979 resultados para ACC deaminase
Members of the human APOBEC3 family of editing enzymes can inhibit various mobile genetic elements. APOBEC3A (A3A) can block the retrotransposon LINE-1 and the parvovirus adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) but does not inhibit retroviruses. In contrast, APOBEC3G (A3G) can block retroviruses but has only limited effects on AAV-2 or LINE-1. What dictates this differential target specificity remains largely undefined. Here, we modeled the structure of A3A based on its homology with the C-terminal domain of A3G and further compared the sequence of human A3A to those of 11 nonhuman primate orthologues. We then used these data to perform a mutational analysis of A3A, examining its ability to restrict LINE-1, AAV-2, and foreign plasmid DNA and to edit a single-stranded DNA substrate. The results revealed an essential functional role for the predicted single-stranded DNA-docking groove located around the A3A catalytic site. Within this region, amino acid differences between A3A and A3G are predicted to affect the shape of the polynucleotide-binding groove. Correspondingly, transferring some of these A3A residues to A3G endows the latter protein with the ability to block LINE-1 and AAV-2. These results suggest that the target specificity of APOBEC3 family members is partly defined by structural features influencing their interaction with polynucleotide substrates.
Background: A developmental dysregulation of glutathione (GSH) synthesis leading to oxidative stress, when combined with environmental risk factors (viral infections) generating reactive oxygen species, can play a critical role in inducing schizophrenia phenotypes. GSH deficit induces morphological, physiological and behavioral anomalies analogous to those reported in schizophrenic patients, including disrupted parvalbumine (PV) inhibitory interneuron's integrity and neuronal synchrony (β/γ-oscillations). Methods: We assessed PV immunoreactivity (PV-IR) and local synchronization in prefrontal cortex of two mouse models: (1) mice with a genetic deficit in GSH (GCLM-/-) and (2) mice with prenatal immune activation at embryonic day17 (PolyI:C). Results: Adults from both mice models display reduced PV-IR in prefrontal cortex. In anterior cingulate (ACC) of GCLM-/-, appearance and maturation of PVI are delayed and worsened with peribubertal stress but not in adult one. This effect is reversed by treatment with the GSH precursor N-acetyl-cysteine. The power of beta and gamma oscillations are decreased in ACC of GCLM-/- while they increased in prelimbic cortex of PolyI:C mice. Conclusions: Despite reduced PV-IR in both models, alteration of the synchronization was different, indicating that the structural/functional disruption of the cortical circuitry was partly different in both models. Novel therapeutic strategies are proposed, based on interference with oxidative stress and inflammatory processes.
In recent years, thin whitetopping has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavements. Numerous projects have been constructed and tested; these projects allow researchers to identify the important elements contributing to the projects’ successes. These elements include surface preparation, overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. Although the main factors affecting thin whitetopping performance have been identified by previous research, questions still existed as to the optimum design incorporating these variables. The objective of this research is to investigate the interaction between these variables over time. Laboratory testing and field-testing were planned in order to accomplish the research objective. Laboratory testing involved shear testing of the bond between the portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay and the ACC surface. Field-testing involved falling weight deflectometer deflection responses, measurement of joint faulting and joint opening, and visual distress surveys on the 9.6-mile project. The project was located on Iowa Highway 13 extending north from the city of Manchester, Iowa, to Iowa Highway 3 in Delaware County. Variables investigated included ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, and joint spacing. This report documents the planning, equipment selection, construction, field changes, and construction concerns of the project built in 2002. The data from this research could be combined with historical data to develop a design specification for the construction of thin, unbonded overlays.
In this day of the mature highway systems, a new set of problems is facing the highway engineer. The existing infrastructure has aged to or past the design life of the original pavement design. In many cases, increased commercial traffic is creating the need for additional load carrying capacity, causing state highway engineers to consider new alternatives for rehabilitation of existing surfaces. Alternative surface materials, thicknesses, and methods of installation must be identified to meet the needs of individual pavements and budgets. With overlays being one of the most frequently used rehabilitation alternatives, it is important to learn more about the limitations and potential performance of thin bonded portland cement overlays and subsequent rehabilitation. The Iowa ultra-thin project demonstrated the application of thin portland cement concrete overlays as a rehabilitation technique. It combined the variables of base preparation, overlay thickness, slab size, and fiber enhancement into a series of test sections over a 7.2-mile length. This report identifies the performance of the overlays in terms of deflection reduction, reduced cracking, and improved bonding between the portland cement concrete (PCC) and asphalt cement concrete (ACC) base layers. The original research project was designed to evaluate the variables over a 5-year period of time. A second project provided the opportunity to test overlay rehabilitation techniques and continue measurement of the original overlay performance for 5 additional years. All performance indicators identified exceptional performance over the 10-year evaluation period for each of the variable combinations considered. The report summarizes the research methods, results, and identifies future research ideas to aid the pavement overlay designer in the successful implementation of ultra-thin portland cement concrete overlays as an lternative pavement rehabilitation technique.
