982 resultados para 332.224


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Energy plays a prominent role in human society. As a result of technological and industrial development,the demand for energy is rapidly increasing. Existing power sources that are mainly fossil fuel based are leaving an unacceptable legacy of waste and pollution apart from diminishing stock of fuels.Hence, the focus is now shifted to large-scale propagation of renewable energy. Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies. Solar energy is one such renewable energy. Most renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Estimation of solar energy potential of a region requires detailed solar radiation climatology, and it is necessary to collect extensive radiation data of high accuracy covering all climatic zones of the region. In this regard, a decision support system (DSS)would help in estimating solar energy potential considering the region’s energy requirement.This article explains the design and implementation of DSS for assessment of solar energy. The DSS with executive information systems and reporting tools helps to tap vast data resources and deliver information. The main hypothesis is that this tool can be used to form a core of practical methodology that will result in more resilient in time and can be used by decision-making bodies to assess various scenarios. It also offers means of entering, accessing, and interpreting the information for the purpose of sound decision making.


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The vapor pressure of pure liquid indium, and the sum of pressures of (In) and (In2O) species over the condensed phase mixture {In} + , contained in a silica vessel, have been measured by Knudsen effusion and Langmuir free vaporization methods in the temperatue range 600 to 950°C. Mass spectrometric studies reported in the literature show that (In) and (In2O) are the important species in the vapor phase over the {In} + ; mixture. The vapor pressure of (In2O) corresponding to the reaction, deduced from the present measurements is given by the equation, The “apparent evaporation coefficient” for the condensed phase mixture is approximately 0.8. The energy for the dissociation (In2O) molecule into atoms calculated from the above equation is D°0 = 180.0 (± 1.0) kcal mol−1.


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L-PGlu-(2-proPyl)-L-His-L-ProNH(2) (NP-647) is a CNS active thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) analog with potential application in various CNS disorders including seizures. In the present study, mechanism of action for protective effect of NP-647 was explored by studying role of NP-647 on epileptiform activity and sodium channels by using patch-clamp methods. Epileptiform activity was induced in subicular pyramidal neurons of hippocampal slice of rat by perfusing 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) containing Mg(+2)-free normal artificial cerebrospinal fluid (nACSF). Increase in mean firing frequency was observed after perfusion of 4-AP and zero Mg(+2) (2.10+/-0.47 Hz) as compared with nACSF (0.12+/-0.08 Hz). A significant decrease in mean firing frequency (0.61+/-0.22 Hz), mean frequency of epileptiform events (0.03+/-0.02 Hz vs. 0.22+/-0.05 Hz of 4-AP+0 Mg), and average number of action potentials in paroxysmal depolarization shift-burst (2.54+/-1.21 Hz vs. 8.16+/-0.88 Hz of 4-AP +0 Mg) was observed. A significant reduction in peak dV/dt (246+/-19 mV ms(-1) vs. 297 18 mV ms-1 of 4-AP+0 Mg) and increase (1.332+/-0.018 ms vs. 1.292+/-0.019 ms of 4-AP+0 Mg) in time required to reach maximum depolarization were observed indicating role of sodium channels. Concentration-dependent depression of sodium current was observed after exposure to dorsal root ganglion neurons to NP-647. NP-647 at different concentrations (1, 3, and 10 mu M) depressed sodium current (15+/-0.5%, 50+/-2.6%, and 75+/-0.7%, respectively). However, NP-647 did not show change in the peak sodium current in CNa18 cells. Results of present study demonstrated potential of NP-647 in the inhibition of epileptiform activity by inhibiting sodium channels indirectly. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bulk Ge(15)Te(85 - x)Sn(x) and Ge(17)Te(83 - x)Sn(x) glasses, are found to exhibit memory type electrical switching. The switching voltages (V(t)) and thermal stability of Ge(15)Te(85 - x)Sn(x) and Ge(17)Te(83 - x)Sn(x) glasses are found to decrease with Sn content. The composition dependence of v, has been understood on the basis of the decrease in the OFF state resistance and thermal stability of these glasses with tin addition. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that no elemental Sn or Sn compounds with Te or Ge are present in thermally crystallized Ge-Te-Sn samples. This indicates that Sn atoms do not interact with the host matrix and form a phase separated network of its own, which remains in the parent glass matrix as an inclusion. Consequently, there is no enhancement of network connectivity and rigidity. The thickness dependence of switching voltages of Ge(15)Te(85 - x)Sn(x) and Ge(17)Te(83 - x)Sn(x) glasses is found to be linear, in agreement with the memory switching behavior shown by these glasses. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fragment Finder 2.0 is a web-based interactive computing server which can be used to retrieve structurally similar protein fragments from 25 and 90% nonredundant data sets. The computing server identifies structurally similar fragments using the protein backbone C alpha angles. In addition, the identified fragments can be superimposed using either of the two structural superposition programs, STAMP and PROFIT, provided in the server. The freely available Java plug-in Jmol has been interfaced with the server for the visualization of the query and superposed fragments. The server is the updated version of a previously developed search engine and employs an in-house-developed fast pattern matching algorithm. This server can be accessed freely over the World Wide Web through the URL http://cluster.physics.iisc.ernet.in/ff/.


