993 resultados para 1600-1681.
A partir de abril de 1500 a armada de Pedro Álvares Cabral dá início ao contato e ao registro através das páginas da carta de seu escrivão, Pero Vaz de Caminha de um novo mundo e uma nova humanidade: os índios que habitavam o território que atualmente conhecemos por Brasil. No desenrolar dos quinhentos, estes diferentes povos e culturas foram decodificados e reinterpretados de diversas maneiras em cartas, livros e demais documentos manuscritos. No campo das artes visuais portuguesas, não foi diferente. Esse outro assume um papel coadjuvante quase sempre inserido em duas temáticas principais, a arte religiosa e as grandes navegações mas nem por isso menos interessante: o gosto pelo exótico, característica marcante durante o período das expansões ultramarinas, não só em Portugal, mas em outras regiões europeias, aliado ao etnocentrismo e a influência do Cristianismo, acabou por caracterizar os índios do Brasil, mutatis mutandis, como novos homens selvagens. Para uns, são como bestas, mais perto do inferno; para outros, são cristãos em potencial, mais próximos do céu
Transparent polycrystalline Cr:Al2O3 ceramics were synthesized by conventional pressureless synthesis processing. The absorption and emission spectra of Cr:Al2O3 ceramics specimens before and after annealing were measured at room temperature. It was discovered that the emission spectra of Cr4+ in Al2O3 octahedral coordination site is in infrared wavelength range of 1100-1600 nm. The emission peak of Cr4+ is centered at 1223 nm, which is similar to that of Cr4+ in tetrahedral site. Al2O3 has smaller lattice constant, resulting in the larger crystal field strength, so there is a blue shift in the peak of Cr4+:Al2O3 ceramics compared to those of other Cr4+-doped crystals. And the emission band is much narrower with full width at half maximum Delta lambda 37 nm.
A cruise aboard the vessel Cassiopeia was held from 14 to 22 November 2000. The objective to map the fishing areas, to study the variation of the catch, income, specific composition and length on wishbone Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus (cachucho) in relation to fishing areas, depth and immersion time of the fish pots. The total capture registered was 4.350,00 Kg for 1600 fish pots and 32 effectuated throws. The highest capture per throw was registered in the interval of depth between the 140 to 180 meters. Regarding the time of immersion, the better captures were obtained in the interval between 25 and 30 hours. The profits during this cross were for fish-trap (2, 71 kg), per throw 135,00 Kg and for immersion hour 6,07 kg. P. coeruleopunctatus (cachucho) was more abundant in number in Quissico, while in Zavora it was abundant in number and also in weight. Likewise, the cachucho was more abundant in number and weight in the captures of the fish pots submerged less than 24 hours, 100-140 meters depth. Cachucho catch under 100 meters depth was quite reduced (less than 1 %). The middle length of the cachucho captured during the cross was 275,7 mm. There were significant differences in the lengths of the cachucho accordingly to depth or fishing area. The smallest individual (fish) was captured by fish pots that were submerged more than 24 hours. The principal recommendations of the study refer to maintenance of the current fishing effort with regard to the number of fish pots, and explore the fishing areas on a rotating basis, to avoid the local effort, currently high.
Operational modifications based on recreational angler activity patterns can be successfully formulated to increase creel survey efficiency without a significant loss of information. This study was conducted to estimate the amount of Texas marine sport-boat angler interview and retained fish data (bay and Gulf) that would be missed both coastwide and within each bay system if surveys were terminated early when no angler interviews were conducted by a specified time. Using this method, <3 percent of the total interviews and retained fish would be missed coastwide by terminating surveys at 1400 hours on weekends and 1600 hours on weekdays throughout the survey year. This would result in the early termination of 14 percent of the weekend surveys and 23 percent of the weekday surveys, thus allowing an annual redirection of 440 work-hours and $6,063 in operating expenses.
