926 resultados para Active and Reactive Power


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The increasing penetration of wind generation on the Island of Ireland has been accompanied by close investigation of low-frequency periodic pulsations contained within the active power flow from different wind farms. A primary concern is excitation of existing low-frequency oscillation modes already present on the system, particularly the 0.75 Hz mode as a consequence of the interconnected Northern and Southern power system networks. Recently grid code requirements on the Northern Ireland power system have been updated stipulating that wind farms connected after 2005 must be able to control the magnitude of oscillations in the range of 0.25 - 1.75 Hz to within 1% of the wind farm's registered output. In order to determine whether wind farm low-frequency oscillations have a negative effect (excite other modes) or possibly a positive impact (damping of existing modes) on the power system, the oscillations at the point of connection must be measured and characterised. Using time - frequency methods, research presented in this paper has been conducted to extract signal features from measured low-frequency active power pulsations produced by wind farms to determine the effective composition of possible oscillatory modes which may have a detrimental effect on system dynamic stability. The paper proposes a combined wavelet-Prony method to extract modal components and determine damping factors. The method is exemplified using real data obtained from wind farm measurements.


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Wavelet transforms provide basis functions for time-frequency analysis and have properties that are particularly useful for compression of analogue point on wave transient and disturbance power system signals. This paper evaluates the reduction properties of the wavelet transform using real power system data and discusses the application of the reduction method for information transfer in network communications.


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Heat pumps can provide domestic heating at a cost that is competitive with oil heating in particular. If the electricity supply contains a significant amount of renewable generation, a move from fossil fuel heating to heat pumps can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The inherent thermal storage of heat pump installations can also provide the electricity supplier with valuable flexibility. The increase in heat pump installations in the UK and Europe in the last few years poses a challenge for low-voltage networks, due to the use of induction motors to drive the pump compressors. The induction motor load tends to depress voltage, especially on starting. The paper includes experimental results, dynamic load modelling, comparison of experimental results and simulation results for various levels of heat pump deployment. The simulations are based on a generic test network designed to capture the main characteristics of UK distribution system practice. The simulations employ DIgSlILENT to facilitate dynamic simulations that focus on starting current, voltage variations, active power, reactive power and switching transients.


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Objectives: To examine the association between fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption and muscle strength and power in an adolescent population. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis among 1019 boys and 998 girls, aged 12 and 15 years, who participated in The Young Hearts Project. FV consumption (excluding potatoes) was assessed by 7-d diet history. Grip strength and jump power was assessed with a dynamometer and Jump-MD meter, respectively. Associations between FV consumption and strength and power were assessed by regression modelling. Results: Boys and girls with the highest FV intakes (>237.71 g/d and >267.57 g/d, respectively, based on the highest tertile) had significantly higher jump power than those with the lowest intakes (<135.09 g/d and <147.43 g/d, respectively), after adjustment for confounding factors. Although girls with the highest FV intakes had higher grip strength than those with the lowest intakes, no significant independent associations were evident between FV intake and grip strength in boys or girls. Similar findings were observed when FV were analysed separately.Conclusions: Higher FV consumption in this group of adolescents was positively associated with muscle power. There was no independent association between higher FV consumption and muscle strength. Intervention studies are required to determine whether muscle strength and power can be improved through increased FV consumption.


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Lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment and the subsequent thermal conversion processes to produce solid, liquid, and gas biofuels are attractive solutions for today's energy challenges. The structural study of the main components in biomass and their macromolecular complexes is an active and ongoing research topic worldwide. The interactions among the three main components, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, are studied in this paper using electronic structure methods, and the study includes examining the hydrogen bond network of cellulose-hemicellulose systems and the covalent bond linkages of hemicellulose-lignin systems. Several methods (semiempirical, Hartree-Fock, and density functional theory) using different basis sets were evaluated. It was shown that theoretical calculations can be used to simulate small model structures representing wood components. By comparing calculation results with experimental data, it was concluded that B3LYP/6-31G is the most suitable basis set to describe the hydrogen bond system and B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) is the most suitable basis set to describe the covalent system of woody biomass. The choice of unit model has a much larger effect on hydrogen bonding within cellulose-hemicellulose system, whereas the model choice has a minimal effect on the covalent linkage in the hemicellulose-lignin system. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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A PSS/E 32 model of a real section of the Northern Ireland electrical grid was dynamically controlled with Python 2.5. In this manner data from a proposed wide area monitoring system was simulated. The area is of interest as it is a weakly coupled distribution grid with significant distributed generation. The data was used to create an optimization and protection metric that reflected reactive power flow, voltage profile, thermal overload and voltage excursions. Step changes in the metric were introduced upon the operation of special protection systems and voltage excursions. A wide variety of grid conditions were simulated while tap changer positions and switched capacitor banks were iterated through; with the most desirable state returning the lowest optimization and protection metric. The optimized metric was compared against the metric generated from the standard system state returned by PSS/E. Various grid scenarios were explored involving an intact network and compromised networks (line loss) under summer maximum, summer minimum and winter maximum conditions. In each instance the output from the installed distributed generation is varied between 0 MW and 80 MW (120% of installed capacity). It is shown that in grid models the triggering of special protection systems is delayed by between 1 MW and 6 MW (1.5% to 9% of capacity), with 3.5 MW being the average. The optimization and protection metric gives a quantitative value for system health and demonstrates the potential efficacy of wide area monitoring for protection and control.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-03


