985 resultados para Abramson, Allen
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A chemical test previously described for the diagnosis of pregnancy was applied to the study of the excretion of gonadotropin in the urine during menstrual cycle. The chemical test is based on the selective adsorption by kaolim of the reducing substances biologically related to urinary gonadotropin. The active substance when acidified to pH 4.0 is adsorbed by the kolin and eluated with O.1N sodium hydroxide. The alkaline solution is treated by Somogyi's copper reagent and the excess not reduced is titrated by 0.005 N sodium thiosulfate. Gonadotropin is quantitatively addorbed by kaolin at pH 4.0 and eluated by alkaline solution as previously demonstrated by the A. (1). In the present paper the complete menstrual cycle was studied daily. It was observed that normally there are two distinct maxima of excretion. This study is based on 11 normal cycles (24-30 days) and 34 abnormal ones. Normal cycles showed a intramenstrual estrogens elimination from 200 to 260 mice units determinated by the Allen - Doisy full estrus smear test. The abnormal cycles belonging also to normal women showed much less estrogen excretion (14 to 25 mice units) Table II). In those cases with decreased estrogen excretion no fall in the curve after 14 th. day was observed. The A. suggest that the peaks of gonadotropin excretion is not related to the oculation but possibly due, the first one, to the follicle stimulating hormone and the second to the luteinizing hormone of hormone stimulating of the inerstitial tissue.
In Fortsetzung des ersten Teils des katalogs der Baumpollen Suedbrasiliens werden hier di Monimiaceen und Dilleniaceen behandelt. Phylogenetisch gehoeren die ersteren zur Gruppe der Lauraceen und Annonaceen, was durch den morphologischen Befund ihrer Pollen bestaetigt wird. Die Dilleniaceen gehoeren einer paralelen Gruppe an, stammen aber auch, wie die vorherigen, von primitiven magnoliaceen ab. Ihre Pollenkoerner sind sehr verschieden von allen bisher von uns untersuchten Familien. Innerhalb der Monimiaceen der feucht-tropischen Waelder Sued-brasiliens, wurden zwei morphologische Pollentypen gefunden: der erste bei Hennecartia omphalandra: runde Pollen mit einer gekoernten Oberflaeche; der zweite bei Mollinedia (bei allen untersuchten Arten): runde Pollen, auch mit gekoernter Oberflaeche, die aber ein subaequatoriales glatter Band besitxen. Bei beiden Gattungen wurden keine Oeffnungsvorichtungen beobachtet. Die Dilleniaceen wurden auch in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: Davilla angustifolia, Doliocarpus lasiogyne und Tetracera oblongata, deren Pollen je drei Colpori besitzen, waehrend Davilla rugosa mit vier Poren ausgestatte ist. Alle Gattungen besitzen eine netzartige Oberflaeche.
Weitere fuenf Familien werden in diesem 3. Teil des Katalogs der Baumpollen Suedbrasiliens auf ihre Pollenkoerner hin untersucht. Es handelt sich dabei um die Theaceae, Marcgraviaceae, Ochnaceae, Guttiferae und Quiinaceae. Phyllogenetisch schliessen sich diese Fainilien an die Dlleniaceae an. Die Pollenkoerner von Laplacea (Theaceae) unterscheiden sich deutlich von allen der anderen untersuchten Familien. Sie sind dreiporig und haben eine mit Stacheln besetzte Oberflaeche. Bei Marcgravia polyantha und Noranthea brasiliensis (Marcgraviaceae) stossen wir auf Pollenkoerner mit je drei Colpori. Beide Arten lassen sich aber durch ihre verschiedene Oberflaechenstruktur unterscheiden. Ouratea parviflora (Ochnaceae) hat sehr aehnliche Pollenkoerner wie Noranthea brasiliensis, mit drei Colpori, jedoch gleichzeitig auch andere mit vier Colpori. Unter den Guttiferae finden wir eine eigenartige Form bei Kielmeyera, deren Pollenkoerner alle in Tetraden auftreten. Das einzelne Korn hat wieder grosse Aehnlichkelt mit dem von Caryocar brasiliense (Caryoearaceae). Calophyllum brasiliense und Rheedia gardneriana unterscheiden sich erstens durch den groesseren Durchmesser der Koerner bei C. brasiliense und zweitens durch eine feinere Oberflaechenstruktur bei R, gardneriana. Clusia criuva ist dreiporig. Quiina glaziovii (Quiinaceae) ist vierporig und besitzt grosse Aehnlichkeit mit den Pollenkoernern von Davilla rugosa (Dilleniaceae).
