913 resultados para wireless ad hoc network


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Selenoproteins are a diverse group of proteinsusually misidentified and misannotated in sequencedatabases. The presence of an in-frame UGA (stop)codon in the coding sequence of selenoproteingenes precludes their identification and correctannotation. The in-frame UGA codons are recodedto cotranslationally incorporate selenocysteine,a rare selenium-containing amino acid. The developmentof ad hoc experimental and, more recently,computational approaches have allowed the efficientidentification and characterization of theselenoproteomes of a growing number of species.Today, dozens of selenoprotein families have beendescribed and more are being discovered in recentlysequenced species, but the correct genomic annotationis not available for the majority of thesegenes. SelenoDB is a long-term project that aims toprovide, through the collaborative effort of experimentaland computational researchers, automaticand manually curated annotations of selenoproteingenes, proteins and SECIS elements. Version 1.0 ofthe database includes an initial set of eukaryoticgenomic annotations, with special emphasis on thehuman selenoproteome, for immediate inspectionby selenium researchers or incorporation into moregeneral databases. SelenoDB is freely available athttp://www.selenodb.org.


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Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus belonging to a basal lineage of the Ascomycotina, the Taphrinomycotina subphylum. It is a parasite specific to humans that dwells primarily in the lung and can cause severe pneumonia in individuals with debilitated immune system. Despite its clinical importance, many aspects of its biology remain poorly understood, at least in part because of the lack of a continuous in vitro cultivation system. The present thesis consists in the genome reconstruction and comparative genomics of P. jirovecii. It is made of three parts: (i) the de novo sequencing of P. jirovecii genome starting from a single broncho- alveolar lavage fluid of a single patient (ii) the de novo sequencing of the genome of the plant pathogen Taphrina deformans, a fungus closely related to P. jirovecii, and (iii) the genome scale comparison of P. jirovecii to other Taphrinomycotina members. Enrichment in P. jirovecii cells by immuno-precipitation, whole DNA random amplification, two complementary high throughput DNA sequencing methods, and in silico sorting and assembly of sequences were used for the de novo reconstruction of P. jirovecii genome from the microbiota of a single clinical specimen. An iterative ad hoc pipeline as well as numerical simulations was used to recover P. jirovecii sequences while purging out contaminants and assembly or amplification chimeras. This strategy produced a 8.1 Mb assembly, which encodes 3,898 genes. Homology searches, mapping on biochemical pathways atlases, and manual validations revealed that this genome lacks (i) most of the enzymes dedicated to the amino acids biosyntheses, and (ii) most virulence factors observed in other fungi, e.g. the glyoxylate shunt pathway and specific peptidases involved in the degradation of the host cell membrane. The same analyses applied to the available genomic sequences from Pneumocystis carinii the species infecting rats and Pneumocystis murina the species infecting mice revealed the same deficiencies. The genome sequencing of T. deformans yielded a 13 Mb assembly, which encodes 5,735 genes. T. deformans possesses enzymes involved plant cell wall degradation, secondary metabolism, the glyoxylate cycle, detoxification, sterol biosynthesis, as well as the biosyntheses of plant hormones such as abscisic acid or indole-3-acetic acid. T. deformans also harbors gene subsets that have counterparts in plant saprophytes or pathogens, which is consistent with its alternate saprophytic and pathogenic lifestyles. Mating genes were also identified. The homothallism of this fungus suggests a mating-type switching mechanism. Comparative analyses indicated that 81% of P. jirovecii genes are shared with eight other Taphrinomycotina members, including T. deformans, P. carinii and P. murina. These genes are mostly involved in housekeeping activities. The genes specific to the Pneumocystis genus represent 8%, and are involved in RNA metabolism and signaling. The signaling is known to be crucial for interaction of Pneumocystis spp with their environment. Eleven percent are unique to P. jirovecii and encode mostly proteins of unknown function. These genes in conjunction with other ones (e.g. the major surface glycoproteins) might govern the interaction of P. jirovecii with its human host cells, and potentially be responsible of the host specificity. P. jirovecii exhibits a reduced genome in size with a low GC content, and most probably scavenges vital compounds such as amino acids and cholesterol from human lungs. Consistently, its genome encodes a large set of transporters (ca. 22% of its genes), which may play a pivotal role in the acquisition of these compounds. All these features are generally observed in obligate parasite of various kingdoms (bacteria, protozoa, fungi). Moreover, epidemiological