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Oxygen nonstoichiometry of three ternary oxides. YFeO3-delta, YFe2O4-alpha and Y3Fe5O12-theta. in the system Y-Fe-O was investigated as a function of oxygen partial pressure by thermogravimetry at high temperature. The defects responsible for nonstoichiometry were identified as oxygen vacancies for YFeO3-delta and YFe2O4-alpha although the manner of variation of nonstoichiometric parameter with oxygen partial pressure for these two oxides is quite different. Cation interstitials are the predominant defects in Y3Fe5O12-theta. Gibbs energies of formation of the three nonstoichiometric oxides were determined using solid-state electrochemical cells in the temperature range from 975 to 1475 K. YFe2O4-alpha was found to be stable only above 1391 K. Gibbs energies of formation of the three stoichiometric compounds from their component binary oxides were obtained by combining information from solid state cells with results of thermogravimetric analysis using the Gibbs-Duhem relation. The results can be summarized as: (1/2)Y2O3 + (1/2)Fe2O3 -> YFeO3;Delta G(f(ox))(O)(+/- 250)(J/mol) = 17, 126-8.263T (1/2)Y2O3 + FeO + (1/2)Fe2O3 -> YFe2O4;Delta G(f(ox))(O)(+/- 260)(J/mol) = -10,352-13.24T (3/2)Y2O3 + (5/2)Fe2O3 -> Y3Fe5O12;Delta G(f(ox))(O)(+/- 780)(J/mol) = -56, 647-31.091T. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The polyaniline-PbO composites of various mass fractions were prepared by in situ polymerisation. The prepared samples were characterised by FTIR, and the dominant peaks confirmed the formation of polyaniline-PbO composites. The SEM study shows a granular agglomerated morphology, and increases with an increase in the lead oxide mass % in polyaniline. Direct current (DC) conductivity (sigma (DC)) was studied as a function of temperature (T). From these studies, it was found that conductivity increased at higher temperatures due to the polarons hopping from one localised state to another. DSC studies reveal, the decrease in peak temperature from 273A degrees C (pure PANI) to 169.2A degrees C, 193.5A degrees C, 218.4A degrees C, 235.2A degrees C, and 224.2A degrees C, respectively for the various mass fractions (10 %, 30 %, 20 %, 40 %, and 50 %) of polyaniline-PbO composites.


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Acoustic modeling using mixtures of multivariate Gaussians is the prevalent approach for many speech processing problems. Computing likelihoods against a large set of Gaussians is required as a part of many speech processing systems and it is the computationally dominant phase for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) systems. We express the likelihood computation as a multiplication of matrices representing augmented feature vectors and Gaussian parameters. The computational gain of this approach over traditional methods is by exploiting the structure of these matrices and efficient implementation of their multiplication. In particular, we explore direct low-rank approximation of the Gaussian parameter matrix and indirect derivation of low-rank factors of the Gaussian parameter matrix by optimum approximation of the likelihood matrix. We show that both the methods lead to similar speedups but the latter leads to far lesser impact on the recognition accuracy. Experiments on 1,138 work vocabulary RM1 task and 6,224 word vocabulary TIMIT task using Sphinx 3.7 system show that, for a typical case the matrix multiplication based approach leads to overall speedup of 46 % on RM1 task and 115 % for TIMIT task. Our low-rank approximation methods provide a way for trading off recognition accuracy for a further increase in computational performance extending overall speedups up to 61 % for RM1 and 119 % for TIMIT for an increase of word error rate (WER) from 3.2 to 3.5 % for RM1 and for no increase in WER for TIMIT. We also express pairwise Euclidean distance computation phase in Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) in terms of matrix multiplication leading to saving of approximately of computational operations. In our experiments using efficient implementation of matrix multiplication, this leads to a speedup of 5.6 in computing the pairwise Euclidean distances and overall speedup up to 3.25 for DTW.


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We have demonstrated that cadmium deoxycholate (1), a Cd-salt, provides a convenient and inexpensive route to high quality CdSe nanocrystals with photoluminescence (PL) in the blue to red region of the visible spectrum, with reproducible quantum yields as high as similar to 47%. Owing to the high thermal stability of the bile acid based cadmium precursor (decomposition point: 332 degrees C), it was possible to achieve high injection and growth temperatures (similar to 300 degrees C) for the nanocrystals, which was essential for obtaining larger CdSe nanocrystals emitting in the red region (625-650 nm) with a sharp full width at half maximum (FWHM) (23 nm) and multiple (6-7) excitonic absorption features. The as-prepared CdSe nanocrystals synthesized from cadmium deoxycholate represent a series of highly efficient emitters with pure colours and controllable sizes, shapes and structures.


