751 resultados para 1104
Este trabajo intenta reflejar el estudio y la investigación sobre este modo especial del idioma español, mostrar el estado actual de la lengua de los sefardíes, la pluralidad de términos con que se lo denomina y su presencia en distintos ámbitos con particular atención en los textos escritos.
¿Cuáles son los rasgos de homogeneidad que se han utilizado para crear una identidad regional como latinoamericana en los materiales visuales? Posiblemente el imaginario social nos denote una intención de homogeneidad cultural, plasmado en imágenes simbólicas representativas de hechos históricos o de la idiosincrasia del pueblo al que se representa. Habitualmente se entiende que una de las funciones de los mapas es representar la realidad a través de la imagen. Pero diferentes estudios recientes vienen problematizando la naturaleza cartográfica. ;Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal explorar el imaginario latinoamericano que emerge en ciertas imágenes cartográficas que circulan en la vía pública. La hipótesis que articula esta indagación es que los afiches de eventos académicos y políticos que apelan a "lo latinoamericano" usan alguna forma cartográfica para expresar las ideas asociadas a la región. A partir de la selección de un centenar de imágenes procuramos indagar cuáles son las estrategias y los lenguajes visuales que movilizan el sentido común geográfico en torno a lo que sería la identidad latinoamericana
Este trabajo intenta reflejar el estudio y la investigación sobre este modo especial del idioma español, mostrar el estado actual de la lengua de los sefardíes, la pluralidad de términos con que se lo denomina y su presencia en distintos ámbitos con particular atención en los textos escritos.
This study provides the first detailed documentation of calcareous nannofossil assemblages in Eocene subantarctic Eltanin piston cores recovered from the southeast Pacific Ocean. These Eltanin cores are important because they have been reported to contain ice-rafted quartz. The present study confirms early and middle Eocene ages for the cores and dates them more precisely using calcareous nannofossils. Semiquantitative study of the nannoflora indicates that they are of a warmer water character than those from the higher latitudes (such as Falkland Plateau, Maud Rise, and Kerguelen Plateau). This study concludes that it is unlikely for the ice-rafted quartz in the Eocene sections to be downcore contaminants from the overlying Neogene sediment and suggests that the grains are probably the result of Eocene ice-rafting from Antarctica when the Drake Passage was closed and water circulation patterns were different from those of today.
Cores from four Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites were examined for planktonic foraminifers. One sample per core (from core-catchers in Holes 806B and 807B and from Section 4 in Holes 847B and 852B) was examined through the interval representing the last 5.8 m.y. Sites 806 (0°19.1'N; 159°21.7'E) and 847 (0o12.1'N; 95°19.2'W) are beneath the equatorial divergence zone. Sites 807 (3°36.4'N; 156°37.5'E) and 852 (5°19.6'N; 110°4.6'W) are located north of the equator in the convergence zone created by the interaction of the westward-flowing South Equatorial Current (SEC) and the eastward-flowing North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC). Specimens were identified to species and then grouped according to depth habitat and trophic level. Species richness and diversity were also calculated. Tropical neogloboquadrinids have been more abundant in the eastern than in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean throughout the last 5.8 m.y. During the mid-Pliocene (3.8-3.2 Ma), their abundance increased at all sites, while during the Pleistocene (after ~ 1.6 Ma), they expanded in the east and declined in the west. This suggests an increase in surface-water productivity across the Pacific Ocean during the closing of the Central American seaway and an exacerbation of the productivity asymmetry between the eastern and western equatorial regions during the Pleistocene. This faunal evidence agrees with eolian grain-size data (Hovan, 1995) and diatom flux data (Iwai, this volume), which suggest increases in tradewind strength in the eastern equatorial Pacific that centered around 3.5 and 0.5 Ma. The present longitudinal zonation of thermocline dwelling species, a response to the piling of warm surface water in the western equatorial region of the Pacific, seems to have developed after 2.4 Ma, not directly after the closing of the Panama seaway (3.2 Ma). Apparently, after 2.4 Ma, the piling warm water in the west overwhelmed the upwelling of nutrients into the photic zone in that region, creating the Oceanographic asymmetry that exists in the modern tropical Pacific and is reflected in the microfossil record. In the upper Miocene and lower Pliocene sediments, the ratio of thermocline-dwelling species to mixed-layer dwellers is 60%:40%. During the mid-Pliocene, the western sites became 40% thermocline and 60% mixed-layer dwellers. Subsequent to -2.4 Ma, the asymmetry increased to 20%: 80% in the west and the reverse in the east. This documents the gradual thickening of the warm-water layer piled up in the western tropical Pacific over the last 5.8 m.y. and reveals two "steps" in the biotic trend that can be associated with specific events in the physical environment.