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Introduction The blood meal source of sandflies provides valuable information about the vector/host interaction and allows for an understanding of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) transmission mechanisms. The aim of this study was to identify the blood meal sources of Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia in an endemic area of leishmaniasis in Brazil's State of Paraná using a precipitin test. Methods Sandflies were collected in the rural locality of Epitácio Pessoa within the City of Adrianópolis, State of Paraná, in southern Brazil. A total of 864 female sandflies were captured, and 862 (99.8%) were identified as L. intermedia species. However, two unidentified specimens were considered to be part of the genus Lutzomyia. Results Among the females examined, 396 specimens presented reactions to a certain type of tested antiserum, and most (67.9%) reacted to the simple type. These sandflies fed mainly on the blood of birds, opossums, and rodents, but specimens that fed on the blood of humans, dogs, horses, cattle, and cats were also found. Among the cross-reactions found (32.1%), bird/rodent, bird/opossum, bird/dog, bird/human, and horse/dog cross-reactions were the most common. Conclusions These results demonstrate a tendency in the eclectic feeding behavior of L. intermedia and support its potential role as a vector for ACL in the study area.
Introduction Knowledge of blood donor characteristics is essential to better guide clinical and serological screening for hemotherapy. The objective of this study was to determine the syphilis seroprevalence and the associated factors of blood donors in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Methods This population-based study from the State of Santa Catarina used information obtained from blood donation records. We analyzed 83,396 blood donor records generated from donors who were considered eligible to donate between January and August 2010. The aim of the study was to estimate the syphilis seroprevalence and its relationship with educational level, age, gender, geographical region and having donated blood in the past 12 months. We used descriptive analyses and a Poisson regression to calculate the prevalence ratios for the variables of interest. Results We found a 0.14% overall seroprevalence and significant differences among the following: first-time blood donors (0.19%) versus repeat donors (0.03% to 0.08%); low educational levels (0.30%) versus medium and high educational levels (0.08% to 0.19%); and donors who did not report their residence (0.88%) or age (6.94%) versus those who did. Increased syphilis seroprevalence was also significantly associated with increased age. Conclusion High syphilis seroprevalence was associated with lower educational level, age, first-time donation and the failure to provide age or residence information.
Rheumatic fever is still the most commonly seen rheumatic disease in Brazilian pediatric rheumatology clinics. It remains a significant health problem since subsequent cardiac sequelae represent one of the most important causes of chronic heart disease in children. We reviewed the clinical manifestations of rheumatic fever in 786 patients, followed at seven pediatric rheumatology clinics in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. All patients were diagnosed according to revised Jones' criteria. Regarding major criteria, 396 (50.4%) children exhibited carditis, 453 (57.6%) polyarthritis, 274 (34.8%) chorea, 13 (1.6%) erythema marginatum, and 12 (1.5%) subcutaneous nodules. Valvular lesions documented by echocardiography in the absence of accompanying auscultatory findings were found in 144 (18.3%) patients. Migratory polyarthritis was observed in 290 (64.0%) patients with articular involvement. Documented previous streptococcal infection assessed by serum antistreptolysin (ASO) titers occurred in 531 (67.5%) patients. Even though prophylaxis with benzathine penicillin was recommended to all patients, recurrent attacks were observed in 147 (18.7%). We emphasize the high frequency of chorea, silent carditis and recurrences in our series as well as the variable clinical presentation of arthritis in rheumatic fever. Multicenter studies should be encouraged to improve our understanding of the clinical features of rheumatic diseases in children and adolescents.
RESUMO - Portugal continental, como outros países europeus, foi afectado por uma onda de calor de grande intensidade no Verão de 2003, com efeitos na mortalidade da população. O excesso de óbitos associados à onda de calor foi estimado pela comparação do número de óbitos observados entre 30 de Julho e 15 de Agosto de 2003 e o número de óbitos esperados se a população tivesse estado exposta às taxas de mortalidade médias do biénio 2000-2001 no respectivo período homólogo. Os óbitos esperados foram calculados com ajustamento para a idade. O número de óbitos observados (O) foi superior ao número esperado (E) em todos os dias do período estudado e o seu excesso global foi estimado em 1953 óbitos (excesso relativo de 43%), dos quais 1317 (61%) ocorreram no sexo feminino e 1742 no grupo de 75 e + anos (89%). A nível distrital, Portalegre teve o maior aumento relativo do número de óbitos (+89%) e Aveiro o menor (+18%). Numa área geográfica contínua do interior do território (Guarda, Castelo Branco, Portalegre e Évora) houve aumentos relativos superiores a 80%. Em termos absolutos, o maior excesso de óbitos ocorreu no distrito de Lisboa (mais cerca de 396) e no do Porto (mais cerca de 183). As causas de morte «golpe de calor» e «desidratação e outros distúrbios metabólicos» tiveram os aumentos relativos mais elevados (razões O/E de, respectivamente, 70 e 8,65). Os maiores aumentos absolutos do número de óbitos ocorreram no grupo das «doenças do aparelho circulatório» (mais 758), nas «doenças do aparelho respiratório» (mais 255) e no conjunto de «todas as neoplasias malignas» (mais 131). No período da onda de calor e no período de comparação, a percentagem dos óbitos que ocorreu nos hospitais (52% e 56%), no domicílio (32 e 33%) e em «outros locais» foi semelhante. A discussão sobre os factores que condicionaram a obtenção dos valores apresentados, relativos ao excesso de óbitos por sexo, grupo etário, distrito, causa e local da morte, permite concluir que os mesmos se afiguram adequados para medir a ordem de grandeza e caracterizar o efeito da onda de calor na mortalidade. O erro aleatório, medido pelos intervalos de confiança, e alguns possíveis erros sistemáticos associados ao período de comparação escolhido não deverão afectar de modo relevante as estimativas.