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YAlO3:Ni2+ (0.1 mol%) doped nanophosphor was synthesised by a low temperature solution combustion method. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) confirms the orthorhombic phase of yttrium aluminate (YAlO3) along with traces of Y3Al5O12. Scanning Electron microscopy (SEM) shows that the powder particles appears to be spherical in shape with large agglomeration. The average crystallite sizes appeared to be in the range 45-90 nm and the same was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Williamson-Hall (W-H) plots. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and photoluminescence (PL) studies reveal that Ni2+ ions are in octahedral coordination. Thermoluminescence (TL) glow curve consists of two peaks with the main peak at similar to 224 degrees C and a shouldered peak at 285 degrees C was recorded in the range 0.2-15 kGy gamma-irradiated samples. The TL intensity was found to be increasing linearly for 224 degrees C and 285 degrees C peaks up to 1 kGy and thereafter it shows sub-linear (up to 8 kGy) and saturation behavior. The trap parameters namely activation energy (E), order of kinetics (b), frequency factor (s) at different gamma-doses were determined using Chens glow peak shape and Luschiks methods then the results are discussed in detail. Simple glow peak structure, the 224 degrees C peak in YAlO3:Ni2+ nanophosphor can be used in personal dosimetry. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis of the dipeptide antibiotic bacilysin involves the sequential action of multiple enzymes in the bac operon. YwfH (also referred to as BacG) catalyzes the stereoselective reduction of dihydro-hydroxyphenylpyruvate (H2HPP) to tetrahydro-hydroxyphenylpyruvate (H4HPP) in this biosynthetic pathway. YwfH is an NADPH-dependent reductase that facilitates the conjugate addition of a hydride at the C4 olefin terminus of H2HPP. Here, the structure of YwfH is described at three conformational steps: the apo form, an apo-like conformation and the NADPH complex. YwfH is structurally similar to other characterized short-chain dehydrogenase/reductases despite having marginal sequence similarity. The structures of YwfH in different conformational states provide a rationale for the ping-pong reaction mechanism. The identification and role of the residues in the catalytic tetrad (Lys113Tyr117Ser155Asn158) in proton transfer were examined by mutational analysis. Together, the structures and biochemical features revealed synchronized conformational changes that facilitate cofactor specificity and catalysis of H4HPP formation en route to tetrahydrotyrosine synthesis.


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This paper presents the thermal vibration analysis of single-layer graphene sheet embedded in polymer elastic medium, using the plate theory and nonlocal continuum mechanics for small scale effects. The graphene is modeled based on continuum plate theory and axial stress caused by the thermal effects is also considered. Nonlocal governing equation of motion for this graphene sheet system is derived from the principle of virtual displacements. The closed form solution for thermal-vibration frequencies of a simply supported rectangular nanoplate has been obtained by using the Navier's method of solution. Numerical results obtained by the present theory are compared with available solutions in the literature and the molecular dynamics results. The influences of the small scale coefficient, the room or low temperature, the high temperature, the half wave number and the aspect ratio of nanoplate on the natural frequencies are considered and discussed in detail. The thermal vibration analysis of single- and double-layer graphene sheets are considered for the analysis. The mode shapes of the respective graphene system are also captured in this work. The present analysis results can be used for the design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the thermal vibration properties of the graphene.


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Amplify-and-forward (AF) relay based cooperation has been investigated in the literature given its simplicity and practicality. Two models for AF, namely, fixed gain and fixed power relaying, have been extensively studied. In fixed gain relaying, the relay gain is fixed but its transmit power varies as a function of the source-relay (SR) channel gain. In fixed power relaying, the relay's instantaneous transmit power is fixed, but its gain varies. We propose a general AF cooperation model in which an average transmit power constrained relay jointly adapts its gain and transmit power as a function of the channel gains. We derive the optimal AF gain policy that minimizes the fading- averaged symbol error probability (SEP) of MPSK and present insightful and tractable lower and upper bounds for it. We then analyze the SEP of the optimal policy. Our results show that the optimal scheme is up to 39.7% and 47.5% more energy-efficient than fixed power relaying and fixed gain relaying, respectively. Further, the weaker the direct source-destination link, the greater are the energy-efficiency gains.


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Fastest curve-fitting procedures are proposed for vertical and radial consolidations for rapid loading methods. In vertical consolidation, the next load increment can be applied at 50-60% consolidation (or even earlier if the compression index is known). In radial consolidation, the next load increment can be applied at just 10-15% consolidation. The effects of secondary consolidation on the coefficient of consolidation and ultimate settlement are minimized in both cases. A quick procedure is proposed in vertical consolidation that determines how far is calculated from the true , where is coefficient of consolidation. In radial consolidation no such procedure is required because at 10-15% the consolidation effects of secondary consolidation are already less in most inorganic soils. The proposed rapid loading methods can be used when the settlement or time of load increment is not known. The characteristic features of vertical, radial, three-dimensional, and secondary consolidations are given in terms of the rate of settlement. A relationship is proposed between the coefficient of the vertical consolidation, load increment ratio, and compression index. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.