1000 resultados para 1700-tal.


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Avaliaram-se a acurácia, a precisão e a robustez dos indicadores cutina, lignina em detergente ácido, óxido crômico e coleta total de fezes na estimativa da digestibilidade aparente da matéria orgânica de dietas para equinos. Para tal, foram utilizados quatro equinos machos, com idade aproximada de 10 meses e média de peso de 197kg (170 a 216kg). O experimento foi realizado em quatro períodos, com duração de 11 dias cada, sendo os oito primeiros usados para adaptação às dietas e os três subsequentes, para colheita de material. O delineamento experimental foi em quadrado latino 4X4. A ponderação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria orgânica pelos indicadores foi efetuada por meio do viés. A acurácia e a precisão foram determinadas pela comparação entre os dados preditos e observados, e a robustez pela comparação dos vieses com outros fatores estudados. A cutina não se mostrou eficiente como indicador interno, pois superestimou a digestibilidade aparente da matéria orgânica e resultou em menor acurácia e precisão. O oxido crômico apresentou baixa recuperação fecal e subestimou a digestibilidade aparente da matéria orgânica, embora tenha sido o mais preciso. A lignina em detergente ácido foi o indicador que obteve a melhor recuperação fecal e foi o mais acurado, portanto, o indicador mais eficiente.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the possible effects of reproductive experience on dopaminergic profile in three different brain tissues, hypothalamus, striatum and cortex in rats on 7th-8th day of pregnancy during the light-dark shift (between 1700-1900h). Results showed that in hypothalamus, dopamine levels increased and DOPAC/DA decreased as a function of parity. In cortex, no differences were observed. In striata, the haloperidol-induced HVA and HVA/DA increases were less intense in experienced animals. These findings suggested that reproductive experience produced functional central changes during pregnancy, with different neurochemical responses depending on the brain region.


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O maior entrave para o estudo da síndrome metabólica na adolescência consiste na carência de pontos de corte consolidados para tal grupo etário. O presente estudo se propôs a caracterizar os marcadores de risco para a síndrome metabólica em adolescentes do sexo feminino e verificar as possíveis correlações existentes entre variáveis analisadas. Tal estudo foi realizado com 60 adolescentes, do sexo feminino, entre 14 e 18 anos de idade. Foram analisados o índice de massa corporal e seus derivados, as circunferências da cintura (C) e quadril (Q), o percentual de gordura corporal (%G) e as dosagens plasmáticas de colesterol total (CT), frações (LDL e HDL) e glicemia de jejum. Apesar da predominância da eutrofi a (90%), encontraram-se alterações importantes: elevado percentual de gordura corporal (78,3%), níveis alterados de lipídios sangüíneos, 23,3% (CT), 15% (LDL) e 5% (HDL), glicemia de jejum alterada em 6,7%, sendo que em uma das adolescentes foi diagnosticado o diabetes Mellitus. Observaram-se correlações signifi cantes entre HDL e relação C/Q (r = -0,276; p=0,032) e LDL e %G (r = 0,296; p=0,021) e entre o número de alterações apresentadas pelas adolescentes e os valores %G (r=0,300, p=0,020); CT (r=0,536, p<0,001) e LDL (r=0,506, p<0,001). A importância de tais alterações neste grupo etário se justifi ca em função do seu signifi cado clínico, uma vez que irão predispor ao aumento das taxas de morbi-mortalidade por doenças crônicas não transmissíveis na vida adulta