studies failed to evidence a free-living form of the fungus and Pneumocystis spp were shown to co-evolved with their hosts. Given also the lack of virulence factors, our observations strongly suggest that P. jirovecii is an obligate parasite specialized in the colonization of human lungs, and which causes disease only in individuals with compromised immune system. The same conclusion is most likely true for all other Pneumocystis spp in their respective mammalian host. - Pneumocystis jirovecii est un champignon appartenant ine branche basale des Ascomycotina, le sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. C'est un parasite spcifique aux humains qui rside principalement dans les poumons, et qui peut causer des pneumonies svres chez des individus ayant un systme immunitaire dficient. En dpit de son importance clinique, de nombreux aspects de sa biologie demeurent,largement mconnus, au moins en partie cause de l'absence d'un systme de culture in vitro continu. Cette thse traite de la reconstruction du gnome et de la gnomique comparative de P. jirovecii. Elle comporte trois parties: (i) le squenage de novo du gnome de P. jirovecii partir d'un lavage broncho-alvolaire provenant d'un seul patient, (ii) le squenage de novo du gnome d'un champignon pathogne de plante Taphrina deformans qui est phylogntiquement proche de P. jirovecii, et (iii) la comparaison du gnome de P. jirovecii celui d'autres membres du sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. Un enrichissement en cellules de P. jirovecii par immuno-prcipitation, une amplification alatoire des molcules d'ADN, deux mthodes complmentaires de squenage haut dbit, un tri in silico et un assemblage des squences ont t utiliss pour reconstruire de novo le gnome de P. jirovecii partir du microbiote d'un seul chantillon clinique. Un pipeline spcifique ainsi que des simulations numriques ont t utiliss pour rcuprer les squences de P. jirovecii tout en liminant les squences contaminants et les chimres d'amplification ou d'assemblage. Cette stratgie a produit un assemblage de 8.1 Mb, qui contient 3898 gnes. Les recherches d'homologies, de cartographie des voies mtaboliques et des validations manuelles ont rvl que ce gnome est dpourvu (i) de la plupart des enzymes ddies la biosynthse des acides amins, et (ii) de la plupart des facteurs de virulence observs chez d'autres champignons, par exemple, le cycle du glyoxylate ainsi que des peptidases spcifiques impliques dans la dgradation de la membrane de la cellule hte. Les analyses appliques aux donnes gnomiques disponibles de Pneumocystis carinii, l'espce infectant les rats, et de Pneumocystis murina, l'espce infectant les souris, ont rvl les mmes dficiences. Le squenage du gnome de T. deformans a gnr un assemblage de 13.3 Mb qui contient 5735 gnes. T. deformans possde les gnes codant pour les enzymes impliques dans la dgradation des parois cellulaires des plantes, le mtabolisme secondaire, le cycle du glyoxylate, la dtoxification, la biosynthse des strols ainsi que la biosynthse d'hormones de plantes telles que l'acide abscissique ou l'acide indole 3-actique. T. deformans possde galement des sous-ensembles de gnes prsents exclusivement chez des saprophytes ou des pathognes de plantes, ce qui est consistent avec son mode de vie alternatif saprophyte et pathogne. Des gnes impliqus dans la conjugaison ont t identifis. L'homothallisme de ce champignon suggre mcanisme de permutation du type conjuguant. Les analyses comparatives ont dmontr que 81% des gnes de P. jirovecii sont prsent chez les autres membres du sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. Ces gnes sont essentiellement impliqus dans le mtabolisme basai. Les gnes spcifiques au genre Pneumocystis reprsentent 8%, et sont impliqus dans le mtabolisme de l'ARN et la signalisation. La signalisation est connue pour tre cruciale pour l'interaction des espces de Pneumocystis avec leur environnement. Les gnes propres P. jirovecii reprsentent 11% et codent en majorit pour des protines dont la fonction est inconnue. Ces gnes en conjonction avec d'autres (par exemple, les glycoprotines de surface), pourraient tre dterminants dans l'interaction de P. jirovecii avec les cellules de l'hte humain, et tre potentiellement responsable de la spcificit d'hte. P. jirovecii possde un gnome de taille rduite faible pourcentage en GC et rcupre trs probablement des composs vitaux comme les acides amins et le cholestrol partir des poumons humains. De manire consistante, son gnome code pour de nombreux transporteurs (22% de ses gnes), qui pourraient jouer un rle essentiel dans l'acquisition de ces composs. Ces caractristiques sont gnralement observes chez les parasites obligatoires de plusieurs rgnes (bactries, protozoaires, champignons). De plus, les tudes pidmiologiques n'ont pas russi prouver l'existence d'ime forme vivant librement du champignon. Etant donn galement l'absence de facteurs de virulence, nos observations suggrent que P. jirovecii est un parasite obligatoire spcialis dans la colonisation des poumons humains, ne causant une maladie que chez des individus ayant un systme immunitaire compromis. La mme conclusion est trs probablement applicable toutes les autres espces de Pneumocystis dans leur hte mammifre respectif.