Productos sin una marca comercial publicitada ni reconocida, de envase y diseño aparentemente simples, vendidos generalmente en cadenas de supermercados, de precio reducido y con el logotipo de la empresa o cadena que los suministra, son los prototipos pertenecientes a las llamadas marcas blancas o de distribuidor, expresadas en la mayorÃa de los casos con las siglas MDD.Los primeros indicios de estos productos los situamos en Alemania justo despúes de su derrota en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En un contexto de verdadera crisis los alemanes dejaron de prestar atención al valor de la marca propulsando asà mercados dominados por precios bajos de productos sin marcas. La idea arreló con fuerza a las sociedades americanas y en 1869 en Gran Bretaña el supermercado Sainsbury lanzó al mercado su propia marca, ofreciendo una alta calidad juntamente con un excelente servicio a un precios claramente razonable. Estos productos también aparecieron en Francia en las manos de Coop. Más tarde, en la segunda parte de la década de los setenta, el fenómeno se translado a España con los productos Simago, donde empezó su denominación de marcas blancas, causa de sus sencillos envases, con frecuencia de color blanco, que indicaban sin más el producto contenido y el logotipo, en este caso de Simago. Pero si hay un hecho que marca el nacimiento de las marcas de distribuidor es cuando Carrefour lanzó en 1976 cinquenta productos libres o sin marcas del fabricante, con el fin de diferenciar el producto al incorporarle otra marca, la del distribuidor, ofreciendo precios competitivos sin disminuir la calidad. A partir de esta iniciativa las MDD adquierieron carta de naturaleza y como fénomeno consolidado fueron apareciendo en los distintos mercados de los paises más avanzados del mundo occidental.El intenso crecimiento de las marcas de distribuidor que se ha observado en estos últimos años en Europa, y consecuentemente también en España, a causa de la actual crisis económica, hizo despertar nuestro interés sobre estos nuevos y desconocidos conceptos de productos.¿Porqué la diferencia de precios es tan grande, cuando el producto es discretamente parecido?, ¿de dónde viene tanta polémica?, ¿qué hay detrás de la producción de las MDD?, ¿dónde nació éste concepto y cual puede ser su futuro?... Estas eran algunas de las preguntas cada vez que acudÃamos a algún supermercado, veÃamos algun anuncio o simplemente aparecÃan en los titulares de algún que otro periódico.Apasionadas de la actualidad y comprometidas por la economÃa, siempre nos ha gustado discutir nuestros puntos de vista distintos sobre estas cosas reales que nos distraen el dÃa a dÃa. AsÃ, compartiendo nuestra incertidumbre, en un primer lugar nos decantamos por pensar que la calidad de estos porductos deberÃa ser notablemente inferiror y que éste era el principal motivo de su precio reducido, pero hasta el momento todo se trataba de hipótesis no ontrastadas, y de pensamientos sin fundamento alguno.Nuestra duda continuaba y el hecho de pensar que eran de calidad inferior no obtuvo nuestra satisfacción. La sorpresa fue realmente grande cuando observamos que las pizzas Hacendado (productos del supermercado Mercadona) estaban producidas por la reconocida marca nacional de Casa Tarradellas, S.A. AquÃ, nuestro interés para averiguar si realmente estos productos se distinguÃan, aumentó de manera considerable, hasta el punto que no consideramos desapropiado utilizar esta motivación para emprender un trabajo de búsqueda e investigación como éste. Además deseábamos un tema de actualidad e innovador, donde una investigación nos aportara más información que un libro de texto y que nos permitiese un trabajo diferente y a la vez motivador.Definitivamente ya lo tenÃamos: las marcas blancas o de distribuidor cumplÃan todos estos requisitos.Nuestra pasión por entender porqués nos