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Expandir a área de cobertura dos serviços básicos de saúde, contribuindo com a melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações isoladas das regiões distantes do Brasil. Para tal, apresentar uma alternativa de geração de energia elétrica que preserve o meio ambiente, de forma sustentável, e permite a implantação de postos de saúde em regiões distantes desprovidas de energia elétrica. Métodos: Levantamento bibliográfico abrangendo diversas bases de dados enfocando-se: o acesso aos serviços básicos da saúde no território brasileiro; a definição de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde; o panorama de geração de energia no brasil, com destaque para o sistema de geração de energia distribuída; a tecnologia limpa de geração de energia elétrica com a utilização do hidrogênio. Resultados: O levantamento dos dados disponíveis do atendimento básico de saúde no Brasil mostra uma disparidade regional exarcebada, em função da diversidade geográfica, econômica e social da população. Paralelamente, esclarece ser grande o percentual da população das regiões distantes, sem acesso à energia elétrica, o que impossibilita a existência de qualquer equipamento para atendimento básico à saúde. Apresenta-se então uma alternativa de geração de energia elétrica que viabilize a implantação de Unidades Básicas de Saúde. Conclusões: É precípuo às populações das regiões isoladas do brasil o acesso aos serviços básicos de saúde. O sistema proposto visa gerar energia de forma limpa e sustentável, com o mínimo impacto ambiental, de forma distribuída, a viabilizar a implantação destes serviços básicos às mesmas


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Existem, atualmente, mais de 300 hipóteses relativas à caracterização, função e mecanismos do envelhecimento, possivelmente devido ao aumento de idosos no mundo. Embora se avente uma função social à velhice humana, as transformações da sociedade impuseram uma cultura de descarte, incluindo pessoas como os idosos. Tal exclusão, que se associa à tristeza, depressão e morte desse grupo, é contraditória ao aumento do tempo de vida dos idosos constatado atualmente. O presente trabalho tentou determinar os aspectos ambientais envolvidos na longevidade usando uma técnica de metodologia qualitativa denominada grounded theory (ou teoria fundamentada nos dados) em dados fornecidos por ex-ferroviários longevos. Constatou-se que as representações dos ex-ferroviários confluem para a categoria central: desolação pelo aniquilamento da vida e do ambiente, no presente, devido à continuada negligência do Estado e da Sociedade na promoção e preservação das coisas boas para a vida que havia no passado. Observou-se ainda que, paralelamente à hipervalorização genérica das coisas do passado, há constatação recente de que suas existências fizeram parte da epopeia que promoveu o desenvolvimento econômico e social do interior paulista e possibilitou uma ressignificação existencial do passado, sugerindo ser um potente mecanismo de defesa que culmina em longevidade. Tal achado se insere na hipótese de que a função da longevidade seria a de preservar um contingente social com conhecimentos de um modo de vida que deu certo por ser socialmente vantajoso


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Dengue epidemics have been reported in Brazil since 1985. The scenery has worsened in the last decade because several serotypes are circulating and producing a hyper-endemic situation, with an increase of DHF/DSS cases as well as the number of fatalities. Herein, we report dengue virus surveillance in mosquitoes using a Flavivirus genus-specific RT-Hemi-Nested-PCR assay. The mosquitoes (Culicidae, n = 1700) collected in the Northeast, Southeast and South of Brazil, between 1999 and 2005, were grouped into 154 pools. Putative genomes of DENV-1, -2 and -3 were detected in 6 mosquito pools (3.8%). One amplicon of putative DENV-1 was detected in a pool of Haemagogus leucocelaenus suggesting that this virus could be involved in a sylvatic cycle. DENV-3 was found infecting 3 pools of larvae of Aedes albopictus and the nucleotide sequence of one of these viruses was identified as DENV-3 of genotype III, phylogenetically related to other DENV-3 isolated in Brazil. This is the first report of a nucleotide sequence of DENV-3 from larvae of Aedes albopictus.


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We present a measurement of pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) photonuclear production in ultraperipheral Au-Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV from the STAR experiment. The pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) final states are observed at low transverse momentum and are accompanied by mutual nuclear excitation of the beam particles. The strong enhancement of the production cross section at low transverse momentum is consistent with coherent photoproduction. The pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) invariant mass spectrum of the coherent events exhibits a broad peak around 1540 +/- 40 MeV/c(2) with a width of 570 +/- 60 MeV/c(2), in agreement with the photoproduction data for the rho(0)(1700). We do not observe a corresponding peak in the pi(+)pi(-) final state and measure an upper limit for the ratio of the branching fractions of the rho(0)(1700) to pi(+)pi(-) and pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) of 2.5% at 90% confidence level. The ratio of rho(0)(1700) and rho(0)(770) coherent production cross sections is measured to be 13.4 +/- 0.8(stat.) +/- 4.4(syst.)%.


