964 resultados para 14C plateau boundaries used as tie points
(Table 5) Reservoir ages in 14C years BP and reservoir age offsets DR for ODP Hole 169-1034C samples
Sand-silt-clay distribution was determined at Scripps on samples collected at the time the cores were split and described. The sediment classification used here is that of Shepard (1954); sand, silt, and clay boundaries are determined on the basis of the Wentworth (1922) scale. Thus the sand, silt, and clay fractions are composed of particles whose diameters range from 2000 to 62.5 µm, 62.5 to 3.91 µm, and less than 3.91 µm, respectively. This classification is applied regardless of sediment type and origin.
Ice core records demonstrate a glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO2 increase by ~100 ppm, while 14C calibration efforts document a strong decrease in atmospheric 14C concentration during this period. A calculated transfer of ~530 Gt of 14C depleted carbon is required to produce the deglacial coeval rise of carbon in the atmosphere and terrestrial biosphere. This amount is usually ascribed to oceanic carbon release, although the actual mechanisms remained elusive, since an adequately old and carbon-enriched deep-ocean reservoir seemed unlikely. Here we present a new, though still fragmentary, ocean-wide d14C dataset showing that during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS-1) the maximum 14C age difference between ocean deep waters and the atmosphere exceeded the modern values by up to 1500 14C yr, in the extreme reaching 5100 14C yr. Below 2000 m depth the 14C ventilation age of modern ocean waters is directly linked to the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). We propose as working hypothesis that the modern regression of DIC vs d14C also applies for LGM times, which implies that a mean LGM aging by ~600 14C yr corresponded to a global rise of ~85-115 µmol DIC/kg in the deep ocean. Thus, the prolonged residence time of ocean deep waters may indeed have made it possible to absorb an additional ~730-980 Gt DIC, one third of which possibly originated from intermediate waters. We also infer that LGM deep-water O2 dropped to suboxic values of <10µmol/kg in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, possibly also in the subpolar North Pacific. The outlined deglacial transfer of the extra aged, deep-ocean carbon to the atmosphere via the dynamic ocean-atmosphere carbon exchange would be sufficient to account for two trends observed, (1) for the increase in atmospheric CO2 and (2) for the 190-permil drop in atmospheric d14C during the so-called HS-1 'Mystery Interval', when atmospheric 14C production rates were largely constant.
The distribution of seagrass and associated benthic communities on the reef and lagoon of Low Isles, Great Barrier Reef, was mapped between the 29 July and 29 August 1997. For this survey, observers walked or free-dived at survey points positioned approximately 50 m apart along a series of transects. Visual estimates of above-ground seagrass biomass and % cover of each benthos and substrate type were recorded at each survey point. A differential handheld global positioning system (GPS) was used to locate each survey point (accuracy ±3m). A total of 349 benthic survey points were examined. To assist with mapping meadow/habitat type boundaries, an additional 177 field points were assessed and a georeferenced 1:12,000 aerial photograph (26th August 1997) was used as a secondary source of information. Bathymetric data (elevation below Mean Sea Level) measured at each point assessed and from Ellison (1997) supplemented information used to determine boundaries, particularly in the subtidal lagoon. 127.8 ±29.6 hectares was mapped. Seagrass and associated benthic community data was derived by haphazardly placing 3 quadrats (0.25m**2) at each survey point. Seagrass above ground biomass (standing crop, grams dry weight (g DW m**-2)) was determined within each quadrat using a non-destructive visual estimates of biomass technique and the seagrass species present identified. In addition, the cover of all benthos was measured within each of the 3 quadrats using a systematic 5 point method. For each quadrat, frequency of occurrence for each benthic category was converted to a percentage of the total number of points (5 per quadrat). Data are presented as the average of the 3 quadrats at each point. Polygons of discrete seagrass meadow/habitat type boundaries were created using the on-screen digitising functions of ArcGIS (ESRI Inc.), differentiated on the basis of colour, texture, and the geomorphic and geographical context. The resulting seagrass and benthic cover data of each survey point and for each seagrass meadow/habitat type was linked to GPS coordinates, saved as an ArcMap point and polygon shapefile, respectively, and projected to Universal Transverse Mercator WGS84 Zone 55 South.