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia


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The elastic behavior of the demand consumption jointly used with other available resources such as distributed generation (DG) can play a crucial role for the success of smart grids. The intensive use of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and the technical and contractual constraints result in large-scale non linear optimization problems that require computational intelligence methods to be solved. This paper proposes a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based methodology to support the minimization of the operation costs of a virtual power player that manages the resources in a distribution network and the network itself. Resources include the DER available in the considered time period and the energy that can be bought from external energy suppliers. Network constraints are considered. The proposed approach uses Gaussian mutation of the strategic parameters and contextual self-parameterization of the maximum and minimum particle velocities. The case study considers a real 937 bus distribution network, with 20310 consumers and 548 distributed generators. The obtained solutions are compared with a deterministic approach and with PSO without mutation and Evolutionary PSO, both using self-parameterization.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica Ramo Automação e Eletrónica Industrial


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BACKGROUND: Highway maintenance workers are constantly and simultaneously exposed to traffic-related particle and noise emissions, and both have been linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in population-based epidemiology studies. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate short-term health effects related to particle and noise exposure. METHODS: We monitored 18 maintenance workers, during as many as five 24-hour periods from a total of 50 observation days. We measured their exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), ultrafine particles, noise, and the cardiopulmonary health endpoints: blood pressure, pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic markers in the blood, lung function and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measured approximately 15 hours post-work. Heart rate variability was assessed during a sleep period approximately 10 hours post-work. RESULTS: PM2.5 exposure was significantly associated with C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A, and negatively associated with tumor necrosis factor α. None of the particle metrics were significantly associated with von Willebrand factor or tissue factor expression. PM2.5 and work noise were associated with markers of increased heart rate variability, and with increased HF and LF power. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure on the following morning were significantly associated with noise exposure after work, and non-significantly associated with PM2.5. We observed no significant associations between any of the exposures and lung function or FeNO. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that exposure to particles and noise during highway maintenance work might pose a cardiovascular health risk. Actions to reduce these exposures could lead to better health for this population of workers.


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With the relationship between endothelin-1 (ET-1) stimulation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production unknown in adventitial fibroblasts, I examined the ROS response to ET-1 and angiotensin (Ang II). ET-1 -induced ROS peaked following 4 hrs of ET-1 stimulation and was inhibited by an ETA receptor antagonist (BQ 123, 1 uM) an extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 inhibitor (PD98059, 10 uM), and by both a specific, apocynin (10 uM), and non-specific, diphenyleneiodonium (10 uM), NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor. NOX2 knockout fibroblasts did not produce an ET-1 induced change in ROS levels. Ang II treatment increased ROS levels in a biphasic manner, with the second peak occurring 6 hrs following stimulation. The secondary phase of Ang II induced ROS was inhibited by an ATi receptor antagonist, Losartan (100 uM) and BQ 123. In conclusion, ET-1 induces ROS production primarily through an ETA-ERKl/2 NOX2 pathway, additionally, Ang II-induced ROS production also involves an ETa pathway.


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Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a motor coordination disorder that is characterized by impairment of motor skills which leads to challenges with performing activities of daily living. Children with DCD have been shown to be less physically active and have increased body fatness. This is an important finding since a sedentary lifestyle and obesity are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. One indicator of cardiovascular health is baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), which is a measure of short term BP regulation that is accomplished through changes in HR. Diminished BRS is predictive of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study was to investigate BRS in 117 children aged 12 to 13 years with probable DCD (pOCO) and their matched controls with normal coordination. Following 15 minutes of supine rest, five minutes of continuous beat-by-beat blood pressure (Finapres) and RR interval were recorded (standard ECG). Spectral indices were computed using Fast Fourier Transform and transfer function analysis was used to compute BRS. High frequency and low frequency power spectral areas were set to 0.15-0.6 Hz and 0.04-0.15 Hz, respectively. BRS was compared between groups with an independent t-test and the difference was not significant. It is likely that a difference in BRS was not seen between groups since the difference in BMI between groups was small. As well, differences in BRS may not have manifested yet at this early age. However, the cardiovascular health of this population still deserves attention since differences in body composition and fitness were found between groups.


