618 resultados para Absoluto


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En su combate radical contra la dialéctica hegeliana-marxiana, la crítica genealógica- deconstructivista llevó hasta sus últimas consecuencias la demolición de ideas tales como verdad, historia, razón, etc. Así, pretendiendo haber resuelto dichos problemas mediante el sencillo trámite del "asesinato" (recordemos que la "era post" se vanaglorió por haber "acabado" con el hombre, el sujeto, los relatos emancipatorios, etc.), contribuyó a disolver el espesor trágico de un conflicto latente aunque disimulado (operación que, paradójicamente, le imputaba a la dialéctica). La filosofía de Adorno nos brinda el aliento necesario para insistir con la pertinencia de ciertos fundamentos ("momentos de verdad") allí donde sólo parecía quedar lugar para las múltiples perspectivas; para reinstalar el conflicto en ese preciso escenario que creímos (des)habitado por el más absoluto vacío; para volver a pensar como problemas aquellas eternas cuestiones (el orden, la violencia, la historia, la verdad, la política, etc.) que creímos haber superado mágicamente; para vislumbrar el agonismo trágico en el (impolítico) horizonte de la huida, el exilio y el intransigente nomadismo


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El trabajo muestra los resultados de una investigación realizada sobre el sistema de educación superior brasileño, con datos estadísticos de las últimas tres décadas. Se analizan los datos provenientes del Censo de la Educación Superior 2004, del cuestionario socioeconómico del Examen Nacional de Desempeño de los Estudiantes 2004 y de la Investigación Nacional de Muestra de Domicilios 2004. Fueron considerados también datos oficiales que muestran la evolución del sector desde 1980 hasta 2004 y datos internacionales de la UNESCO. Los datos muestran que el sector privado predomina en número de instituciones, matrículas, cursos, concluyentes y vacantes. En el período estudiado, las instituciones públicas crecieron sólo el 12, pero son las que tienen mayores matrículas en algunas regiones del país: el norte y el nordeste (las más pobres), mientras que las privadas predominan en el sur y sudeste (más ricas). Se observa, también, el predomínio absoluto de los egresados de los cursos de Administración, Derecho y Pedagogía, especialmente en el sector privado


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O presente trabalho busca apresentar a relação entre retorno da religião e secularização no pensamento de Gianni Vattimo. O ponto de partida se dá na reflexão vattimiana sobre a superação da metafísica desde o anúncio nietzscheano da morte de Deus e do anúncio heideggeriano de fim da metafísica, ambos são equivalentes. O retorno da religião acontece em duas modalidades: na sociedade e na filosofia, como conseqüência da impossibilidade de um fundamento absoluto. A secularização, como enfraquecimento das estruturas metafísicas, está ao mesmo tempo na motivação do retorno da religião como em sua configuração.(AU)


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O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é colocar em relevo o processo de precarização e perda da autonomia do trabalho docente. Este processo está relacionado diretamente à centralização, no Estado de São Paulo, da política educacional. Esta centralização ocorreu de forma combinada com a desconcentração das tarefas administrativas e do financiamento do sistema. O conceito de descentralização, que é amplamente difundido na década de 1990 no ensino público, significa medidas no sentido de liberar o Estado das suas responsabilidades. O que não quer dizer, em absoluto, transferir para a comunidade escolar, como é propagandeado pela ideologia neoliberal, maior autonomia das unidades escolares. No Estado de São Paulo este processo de centralização do poder não ocorre apenas nas questões de administração escolar (atividade-meio), mas também sobre os principais elementos ligados ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem: currículo, formação docente e avaliação do ensino, por exemplo. Estes elementos foram combinados com a desconcentração das tarefas administrativas e de financiamento da escola. Para que o docente tenha autonomia e possa, efetivamente, contribuir de maneira significativa para a formação das novas gerações é imprescindível que participe diretamente do processo de construção curricular, da gestão escolar e, principalmente, da autogestão de seu trabalho. O problema que procuramos apontar é que as políticas educacionais não têm contribuído para estes objetivos. Vejamos: a avaliação externa que não se trata apenas de uma política aplicada no estado e nem em determinado governo é, na verdade, uma política de Estado; extrai do professor, em boa medida, o controle do processo de avaliação do ensino e da aprendizagem. O Regime de Progressão Continuada, instituído pelo Conselho Estadual de Educação, é um mecanismo para determinar a partir de cima a promoção indiscriminada dos alunos, confirmando a pseudo-autonomia dos docentes e dos Conselhos Gestores das Unidades Escolares. Faltam as condições materiais e espirituais para que os docentes possam desempenhar de forma adequada seu trabalho. Por isso, se faz necessária uma denúncia no sentido de que o professor está impossibilitado objetivamente de realizar o trabalho de maneira a contribuir para a formação integral dos alunos. As mudanças do ponto de vista estrutural só podem realizar-se a partir da luta político-social para quebrar a estrutura hierárquica construída no interior das escolas e sustentada nas demais instâncias do sistema de ensino e na sociedade. O trabalho docente precisa se realizar dentro de um ambiente que lhe permita, de fato, desenvolver a sua autonomia a partir de um processo de reflexão sobre sua prática e de uma prática orientada pela sua reflexão. Mas, se não adentramos na condição extremamente precária deste trabalho na atualidade - e esta precariedade não diz respeito apenas a fragmentos da totalidade dos problemas estruturais que envolvem o trabalho docente - não podemos contribuir para o real desenvolvimento da sua autonomia e da superação da crise estrutural da escola pública.(AU)