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Let f be a C(r)-diffeomorphism of the closed annulus A that preserves the orientation, the boundary components and the Lebesgue measure. Suppose that f has a lift (f) over tilde to the infinite strip (A) over tilde which has zero Lebesgue measure rotation number. If the rotation number of f restricted to both boundary components of (f) over tilde is positive, then for such a generic f (r >= 16), zero is an interior point of its rotation set. This is a partial solution to a conjecture of P. Boyland.


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Enzyme production is a growing field in biotechnology and increasing attention has been devoted to the solid-state fermentation (SSF) of lignocellulosic biomass for production of industrially relevant lignocellulose deconstruction enzymes, especially manganese-peroxidase (MnP), which plays a crucial role in lignin degradation. However, there is a scarcity of studies regarding extraction of the secreted metabolities that are commonly bound to the fermented solids, preventing their accurate detection and limiting recovery efficiency. In the present work, we assessed the effectiveness of extraction process variables (pH, stirring rate, temperature, and extraction time) on recovery efficiency of manganese-peroxidase (MnP) obtained by SSF of eucalyptus residues using Lentinula edodes using statistical design of experiments. The results from this study indicated that of the variables studied, pH was the most significant (p < 0.05%) parameter affecting MnP recovery yield, while temperature, extraction time, and stirring rate presented no statistically significant effects in the studied range. The optimum pH for extraction of MnP was at 4.0-5.0, which yielded 1500-1700 IU kg (1) of enzyme activity at extraction time 4-5 h, under static condition at room temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work discusses the resultant microstructure of laser surface treated galvanised steel and the mechanical properties of adhesively bonded surfaces therein. The surface microstructure obtained at laser intensities between 170 and 1700 MW cm 22 exhibit zinc melting and cavity formation. The wavy surface morphology of the treated surface exhibits an average roughness Ra between 1.0 and 1.5 mu m, and a mean roughness depth R(z) of 8.6 mu m. Atomic force microscopic analyses revealed that the R(z) inside the laser shot cavities increased from 68 to 243 nm when the incident laser intensity was increased from 170 to 1700 MW cm(-2). X-ray fluorescence analyses were used to measure Zn coating thicknesses as a function of process parameters. Both X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction analyses demonstrated that the protective coating remains at the material surface, and the steel structure beneath was not affected by the laser treatment. Tensile tests under peel strength conditions demonstrated that the laser treated adhesively joined samples had resistance strength up to 88 MPa, compared to a maximum of only 23 MPa for the untreated surfaces. The maximum deformation for rupture was also greatly increased from 0.07%, for the original surface, to 0.90% for the laser treated surfaces.


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This paper presents an improved constitutive equation of frame in the context of continuous medium technique. This improved constitutive equation, which is a consistent formulation of column global bending, is applicable to a complete class of frameworks including the ideal shear frame panel, for which the beams are assumed to be rigid, and the associated column system, for which the rigidity of beams is negligible. Global buckling and second-order effects of the frame structure are discussed. The main results can be extended to other types of lateral stiffening elements as built-up columns. A worked example is presented in order to compare the main results with those obtained by the classic matrix method. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The perfect mixing model (PMM) is based on parameters derived from the equipment characteristics as well as ore breakage characteristics. Ore characteristics are represented through the appearance function. This function may be determined using JKMRC laboratorial methods or by standard functions. This work describes the model fitting process of the Carajas grinding circuit, using the JKSimMet simulator Two scenarios were used in model fitting exercises: 1) standard appearance function; and 2) appearance fund ion based on testing carried out on samples taken at circuit feed. From this assessment, the appearance function`s influence in the PMM,fit and it`s relation with the breakage rate were determined. The influence of the appearance function on the respective breakage rate distribution was assessed.