星果草属至今仍包括两个种,它在毛茛科中的系统位置存在争议。本文针对该属的物种划分以及它在毛茛科中的系统位置所存在的问题,在云南东北和四川西南交界处,选择了5个居群(包括典型的近全缘型、裂叶型以及它们的中间类型),研究了16个形态性状的变异式样和规律;在扫描电镜下观察了它们的花粉形态,在光镜下统计了4个居群的花粉萌发孔类型;对这5个居群12个酶系统进行了等位酶分析,获得了19个位点的资料;对星果草属及相关的3个属进行了胚胎学研究,获得了星果草属较完整的胚胎学资料 和相关属的部分胚胎学特征。综合上述研究结果和前人的研究资料,对星果草属的形态变异、居群分化、种类划分和它的系统位置进行了分析和讨论,结果如下: l.形态上出现了中间类型是该属存在物种划分问题的主要原因。作者通过形态性状的分析发现,以前作为该属现存两个种的鉴别性状(叶形、叶片大小、植株高矮和叶柄被毛与否)为不稳定的性状,在居群内或居群间呈现连续变异,不能作为分种的鉴别性状;我们考察了根、花部器官的性状以后也未发现它们存在明显间断的性状。 2.居群水平的孢粉学研究表明,三种萌发孔类型(散孔型、散沟型以及它们的中间类型)出现在同一居群内,说明该性状在星果草属的种类划分中具有有限的系统学意义。值得提出的是萌发孔类型在不同居群中出现的频率不同,这种频率与叶形是相关的:叶片裂得越深,散孔类型的花粉所占的比例越大;反之,叶片裂得越浅,散沟类型的花粉所占的比例越大。 3.通过对这5个居群的细胞学研究,作者发现它们均为二倍体(2n=16),染色体从大到小逐渐过渡,不具有二型性,为R-型染色体;绥江与马边居群(均为典型的裂叶型)的核型资料表明它们的第一对染色体短臂上具有随体。该结果不同于杨亲二等对裂叶型的核型报道。为了探讨星果草属的进化机制还有必要对它的细胞学做进一步研究。 4.等位酶资料表明居群间的基因分化系数达到53.4%,说明居群间遗传分化程度较高。星果草属植物以营养繁殖为主,种子传播主要以重力所介导,又是高山或亚高山分布的植物,这些因素都不利于居群间的基因交流,致使居群间发生很强的遗传分化;居群间的遗传一致度值变化范围为0. 723--0. 912,其中峨眉居群(大多为典型的近全缘型)与绥江居群(典型的裂叶型)的遗传一致度值(0. 845),仅稍低于马边居群与绥江居群的遗传一致度值(0.912);聚类结果表明这5个居群分为两支,峨眉居群与天全居群聚为一支;其余三个居群聚为另一支,这与与形态分化相吻合。 5.该属胚胎学不少特征与毛莨科其它属相似:花药壁发育为双子叶型,腺质绒毡层,胞质分裂为同时型,成熟花粉为二细胞:双珠被,珠孔仅由内珠被形成,蓼型胚囊,胚胎发生属柳叶菜型。但是假厚珠心与双珠被的特殊组合,有别于毛莨科其它类群。我们还首次报道了鸡爪草属、黄连属和人字果属的部分胚胎学特征。 基于以上形态学、孢粉学、细胞学和等位酶的分析结果,作者认为将星果草属处理为单种属,种下分为两个亚种较为合适。并认为星果草属为金莲花亚科中的自然类群,并与金莲花亚科中金莲花族关系较近,给予族的等级较为合适。
陆地植物起源以后,地球上的环境发生了巨大的变化。大气CO2浓度自泥盆纪早期的2000-4OOOμml•mol_1下降至石炭一二叠纪的300μml•mol_1左右,02浓度在泥盆纪至石炭一二叠纪时期,由20-30μml•mol_1上升到70-80μml•mol_1,随后又下降到目前的水平。陆地植物登陆后,形态结构也发生了显著的改变,气生部分表而分化出了通气结构--气孔器和保护结构--角质层。泥盆纪首选标志植物刺镰蕨(Drelpanophycus spinaefrmis)在整个泥盆纪,广布全世界。刺镰蕨的气孔器类型一直存在两种观点,一种认为刺镰蕨的气孔器是平列型,即气孔器山两个保卫细胞和两个副卫细胞组成:另一观点认为刺镰蕨的气孔器为不规则型,即气孔器仅有两个保卫细胞构成,不具副卫细胞。我们借助于扫描电镜、石蜡制片技术和叶表皮离析法,细致地研究了现代石松(Lycopodium japonicum)叶的横切而、表皮及气孔器的内外表面结构,并同刺镰蕨的表皮和气孔器进行了对比。认为刺镰蕨的气孔器和所有的化石石松类及现代石松类的气孔器一样,均属于不规则型。从而解决了关于刺镰蕨气孔器类型的长期争论的关键性科学问题。 胡桃科青钱柳属植物起源于晚白垩世的环北太平洋沿岸,化石植物最早发现于北美古新世和早始新世的Motana,,Wyoming,North Dakota,north Colorado地区,欧亚地区仅出现在渐新世至上新世的Kazakhstan、Germany、Romnania、Russia、Japan、中国云南远谋和四川米易地区。我们将采于吉林省珲春组始新世的叶化石鉴定为一青钱柳相似种,该化石成为东亚地区出现最早的青钱柳属植物,这一发现也支持晚白垩至早第三纪时期环北太平洋两岸曾经相连的观点,青钱柳属在晚白垩由北美起源,在始新世经东亚向欧亚大陆扩散,由于环境变迁,第四纪以后,青钱柳属仪剩一种植物分布于中国的亚热带地区。文中还利用共存分析方法估测出始新世吉林省珲春地区属于暖温带至亚热带气候。 统万城遗址位于我国黄土高原向毛乌素沙漠过渡地带的北缘,属于暖温带森林草原向温带干草原、温带荒漠草原过渡的地区,同时又是东部季风区向西北干旱区过渡的生态环境敏感带。今天统万城地区的自然景观属于沙漠,仅存稀疏的次生灌丛和草本群落。但是,通过对统万城城墙内的孢粉和木材进行的综合研究表明,在约1600年前,当地为温带草原,在塬面或山丘上分布有侧柏林,沟谷、河岸边生长喜温湿的乔木,河流、湖泊、沼泽中水生植物繁盛,在丘间低洼处或盐碱土上分布有灌木和草本植物。当时该地区的年均温为7.8 ℃-9.3℃,最热月平均温度23.0℃-24.9℃,最冷月平均温度-12℃-5.6℃,年较差28.5℃-3 8.2℃,年降雨量403.4-550.Omm,最大月降雨量83.8-123.9mm,最少月降雨量4.4-12.2mm,当时气候比现在温暖湿润,年均温比现在高出0.2-0.7℃,年降雨量也高出60--lOOmm。而如此的历史景观今天已经向南迁移,侧柏林或森林草原退缩至延安以南地区。在此近1600年的时间里,毛乌素沙漠分布范围不断扩大,其南部边缘推进了约200 km,推测沙漠扩展的速率达到平均125m/a。