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Critics of the U.S. proposal to the World Trade Organization (WTO) made in October 2005 are correct when they argue that adoption of the proposal would significantly reduce available support under the current farm program structure. Using historical prices and yields from 1980 to 2004, we estimate that loan rates would have to drop by 9 percent and target prices would have to drop by 10 percent in order to meet the proposed aggregate Amber Box and Blue Box limits. While this finding should cheer those who think that reform of U.S. farm programs is long overdue, it alarms those who want to maintain a strong safety net for U.S. agriculture. The dilemma of needing to reform farm programs while maintaining a strong safety net could be resolved by redesigning programs so that they target revenue rather than price. Building on a base of 70 percent Green Box income insurance, a program that provides a crop-specific revenue guarantee equal to 98 percent of the product of the current effective target price and expected county yield would fit into the proposed aggregate Amber and Blue Box limits. Payments would be triggered whenever the product of the season-average price and county average yield fell below this 98 percent revenue guarantee. Adding the proposed crop-specific constraints lowers the coverage level to 95 percent. Moving from programs that target price to ones that target revenue would eliminate the rationale for ad hoc disaster payments. Program payments would automatically arrive whenever significant crop losses or economic losses caused by low prices occurred. Also, much of the need for the complicated mechanism (the Standard Reinsurance Agreement) that transfers most risk of the U.S. crop insurance to the federal government would be eliminated because the federal government would directly assume the risk through farm programs. Changing the focus of federal farm programs from price targeting to revenue targeting would not be easy. Farmers have long relied on price supports and the knowledge that crop losses are often adequately covered by heavily subsidized crop insurance or by ad hoc disaster payments. Farmers and their leaders would only be willing to support a change to revenue targeting if they see that the current system is untenable in an era of tight federal budgets and WTO limits.


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Lobjectiu daquest text s analitzar la illocutivitat del discurs normatiu de lInstitut dEstudis Catalans (IEC): s a dir, fins a quin punt la comunitat lingstica catalana rep clarament la normativa de lIEC i qu condiciona aquest grau de claredat. Per fer aquesta anlisi, argumentem, en primer lloc, quina mena demissor s lIEC i fins a quin punt lAcadmia Valenciana de la Llengua (AVL) li disputa les seves atribucions discursives; en segon lloc, fins a quin punt lIEC emet missatges coherents sobre una mateixa qesti; i, en tercer lloc, quin tipus de receptor s el destinatari dels missatges de lIEC. Un cop presentats aquests elements del discurs normatiu de lIEC, ens plantegem fins a quin punt aquesta comunicaci s clara en la situaci comunicativa que es dna quan un catalanoparlant consulta una obra normativa. Aquesta anlisi sexemplifica en una frase creada ad hoc amb unes quantes formes la correcci de les quals ha estat tradicionalment discutida.


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Este estudio apunta a conocer la percepcin que los profesionales de la salud (mdicos, enfermeras y auxiliares de enfermera) tienen acerca de su preparacin en el cuidado de los enfermos terminales y determinar sus conocimientos sobre la legislacin de cuidados paliativos. Se ha realizado un estudio transversal, en un hospital de Granada (Espaa), mediante la aplicacin de un cuestionario ad hoc. Los resultados muestran que la mayora del personal ha trabajado con pacientes en el final de su vida, pero slo la mitad cree tener la formacin adecuada para cuidarlos. Una parte considerable dice no conocer la legislacin actual en cuidados paliativos. La mayora de los profesionales planteara la retirada de terapias para el mantenimiento de la vida y desconocen el mecanismo para informar sobre la cumplimentacin del Testamento Vital, como indica el Plan de Cuidados Paliativos de Andaluca (Espaa).