Es werden die Muskeln, Sehnen und das Skelett der Fangbeine dreier Amphipoden-Arten verschiedener Gattungen beschrieben und mit einader verglichen. Es ergibt sich: 1 - dass in allen drei Arten der in der Basis gelegene Adduktor des Ischiums eine verlaengerte Sehne besizt, die bis zum proximalen rand des Merus reicht. Das ischium hat keinen Adduktor fuer den Merus in seinem Inneren. 2 - Dass bei phronima der Abduktor fuer das ischium (in der Basis gelegen) typisch ausgebildet ist; seine Sehne traegt eine Fissur. 3 - dass bei Hyperia der in der Basis gelegene Abduktor des Ischiums eine gegabelte Sehne besitzt, von der beide Aeste am Proximal-Rand des Ischiums inserieren. Im Ischium ist die Sehne des Abduktors des Merus fast bis zum Insertionspunkt des vorderen Astes der gegabelten Sehne der basis verlaengert. Ein Muskelband ist seitwaerts an der Sehne in ihrer ganzen Laenge befestigt, ein anderes liegt als sehnenloses band daneben. 4 - dass bei Themisto die Gabelung der Abduktorsehne ebenfalss zu beobachten ist, doch setzt sich der vordere Ast bis zum Proximalrand des Merus fort; vermutlich ist die Sehne des Abduktors des Merus (im Ischium gelegen) in diese Bildung eingegangen. 5 - dass diese eigenartige Sehnenbildung mit der funktion der Beine bei den drei verschiedenen Arten in direktem Zusammenhang steht.
Article describing the design standards and their use for Paralympic facilities. This article was published in the book entitled Olympic Villages: a hundred years of urban planning and shared experiences compiling the papers given at the 1997 International Symposium on International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB).
Twelve species of parasitic helminths, seven trematodes, four nematodes and one acanthocephalan are reported from various hosts. Creptotrema lynchi, a parasite from Bufo marinus in Colombia, is described for the first time in fish and from Brazil, parasitizing two different species. A list of the host species, measurements and figures of most parasites are included with particular reference to the tegument of Bellumcorpus major recovered from a new host. The genus Zonocotyloides Padilha, 1978 is considered a synonym of Zonocotyle and the new combination: Zonocotyle haroltravassosi is proposed to the species Zonocotyloides haroltravassosi Padilha, 1978. The nematodes Cucullanus pinnai and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus and the trematode Pararhipidocotyle jeffersoni are reported in new hosts. The description of the acanthocephalan Neoechinorhynchus curemais (new locality record) is supplemented. Other parasites recovered include the nematodes Travnema travnema (new locality record), Rondonia rondoni and the digenetic trematodes Cladocystis intestinalis, Pseudosellacotyla lutzi (new locality record), Teratotrema sp. and Zonocotyle bicaecata.
The hepatic, intestinal and cardiopulmonary lesions produced by Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium and S. japonicum in man and experimental animals often bear striking similarities but usually have distinctive features as well. These are often related to parasitologic differences. Thus S. japonicum and S. haematobium lay their eggs in clusters which elicit the formation of large composite granulomas. The worms of these two species also tend to be sedentary, remaining in a single location for prolonged periods, thus producing large focal lesions in the intestines or urinary tract. Worm pairs of these two species also are gregarious and many worm pairs are often found in a single lesion. The size of circumoval granulomas, and the degree of fibrosis, are T cell dependent. The modulation of granuloma size is largely T cell dependent in mice infected with S. mansoni but is mostly regulated by serum factors in S. japonicum infected mice. In spite of these differences in egg laying and immunoregulation both S. mansoni and S. japonicum produce Symmers' fibrosis in the chimpanzee while S. haematobium does not, despite the presence of numerous eggs in the liver.
