something linked to biopower and biopolitics, both concepts developed by Michael Foucault. Youth and drugs are taken and analyzed in situations involving the management of crime linked to the risks and deviations from the law, abuse and dependence. The youth; irreverent, courageous, healthy, idealistic, and that wanted to change the world for the better as we have seen in the past, is now strongly related to violence, dangerous activities, moral and social risks, drug addiction, criminality, and others negative images. To deal with these young people, tolerance and small punishments of yore are not enough anymore. The young people emerge as a segment of the population subject to various actions and programs. The drugs now are seen as matters of security and public health. There is a shifting and repositioning in the discourse about the young - from minor, drugged, and criminal to lawbreaker, user and drug addict. The change is subtle, but represents a modulation in the devices of social control. Beyond the consent of the young to get rid of drugs, there is a search for the creation of a wide area of monitoring of their behavior through the activation of community protection networks. The belief that the young are more impressionable and vulnerable, and that action on the cause of the problem or risk reduction are the most efficient ways of management, taking responsibility away from personal and family sphere and transferring it to the State, contributes to the increasing control of young people nowadays.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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An experimental study was undertaken in arder to find out lhe behavior of the required force to yield dislodgement of circumierential clasps of removable partial dentures ou two groups of samples. 1 with retentive terminais engaging and acting ou enamel 2 with retentive terminais engaging on enamel and acting on composite resm With this aim a device was designed based on a sewing machine (brand name Elgin) that could repeatedly simulate lhe introduction-removal movement of circunferencial clasps ou the samples. ln addiction the device had a platform to sustain the samples and permit measurements, a cycle counter and a dynamometer. The samples were constructed by inclusion in dental stone of extracted natural molar teeth whose retentive areas were ou natural enamel or composite resin addictions.The clasps were fabricated from wax ups of resin and wax and were cast with chromium cobalt alloy. The composite resin used was one of the last generation, monomodal type, photopolymerized and binded to the enamel by the acid etching technique. Tests were carried out in aqueous enviroment. Is was established a maximum of 5.000 cycles for each of the samples. Observatins were made from 100 to 100 cycles until 2.000 and from 200 to 200 cycles to 5.000. Results showed that variations in the amount of the required force for dislodgement of the clasps from the samples during the test periods had no significancy eather to those with retentive areas on the enamel or to those with retentive fabricated with addictions of composite resin


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study evaluated the general and oral health conditions of female patients included in a program for recovering drug addiction and patients who did not use drugs. By means of anamnesis and medical history, as well as medical and dental assessments, the health conditions of 160 patients were assessed; 80 presented drug dependence and 80 do not use drugs. The most frequently used drugs were tobacco, alcohol, and crack, usually in associations. The patients presenting chemical dependence had increased frequency of behavioral changes, as well as several diseases involving the immune and cardiovascular systems, detaching infectious and inflammatory reactions and delay in the process of tissue repair. In the oral cavity, it was verified a high occurrence of periodontitis and gingivitis. Chemical dependence showed to be associated to a high frequency of infections, arthritis, hypertension and behavioral changes, which normally would not be noted by health professionals, but that could compromise the results of medical and dental treatments.


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Enteric organisms, pseudomonads and other opportunistic microorganisms in the oral microbiota have been linked to serious infections in patients hospitalized in intensive care units (ICU). The present study evaluated the presence of family Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacter baumannii in the mouth of patients in ICU, correlating it with oral and systemic conditions. Data on health, socioeconomic status, medication use, drug addiction, medical and family histories of patients held for more than 72 hours in the ICU with a diagnosis of severe infection or that developed this condition after entry in said unit were obtained. Fifty patients provided clinical samples of supragingival and subgingival biofilms, saliva and oral mucous membranes were collected, as well as respiratory secretions from patients with pneumonia, blood and urine for sepsis. The presence of target microorganisms was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and by culture using selective media. The Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests were used for statistical analysis, and the significance level was 5%. The intraoral clinical conditions of the patients were poor. The family Enterobacteriaceae was the most prevalent, affecting 39.5% of the supragingival biofilm samples of patients attended in ICU and 18.6% of patients in the control group, besides the rods were the only group found in extraoral samples.


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Drug addiction is one of the biggest public health problems worldwide, not only by the dimensions of the problem, but also by the severity of the damage, creating favorable conditions for opportunistic microorganisms such as class Mollicutes. This study aims to evaluate the presence of the main species and genera of this group in the subgingival biofilm of drug addiction patients, comparing them with non-dependent subjects. For this purpose, data on systemic health conditions, socioeconomic characteristics, drug addiction from 72 patients with drug addiction kept in rehab clinics and 100 non-dependent patients who formed the control group were obtained. Intra and extraoral clinical examinations were performed and samples of subgingival plaque were collected through sterile absorbent paper cones. The presence of different genera and species of the class Mollicutes was evaluated by PCR using the specific primers and conditions for each microorganism. The statistical analysis was performed using the Chi-square test for comparisons of three or more variables and the Mann-Whitney test, with significance level of 5%. Out of species and genera evaluated, Mycoplasma salivarium showed correlation with gingival inflammation in both patient groups and was more frequently detected among drug addiction patients