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One major component of power system operation is generation scheduling. The objective of the work is to develop efficient control strategies to the power scheduling problems through Reinforcement Learning approaches. The three important active power scheduling problems are Unit Commitment, Economic Dispatch and Automatic Generation Control. Numerical solution methods proposed for solution of power scheduling are insufficient in handling large and complex systems. Soft Computing methods like Simulated Annealing, Evolutionary Programming etc., are efficient in handling complex cost functions, but find limitation in handling stochastic data existing in a practical system. Also the learning steps are to be repeated for each load demand which increases the computation time.Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a method of learning through interactions with environment. The main advantage of this approach is it does not require a precise mathematical formulation. It can learn either by interacting with the environment or interacting with a simulation model. Several optimization and control problems have been solved through Reinforcement Learning approach. The application of Reinforcement Learning in the field of Power system has been a few. The objective is to introduce and extend Reinforcement Learning approaches for the active power scheduling problems in an implementable manner. The main objectives can be enumerated as:(i) Evolve Reinforcement Learning based solutions to the Unit Commitment Problem.(ii) Find suitable solution strategies through Reinforcement Learning approach for Economic Dispatch. (iii) Extend the Reinforcement Learning solution to Automatic Generation Control with a different perspective. (iv) Check the suitability of the scheduling solutions to one of the existing power systems.First part of the thesis is concerned with the Reinforcement Learning approach to Unit Commitment problem. Unit Commitment Problem is formulated as a multi stage decision process. Q learning solution is developed to obtain the optimwn commitment schedule. Method of state aggregation is used to formulate an efficient solution considering the minimwn up time I down time constraints. The performance of the algorithms are evaluated for different systems and compared with other stochastic methods like Genetic Algorithm.Second stage of the work is concerned with solving Economic Dispatch problem. A simple and straight forward decision making strategy is first proposed in the Learning Automata algorithm. Then to solve the scheduling task of systems with large number of generating units, the problem is formulated as a multi stage decision making task. The solution obtained is extended in order to incorporate the transmission losses in the system. To make the Reinforcement Learning solution more efficient and to handle continuous state space, a fimction approximation strategy is proposed. The performance of the developed algorithms are tested for several standard test cases. Proposed method is compared with other recent methods like Partition Approach Algorithm, Simulated Annealing etc.As the final step of implementing the active power control loops in power system, Automatic Generation Control is also taken into consideration.Reinforcement Learning has already been applied to solve Automatic Generation Control loop. The RL solution is extended to take up the approach of common frequency for all the interconnected areas, more similar to practical systems. Performance of the RL controller is also compared with that of the conventional integral controller.In order to prove the suitability of the proposed methods to practical systems, second plant ofNeyveli Thennal Power Station (NTPS IT) is taken for case study. The perfonnance of the Reinforcement Learning solution is found to be better than the other existing methods, which provide the promising step towards RL based control schemes for practical power industry.Reinforcement Learning is applied to solve the scheduling problems in the power industry and found to give satisfactory perfonnance. Proposed solution provides a scope for getting more profit as the economic schedule is obtained instantaneously. Since Reinforcement Learning method can take the stochastic cost data obtained time to time from a plant, it gives an implementable method. As a further step, with suitable methods to interface with on line data, economic scheduling can be achieved instantaneously in a generation control center. Also power scheduling of systems with different sources such as hydro, thermal etc. can be looked into and Reinforcement Learning solutions can be achieved.


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Changes to the behaviour of subseasonal precipitation extremes and active-break cycles of the Indian summer monsoon are assessed in this study using pre-industrial and 2 × CO2 integrations of the Hadley Centre coupled model HadCM3, which is able to simulate the monsoon seasonal cycle reasonably. At 2 × CO2, mean summer rainfall increases slightly, especially over central and northern India. The mean intensity of daily precipitation during the monsoon is found to increase, consistent with fewer wet days, and there are increases to heavy rain events beyond changes in the mean alone. The chance of reaching particular thresholds of heavy rainfall is found to approximately double over northern India, increasing the likelihood of damaging floods on a seasonal basis. The local distribution of such projections is uncertain, however, given the large spread in mean monsoon rainfall change and associated extremes amongst even the most recent coupled climate models. The measured increase of the heaviest precipitation events over India is found to be broadly in line with the degree of atmospheric warming and associated increases in specific humidity, lending a degree of predictability to changes in rainfall extremes. Active-break cycles of the Indian summer monsoon, important particularly due to their effect on agricultural output, are shown to be reasonably represented in HadCM3, in particular with some degree of northward propagation. We note an intensification of both active and break events, particularly when measured against the annual cycle, although there is no suggestion of any change to the duration or likelihood of monsoon breaks. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society