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Henry M. Jackson, chairman.


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Incluye en el vol. 2º: Excerpta ex breviario historico Joannis Scylitzae Curopalates, excipientia ubi Cedrenus desinit (p. 631-679) ; Gulielmi Xilandri Augustani annotationes in Cedrenum ; Georgius Cedrenus in obscurioribus illustratus / Gulielmus Xilander interpres et scholiastes ex parte emendatus, additis post opus editum notis ; In Joannem Curopalatam notae.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Tendo como referencial o sociólogo Luiz Pereira, e levando em consideração as relevantes críticas à visão weberiana sobre a burocracia feitas principalmente por Maurício Tragtenberg, esta dissertação almejou, através de uma pesquisa empírica, mostrar que a construção da identidade profissional do professor sofre influência direta de sua visão ideológica. Partindo de uma análise crítica da visão weberiana de burocracia, o presente trabalho busca traçar o perfil ideológico do professor da rede pública. Para tanto, este trabalho baseia-se em uma pesquisa abrangendo entrevistas, análise de documentos e observações do cotidiano de uma escola pública estadual escolhida como fonte de pesquisa. Pretendeu-se abordar a questão da filiação ideológica dos professores da rede pública, analisando em dois níveis: o da filiação ideológica a uma classe social (a classe média) e o da filiação ideológica a uma categoria social ligada ao Estado (a burocracia estatal). Levou-se, portanto, em consideração a hipótese de uma filiação ideológica dos professores a ambos os grupos, já que, à parte a alta burocracia (filiada ideologicamente às classes dominantes), a maioria do corpo burocrático (média e baixa burocracia) tende a adotar a perspectiva ideológica da classe média.(AU)


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A monitorização de sinais vitais é uma ferramenta essencial da medicina, principalmente no que se relaciona com a avaliação do estado físico de qualquer indivíduo. As ferramentas foram evoluindo ao longo do tempo, tendo a tecnologia desempenhado um papel central na melhoria do seu desempenho. Apesar destes dispositivos estarem intimamente ligados ao contexto médico, as mudanças no estilo de vida no consumo dos utilizadores fizeram com que estas ferramentas passassem a fazer parte do quotidiano. O paradigma alterou-se, ou seja, quando eram utilizadas exclusivamente para fins médicos, agora são também usados para actividades relacionadas com o lazer e desporto. A preocupação com a monitorização de sinais vitais cresceu nos últimos anos, pois a interpretação correcta destes dados permite intervir em certos aspectos da rotina diária, melhorando a qualidade de vida. A portabilidade tornou-se um factor importante uma vez que grande parte dos utilizadores, associa estes dispositivos à sua actividade física. Desta necessidade surgem novos tipos de produtos, que inclusivamente são associados e integrados em peças de vestuário. Este factor obriga a tecnologia a miniaturizar os componentes, no sentido de tornar possivel o funcionamento destes produtos em qualquer lugar e hora. Por outro lado, quanto menos intrusivo for o dispositivo melhor conforto e funcionalidade oferece ao utilizador. Assim sendo, a disciplina do design deve ter em conta as premissas de funcionamento dos diferentes componentes que permitem recolher dados sobre os sinais vitais: batimento cardíaco e temperatura. A intervenção da disciplina do design nesta investigação passa pelo re-design de um dispositivo existente, que é analisado no seu desempenho funcional, ergonómico e estético. O dispositivo em questão é portátil e colocado na zona inferior da perna, acima do tornozelo. Todas as envolvências ergonómicas e funcionais são tomadas em conta para a concepção de hipóteses que incrementem a performance do dispositivo. A integração de componentes e a avaliação funcional são mais eficazes quando se utilizam técnicas de prototipagem, que permitem uma visão efectiva da realidade. Para melhor conceber as propostas, e aprofundar o conhecimento sobre estas técnicas realizaram-se testes com o objectivo de aferir a precisão e a qualidade do acabamento das superfícies das peças prototipadas. No sentido de criar uma proposta final, são criadas várias hipóteses de solução que são avaliadas segundo a detecção de problemas, bem como através do contacto com os utilizadores. Ao longo da investigação as propostas evoluem, culminando naquela que é apresentada como uma proposta optimizada, que aglutina todo o levantamento literário, testes, e análises feitas durante a construção do documento.


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HPLC MS/MS has shown great potential in the measurement of DNA oxidative damage. Its accuracy depends on the use of multiply isotopically labelled internal standards. In this report, multiply isotopically labelled (M + 4) guanine internal standards were prepared in the form of base, nucleoside, as well as DNA oligomer. To our knowledge, this is the first chemical synthesis of oligomers containing (M + 4) guanine, and we believe that they can be used to develop a procedure that can make further improvement to the existing analytical procedures. Copyright © Taylor & Francis, Inc.


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In the absence of any added base in ionic liquids [Bmim][BF4], benzotriazole replaces the halogen atom of an a-halogenated ketone or a-halogenated carboxylic ester to give the corresponding N-1-substituted benzotriazole as the only isomer, and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene reacted similarly with benzotriazole to afford the N-1-substituted benzotriazole in a good yield. Alkyl halides reacted regioselectively to afford the N-1-alkylbenzotriazole in ratios of more than 15 to 1 over the N-2-isomer.