An astronomically calibrated timescale has recently been established [Hilgen, 1991, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90082-S; doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90206-W] for the Pliocene and earliest Pleistocene based on the correlation of dominantly precession controlled sedimentary cycles (sapropels and carbonate cycles) in Mediterranean marine sequences to the precession time series of the astronomical solution of Berger and Loutre [1991, doi:10.1016/0277-3791(91)90033-Q ] (hereinafter referred to as Ber90). Here we evaluate the accuracy of this timescale by (1) comparing the sedimentary cycle patterns with 65°N summer insolation time series of different astronomical solutions and (2) a cross-spectral comparison between the obliquity-related components in the 65°N summer insolation curves and high-resolution paleoclimatic records derived from the same sections used to construct the timescale. Our results show that the carbonate cycles older than 3.5 m.y. should be calibrated to one precession cycle older than previously proposed. Application of the astronomical solution of Laskar [1990, doi:10.1016/0019-1035(90)90084-M], (hereinafter referred to as La90) with present-day values for the dynamical ellipticity of the Earth and tidal dissipation by the Sun and Moon results in the best fit with the geological record, indicating that this solution is the most accurate from a geological point of view. Application of Ber90, or La90 solutions with dynamical ellipticity values smaller or larger than the present-day value, results in a less obvious fit with the geological record. This implies that the change in the planetary shape of the Earth associated with ice loading and unloading near the poles during the last 5.3 million years was too small to drive the precession into resonance with the perturbation term, s6-g6+g5, of Jupiter and Saturn. Our new timescale results in a slight but significant modification of all ages of the sedimentary cycles, bioevents, reversal boundaries, chronostratigraphic boundaries, and glacial cycles. Moreover, a comparison of this timescale with the astronomical timescales of ODP site 846 [Shackleton et al., 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.138.106.1995; doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.138.117.1995] and ODP site 659 [Tiedemann et al., 1994, doi:10.1029/94PA00208] indicates that all obliquity-related glacial cycles prior to ~4.7 Ma in ODP sites 659 and 846 should be correlated with one obliquity cycle older than previously proposed.
The Carnian to Norian sediments, as much as 600 m in total thickness, recovered from ODP Sites 759 and 760 on the Wombat Plateau, are generally represented by fluvial-dominated deltaic successions. In general, the Carnian to Norian sandstones are quartzose. The average ratio of monocrystalline quartz grains, total feldspar grains, and total lithic fragments (i.e., Qm:F:Lt ratio) is 71:22:7. This indicates that they were derived mainly from the transitional continental and cratonic interior provenance terranes, such as the Pilbara Precambrian block to the south of the Wombat Plateau. The upper Carnian sediments, however, are characterized by more feldspathic sandstone petrofacies. They typically contain some volcanic rock fragments with trachytic texture and indicate the onset of the incipient rift-related tectonic movement, such as uplift and subsequent abrupt basin subsidence, together with volcanism in the Gondwana continental block. Mixed siliciclastic and carbonate cycles are typically intercalated in the prodelta to delta front deposits that developed mainly in a lagoon-like, restricted marine environment. The restricted marine environment developed during transgressions as the outflow of shallow water was restricted by depositional barriers. Around the barriers and/or delta lobes, carbonate shoals/banks were probably developed and the allochemical components of the neritic limestones may have been transported into the restricted marine environment by overwash processes and/or storm waves. Siliciclastic detritus, on the other hand, was mainly derived accompanied by delta progradation dominated by fluvial processes in the restricted marine environment. Therefore, we interpret the mixed siliciclastic and carbonate cycles in the deltaic successions to be a result of transgression-regression cycles in a deltaic system during the Late Triassic.
We present paleomagnetic data from basaltic pillow and lava flows drilled at four Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 192 sites through the Early Cretaceous (~120 Ma) Ontong Java Plateau (OJP). Altogether 270 samples (out of 331) yielded well-defined characteristic remanent magnetization components all of which have negative inclinations, i.e. normal polarity. Dividing data into inclination groups we obtain 5, 7, 14 and 15 independent inclination estimates for the four sites. Statistical analysis suggests that paleosecular variation has been sufficiently sampled and site-mean inclinations therefore represent time-averaged fields. Of particular importance is the finding that all four site-mean inclinations are statistically indistinguishable, strongly supporting indirect seismic observation from the flat-lying sediments blanketing the OJP that the studied basalts have suffered little or no tectonic disturbance since their emplacement. Moreover, the corresponding paleomagnetic paleolatitudes agree excellently with paleomagnetic data from a previous ODP site (Site 807) drilled into the northern portion of the OJP. Two important conclusions can be drawn based on the presented dataset: (i) the Leg 192 combined mean inclination (Inc.=-41.4°, N=41, kappa= 66.0, alpha95 =2.6°) is inconsistent with the Early Cretaceous part of the Pacific apparent polar wander path, indicating that previous paleomagnetic poles derived mainly from seamount magnetic anomaly modeling must be used with care; (ii) the Leg 192 paleomagnetic paleolatitude for the central OJP is ~20° north of the paleogeographic location calculated from Pacific hotspot tracks assuming the hotspots have remained fixed. The difference between paleomagnetic and hotspot calculated paleolatitudes cannot be explained by true polar wander estimates derived from other lithospheric plates and our results are therefore consistent with and extend recent paleomagnetic studies of younger hotspot features in the northern Pacific Ocean that suggest Late Cretaceous to Eocene motion of Pacific hotspots.