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Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos imediatos do Kinesio Taping® no desempenho neuromuscular do Quadríceps Femoral (QF) de indivíduos submetidos à reconstrução do Ligamento Cruzado Anterior (LCA). Metodologia: trata-se de um ensaio clínico e randomizado composto por 45 indivíduos do sexo masculino que se encontravam entre 12ª e 17ª semanas após reconstrução do LCA. Todos foram submetidos a uma avaliação inicial composta pela análise do equilíbrio postural, através da baropodometria; determinação do Senso de Posição Articular (SPA), seguidas das avaliações isocinéticas excêntricas e concêntricas a 600/s, concomitante com a captação do sinal eletromiográfico do músculo Vasto Lateral (VL). Posteriormente foram alocados de forma aleatória em Grupo Controle (GC), Grupo Placebo (GP) e Grupo Experimental (GE). Os indivíduos do GE foram submetidos ao protocolo sugerido (aplicação do Kinesio Taping® no QF do membro acometido), enquanto os do GP utilizaram a aplicação do Kinesio Taping® sem as recomendações propostas pelo método. Já os indivíduos do GC permaneceram em repouso por dez minutos, sendo todos os indivíduos submetidos a uma reavaliação de forma idêntica à primeira. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: pico de torque médio, pico de torque/peso corporal, potência muscular e erro absoluto do SPA para a dinamometria; amplitude ântero-posterior e médio-lateral para a baropodometria; e a amplitude de ativação muscular (Root Means Square - RMS) por meio da eletromiografia de superfície. Resultados: Nenhuma das variáveis analisadas apresentou diferenças intergrupo ou intragrupo. Conclusão: O Kinesio Taping® não altera o desempenho neuromuscular do quadríceps femoral de indivíduos submetidos à reconstrução do LCA para nenhuma das variáveis analisadas.


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The role of steroids hormones on the behavior of vertebrates have been described as organizational and activational effects. These actions occur in different periods of the ontogenetic development as fetal, early post natal and during puberty (organizational effect) or modifying the expression of behavioral patterns during time life (activational effects). Studies on brain lateralization in hand use in human and non-human primates have shown that sexual hormones seems to participate in the process of handedness strength that begins in the puberal period and is stabilized at the adult age. The aim of this study was to investigate in adult male Callithrix jacchus if the strength of use of the hand in common marmoset adult male is stable (organizational effect) or androgens variations could affect its stability (activational effect). The preferential use of one hand in 14 common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus was studied in two contexts: (1) spontaneous holding food and directing the food to mouth (feeding episodes), and (2) forced reaching food tests where the animal have to reach the food through a hole within a cover plate with a central hole that allow the use of one hand only to reach the food. The records were made during 5 sessions/20 bouts each during baseline totalizing 100 episodes before two treatments. Firstly it was used GnRH antagonist: a single subcutaneous injection of 100µg de Cetrotide – acetate of cetrorrelix (Baxter Oncology GmbH, Germany) (n=10). Secondly, a single GnRH injection of 0.2mg of GnRH (Sigma – Aldrich) (n= 8) was used. After injections 20 successful attempts of hand use episodes was recorded in the 1st , 2 nd, 7th, 15th and 30 th days, totalizing in the whole period 100 episodes for each context, after both treatments. Fecal sampling to measure extracted fecal androgens was performed in all days of data collection across the length of the basal and during the experimental periods. Statistical analysis by mixed model, Tukey test to compare mean values after the two treatments, and Levene test to compare mean variance were used, all for p-value < 0.05. In basal phase 6 animals used preferentially the right hand, 5 the left and 3 were ambidextrous. Mean handedness index in basal phase were different from that after both treatment starting at 7th day. Mean variance of handedness index for spontaneous and forced activities does not differs before and after both treatments but the mean values for GnRH index were higher than that observed for its antagonist. These findings suggested that androgens have an activational effect on handedness in adult male C. jacchus


