990 resultados para AII15-765
Three assays were carried out to determine the digestible methionine+cystine (Met+Cys) requirement for ISA Label broilers from both sexes. The birds were reared in free range system on starting phase (1 to 28 days), growing phase (28 to 56 days) and finishing phase (56 to 84 days). Four hundred and eighty birds were distributed into 24 pens, each one composed of shelter (3.13 m(2)) and pasture (72.87 m(2)). The experimental design was completely randomized with eight treatments as factorial arrangement (four Met+Cys levels and two sexes) with three replicates of 20 birds. The digestible Met+Cys levels were 0.532; 0.652; 0.772; 0.892% for starting phase; 0.515; 0.635; 0.755; 0.875% for growing phase and 0.469; 0.589; 0.709; 0.829% for finishing phase. The analyzed parameters were performance, carcass yield, body protein and fat deposition, weight and protein concentration in feathers. In the starting phase, the digestible Met+Cys level estimated for males was 0.765 and 0.803% for females, corresponding to 0.252 and 0.268% of Met+Cys/Mcal of ME, respectively. For the growing phase, the digestible Met+Cys level estimated was 0.716% for both sexes, corresponding to 0.235% of Met+Cys/Mcal of ME. For the finishing phase, the Met+Cys levels were 0.756 and 0.597% for males and females, corresponding to 0.244 and 0.193% of Met+Cys/Mcal of ME respectively.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O silício não é considerado um elemento essencial para o crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas, entretanto, sua absorção traz inúmeros benefícios, principalmente ao arroz, como aumento da espessura da parede celular, conferindo resistência mecânica a penetração de fungos, melhora o ângulo de abertura das folhas tornando-as mais eretas, diminuindo o auto-sombreamento e aumentando a resistência ao acamamento, especialmente sob altas doses de nitrogênio. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da adubação nitrogenada e silicatada nos componentes vegetativos, nos componentes da produção, na altura da planta e na produtividade da cultivar de arroz IAC 202. O experimento foi constituído da combinação de três doses de nitrogênio (5, 75 e 150 mg de N kg-1 de solo) aplicado na forma de uréia e quatro doses de silício (0, 200, 400 e 600 mg de SiO2 kg-1 de solo), aplicado na forma de silicato de cálcio. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 ´ 4 (N = 5). A adubação nitrogenada aumentou o número de colmos e panículas por metro quadrado e o número total de espiguetas, refletindo na produtividade de grãos. O perfilhamento excessivo causado pela adubação nitrogenada inadequada causou redução na porcentagem de colmos férteis, na fertilidade das espiguetas e da massa de grãos. A adubação silicatada reduziu o número de espiguetas chochas por panícula e aumentou a massa de grãos sem, contudo, refletir na produtividade de grãos.
Avaliou-se a patogenicidade do isolado IBCB 473 de Verticillium lecanii no pulgão-do-pinus Cinara atlantica (Hemiptera, Aphididae), inseto-praga em plantios de Pinus spp. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições por tratamento e cada repetição constituída de uma placa de Petri (9 cm de diâmetro) contendo 10 ninfas. Foram testadas suspensões de inóculo nas concentrações de 1,0 ' 10(6); 0,5 ' 10(7); 1,0 ' 10(7); 0,5 ' 10(8); e 1,0 ' 10(8) conídios/mL, pulverizando-se 1 mL sobre as ninfas. Como tratamento-testemunha, utilizou-se água esterilizada. As placas de Petri foram mantidas em câmara climatizada a 25 ± 1 °C, 70 ± 10% de UR e fotofase de 12 horas. As avaliações foram realizadas diariamente, anotando-se a mortalidade dos indivíduos de cada tratamento. A dose mais eficiente foi de 1,0 x 10(8) conídios/mL, causando mortalidade de 86,0% após cinco dias da pulverização. Os valores de TL50 das concentrações utilizadas foram de 5,82; 5,24; 4,60; 4,34; e 3,83 dias, respectivamente.