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The successful expansion of the U.S. crop insurance program has not eliminated ad hoc disaster assistance. An alternative currently being explored by members of Congress and others in preparation of the 2007 farm bill is to simply remove the ad hoc part of disaster assistance programs by creating a standing program that would automatically funnel aid to hard-hit regions and crops. One form such a program could take can be found in the area yield and area revenue insurance programs currently offered by the U.S. crop insurance program. The Group Risk Plan (GRP) and Group Risk Income Protection (GRIP) programs automatically trigger payments when county yields or revenues, respectively, fall below a producer-elected coverage level. The per-acre taxpayer costs of offering GRIP in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa for corn and soybeans through the crop insurance program are estimated. These results are used to determine the amount of area revenue coverage that could be offered to farmers as part of a standing farm bill disaster program. Approximately 55% of taxpayer support for GRIP flows to the crop insurance industry. A significant portion of this support comes in the form of net underwriting gains. The expected rate of return on money put at risk by private crop insurance companies under the current Standard Reinsurance Agreement is approximately 100%. Taking this industry support and adding in the taxpayer support for GRIP that flows to producers would fund a county target revenue program at the 93% coverage level.


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Hierarchical clustering is a popular method for finding structure in multivariate data,resulting in a binary tree constructed on the particular objects of the study, usually samplingunits. The user faces the decision where to cut the binary tree in order to determine the numberof clusters to interpret and there are various ad hoc rules for arriving at a decision. A simplepermutation test is presented that diagnoses whether non-random levels of clustering are presentin the set of objects and, if so, indicates the specific level at which the tree can be cut. The test isvalidated against random matrices to verify the type I error probability and a power study isperformed on data sets with known clusteredness to study the type II error.


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I Introduo: A Doutrina da Segurana Nacional e o Princpio da Segurana Colectiva Ad Hoc da NATO: Um Casamento Procurado? II - A Emergncia da Concepo da Segurana Humana e a Transformao Estratgica da NATO: Entre o Emancipatrio e o Imperial III Cabo Verde e a NATO: Do No-Alinhamento Estratgico Cooptao Neo-colonial?


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We develop and estimate a structural model of inflation that allowsfor a fraction of firms that use a backward looking rule to setprices. The model nests the purely forward looking New KeynesianPhillips curve as a particular case. We use measures of marginalcosts as the relevant determinant of inflation, as the theorysuggests, instead of an ad-hoc output gap. Real marginal costsare a significant and quantitatively important determinant ofinflation. Backward looking price setting, while statisticallysignificant, is not quantitatively important. Thus, we concludethat the New Keynesian Phillips curve provides a good firstapproximation to the dynamics of inflation.


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This paper examines the application of the guidelines for evidence-based treatments in family therapy developed by Sexton and collaborators to a set of treatment models. These guidelines classify the models using criteria that take into account the distinctive features of couple and family treatments. A two-step approach was taken: (1) The quality of each of the studies supporting the treatment models was assessed according to a list of ad hoc core criteria; (2) the level of evidence of each treatment model was determined using the guidelines. To reflect the stages of empirical validation present in the literature, nine models were selected: three models each with high, moderate, and low levels of empirical validation, determined by the number of randomized clinical trials (RCTs). The quality ratings highlighted the strengths and limitations of each of the studies that provided evidence backing the treatment models. The classification by level of evidence indicated that four of the models were level III, "evidence-based" treatments; one was a level II, "evidence-informed treatment with promising preliminary evidence-based results"; and four were level I, "evidence-informed" treatments. Using the guidelines helped identify treatments that are solid in terms of not only the number of RCTs but also the quality of the evidence supporting the efficacy of a given treatment. From a research perspective, this analysis highlighted areas to be addressed before some models can move up to a higher level of evidence. From a clinical perspective, the guidelines can help identify the models whose studies have produced clinically relevant results.


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Forensic experts play a major role in the legal process as they offer professional expert opinion and evidence within the criminal justice system adjudicating on the innocence or alleged guilt of an accused person. In this respect, medico-legal examination is an essential part of the investigation process, determining in a scientific way the cause(s) and manner of unexpected and/or unnatural death or bringing clinical evidence in case of physical, psychological, or sexual abuse in living people. From a legal perspective, these types of investigation must meet international standards, i.e., it should be independent, effective, and prompt. Ideally, the investigations should be conducted by board-certified experts in forensic medicine, endowed with a solid experience in this field, without any hierarchical relationship with the prosecuting authorities and having access to appropriate facilities in order to provide forensic reports of high quality. In this respect, there is a need for any private or public national or international authority including non-governmental organizations seeking experts qualified in forensic medicine to have at disposal a list of specialists working in accordance with high standards of professional performance within forensic pathology services that have been successfully submitted to an official accreditation/certification process using valid and acceptable criteria. To reach this goal, the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) has elaborated an accreditation/certification checklist which should be served as decision-making support to assist inspectors appointed to evaluate applicants. In the same spirit than NAME Accreditation Standards, European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM) board decided to set up an ad hoc working group with the mission to elaborate an accreditation/certification procedure similar to the NAME's one but taking into account the realities of forensic medicine practices in Europe and restricted to post-mortem investigations. This accreditation process applies to services and not to individual practitioners by emphasizing policies and procedures rather than professional performance. In addition, the standards to be complied with should be considered as the minimum standards needed to get the recognition of performing and reliable forensic pathology service.