The molecular chaperone αB-crystallin is a small heat-shock protein that is upregulated in response to a multitude of stress stimuli, and is found colocalized with Aβ amyloid fibrils in the extracellular plaques that are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. We investigated whether this archetypical small heat-shock protein has the ability to interact with Aβ fibrils in vitro. We find that αB-crystallin binds to wild-type Aβ(42) fibrils with micromolar affinity, and also binds to fibrils formed from the E22G Arctic mutation of Aβ(42). Immunoelectron microscopy confirms that binding occurs along the entire length and ends of the fibrils. Investigations into the effect of αB-crystallin on the seeded growth of Aβ fibrils, both in solution and on the surface of a quartz crystal microbalance biosensor, reveal that the binding of αB-crystallin to seed fibrils strongly inhibits their elongation. Because the lag phase in sigmoidal fibril assembly kinetics is dominated by elongation and fragmentation rates, the chaperone mechanism identified here represents a highly effective means to inhibit fibril proliferation. Together with previous observations of αB-crystallin interaction with α-synuclein and insulin fibrils, the results suggest that this mechanism is a generic means of providing molecular chaperone protection against amyloid fibril formation.
Estimates of instantaneous mortality rates (Z) and annual apparent survival probabilities (Φ) were generated from catch-curve analyses for oceanic-stage juvenile loggerheads (Caretta caretta) in the waters of the Azores. Two age distributions were analyzed: the “total sample” of 1600 loggerheads primarily captured by sighting and dipnetting from a variety of vessels in the Azores between 1984 and 1995 and the “tuna sample” of 733 loggerheads (a subset of the total sample) captured by sighting and dipnetting from vessels in the commercial tuna fleet in the Azores between 1990 and 1992. Because loggerhead sea turtles begin to emigrate from oceanic to neritic habitats at age 7, the best estimates of instantaneous mortality rate (0.094) and annual survival probability (0.911) not confounded with permanent emigration were generated for age classes 2 through 6. These estimates must be interpreted with caution because of the assumptions upon which catch-curve analyses are based. However, these are the first directly derived estimates of mortality and survival probabilities for oceanic-stage sea turtles. Estimation of survival probabilities was identified as “an immediate and critical requirement” in 2000 by the Turtle Expert Working Group of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service.