Novel multifunctional porous films have been developed by the integration of magnetic CoFe2O4 (CFO) nanoparticles into poly(vinylidene fluoride)-Trifuoroethylene (P(VDF-TrFE)), taking advantage of the synergies of the magnetostrictive filler and the piezoelectric polymer. The porous films show a piezoelectric response with an effective d33 coefficient of -22 pC/N-1, a maximum magnetization of 12 emu.g-1 and a maximum magnetoelectric coefficient of 9 mV.cm-1.Oe-1. In this way, a multifunctional membrane has been developed suitable for advanced applications ranging from biomedical to water treatment.
Compelling biological and epidemiological evidences point to a key role of genetic variants of the TERT and TERC genes in cancer development. We analyzed the genetic variability of these two gene regions using samples of 2,267 multiple myeloma (MM) cases and 2,796 healthy controls. We found that a TERT variant, rs2242652, is associated with reduced MM susceptibility (OR?=?0.81; 95% CI: 0.72-0.92; p?=?0.001). In addition we measured the leukocyte telomere length (LTL) in a subgroup of 140 cases who were chemotherapy-free at the time of blood donation and 468 controls, and found that MM patients had longer telomeres compared to controls (OR?=?1.19; 95% CI: 0.63-2.24; ptrend ?=?0.01 comparing the quartile with the longest LTL versus the shortest LTL). Our data suggest the hypothesis of decreased disease risk by genetic variants that reduce the efficiency of the telomerase complex. This reduced efficiency leads to shorter telomere ends, which in turn may also be a marker of decreased MM risk.
The bottom of the Red Sea harbors over 25 deep hypersaline anoxic basins that are geochemically distinct and characterized by vertical gradients of extreme physicochemical conditions. Because of strong changes in density, particulate and microbial debris get entrapped in the brine-seawater interface (BSI), resulting in increased dissolved organic carbon, reduced dissolved oxygen toward the brines and enhanced microbial activities in the BSI. These features coupled with the deep-sea prevalence of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in the global ocean make the BSI a suitable environment for studying the osmotic adaptations and ecology of these important players in the marine nitrogen cycle. Using phylogenomic-based approaches, we show that the local archaeal community of five different BSI habitats (with up to 18.2% salinity) is composed mostly of a single, highly abundant Nitrosopumilus-like phylotype that is phylogenetically distinct from the bathypelagic thaumarchaea; ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were absent. The composite genome of this novel Nitrosopumilus-like subpopulation (RSA3) co-assembled from multiple single-cell amplified genomes (SAGs) from one such BSI habitat further revealed that it shares [sim]54% of its predicted genomic inventory with sequenced Nitrosopumilus species. RSA3 also carries several, albeit variable gene sets that further illuminate the phylogenetic diversity and metabolic plasticity of this genus. Specifically, it encodes for a putative proline-glutamate 'switch' with a potential role in osmotolerance and indirect impact on carbon and energy flows. Metagenomic fragment recruitment analyses against the composite RSA3 genome, Nitrosopumilus maritimus, and SAGs of mesopelagic thaumarchaea also reiterate the divergence of the BSI genotypes from other AOA.
"Published online before print November 20, 2015"
Objective: To review the literature on the effects of parental divorce over the psychological maladjustment and physical health problems in children of divorced parents, thus contributing to the integration of existing scientific knowledge based on the biopsychosocial model of the impact of divorce on children’s physical health as proposed by Troxel and Matthews (2004). Sources: Review of the literature using MEDLINE and PsycInfo (1980-2007) databases, selecting the most representative articles on the subject. Special attention was paid to contributions by internationally renowned investigators on the subject. Summary of the findings: Divorce may be responsible for a decline of physical and psychological health in children. The developmental maladjustment of children is not triggered by divorce itself, but rather by other risk factors associated with it, such as interparental conflict, parental psychopathology, decline in socio-economic level, inconsistency in parenting styles, a parallel and conflicting co-parenting relationship between parents and low levels of social support. Such risk factors trigger maladjusted developmental pathways, marked by psychopathological symptoms, poor academic performance, worst levels of physical health, risk behavior, exacerbated psychophysiological responses to stress and weakening of the immune system. Conclusions: Clear links were observed between experiencing parental divorce and facing problems of physical and psychological maladjustment in children. Divorce is a stressor that should be considered by health professionals as potentially responsible for maladjusted neuropsychobiological responses and for decline in children’s physical health.
