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Au sujet d'Elleviou "qui a fait longtemps les délices de l'Opéra-Comique". Lui transmet un autographe d'Elleviou. - L'autographe est manquant. - Ancienne cote : "Dossier d'artiste Elleviou"
Urinary lithogenic and inhibitory factors were studied in 27 preterm infants; 16 had total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and 11 had breastmilk with an additional glucose-sodium chloride infusion. Urines were collected for 24 hours on day 2 (period A), day 3 (B), and once between days 4 and 10 (C). Urinary calcium oxalate saturation was calculated by the computer program EQUIL 2. Renal ultrasonography was performed every second week until discharge. The calcium/creatinine ratio increased in infants on TPN (A 0.91; C 1.68 mol/mol) and was significantly higher at period C than that in infants on breastmilk/infusion (A 0.52; C 0.36). The oxalate/creatinine ratio was persistently higher with TPN (203 mmol/mol) than with breastmilk/infusion (98; 137). The citrate/creatinine remained constant with TPN (0.44 mol/mol), whereas it increased significantly with breastmilk/infusion (0.26; 0.49). Calcium/citrate rose considerably with TPN, but decreased with breastmilk/infusion to a significantly lower level than with TPN. The urinary calcium oxalate saturation increased with TPN (2.4; 4.5) and decreased with breastmilk/infusion (2.1; 1.5) to a significantly lower value than with TPN. Nephrocalcinosis developed in two infants on TPN. Mean daily calcium intake was similar in both groups, whereas protein, sodium, and phosphorus intake were significantly higher on TPN. It is concluded that the increase in urinary calcium oxalate saturation observed with TPN is due to the combined effect of an increased urinary calcium excretion and higher urinary oxalate/creatinine and calcium/citrate ratios. The changes observed are likely to be caused by TPN itself, which differs in several respects from breastmilk feeding.
BACKGROUND: Guidelines surrounding maternal contact with the stillborn infant have been contradictory over the past thirty years. Most studies have reported that seeing and holding the stillborn baby is associated with fewer anxiety and depressive symptoms among mothers of stillborn babies than not doing so. In contrast, others studies suggest that contact with the stillborn infant can lead to poorer maternal mental health outcomes. There is a lack of research focusing on the maternal experience of this contact. The present study aimed to investigate how mothers describe their experience of spending time with their stillborn baby and how they felt retrospectively about the decision they made to see and hold their baby or not. METHOD: In depth interviews were conducted with twenty-one mothers three months after stillbirth. All mothers had decided to see and the majority to hold their baby. Qualitative analysis of the interview data was performed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. RESULTS: Six superordinate themes were identified: Characteristics of Contact, Physicality; Emotional Experience; Surreal Experience; Finality; and Decision. Having contact with their stillborn infant provided mothers with time to process what had happened, to build memories, and to 'say goodbye', often sharing the experience with partners and other family members. The majority of mothers felt satisfied with their decision to spend time with their stillborn baby. Several mothers talked about their fear of seeing a damaged or dead body. Some mothers experienced strong disbelief and dissociation during the contact. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate that preparation before contact with the baby, professional support during the contact, and professional follow-up are crucial in order to prevent the development of maternal mental health problems. Fears of seeing a damaged or dead body should be sensitively explored and ways of coping discussed. Even in cases where mothers experienced intense distress during the contact with their stillborn baby, they still described that having had this contact was important and that they had taken the right decision. This indicates a need for giving parents an informed choice by engaging in discussions about the possible benefits and risks of seeing their stillborn baby.
The 69 insertion and Q151M mutations are multi-nucleoside/nucleotide resistance mutations (MNR). The prevalence among 4078 antiretroviral therapy (ART)-experienced individuals was <1.3%. Combined ART fully prevented MNR in subtype B infections. Case-control studies were performed to identify risk factors. Control subjects were patients with ≥ 3 thymidine-analogue mutations. The 69 insertion study (27 control subjects, 14 case patients) identified didanosine exposure as a risk (odds ratio, 5.0 per year; P = .019), whereas the Q151M study (which included 44 control subjects and 25 case patients) detected no associations. Following detection, individuals with Q151M tended to have lower suppression rates and higher mortality rates, relative to control subjects. Additional studies are needed to verify these findings in non-subtype B infections.
[Élie de Saint-Gilles (français ancien). 1879]
[Élie de Saint-Gilles (français ancien). 1879]
This article examines the job prospects of displaced industrial workers in Switzerland. Based on a survey of 1,203 workers who were dismissed after their manufacturing plants closed down, we analyse the determinants of re-employment, the sector of re-employment and the change in wages. Two years after displacement, a majority of workers were back in employment: 69% were re-employed, 17% un-employed and 11% retired. Amongst re-employed workers, two thirds found a job in manufacturing and one third in services. Contrary to a common belief, low-end services are not the collecting vessel of redundant industrial workers. Displaced workers aged 55 and older seem particularly vulnerable after a plant closes down: over 30% were long-term unemployed, and those older workers who found a new job suffered disproportionate wage losses. Advanced age-and not low education-appears as the primary handicap after mass redundancy.