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Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability among adults and motor relearning is essential in motor sequelae recovery. Therefore, various techniques have been proposed to achieve this end, among them Virtual Reality. The aim of the study was to evaluate electroencephalographic activity of stroke patients in motor learning of a virtual reality-based game. The study included 10 patients with chronic stroke, right-hande; 5 with left brain injury (LP), mean age 48.8 years (± 4.76) and 5 with injury to the right (RP), mean age 52 years (± 10.93). Participants were evaluated for electroencephalographic (EEG) activity and performance while performing 15 repetitions of darts game in XBOX Kinect and also through the NIHSS, MMSE, Fugl-Meyer and the modified Ashworth scale. Patients underwent a trainning with 45 repetitions of virtual darts game, 12 sessions in four weeks. After training, patients underwent reassessment of EEG activity and performance in virtual game of darts (retention). Data were analyzed using ANOVA for repeated measures. According to the results, there were differences between the groups (PD and PE) in frequencies Low Alpha (p = 0.0001), High Alpha (p = 0.0001) and Beta (p = 0.0001). There was an increase in alpha activation powers and a decrease in beta in the phase retention of RP group. In LP group was observed increased alpha activation potency, but without decrease in beta activation. Considering the asymmetry score, RP group increased brain activation in the left hemisphere with the practice in the frontal areas, however, LP group had increased activation of the right hemisphere in fronto-central areas, temporal and parietal. As for performance, it was observed a decrease in absolute error in the game for RP group between assessment and retention (p = 0.015), but this difference was not observed for LP group (p = 0.135). It follows then that the right brain injury patients benefited more from darts game training in the virtual environment with respect to the motor learning process, reducing neural effort in ipsilesionais areas and errors with the practice of the task. In contrast, patients with lesions in left hemisphere decrease neural effort in contralesionais areas important for motor learning and showed no performance improvements with practice of 12 sessions of virtual dart game. Thus, the RV can be used in rehabilitation of stroke patients upper limb, but the laterality of the injury should be considered in programming the motor learning protocol.


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This work presents an analysis of the behavior of some algorithms usually available in stereo correspondence literature, with full HD images (1920x1080 pixels) to establish, within the precision dilemma versus runtime applications which these methods can be better used. The images are obtained by a system composed of a stereo camera coupled to a computer via a capture board. The OpenCV library is used for computer vision operations and processing images involved. The algorithms discussed are an overall method of search for matching blocks with the Sum of the Absolute Value of the difference (Sum of Absolute Differences - SAD), a global technique based on cutting energy graph cuts, and a so-called matching technique semi -global. The criteria for analysis are processing time, the consumption of heap memory and the mean absolute error of disparity maps generated.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of cashew bagasse bran (CBB) as food ingredient in qualitative feed restriction programs on the carcass traits, meat quality, organs weight and intestinal morphometry of barrows and gilts. Twenty – four crossbred pigs were used (12 barrows and 12 gilts) with an average initial body weight of 57.93 ± 3.67 kg/LW. The experimental designs was in randomized blocks 3x2 factorial arrangement with three level (0%, 15% e 30% CBB), two genders (barrows and gilts) and four repetition. A total of twenty-four instalments. The treatments were composed of basal diet (BD) formulated with corn, soybean meal and commercial base mix for finishing pigs, being containing different levels of CBB. At the end of the trial period the animals were slaughtered for the evaluation of the meat quality, traits carcass, Absolute Weight (AW) and Relative Weight (RW) of the organs and morphometric study of small intestine fragment. The inclusion of (CBB) in the diets did not affect the traits carcass of gilts, but interfered in the traits carcass of the barrow positively, increasing the yield of meat into cold carcass and reducing the thickness of subcutaneous fat, without affecting the fatty acid profile. However, we observed increased weight of organs and partial volume of absortiva mucosa of gilts. In the comparison between sex was observed a greater liver weight (AW) and (RW), and surface density of absortiva mucosa of barrow. The use of CBB was considered as ingredient to be used in programs of qualitative feed restriction for finishing pigs.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of cashew bagasse bran (CBB) as food ingredient in qualitative feed restriction programs on the carcass traits, meat quality, organs weight and intestinal morphometry of barrows and gilts. Twenty – four crossbred pigs were used (12 barrows and 12 gilts) with an average initial body weight of 57.93 ± 3.67 kg/LW. The experimental designs was in randomized blocks 3x2 factorial arrangement with three level (0%, 15% e 30% CBB), two genders (barrows and gilts) and four repetition. A total of twenty-four instalments. The treatments were composed of basal diet (BD) formulated with corn, soybean meal and commercial base mix for finishing pigs, being containing different levels of CBB. At the end of the trial period the animals were slaughtered for the evaluation of the meat quality, traits carcass, Absolute Weight (AW) and Relative Weight (RW) of the organs and morphometric study of small intestine fragment. The inclusion of (CBB) in the diets did not affect the traits carcass of gilts, but interfered in the traits carcass of the barrow positively, increasing the yield of meat into cold carcass and reducing the thickness of subcutaneous fat, without affecting the fatty acid profile. However, we observed increased weight of organs and partial volume of absortiva mucosa of gilts. In the comparison between sex was observed a greater liver weight (AW) and (RW), and surface density of absortiva mucosa of barrow. The use of CBB was considered as ingredient to be used in programs of qualitative feed restriction for finishing pigs.