OBJETIVO: O presente estudo analisou a concordância entre as estimativas do débito cardíaco (Q) geradas por dois métodos indiretos e sua aplicabilidade em 54 homens e 77 mulheres (60-90 anos). MÉTODOS: Os indivíduos realizaram um teste cardiopulmonar de exercício progressivo máximo em ciclo-ergômetro. O Q foi estimado a partir do consumo de oxigênio e da impedância cardiográfica a 50% e 100% da carga máxima alcançada no teste (Wmáx). Os limites de concordância e as diferenças médias (vieses) foram avaliados segundo a metodologia proposta por Bland e Altman, enquanto a relação entre os métodos foi analisada por regressão linear e correlação intraclasse (ICC). RESULTADOS: Na carga equivalente a 50% Wmáx, a diferença entre as médias dos métodos foi de -0,58 Lmin-1 (6,3% menor para a medida da impedância), e o limite de concordância de ± 2,54 Lmin-1 (24,7%). Em 100% Wmáx, a diferença foi de 1,03 Lmin-1 (8,5% maior para a medida da impedância), com um limite de concordância de ± 3,35 Lmin-1 (27,6%). Os valores de ICC e as curvas de regressão obtidas entre os métodos foram: Qimp=1,82+0,75Q VO2 (r²=0,765, p<0,001; ICC=0,727, p<0,01) para 50% Wmáx; Qimp=0,93+1,00Q VO2 (r²=0,755, p<0,001; ICC=0,796, p<0,01) para 100% Wmáx. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem uma boa concordância na estimativa do Q no exercício em idosos pelos dois métodos, o que se revela compatível com os achados de estudos similares com indivíduos jovens.
FUNDAMENTO: A lesão renal aguda (LRA) é uma doença complexa para a qual, atualmente, não há uma definição padrão aceita. A AKIN (Acute Kidney Injury Network) representa uma tentativa de padronização dos critérios para diagnóstico e estadiamento da LRA, baseando-se nos critérios RIFLE (risk, injury, failure, loss, e end-stage kidney disease), publicados recentemente. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a incidência e mortalidade associada à LRA em pacientes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio (RM) com circulação extracorpórea (CEC). MÉTODOS: O total de 817 pacientes foi dividido em dois grupos: LRA negativa (-), com 421 pacientes (51,5%), e LRA positiva (+), com 396 pacientes (48,5%). Foi considerado LRA a elevação da creatinina em 0,3 mg/dl ou aumento em 50% da creatinina em relação a seu valor basal. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade em 30 dias dos pacientes com e sem LRA foi de 12,6 % e 1,4%, respectivamente (p < 0,0001). Em um modelo de regressão logística multivariada, LRA após RM com CEC foi preditora independente de óbito em 30 dias (OR 6,7 - p = 0,0002). Esse grupo de pacientes teve maior tempo de permanência em UTI [mediana 2 dias (2 a 3) vs. 3 dias (2 a 5) - p < 0,0001)] e uma maior proporção de pacientes com permanência prolongada na terapia intensiva (> 14 dias) - 14% vs. 2%; p < 0,0001. CONCLUSÃO: Na população estudada, mesmo uma discreta alteração da função renal baseada nos critérios do "Acute Kidney Injury Network - AKIN" foi preditora independente de óbito em 30 dias após RM com CEC.
მძლავრი ვერტიკალური წანაცვლებები მანტიაში წარმოიქმნა, დანალექ ფენაში კი ის უმნიშვნელოა. იგულისხმება, რომ ოკეანე „ტეტისის“ გამეჩხერება დაკავშირებულია მანტიასა და ქერქში ვერტიკალურ თერმომონაცვლებათა პროცესთან. შესაძლოა, რომ უგრანიტო ფენის წარმოქმნა შავ ზღვაში და კასპიის ზღვის ღრმა ნაწილში ამ პერიოდში ამოზევებას და გადარეცხვას უკავშირდება. რღვევები მოხოს ზედაპირზე წარმოიქმნება, გრძელდება „ბაზალტში“, ინტენსიურად ვითარდება „გრანიტში“ და დღემდე არსებობს დანალექ ფენში, რაც რეგიონში თანამედროვე მიწისძვრებს განაპირობებს.