llevó a concretar métodos de quizás demasiada envergadura. Una de las primeras alternativas que brilló fue centrarnos en una única comparativa llevada a cabo de manera exhaustiva entre dos productos de igual tipologÃa, uno blanco y el otro nacional. Pero después de valorar listas de propuestas observarvamos que este método no nos darÃa unos resultados suficientemente fiables para poder cumplir con nuestros objetivos y sumándole la negativa de las empresas a dar la sufiente información para realizar el requerido análisis, decidimos en un primer lugar centrarnos en una parte puramente teórica, que consideramos que nos aportarÃa una buena base para empezar de manera estructural y no hacerlo desde cero.Esta primera parte del trabajo está encabezada por un estudio a nivel teórico del concepto general de marca y las estratégias de ésta que nos conduciran a profundizar en el concepto de marca blanca. à stas seran fuente de otro importante apartado teórico, las marcas de distribuidor, tema que lidera nuestro proyecto y que hemos considerado importante dar a conocer primero a nivel teórico el concepto de marca blanca asà como los motivos de su nacimiento.Una vez realizada la parte teórica y lejos de anteriores proyectos infinitos, nuestros conocimientos sobre el tema estudiado se habÃan ampliado de manera considerable, las lecturas de diversas opiniones de consumidores en páginas de Internet o Blogs de aficionados a la economÃa, estudios muchos de ellos facilitados por la Agència Catalana de Consum (ACC), numerosos libros de marqueting y diferentes tesis y finalmente notÃcias de prensa nos dieron cuenta que a nivel teórico habÃamos llegado a una comprensión completa de los conceptos que estábamos estudiando.SabÃamos quienes producian las marcas blancas, sabÃamos quien las consumÃa con más frecuencia, teniamos listas infinitas de noticias de periódicos para hablar de actualidad, sabÃamos los supermercados que habÃan decidico ofrecer estos productos, y quien producÃa todos estos productos. En fin, de saber, lo sabÃamos. Pero nos encontramos que a pesar de saberlo casi todo sobre las ya familiares marcas blancas, no sabÃamos como ordenar estas montañas de conocimientos que en pocas semanas habÃamos adquirido.Fue este el momento crÃtico del trabajo, pero duró poco, no podÃa ser saber tanto y saber tan poco. Asà que pensamos que la información que tanto habÃamos leÃdo y reeleÃdo se podÃa clasificar en tres grandes grupos, o puntos de vista.El primero de ellos serÃa el punto de vista del fabricante, al fin y al cabo alguien debe producir, asà que empezamos por donde se suele empezar, el principio.El segundo punto de vista serÃa el cliente de este fabricante, asà que tendrÃamos a los distribuidores, que no son mas que grandes cadenas de supermercados o de grandes superfÃcies.Y finalmente, quien compraba a los grandes almacenes era ni más ni menos que el consumidor, asà que el último punto de vista se trataba de estudiar el consumidor.Una vez comprendida y realizada la parte más práctica de las marcas de distribuidor, hemos incluido en el trabajo un apartado donde comentamos la actualidad y nos arriesgamos a hacer una pequeña hipótesis sobre cual puede ser el futuro de estas estratégias de marketing.Cabe mencionar que dada la gran envergadura actual de las MDD, preferimos centrarnos en la parte más primitiva de los productos blancos: los productos alimentarios de ámbito español. Esto permitió segmentar el complexo temario y no entrar en sectores téxtiles, de electrónica o en muchos otros ámbitos,donde hoy por hoy la marca blanca ha dejado también su huella, a la vez que concentrarnos en nuestro paÃs, dado que las estratégias seguidas tienen distintos matices según cada paÃs.Una vez estructurado y definido el trabajo, sólo nos faltaba ponernos manos a la obra y empezar a no parar, ahora sà todas nuestras dudas tendrÃan ya su respuesta.
