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Paleogene stable oxygen and carbon isotopes were measured in formainifera from ODP Sites 689 and 690 at Maud Rise in the Atlantic Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean, and from Sites 738, 744, 748 and 749 at the southern Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Ocean sector. These data were compared with sedimentological data from the same sample set. Both benthic and planktic d18O values document a cooling trend beginning around 49.5 Ma at all sites. During the late middle Eocene planktic d18O values indicate a steepening latitudinal temperature gradient from 14°C at the northern sites towards 10°C at the southernmost sites. Terrigeneous sand grains of probably ice rafted origin and clay mineral assemblages point to the existence of a limited East Antarctic ice cap with some glaciers reaching sea level as early as middle Eocene time around 45.5 Ma. Between 45 and 40 Ma, average paleotemperatures were between 5° and 7°C in deep and intermediate water masses, while near-surface water masses ranged between 6° and 10°C. During the late Eocene, between 40 and 36 Ma, average temperatures further decreased to 4°-5°C in the deep and intermediate water masses and to 5°-8°C near the sea surface. Abruptly increasing d18O values at approximately 35.9 Ma exactly correlate with a sharp pulse in the deposition of ice-rafted material on the Kerguelen Plateau, a dramatic change in clay mineral composition, and an altered Southern Ocean circulation indicated by a differentiation of benthic d13C values between sites, increasing opal concentrations and decreasing carbonate contents. For planktic and benthic foraminifera this d18O increase ranges between 1.0 and 1.3 per mil, and between 0.9 and 1.4 per mil, respectively. We favour a hypothesis that explains most of the d18O shift at 35.9 Ma with a buildup of a continental East Antarctic ice sheet. Consequently, relatively warm Oligocene Antarctic surface water temperatures probably are explained by a temperate, wet-based nature of the ice sheet. This would also aid in the fast build-up of an ice sheet by enhancing the moisture transport on to the continent.


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During the cruise the turbulence probe MSS050 was used for microstructure measurements. The profiler is produced by Sea and Sun Technology GmbH in co-operation with ISW Wassermesstechnik. The probe was equipped with 2 velocity microstructure shear sensors, a microstructure temperature sensor, standard CTD sensors for precision measurements, a vibration control sensor, a two component tilt sensor, a fluorescence sensor and surface detection sensor (SD) to indicate the water surface hit at rising measurements. The sampling rate for all sensors is 1024 samples per second, the resolution 16 bit. During the MSS measurements, the ship was moving with speed approx. 0.5-1.0 knots with respect to the water against the wind. In order to take into account the intermittent nature of marine turbulence, repeated MSS measurements were carried out in bursts of typically 10 profiles per station. The measurement interval was approximately 7 (10) min for a profile to 140 (200) dbar. During JC87 cruise 8 series of turbulence measurements were conducted. Fluorescence data was obtained on the 5 of them.


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Cryosols are permafrost-affected soils whose genesis is dominated by cryogenic processes, resulting in unique macromorphologies, micromorphologies, thermal characteristics, and physical and chemical properties. In addition, these soils are carbon sinks, storing high amounts of organic carbon collected for thousands of years. In the Canadian soil classification, the Cryosolic Order includes mineral and organic soils that have both cryogenic properties and permafrost within 1 or 2 m of the soil surface. This soil order is divided into Turbic, Static and Organic great groups on the basis of the soil materials (mineral or organic), cryogenic properties and depth to permafrost. The great groups are subdivided into subgroups on the basis of soil development and the resulting diagnostic soil horizons. Cryosols are commonly associated with the presence of ground ice in the subsoil. This causes serious problems when areas containing these soils are used for agriculture and construction projects (such as roads, town sites and airstrips). Therefore, where Cryosols have high ice content, it is especially important either to avoid these activities or to use farming and construction methods that maintain the negative thermal balance.


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The relationship between phytoplankton assemblages and the associated optical properties of the water body is important for the further development of algorithms for large-scale remote sensing of phytoplankton biomass and the identification of phytoplankton functional types (PFTs), which are often representative for different biogeochemical export scenarios. Optical in-situ measurements aid in the identification of phytoplankton groups with differing pigment compositions and are widely used to validate remote sensing data. In this study we present results from an interdisciplinary cruise aboard the RV Polarstern along a north-to-south transect in the eastern Atlantic Ocean in November 2008. Phytoplankton community composition was identified using a broad set of in-situ measurements. Water samples from the surface and the depth of maximum chlorophyll concentration were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), flow cytometry, spectrophotometry and microscopy. Simultaneously, the above- and underwater light field was measured by a set of high spectral resolution (hyperspectral) radiometers. An unsupervised cluster algorithm applied to the measured parameters allowed us to define bio-optical provinces, which we compared to ecological provinces proposed elsewhere in the literature. As could be expected, picophytoplankton was responsible for most of the variability of PFTs in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Our bio-optical clusters agreed well with established provinces and thus can be used to classify areas of similar biogeography. This method has the potential to become an automated approach where satellite data could be used to identify shifting boundaries of established ecological provinces or to track exceptions from the rule to improve our understanding of the biogeochemical cycles in the ocean.