990 resultados para 206-1256C


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Worldwide, human activity in the watershed has been found to induce lake responses at various levels, including at population and ecosystem scale. Recently, Carignan and Steedman (2000) reported on disruptions of biogeochemical cycles in temperate lakes following watershed deforestation and lor wildfire and Carignan et al., (2000 a, b) concluded that water quality and aquatic biota are strongly influenced by disturbances in the watershed. Similarly, Lake Victoria is no exception as people in its catchment have exploited it for the last hundred years or more, but have now begun to understand the extent to which they have thrown the lake into disorder and how their increasing activity in the watershed have driven some environmental changes within and around the lake.


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Growing of fish in cages is currently practiced in Uganda and was first introduced in northern Lake Victoria in 2010. An environment monitoring study was undertaken at Source of the Nile, a private cage fish farm, in Napoleon gulf, northern Lake Victoria. In-situ measurements of key environmental (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity) and biological (algae, zooplankton, macro-benthos) variables were made at three transects: Transect 1- the site with fish cages (WC); transect 2- upstream of the fish cages (USC-control) and Transect 3- downstream of the cages (DSC). Upstream and Downstream sites were located approximately 1.0 km from the fish cages. Environment parameters varied spatially and temporally but were generally within safe ranges for freshwater habitats. Higher concentrations of SRP (0.015-0.112 Mg/L) occurred at USC during February, September and at DSC in November; NO2-N (0.217- 0.042 mg/L) at USC and DSC in February and November; NH4-N (0.0054- 0.065 Mg/L) at WC and DSC in February, May and November. Algal bio-volumes were significantly higher at WC (F (2,780)=4.619; P=0.010). Zooplankton species numbers were consistently lower at WC with a significant difference compared to the control site (P=0.032). Macro-benthos abundance was consistently higher at the site with cages where mollusks and low-oxygen and pollution-tolerant chironomids were the dominant group. Higher algal biomass, concentration of low-oxygen/pollution-tolerant macro-benthos and depressed zooplankton diversity at WC suggested impacts from the fish cages on aquatic biota.


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The exponential increase of industrial demand in the past two decades has led scientists to the development of alternative technologies for the fast manufacturing of engineering components, aside from standard and time consuming techniques such as casting or forging.Cold Spray (CS) is a newly developed manufacturing technique, based upon the deposition of metal powder on a substrate due to high energy particle impacts. In this process, the powder is accelerated up to considerable speed in a converging-diverging nozzle, typically using air, nitrogen or helium as a carrier gas. Recent developments have demonstrated significant process capabilities, from the building of mold-free 3D shapes made of various metals, to low porosity and corrosion resistant titanium coatings.In CS, the particle stream characteristics during the acceleration process are important in relation to the final geometry of the coating. Experimental studies have shown the tendency of particles to spread over the nozzle acceleration channel, resulting in a wide exit stream and in the difficulty of producing narrow tracks.This paper presents an investigation on the powder stream characteristics in CS supersonic nozzles. The powder insertion location was varied within the carrier gas flow, along with the geometry of the powder injector, in order to identify their relation with particle trajectories. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results by Fluent v6.3.26 are presented, along with experimental observations. Different configurations were tested and modeled, giving deposited track geometries of copper and tin ranging from 1. mm to 8. mm in width on metal and polymer substrates. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Prior to introduction of non-native fish species into Lakes Victor i a, Kyoga and Nabugabo, the three lakes suppor ted diverse fish fauna representing 13 families consisting of six cichlid genera and fifteen non-cichlid genera. There were about 50 non-cichlid species and over 300 cichlids consisting of mainly haplochromines (Graham 1929, worthington 1929, Greenwood 1960). Many of the species were commercially and scientifically important and provided a rich variety of protein source to choose from. Following introduction of the Nile perch and several tilapiines species, most of the native species were drastically reduced and some have apparently disappeared. The few remaining species appear to be restricted in distribution due to the presence of the Nile perch. They are mainly confined to refugia such as marginal macrophytes, rocky outcrops and small satellite lakes which are separated from the areas of introduction by swamps