BACKGROUND: APOBEC3G (apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3G) has antiretroviral activity associated with the hypermutation of viral DNA through cytosine deamination. APOBEC3G has two cytosine deaminase (CDA) domains; the catalytically inactive amino-terminal domain of APOBEC3G (N-CDA) carries the Vif interaction domain. There is no 3-D structure of APOBEC3G solved by X-ray or nuclear magnetic resonance. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We predicted the structure of human APOBEC3G based on the crystal structure of APOBEC2. To assess the model structure, we evaluated 48 mutants of APOBEC3G N-CDA that identify novel variants altering DeltaVif HIV-1 infectivity and packaging of APOBEC3G. Results indicated that the key residue D128 is exposed at the surface of the model, with a negative local electrostatic potential. Mutation D128K changes the sign of that local potential. In addition, two novel functionally relevant residues that result in defective APOBEC3G encapsidation, R122 and W127, cluster at the surface. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The structure model identifies a cluster of residues important for packaging of APOBEC3G into virions, and may serve to guide functional analysis of APOBEC3G.
In recent years, thin whitetopping has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavements. Numerous projects have been constructed and tested, allowing researchers to identify the important elements contributing to the projects’ successes. These elements include surface preparation, overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. Although the main factors affecting thin whitetopping performance have been identified by previous research, questions still existed as to the optimum design incorporating these variables. The objective of this research is to investigate the interaction between these variables over time. Laboratory testing and field testing were conducted to achieve the research objectives. Laboratory testing involved shear testing of the bond between the portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay and the ACC surface. Field testing involved falling weight deflectometer deflection responses, measurement of joint faulting and joint opening, and visual distress surveys on the 9.6-mile project. The project was located on Iowa Highway 13 extending north from the city of Manchester, Iowa, to Iowa Highway 3 in Delaware County. Variables investigated include ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, slab size, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, and joint spacing. This report documents the planning, construction, and performance of each variable in the time period from summer 2002 through spring 2006. The project has performed well with only minor distress identification since its construction.
A gestão da economia é uma actividade inerente a todos os países, uma vez que a escassez de recursos é uma realidade inquestionável. Cabo Verde elegeu a estabilidade de preços como um dos principais pilares da sua política económica e, neste contexto identificou a Paridade Cambial ao Euro como um meio privilegiado para a sua consecução. Neste âmbito, assinou o Acordo de Cooperação Cambial (ACC) em 1998 com Portugal como forma de credibilizar a Paridade Cambial com o Euro. Este trabalho, embora de cariz académico, tem por objectivo estudar as vantagens da Paridade Cambial para a Economia Cabo-verdiana. É composto por quatro capítulos e um glossário. Para sua realização foram consultados livros, Decretos-Lei, sítios, relatórios e boletins do Banco de Cabo Verde (BCV). O Capítulo I descreve os principais regimes cambiais existentes, apresentando as suas características, suas vantagens e desvantagens. O Capítulo II apresenta os critérios e indicadores, normalmente utilizados pelos países na escolha do regime cambial. O Capítulo III fala dos regimes cambiais em Cabo Verde, mostra que até se chegar ao regime cambial actual o país já passou por várias experiências cambiais. O Capítulo IV descreve o ACC, começando por apresentar as suas características e os seus objectivos, analisa as vantagens e os eventuais custos da Paridade Cambial CVE/Euro e por fim fala da credibilidade do regime cambial de Cabo Verde.
In patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery, cardiac events are the most common cause of perioperative morbidity and mortality. It is often difficult to choose adequate cardiologic examinations before surgery. This paper, inspired by the guidelines of the European and American societies of cardiology (ESC, AHA, ACC), discusses the place of standard ECG, echocardiography, treadmill or bicycle ergometer and pharmacological stress testing in preoperative evaluations. The role of coronary angiography and prophylactic revascularization will also be discussed. Finally, we provide a decision tree which will be helpful to both general practitioners and specialists.