Treatment options for chronic hepatitis B have significantly expanded over the last decade. Six nucleoside or nucleotide analogs (NA) with activity against the hepatitis B virus are currently available. Prolonged NA treatment is required in many cases to maintain viral suppression, with an inherent risk of the development of antiviral resistance. The purpose of this concise review is to provide an introduction to the prevention, diagnosis and management of antiviral resistance in chronic hepatitis B.
Ochratoxin A (OTA), a fungal contaminant of basic food commodities, is known to be highly cytotoxic, but the pathways underlying adverse effects at subcytotoxic concentrations remain to be elucidated. Recent reports indicate that OTA affects cell cycle regulation. Therefore, 3D brain cell cultures were used to study OTA effects on mitotically active neural stem/progenitor cells, comparing highly differentiated cultures with their immature counterparts. Changes in the rate of DNA synthesis were related to early changes in the mRNA expression of neural stem/progenitor cell markers. OTA at 10nM, a concentration below the cytotoxic level, was ineffective in immature cultures, whereas in mature cultures it significantly decreased the rate of DNA synthesis together with the mRNA expression of key transcriptional regulators such as Sox2, Mash1, Hes5, and Gli1; the cell cycle activator cyclin D2; the phenotypic markers nestin, doublecortin, and PDGFRα. These effects were largely prevented by Sonic hedgehog (Shh) peptide (500ngml(-1)) administration, indicating that OTA impaired the Shh pathway and the Sox2 regulatory transcription factor critical for stem cell self-renewal. Similar adverse effects of OTA in vivo might perturb the regulation of stem cell proliferation in the adult brain and in other organs exhibiting homeostatic and/or regenerative cell proliferation.
Initial non-inflammatory demyelination in canine distemper virus infection (CDV) develops against a background of severe immunosuppression and is therefore, thought to be virus-induced. However, recently we found a marked invasion of T cells throughout the central nervous system (CNS) in dogs with acute distemper despite drastic damage to the immune system. In the present study, this apparent paradox was further investigated by immunophenotyping of lymphocytes, following experimental CDV challenge in vaccinated and non-vaccinated dogs. In contrast to CDV infected, unprotected dogs, vaccinated dogs did not become immunosuppressed and exhibited a strong antiviral immune response following challenge with virulent CDV. In unprotected dogs rapid and drastic lymphopenia was initially due to depletion of T cells. In peripheral blood, CD4(+) T cells were more sensitive and depleted earlier and for a longer time than CD8(+) cells which recovered soon. In the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) we could observe an increase in the T cell to B cell and CD8(+) to CD4(+) ratios. Thus, partial protection of the CD8(+) cell population could explain why part of the immune function in acute distemper is preserved. As found earlier, T cells invaded the CNS parenchyma in these dogs but also in the protected challenged dogs, which did not develop any CNS disease at all. Since markers of T cell activation were upregulated in both groups of animals, this phenomenon could in part be related to non-specific penetration of activated T cells through the blood brain barrier. However, in diseased animals much larger numbers of T cells were found in the CNS than in the protected dogs, suggesting that massive invasion of T cells in the brain requires CDV expression in the CNS.
ABSTRACT:¦BACKGROUND: The Spiritual Distress Assessment Tool (SDAT) is a 5-item instrument developed to assess unmet spiritual needs in hospitalized elderly patients and to determine the presence of spiritual distress. The objective of this study was to investigate the SDAT psychometric properties.¦METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed in a Geriatric Rehabilitation Unit. Patients (N = 203), aged 65 years and over with Mini Mental State Exam score ≥ 20, were consecutively enrolled over a 6-month period. Data on health, functional, cognitive, affective and spiritual status were collected upon admission. Interviews using the SDAT (score from 0 to 15, higher scores indicating higher distress) were conducted by a trained chaplain. Factor analysis, measures of internal consistency (inter-item and item-to-total correlations, Cronbach α), and reliability (intra-rater and inter-rater) were performed. Criterion-related validity was assessed using the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual well-being (FACIT-Sp) and the question "Are you at peace?" as criterion-standard. Concurrent and predictive validity were assessed using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), occurrence of a family meeting, hospital length of stay (LOS) and destination at discharge.¦RESULTS: SDAT scores ranged from 1 to 11 (mean 5.6 ± 2.4). Overall, 65.0% (132/203) of the patients reported some spiritual distress on SDAT total score and 22.2% (45/203) reported at least one severe unmet spiritual need. A two-factor solution explained 60% of the variance. Inter-item correlations ranged from 0.11 to 0.41 (eight out of ten with P < 0.05). Item-to-total correlations ranged from 0.57 to 0.66 (all P < 0.001). Cronbach α was acceptable (0.60). Intra-rater and inter-rater reliabilities were high (Intraclass Correlation Coefficients ranging from 0.87 to 0.96). SDAT correlated significantly with the FACIT-Sp, "Are you at peace?", GDS (Rho -0.45, -0.33, and 0.43, respectively, all P < .001), and LOS (Rho 0.15, P = .03). Compared with patients showing no severely unmet spiritual need, patients with at least one severe unmet spiritual need had higher odds of occurrence of a family meeting (adjOR 4.7, 95%CI 1.4-16.3, P = .02) and were more often discharged to a nursing home (13.3% vs 3.8%; P = .027).¦CONCLUSIONS: SDAT has acceptable psychometrics properties and appears to be a valid and reliable instrument to assess spiritual distress in elderly hospitalized patients.