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In the context of Software Reuse providing techniques to support source code retrieval has been widely experimented. However, much effort is required in order to find how to match classical Information Retrieval and source code characteristics and implicit information. Introducing linguistic theories in the software development process, in terms of documentation standardization may produce significant benefits when applying Information Retrieval techniques. The goal of our research is to provide a tool to improve source code search and retrieval In order to achieve this goal we apply some linguistic rules to the development process.


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Az irodalomban az olyan oligopolmodellek, amelyekben mind az ár, mind a mennyiség döntési változó, Bertrand-Edgeworth-oligopóliumok néven ismertek. E tanulmányban a Bertrand-Edgeworth-oligopóliumokkal kapcsolatos érdekesebb eredményeket tekintjük át. Tárgyaljuk a Bertrand-Edgeworth-típusú oligopolmodellek specifikációját, a Nash-egyensúly létezését, a Nash-egyensúly meghatározását és a Bertrand-Edgeworth-oligopóliumok alkalmazásait. / === / Oligopoly models in which both price and quantity are decisive variables are known in the literature as Bertrand-Edgeworth oligopolies, the most interesting results with which are surveyed in this paper. The author assumes the existence of the Nash equilibrium, as the specification of Bertrand-Edgeworth-type oligopoly models, the determination of the Nash equilibrium, and the application of Bertrand-Edgeworth oligopolies.


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A szerző az alkalmazott többszektoros modellezés területén a lineáris programozási modellektől a számszerűsített általános egyensúlyi modellekig végbement változásokat tekinti át. Egy rövid történeti visszapillantás után a lineáris programozás módszereire épülő nemzetgazdasági szintű modellekkel összevetve mutatja be az általános egyensúlyi modellek közös, illetve eltérő jellemzőit. Egyidejűleg azt is érzékelteti, hogyan lehet az általános egyensúlyi modelleket a gazdaságpolitikai célok konzisztenciájának, a célok közötti átváltási lehetőségek elemzésére és általában a gazdaságpolitikai elképzelések érzékenységi vizsgálatára felhasználni. A szerző az elméleti-módszertani kérdések taglalását számszerűsített általános egyensúlyi modell segítségével illusztrálja. _______ The author surveys the changes having taken place in the field of multi-sector modeling, from the linear programming models to the quantified general equilibrium models. After a brief historical retrospection he presents the common and different characteristic features of the general equilibrium models by comparing them with the national economic level models based on the methods of linear programming. He also makes clear how the general equilibrium models can be used for analysing the consistency of economic policy targets, for the investigation of trade-off possibilities among the targets and, in general, for sensitivity analyses of economic policy targets. The discussion of theoretical and methodological quuestions is illustrated by the author with the aid of a quantified general equilibrium model.


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The case for taxing financial transactions merely to raise more revenues from the financial sector is not particularly strong. Better alternatives to tax the financial sector are likely to be available. However, a tax on financial transactions could be justified in order to limit socially undesirable transactions when more direct means of doing so are unavailable for political or practical reasons. Some financial transactions are indeed likely to do more harm than good, especially when they contribute to the systemic risk of the financial system. However, such a financial transaction tax should be very small, much smaller than the negative externalities in question, because it is a blunt instrument that also drives out socially useful transactions. There is a case for taxing over-the-counter derivative transactions at a somewhat higher rate than exchange-based derivative transactions. More targeted remedies to drive out socially undesirable transactions should be sought in parallel, which would allow, after their implementation, to reduce or even phase out financial transaction taxes.


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Profile on Dr. John A. Rock, founding dean of the Florida International University College of Medicine.


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Novel predator introductions are thought to have a high impact on native prey, especially in freshwater systems. Prey may fail to recognize predators as a threat, or show inappropriate or ineffective responses. The ability of prey to recognize and respond appropriately to novel predators may depend on the prey’s use of general or specific cues to detect predation threats.We used laboratory experiments to examine the ability of three native Everglades prey species (Eastern mosquitofish, flagfish and riverine grass shrimp) to respond to the presence, as well as to the chemical and visual cues of a native predator (warmouth) and a recentlyintroduced non-native predator (African jewelfish). We used prey from populations that had not previously encountered jewelfish. Despite this novelty, the native warmouth and nonnative jewelfish had overall similar predatory effects, except on mosquitofish, which suffered higher warmouth predation. When predators were present, the three prey taxa showed consistent and strong responses to the non-native jewelfish, which were similar in magnitude to the responses exhibited to the native warmouth. When cues were presented, fish prey responded largely to chemical cues, while shrimp showed no response to either chemical or visual cues. Overall, responses by mosquitofish and flagfish to chemical cues indicated low differentiation among cue types, with similar responses to general and specific cues. The fact that antipredator behaviours were similar toward native and non-native predators suggests that the susceptibility to a novel fish predator may be similar to that of native fishes, and prey may overcome predator novelty, at least when predators are confamilial to other common and longer-established non-native threats.


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In recent years the literature on parental involvement and how it affects children during home learning has emphasized the relevance of promoting student achievement through parental involvement. Research points to a strong connection on the positive effects for families, children, and school when schools extend themselves to parents and involve them to support their children’s development and learning (Olsen & Fuller, 2003) Consequently, the purpose of this research is to attempt to investigate if parents’ comfort level with reading reflects the help that they provide their children at home with their home learning. Our goal is to increase parents’ level of efficacy in relation to helping their children with home learning as it relates to the reading benchmarks.


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