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Le football fminin est peru comme un des principaux leviers de dveloppement pour les fdrations sportives nationales et pour l'UEFA que ce soit en termes d'atteinte de nouveaux publics, de marketing et aujourd'hui de valeurs (synonyme d'un football plus responsable ). Cette proximit entrane des synergies que nous avons tudies partir d'un cadre d'analyse construit de manire ad hoc. Ce cadre s'appuie sur une approche par les stratgies d'acteurs en fonction du contexte national et local et de six domaines du fonctionnement interne des deux sections, masculine et fminine. La collecte des donnes s'est effectue dans 14 grands clubs europens mixtes de neuf pays europens disposant de cultures trs diffrentes en matire de football fminin. L'analyse des donnes permet d'observer trois types de modles : totalement intgr, globalement intgr et partiellement intgr. Les rsultats sont discuts aux regards des thories des ressources et des comptences stratgiques de la responsabilit sociale des organisations. Il est alors possible de poser des hypothses de logiques de fonctionnement de ces clubs mixtes allant d'un continuum entre recherche de lgitimation et exploitation d'un nouveau modle stratgique et conomique.


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En lactualitat el burnout o sndrome de cremar-se per la feina s considerat un risc emergent als pasos occidentals essent el collectiu docent un dels ms afectats. Lespai europeu deducaci superior proposa un nou rol pel professor que haur de ser compaginat amb la gesti, la recerca i la transferncia de coneixement. En la present recerca sanalitza el nivell de burnout en una mostra formada per 42 docents (mitjana dedat: 37,21 anys; D.T.: 8,98; 70,8% dones) del departament de Psicologia de la Universitat de Girona. El burnout sha avaluat amb el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) aix com amb un qestionari delaboraci prpia que recull variables sociodemogrfiques, caracterstiques del tipus de treball i de ls del temps lliure, el locus de control i el burnout percebut. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen valors mitjans en les puntuacions de les dimensions Cansament Emocional i Despersonalitzaci, i valors elevats en Realitzaci Personal. El 20,5% dels docents es percep cremat per la feina


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[eng] Objective: To analyse the scientific papers studying citations in the areas of humanities during the period 1959-2008 and to determine the aspects evaluated. The main bibliometric aspects measured were type of study, obsolescence, dispersion, language, theme, author impact and self-citations.Methodology: Broad revision of the international literature in the area of library and information science in the period studied, and detailed analysis of 119 bibliometric studies.Results: Most of the few studies of this area are based on ad-hoc citation compilations. There is a certain predominance of philology. Library quarterly is the journal that has published most papers of this kind. The conclusions of these studies can be as useful as those in the experimental sciences; it would be useful to increase their number.


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Payments for Environmental Services (PES) are praised as innovative policy instruments and they influence the governance of forest restoration efforts in two major ways. The first is the establishment of multi-stakeholder agencies as intermediary bodies between funders and planters to manage the funds and to distribute incentives to planters. The second implication is that specific contracts assign objectives to land users in the form of conditions for payments that are believed to increase the chances for sustained impacts on the ground. These implications are important in the assessment of the potential of PES to operate as new and effective funding schemes for forest restoration. They are analyzed by looking at two prominent payments for watershed service programs in Indonesia-Cidanau (Banten province in Java) and West Lombok (Eastern Indonesia)-with combined economic and political science approaches. We derive lessons for the governance of funding efforts (e.g., multi-stakeholder agencies are not a guarantee of success; mixed results are obtained from a reliance on mandatory funding with ad hoc regulations, as opposed to voluntary contributions by the service beneficiary) and for the governance of financial expenditure (e.g., absolute need for evaluation procedures for the internal governance of farmer groups). Furthermore, we observe that these governance features provide no guarantee that restoration plots with the highest relevance for ecosystem services are targeted by the PES