Waist-hip ratio (WHR) is a measure of body fat distribution and a predictor of metabolic consequences independent of overall adiposity. WHR is heritable, but few genetic variants influencing this trait have been identified. We conducted a meta-analysis of 32 genome-wide association studies for WHR adjusted for body mass index (comprising up to 77,167 participants), following up 16 loci in an additional 29 studies (comprising up to 113,636 subjects). We identified 13 new loci in or near RSPO3, VEGFA, TBX15-WARS2, NFE2L3, GRB14, DNM3-PIGC, ITPR2-SSPN, LY86, HOXC13, ADAMTS9, ZNRF3-KREMEN1, NISCH-STAB1 and CPEB4 (P = 1.9 × 10⁻⁹ to P = 1.8 × 10⁻⁴⁰) and the known signal at LYPLAL1. Seven of these loci exhibited marked sexual dimorphism, all with a stronger effect on WHR in women than men (P for sex difference = 1.9 × 10⁻³ to P = 1.2 × 10⁻&supl;³). These findings provide evidence for multiple loci that modulate body fat distribution independent of overall adiposity and reveal strong gene-by-sex interactions.
Cytokines are important in the cell-mediated response to Schistosoma mansoni eggs. We have found that Th2 cytokine responses (e.G. IL-4 and IL-5) are argumented after egg laying begins while the response (IL-2 and IFN-*) are down regulated in S. mansoni infected mice. Treatment of mice with anti-IL-5 monoclonal antibodies (Mab) suppressed the eosinophil response almost completley but did not affect granuloma size and slightly increased hepatic fibrosis. Anti-IL-4 treatment abolished IgE responses in infected mice and decreased hepatic fibrosis slightly. Anti-IFN-* treatment had no effect on hepatic pathology. Anti-IL-2 treatment decreased granuloma size significantly and decreased hepatic fibrosis markedly. Anti-IL-2 treatment dramatically decreased IL-5 secretion by splenic cells in vitro and decreased peripheral blood and tissue eosinophilia. In contrast IL-4 secretion was unaffected and serum IgE was normal or increased. IL-2 and IFN-* secretion by splenic cells of treated mice were slightly but not significantly increased suggesting that anti-IL-2 treatment affecting Th2 rather than Th1 responses.
In this paper a discussin is made on the pathogenesis of schistosomiasis mansoni in mice, presented from the perspectives of "processes", "mediators", "strategies for study" and vasculitis are discussed. The role of mediators, including cells, antibodies and immune complexes, cytokines and distal mediators is commented as related to the pathological processes occuring in schistosomiasis. Finally, strategies for study are presented, followed by a discussion on the etiopathogenesis of the different clinical stages and pathologic manifestations of schistosomiasis mansoni.
Rekapitulation der Thesen und Ergebnisse In den nachfolgenden Abschnitten werden zur besseren Übersicht nochmals die zentralen Gesichtspunkte der Untersuchung und der wichtigsten Resultate zusammengefasst Zum Schluss werden die Untersuchungsergebnisse noch unter dem Blickwinkel ihrer praktischen Konsequenzen für die Umsetzung einzelner drogenpolitischer Zielsetzungen ausgewertet und die Problembereiche identifiziert, welche zusätzliche Forschungsanstrengungen erforderlich machen A Theoriebildung und Forschungsansatz Die Untersuchung verwendet einen multimodalen methodischen Ansatz (direkte Befragung Strafaktenanalyse und Auswertung amtlicher Statistiken) zur Analyse typischer Anpassungsmechanismen und konkreter Handlungsstrategien als Reaktion auf den behördliche Repression des lokalen Drogenmarktgeschehens Sie fokussiert auf den Kreis regelmäßiger Heroin und/oder Kokainkonsumenten die sich zeitweilig an bekannten Treffpunkten der sogenannten <
Warming experiments are increasingly relied on to estimate plant responses to global climate change. For experiments to provide meaningful predictions of future responses, they should reflect the empirical record of responses to temperature variability and recent warming, including advances in the timing of flowering and leafing. We compared phenology (the timing of recurring life history events) in observational studies and warming experiments spanning four continents and 1,634 plant species using a common measure of temperature sensitivity (change in days per degree Celsius). We show that warming experiments underpredict advances in the timing of flowering and leafing by 8.5-fold and 4.0-fold, respectively, compared with long-term observations. For species that were common to both study types, the experimental results did not match the observational data in sign or magnitude. The observational data also showed that species that flower earliest in the spring have the highest temperature sensitivities, but this trend was not reflected in the experimental data. These significant mismatches seem to be unrelated to the study length or to the degree of manipulated warming in experiments. The discrepancy between experiments and observations, however, could arise from complex interactions among multiple drivers in the observational data, or it could arise from remediable artefacts in the experiments that result in lower irradiance and drier soils, thus dampening the phenological responses to manipulated warming. Our results introduce uncertainty into ecosystem models that are informed solely by experiments and suggest that responses to climate change that are predicted using such models should be re-evaluated.