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There has been tremendous growth in international trade on fish and fisheries products in the last four decades. In 1970 the value of internationally traded fish was estimated at 3 billion; this increased to US$ 15 billion in 1980, US$ 36 billion in 1990 and US$ 55 billion in 2000 (Ahmed, 2003). Recent statistics show that fish trade has surpassed other agricultural commodities that have traditionally been traded internationally such as coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, cereals, meat, oils and milk. In 2000, fish contributed 22% of the value of all agricultural exports, making it the highest internationally traded food product (Ahmed, 2003). In another perspective, nearly 40% of the world's fish is now sold in the international market. The flow of fish in the international market is highly lopsided. About 50% of fish exportscomefromthedevelopingworld ,ofwhich 20%arefrom low-incomefood deficient countries. Most of this fish, however, is consumed by the developed countries, which account for nearly 80% of all imported fish. The EU, USA and Japan are the major importers, accounting for over 77% of global fish imports. Thus, while developing countries playa big role in fish production , they consume very little of it, instead preferring to sell for the hard currency. In some fish exporting countries, especially those in Asia, there is some link between fish exports and imports of substitute and complementary foods. Much of the increased earning from fish exports in those countries is explained by a corresponding rise in expenditure on imported foods. This is not the case in many of the fish exporter nations in Africa. In their case, fish exports generate foreign exchange that they use to meet other socio-political objectives; hardly is it aimed at solving the wider food needs. Therefore, one of the most immediate concerns of international fish trade is its impact on food security in the poor exporter nations.


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Freshwater medusae have been observed in Lake Kyoga by several members of the Fisheries Department on a few isolated occasions over the past two years. Sightings have been made at Lwampanga at the western end of the lake, at Bukungu near the inlet of the River Nile into Lake Kyoga, and at Lalle, on the eastern extremity of the main lake. Most sightings have been made near the margin of the lake under very calm conditions. At Lalle and Lwampanga large numbers of medusae have been seen swimming near the surface; on these occasions, the medusae were pulsating regularly and maintained a position within a few inches of the surface. Apart from noting that sightings have occurred under calm conditions near the lake margin, no other observations to indicate when medusae are likely to be seen have been made. Most of the medusae are of similar size, the largest being 12 mm in diameter.


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Small-scale fishers in Europe have established a low-impact fishing platform to further fishing in a sustainable and socially and economically viable manner....


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A survey of certain Dahomean fishing methods showed them to be specifically adapted to the exploitation of floodplains and shallow water lagoons. Several types of fish-parks are described, ranging from small installations thaI funclion as refuge traps, to larger constructions that act as a form of fish culture. Ponds are also dug in the floodplains in order to conserve fish isolated during the dry season. These methods all give high yields and are worthy of consideration for use elsewhere on the African continent.


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Hymenocera picta, the painted shrimp, is a possible predator of A canthaster planci. the crown-of-thorns starfish. H. picta detects food by chemical cues alone and visual cues play no part in the initial location of prey. The presence of food in the water causes the shrimp to become more active, and distance chemoreceptors are probably present in the antennules of the shrimp. Extract of A. planci has statistically similar attractive powers to an extract of Linckia multifora, the starfish supplied as food to the shrimps. The painted shrimp was not attracted to fish extract (Chaetodon sp.) and may respond only to starfish. It is suggested that although H. picta is able to kill and feed on small juvenile A. planci. it is probably an ineffective predator against larger adult Crown-of-thorns starfish.


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This paper gives an account of the wet season swamps in the River Niger valley within tbe area now submerged by the Kainji Lake. Their ecology was studied with respect to the soils, plant cover, water chemistry and plankton concentrations. Their value to the fishery in the river basin was discussed.


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The Farm Pond, University of Ife, was impounded by the construction of a dam, below the confluence of two small streams, between March and July, 1967. The pond is located at an altitude of 122.4 m. 0.D., its outline is an indented trapezium occupying 445 dkrn' at maximum fill. Natural food is fed into the pond by its two inlets, and the pond is often coloured a darkish brown due to the abundance of plankton. In 1969, on the recommendation by the Fishery Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ibadan, about four standard head-pans of poultry droppings per 40 dkm2 per month were spread uniformly over the pond during 1969 and 1970. Also four pounds of triple superphosphate per acre per month were spread for a period of six months. The pond was drained a number of times in 1970. However, the lowest average level of 1.37 m was recorded in April, 1970, before drainage began; and the maximum depth of 5.7 m was recorded in September and October, 1970.


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During the Southeastern Atlantic Expedition of the German fishery research vessel "Walther Herwig" in 1967 the main emphasis lay on selective fishing of the South African hake Merluccius capensis (von BRANDT 1967). Some of the fish were found to be infested by ecto-and endoparasites both of which were collected whenever possible. Large plerocercoids of Dibothriorhynchus grossum whose adult stage lives in the South Atlantic Ocean in Lamna cornubica (L.SZIDAT, personal communication) were quite common as were cysticercoids of a Tetrarhynchus sp., which had also been reported in Cynoscion striatus off the Argentinian coast (MACDONAGH 1927, cited in Szidat, personal communication). Brownish nematodes were infesting the ovaries of several fish, but could not be identified. The most common ectoparasite to be observed was the parasitic isopod Livoneca raynaudii (fam. Cymothoidae) whose early larval stages were also found.


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The present study was under taken to provide further and more detailed information on the apparent seasonal and relative abundance of the species, food and feeding habits. Spawning season and size composition. The incidence of parasites, in relation to the month of the year and the fish length, was also examined.