The fission-track method (FTM) in apatite was applied to 45 samples collected in the Serra da Mantiqueira (Mantiqueira mountain range), the Serra do Mar (Mar mountain range), regions next to these mountain ranges and the coastal region between Ubatuba and Santos in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, to study the thermochronology of the South American Platform in southeast Brazil and its influence on Santos and Campos basins. The data presented in this work complement the previously presented data on the same region (Tello Saenz et al., 2003. J. S. Am. Earth Sci. 15, 765-774) with 31 new samples analyzed. The weighted mean of the corrected ages from high Mantiqueira (around 1000 m), (121 +/- 6) Ma, coincides with the South Atlantic opening. The fact that its thermal history starts at a relatively low temperature (similar to 80 degrees C) suggests that the age of similar to 120 Ma would be the formation age of Serra da Mantiqueira due to a rapid pulse, in which tracks had no time to be retained at the closure temperature, that is similar to 120 degrees C. The Serra do Mar presents a more complicated thermal history, with several reactivations indicated by the changes in the slope of its cooling curve. The thermal histories obtained in the regions next to these mountain ranges are compatible with the results mentioned above. The Santos Basin has unconformities that agree with changes in the slope thermal histories of the studied region. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work is intended to bring a contribuition to the verification of the prevalance of malocclusion in the deciduous, permanent and mixed dentition in the student population in the city of Natal, Brazil. In this purpose, a sectional study of infantiles aging 5, 8 and 12 years old was carried out. The average prevalance of malocclusions in the group as a whole was 76,5%. Considering the different dentitions separately, the study showed malocclusion prevalence as follows: Deciduous Dentition 75,5%; Mixed Dentition 84% and Permanent Dentition 70,5%. The most common malocclusion cases found in the deciduous dentition were openbite (20.6%); overbite (16.6%) and maxillary overjet (14,7). Mixed Dentition: the most commonly found occlusional malfunctions in this dentitional phase were maxillary overjet (33,8%); crowding (28,3%), and mandillary discrepancy (19,9%). In the univaried analysis, he application of the Chi square test of independence, (significance 5%), has indicated a meaningful association of the variables social class (p=0,019), primata space (p = 0,036), habits (p= 0,002) and time-and-habit (P=0,03). The same test on the permanent dentition group revealed a significant association for the independent variables, as follows: Social class (p=O,OOO), School (p=O,OOI), Income (p=O,OOO), housing standard (p=0,001), facial pattem (p=0,004), caries record (p=0,031). No significant association was found in the mixed dentition. The Logistic Regression analysis on the deciduous dentition has shown that income, ethnicity, habit and canine relationship constitute factors of risk regardless of the other variables. As for the permanent dentition, only Facial Pattem was pointed as a factor of risk for the formation of malocclusion
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem fenomenológica, objetivando descrever o significado de qualidade de vida, segundo relatos de idosos portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo II, e avaliar as repercussões da doença sobre sua vida. Entrevistamos 12 idosos diabéticos, no período de setembro a outubro de 2008, entre um e quarenta anos de evolução da doença. Foi feita a seguinte questão norteadora: Para o Sr. (a), o que significa qualidade de vida? A análise dos discursos mostrou facetas relevantes ligadas ao cotidiano do idoso com diabetes mellitus. Para eles, a qualidade de vida está intimamente relacionada à saúde física, independência na vida diária e econômica, integração social, suporte familiar e saúde mental-espiritual. A restrição alimentar foi o ponto de maior repercussão do diabetes sobre seu modo de viver. Verificou-se que cabe aos profissionais de saúde ampliar o diálogo profissional-paciente, promovendo autonomia e independência no cuidado e corresponsabilização.
Este estudo apresenta documentos de paralisia facial periférica nas artes plásticas no Egito antigo, Grécia e Roma, Idade Média, Renascimento e também dos últimos 4 séculos. Pensamos que a história da paralisia facial periférica acompanha a história da própria espécie humana. São apresentadas as contribuições de Avicenna e Nicolaus Friedreich, e são mostradas controvérsias sobre a descrição original de Charles Bell.