Purpose/Objective(s): Mammary adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare breast cancer variant. It accounts for less than 0.1% of all invasive breast malignancies. Typically, it presents as a small breast lump with a low propensity to metastasize to regional lymph nodes or distant sites. The aim of this retrospective multicenter Rare Cancer Network study is to assess prognostic factors and patterns of failure in ACC, as well as the role of radiation therapy (RT) in this rare disease. Materials/Methods: Between January 1980 and December 2007, 61 women with breast ACC were included in this study. Median age was 59 years (range, 28-94 years). The majority of the patients had good performance status (49 patients with WHO 0, 12 patients with WHO 1), and 70% of the patients (n = 42) were premenopausal. Surgery consisted of tumorectomy in 35 patients, mastectomy in 20, or quadrantectomy in 6. Median tumor size was 20 mm (range, 6-170 mm). Surgical margins were clear in 50 (82%) patients. Axillary dissection (n = 41) or sentinel node assessment (n = 10) was realized in the majority of the patients. There were 53 (87%) pN0 and 8 pNx (13%) patients. Estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) was negative in 43 (71%) and 42 (69%) patients, respectively. In 16 patients (26%), the receptor status was unknown. Adjuvant chemotherapy or hormonotherapy was administered in 8 (13%) and 7 (12%) patients, respectively. Postoperative RT with a median total dose of 50 Gy (1.8-2.0 Gy/fraction; range, 44-70 Gy) was given in 40 patients. Results: With a median follow-up of 79 months (range, 6-285 months), 5-year overall and disease-free survival (DFS) rates were 94% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 88-100%) and 82% (95% CI: 71-93%), respectively. Five-year locoregional control rate was 95% (95% CI: 89-100%). There were only 4 patients with local relapse who were all salvaged successfully, and 4 other patients developed distant metastases. According to the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v3.0, late toxicity consisted of grade 2-3 cutaneous fibrosis in 4 (10%) patients, grade 1-2 edema in 2 (5%), and grade 3 lung fibrosis in 2 (5%). In univariate analyses, the outcome was influenced neither by the type of surgery nor the use of postoperative RT. However, positive receptor status had a negative influence on the outcome. Multivariate analysis (Cox model) revealed that negative ER (p = 0.006) or PR (p = 0.04) status was associated with improved DFS. Conclusions: ACC of the breast is a relatively indolent disease with excellent local control and survival. The prognosis of patients with ACC is much better than that for patients with other breast cancers, especially those who are ER and PR negative. The role of postoperative RT is not clear. More aggressive treatments may be warranted for patients with positive receptor status.
Araucaria angustifolia é uma espécie de árvore ameaçada de extinção no Brasil e pouco se conhece sobre os atributos edáficos dessas florestas. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de identificar diferenças entre áreas com araucária naturais e reflorestadas, com base em atributos microbiológicos e químicos do solo, por meio de métodos multivariados, como a análise canônica discriminante (ACD) e a análise de correlação canônica (ACC). As áreas estudadas incluem: 1. floresta nativa com araucária (NF); 2. reflorestamento de araucária (R); 3. reflorestamento de araucária submetido a incêndio acidental (RF); e 4. pastagem natural com araucárias nativas e ocorrência de incêndio (NPF). Foram selecionadas, ao acaso, quinze árvores de araucária por área e sob a copa de cada uma delas foram retiradas três amostras de solo, em três épocas contrastantes. A ACD foi aplicada aos atributos microbianos: C da biomassa microbiana (CBM), respiração basal (C-CO2) e quociente metabólico (qCO2), enquanto a ACC foi aplicada aos atributos microbianos e químicos do solo [pH (CaCl2), C orgânico total (COT) e teores de P, K, Ca, Mg e (H+Al). Os atributos microbianos e químicos do solo apresentaram alta correlação canônica, com destaque para o CBM e C-CO2, entre os atributos microbianos, e para COT e P, entre os atributos químicos do solo. A ACC mostrou que 52 % da variação total dos atributos microbianos é explicada pela variação dos atributos químicos, e 36 % da variação total dos atributos químicos é explicada pelos atributos microbianos do solo das áreas estudadas. A ACD identificou que a contribuição de cada atributo microbiano para a separação das áreas sofreu variação ao longo do tempo, e discriminou o CBM como sendo o atributo microbiano mais importante, seguido pelo C-CO2. ACC e ACD são importantes ferramentas no estudo de indicadores de qualidade do solo.
AIMS: Previous neuroimaging reports described morphological and functional abnormalities in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in schizophrenia and mood disorders. In earlier neuropathological studies, microvascular changes that could affect brain perfusion in these disorders have rarely been studied. Here, we analysed morphological parameters of capillaries in this area in elderly cases affected by these psychiatric disorders. METHODS: We analysed microvessel diameters in the dorsal and subgenual parts of the ACC in eight patients with schizophrenia, 10 patients with sporadic bipolar disorder, eight patients with sporadic major depression, and seven age- and gender-matched control cases on sections stained with modified Gallyas silver impregnation using a stereological counting approach. All individuals were drug-naïve or had received psychotropic medication for less than 6 months, and had no history of substance abuse. Statistical analysis included Kruskal-Wallis group comparisons with Bonferroni correction as well as multivariate regression models. RESULTS: Mean capillary diameter was significantly decreased in the dorsal and subgenual parts of areas 24 in bipolar and unipolar depression cases, both in layers III and V, whereas schizophrenia patients were comparable with controls. These differences persisted when controlling for age, local neuronal densities, and cortical thickness. In addition, cortical thickness was significantly smaller in both layers in schizophrenia patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that capillary diameters in bipolar and unipolar depression but not in schizophrenia are reduced in ACC. The significance of these findings is discussed in the light of the cytoarchitecture, brain metabolism and perfusion changes observed in ACC in mood disorders.