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The phenylethanoid glycoside acteoside and the iridoids ipolamiide and 4-methoxycarbonyl-7-methylcyclopenta[c]pyran (fulvoipolamiide) were isolated from the leaves of Stachytarpheta glabra. The solid state structure of fulvoipolamiide was confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies. The molecules of fulvoipolamiide are displayed in layers parallel to the crystallographic axis a. This molecule is planar with electron delocalization in the fused ring system and the pyran rings of adjacent layers in the solid state structure are involved in a pi-pi stacking interaction. Raman spectroscopy has also been used to characterize the most important bands present in the spectra of fulvoipolamiide and ipolamiide, and comparison made with literature allows the assignment of some key markers, specially the bands in the 1600-1700 cm(-1) range. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to determine if the effects of inoculation with Lactobacillus buchneri 40788 were detectable when applied to whole-plant corn stored in farm silos. Corn silage was randomly sampled from farms in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania, and was untreated (n = 15) or treated with an inoculant (n = 16) containing L. buchneri 40788 alone or this organism combined with Pediococcus pentosaceus during May and June 2007. Corn silage that was removed from the silo face during the morning feeding was sampled, vacuum-packed, and heat sealed in polyethylene bags and shipped immediately to the University of Delaware for analyses. Silage samples were analyzed for dry matter (DM), nutrient composition, fermentation end-products, aerobic stability, and microbial populations. The population of L. buchneri in silages was determined using a real-time quantitative PCR method. Aerobic stability was measured as the time after exposure to air that it took for a 2 degrees C increase above an ambient temperature. The DM and concentrations of lactic and acetic acids were 35.6 and 34.5, 4.17 and 4.85, and 2.24 and 2.41%, respectively, for untreated and inoculated silages and were not different between treatments. The concentration of 1,2-propanediol was greater in inoculated silages (1.26 vs. 0.29%). Numbers of lactic acid bacteria determined on selective agar were not different between treatments. However, the numbers of L. buchneri based on measurements using real-time quantitative PCR analysis were greater and averaged 6.46 log cfu-equivalents/g compared with 4.89 log cfu-equivalent for inoculated silages. There were fewer yeasts and aerobic stability was greater in inoculated silages (4.75 log cfu/g and 74 h of stability) than in untreated silages (5.55 log cfu/g and 46 h of stability). This study supports the effectiveness of L. buchneri 40788 on dairy farms.


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The complexes [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2), [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) ([9]aneN(2)S = 1-thia-4. 7-diazacyclononane and [9]aneNS(2) = 1,4-dithia-7-azacyclononane) have been prepared and the latter two characterised by X-ray crystallography. The Mossbauer spectra (isomer shift/mm s(-1), quadrupole splitting/mm s(-1), 4.2 K) for [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) (0.52, 0.57), [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) (0.25, 2.72) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) (0.43, 0.28) are typical for iron(II) and iron(III) complexes. Variable-temperature susceptibility measurements for [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) (2-300 K) revealed temperature-dependent behaviour in both the solid state [2.95 mu(B) (300 K)-0.5 mu(B) (4.2 K)] and solution (Delta H degrees 20-22 kJ mol(-1), Delta S degrees 53-60 J mol(-1) K-1). For [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) in the solid state [2.3 mu(B) (300 K)-1.9 mu(B) (4.2 K)] the magnetic data were fit to a simple model (H = -lambda L . S + mu L-z) to give the spin-orbit coupling constant (lambda) of -260 +/- 10 cm(-1). The solid-state X-band EPR spectrum of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) revealed axial symmetry (g(perpendicular to) = 2.607, g(parallel to) = 1.599). Resolution of g(perpendicular to) into two components at Q-band frequencies indicated a rhombic distortion. The low-temperature single-crystal absorption spectra of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) exhibited additional bands which resembled pseudotetragonal low-symmetry splitting of the parent octahedral (1)A(1g) --> T-1(2g) and (1)A(1g) ---> T-1(1g) transitions. However, the magnitude of these splittings was too large, requiring 10Dq for the thioether donors to be significantly larger than for the amine donors. Instead, these bands were tentatively assigned to weak, low-energy S --> Fe-II charge-transfer transitions. Above 200 K, thermal occupation of the high-spin T-5(2g) ground state resulted in observation of the T-5(2g) --> E-5(g) transition in the crystal spectrum of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2). From a temperature-dependence study, the separation of the low-spin (1)A(1g) and high-spin T-5(2g) ground states was approximately 1700 cm(-1). The spectrum of the iron(III) complex [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) is consistent with a low-spin d(5) configuration.