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In the last decades the study of integer-valued time series has gained notoriety due to its broad applicability (modeling the number of car accidents in a given highway, or the number of people infected by a virus are two examples). One of the main interests of this area of study is to make forecasts, and for this reason it is very important to propose methods to make such forecasts, which consist of nonnegative integer values, due to the discrete nature of the data. In this work, we focus on the study and proposal of forecasts one, two and h steps ahead for integer-valued second-order autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity processes [INARCH (2)], and in determining some theoretical properties of this model, such as the ordinary moments of its marginal distribution and the asymptotic distribution of its conditional least squares estimators. In addition, we study, via Monte Carlo simulation, the behavior of the estimators for the parameters of INARCH(2) processes obtained using three di erent methods (Yule- Walker, conditional least squares, and conditional maximum likelihood), in terms of mean squared error, mean absolute error and bias. We present some forecast proposals for INARCH(2) processes, which are compared again via Monte Carlo simulation. As an application of this proposed theory, we model a dataset related to the number of live male births of mothers living at Riachuelo city, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.


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In the last decades the study of integer-valued time series has gained notoriety due to its broad applicability (modeling the number of car accidents in a given highway, or the number of people infected by a virus are two examples). One of the main interests of this area of study is to make forecasts, and for this reason it is very important to propose methods to make such forecasts, which consist of nonnegative integer values, due to the discrete nature of the data. In this work, we focus on the study and proposal of forecasts one, two and h steps ahead for integer-valued second-order autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity processes [INARCH (2)], and in determining some theoretical properties of this model, such as the ordinary moments of its marginal distribution and the asymptotic distribution of its conditional least squares estimators. In addition, we study, via Monte Carlo simulation, the behavior of the estimators for the parameters of INARCH(2) processes obtained using three di erent methods (Yule- Walker, conditional least squares, and conditional maximum likelihood), in terms of mean squared error, mean absolute error and bias. We present some forecast proposals for INARCH(2) processes, which are compared again via Monte Carlo simulation. As an application of this proposed theory, we model a dataset related to the number of live male births of mothers living at Riachuelo city, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.


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This thesis aims to analyze the cross exhibition in sessions halls and audiences of the judiciary, considered the religious freedom and the limitations arising from the idea of State neutrality. It is known that the 1988 Constitution protects freedom of expression of thought, conscience and religion, in its various aspects, proclaiming, on the other hand, the neutrality of the state, to reinforce these same freedoms. Thus, the aim is to avoid confusion between state and religion, admitted, however, collaboration of public interest, in respect of attitude to the beliefs and individual choices of citizens. In modern societies, the dualism between the civil power and religion has to do with laicity and a broader phenomenon that took the name of secularism, meaning the loss of space of religion in societies or even decreased idea religious belonging. It is based on this finding that the work develops with reference to concepts such as civil society and rule of law relevant to an accurate understanding of the problem. The methodology consists of bibliographic and documentary research through books and thesis, in addition to the legislation and some precedents related to the topic in question, looking to investigate whether, even though the predominantly Catholic Brazilian people and recognized the strong influence that Christian values exercise on the public authorities, it is possible to sustain the symbolic differentiation state, a republic that is said secular and democratic and which has as one of the fundamental objectives to promote the good of all, without any form of discrimination. Starting from the idea that the presence in buildings and public institutions, symbols and Catholic imagery, like the crucifix, has some difficulty in reconciling the guarantee of religious freedom and the principle of laicity, the idea is to exactly propose a solution who can respect pluralism and diversity in a context where Catholicism remains a strong presence.