Lychnophora pohlii Sch. Bip. (Asteraceae), known as "Arnica mineira", is widely used in folk medicine and very abundant in the altitude vegetation of rocky grassland. The aim of this work was to study the density of this species and its relationship with soil parameters in rocky grassland in Diamantina, in the Upper Jequitinhonha region, Minas Gerais. Ten contiguous 20 x 50 m plots were marked (total sampled area 10,000 m²) on the campus Juscelino Kubitschek of the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (UFVJM). The plants in these plots were evaluated for frequency, dominance and density. The relationship between the density of this species with nine soil physical and chemical properties was analyzed by means of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The highest plant abundance (I) of the species Lychnophora pohlii Sch. Bip. was found in the vegetation sampling areas: plot 6 with 255 plants, plot 7 with 173, plot 8 with 189, plot 9 with 159, and plot 1 with 151 plants. In these areas, the floristic soil characteristics were similar, resulting in spatial proximity in the ACC diagrams. The density of Lychnophora pohlii was higher in plots with higher pH, P-rem and base saturation, the variables most strongly correlated with the first axis of canonical correspondence analysis.
OBJECTIVES: To review the published literature on the diagnosis and management of adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the breast.¦MATERIALS AND METHODS: Papers were identified by searching PubMed using the terms « adenoid cystic carcinoma » and « breast ». Additional papers were identified by reviewing references of relevant articles.¦RESULTS: ACC of the breast is a rare tumour comprising less than 0.1% of breast malignancies. Its cellular origin in the breast remains unclear. The histological characteristics of ACC in the breast are similar to those of ACC of the salivary glands. However the prognosis of ACC of the breast is better than that of other localizations with prolonged survival. Breast-conserving treatment including postoperative radiotherapy seems to be equivalent to mastectomy alone with respect to survival. The value of adjuvant systemic therapies is not established. Late relapses can occur, so long-term follow-up is mandatory for these patients.¦CONCLUSIONS: ACC of the breast has a favourable prognosis. An accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment are therefore important.
The present research project was designed to determine thermal properties, such as coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and thermal conductivity, of Iowa concrete pavement materials. These properties are required as input values by the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). In this project, a literature review was conducted to determine the factors that affect thermal properties of concrete and the existing prediction equations for CTE and thermal conductivity of concrete. CTE tests were performed on various lab and field samples of portland cement concrete (PCC) at the Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa State University. The variations due to the test procedure, the equipment used, and the consistency of field batch materials were evaluated. The test results showed that the CTE variations due to test procedure and batch consistency were less than 5%, and the variation due to the different equipment was less than 15%. Concrete CTE values were significantly affected by different types of coarse aggregate. The CTE values of Iowa concrete made with limestone+graval, quartzite, dolomite, limestone+dolomite, and limestone were 7.27, 6.86, 6.68, 5.83, and 5.69 microstrain/oF (13.08, 12.35, 12.03, 10.50, and 10.25 microstrain/oC), respectively, which were all higher than the default value of 5.50 microstrain/oF in the MEPDG program. The thermal conductivity of a typical Iowa PCC mix and an asphalt cement concrete (ACC) mix (both with limestone as coarse aggregate) were tested at Concrete Technology Laboratory in Skokie, Illinois. The thermal conductivity was 0.77 Btu/hr•ft•oF (1.33 W/m•K) for PCC and 1.21 Btu/hr•ft•oF (2.09 W/m•K) for ACC, which are different from the default values (1.25 Btu/hr•ft•oF or 2.16 W/m•K for PCC and 0.67 Btu/hr•ft•oF or 1.16 W/m•K for ACC) in the MEPDG program. The investigations onto the CTE of ACC and the effects of concrete materials (such as cementitious material and aggregate types) and mix proportions on concrete thermal conductivity are recommended to be considered in future studies.