The effects of grain-based diets from C3 or C4-cycle plants on muscle delta C-13 change process in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings were investigated. Two groups of sex reversal males Nile tilapia fingerlings were fed with isoproteic (32.0% DP) and isocaloric (3200 kcal DE/kg) diets, differing from each other by their delta C-13. Muscle samples were collected and the carbon isotopic composition was measured. For C4 diet, the formula for the muscle delta C-13 change related to the intake time of a new diet was delta C-13=- 14.88 - 9.2 1 e(-0.0209t) and the half-life (T) of the muscle carbon was 33.2 days. For C3 diet, the formula was delta C-13 = - 25.43 + 8.59e(-0.0533), with T = 13 days. The C3 diet was considered more appropriate based on its palatability and consequent larger food intake than the C4 diet, resulting in an increased muscle delta C-13 change rate. However, for future studies, would be necessary to mix both the C3 and C4 feedstuffs to formulate diets nutritionally appropriated, with contrasting stable isotopes signatures. Tissue delta C-13 change rate is therefore indicated as a promising tool to better understand the biotic and abiotic factors that influence nutrients utilization from the diet and animal growth. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Rocha AL, Shirasu BK, Hayacibara RM, Magro-Filho O, Zanoni JN, Araujo MG. Clinical and histological evaluation of subepithelial connective tissue after collagen sponge implantation in the human palate. J Periodont Res 2012; 47: 758765. (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S Background and Objective: Successful root-coverage treatment depends on the thickness of the donor tissue. This study aimed to evaluate the thickness of donor tissue after augmentation of the connective tissue in the palatal area by implantation of lyophilized collagen sponge (Hemospon (R)). Material and Methods: Ten patients with an indication for root coverage, whose palate was deficient in adequate connective tissue, were recruited. The procedure was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the palatal thickness in the donor site was measured at three standardized points (points 1, 2 and 3), from the distal of the canine to the distal of the first molar, and the lyophilized collagen sponge was inserted. In the second stage, the palatal thickness over the implant was measured (at points 1, 2 and 3), two biopsies of the palatal mucosa were collected one over the implant (experimental sample) and the other on the contralateral side (control sample) and then root-coverage treatment was performed. Analyses consisted of clinical assessment of the palatal measurements before and after sponge implantation, and histological assessment of the experimental and control biopsy samples. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. Results: Both analyses showed a significant increase in mean thickness, of 1.08 mm of neoformed tissue in the clinical analysis (the tissue at point 2 was the thickest of the three points) and of 0.53 mm in the histological analysis. Conclusion: The insertion of lyophilized collagen sponge induced a significant increase in the thickness of palatal connective tissue.
1 Nitric oxide (NO) and alpha(2)-adrenoceptor and imidazoline agonists such as moxonidine may act centrally to inhibit sympathetic activity and decrease arterial pressure.2 In the present study, we investigated the effects of pretreatment with L-NAME ( NO synthesis inhibitor), injected into the 4th ventricle (4th V) or intravenously (i.v.), on the hypotension, bradycardia and vasodilatation induced by moxonidine injected into the 4th V in normotensive rats.3 Male Wistar rats with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the 4th V and anaesthetized with urethane were used. Blood flows were recorded by use of miniature pulsed Doppler flow probes implanted around the renal, superior mesenteric and low abdominal aorta.4 Moxonidine (20 nmol), injected into the 4th V, reduced the mean arterial pressure (-42+/-3 mmHg), heart rate (-22+/-7 bpm) and renal (-62+/-15%), mesenteric (-41+/-8%) and hindquarter (-50+/-8%) vascular resistances.5 Pretreatment with L-NAME (10 nmol into the 4th V) almost abolished central moxonidine-induced hypotension (-10+/-3 mmHg) and renal (-10+/-4%), mesenteric (-11+/-4%) and hindquarter (-13+/-6%) vascular resistance reduction, but did not affect the bradycardia (-18+/-8 bpm).6 the results indicate that central NO mechanisms are involved in the vasodilatation and hypotension, but not in the bradycardia, induced by central moxonidine in normotensive rats. British Journal of Pharmacology (2004).
For the first time, a complete X-ray diffraction data set has been collected from a myotoxic Asp49-phospholipase A(2) (Asp49-PLA(2)) with low catalytic activity (BthTX-II from Bothrops jararacussu venom) and a molecular-replacement solution has been obtained with a dimer in the asymmetric unit. The quaternary structure of BthTX-II resembles the myotoxin Asp49-PLA(2) PrTX-III (piratoxin III from B. pirajai venom) and all non-catalytic and myotoxic dimeric Lys49-PLA(2)s. In contrast, the oligomeric structure of BthTX-II is different from the highly catalytic and non-myotoxic BthA-I (acidic PLA(2) from B. jararacussu). Thus, comparison between these structures should add insight into the catalytic and myotoxic activities of bothropic PLA(2)s.