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Las recombinasas específicas de secuencia son herramientas muy valiosas en la generación de modificaciones génicas condicionales. Estos sistemas permiten controlar la recombinación de forma específica de tejido, temporalmente, o ambas, y sortean diversas limitaciones de los sistemas de knockout (KO) convencionales, como la letalidad embrionaria o la generación de mecanismos compensatorios. Actualmente los sistemas Cre/loxP y Flp/FRT son los más empleados tanto en modelos animales como vegetales. La necesidad de realizar modificaciones más complejas en un mismo organismo hace que sea primordial caracterizar otras recombinasas que complementen a las existentes. La b recombinasa (b-rec) es originaria del plásmido pSM19035 de Streptococcus pyogenes. A diferencia de Cre y Flp, que en ausencia de factores adicionales catalizan la integración en un nuevo sustrato, la b-rec necesita un sustrato superenrollado y un cofactor de la reacción, una proteína asociada a la cromatina (como la procariota Hbsu o la eucariota HMG1). Se ha demostrado que la b-rec cataliza de forma específicamente intramolecular (resolución o inversión) la recombinación en células eucariotas, tanto de sustratos episomales como integrados en la cromatina, lo que indica que el entorno eucariota es capaz de proveer del cofactor y del superenrollamiento necesarios para que la b-rec realice su función. En este trabajo hemos determinado que la tasa de recombinación mediada por la b-rec no se ve afectada en absoluto por la deficiencia en el cofactor HMG1, alcanzando el mismo valor de recombinación en MEF KO en HMG1 que en wt. Este y otros datos confirman que en el entorno eucariota hay otras proteínas accesorias que pueden actuar de cofactores y sugiere que estas reacciones pueden ocurrir en la mayor parte de tejidos y tipos celulares. Para estudiar detalladamente el potencial de la b-rec en eucariotas desarrollamos un sistema de RAGE (activación génica mediada por recombinación) dependiente de la actividad b-rec; este sistema ha resultado funcional tanto en sustratos episomales como en sustratos integrados en la cromatina. También hemos generado un vector retroviral que porta la proteína de fusión b-Egfp, permitiendo de forma rápida y eficiente la integración y expresión funcional de nuestra proteína...


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La intención de esta ponencia es fungir como un momento de articulación puntual en un conjunto de reflexiones, que encontrarían aquí un cierre que culminaría trabajos anteriores; a la vez que se constituiría como fundamento para la erección de posteriores indagaciones en torno al mismo esfuerzo. El motivo central, que alienta a estas páginas, lo constituye la preocupación acerca de la posibilidad de generar una práctica tendiente a la emancipación de las cadenas del presente en ligazón con una teoría crítica de la sociedad que no suspenda su momento crítico negativo en pos de la construcción de algún tipo de absoluto mitologizante. Esta ponencia se monta sobre presentaciones hechas en jornadas anteriores, en un intento por acercarnos a una reflexión conclusiva de las problemáticas que hemos venido planteando. Así, estas líneas, aprovecharán las ya expuestas indagaciones en torno a la obra de autores como Lukács y Horkheimer; para construir sobre ellas una mirada que nos permita iluminar, con nueva luz, el problema sistemático sobre el que se centra este trabajo. Con este objetivo se abordará, en primer lugar, las características del "tribunal crítico" que las diversas perspectivas planteadas proponen; en un esfuerzo por hallar el particular nexo entre la crítica y la acción que se postula para la transformación de lo criticado. Lo cual nos llevará a plantearnos cómo la consideración en torno a los fines impacta de manera fundamental en las posibilidades que la teoría tiene de conectarse con una práctica transformadora y no perder, en ese intento, su carácter progresivo. Conduciéndonos esto a señalar ciertas limitaciones con las que se topa un teoría crítica negativa; a partir de lo cual trazaremos algunos esbozos que intentarán plantear una posible forma de ligazón entre la teoría crítica y una práctica emancipatoria, donde el basamento para este planteo estará dado por la inconformista actitud del perseguidor