904 resultados para whole mount in situ hybridization
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Morfología) UANL
Tesis (Especialidad en el Laboratorio de Hematología) UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas con Especialidad en Botánica) UANL
Tesis (Doctor en Química Analítica Ambiental) UANL, 2011.
Le benzo-a-pyrène (BaP) est un cancérogène reconnu pour l'homme, contaminant présent dans notre environnement. Il cause des dommages à l'ADN que nous avons mesurés dans les lymphocytes exposés à de faibles concentrations de BaP, provenant de 20 jeunes volontaires non fumeurs et en santé. Suite à l’exposition, la fréquence des micronoyaux (MN) augmente significativement et décrit une courbe dose-réponse non linéaire, suggérant le déclenchement du processus de détoxification et la réparation de l’ADN. Des différences entre les individus et entre les sexes sont présentes dans la réponse génotoxique produite par le BaP. Le test des aberrations chromosomiques montre que le pourcentage de chromosomes cassés augmente significativement dans les cellules exposées au BaP. Combinés avec l'augmentation de la fréquence des MN, nos résultats confirment l'effet clastogène du BaP déjà rapporté dans la littérature. L’hybridation in situ en fluorescence (FISH) des MN avec une sonde pancentromérique est aussi utilisée pour établir leur mécanisme de formation. La FISH révèle que la majorité des MN formés après une exposition au BaP contient un centromère et plus, ce qui est significativement différent de la condition non exposée. Plus précisément, dans nos conditions expérimentales, les MN induits par le BaP contiennent surtout trois centromères et plus, indiquant également la présence d'un effet aneugène. L'effet clastogène du BaP est relié à son rôle d'initiateur dans la cancérogenèse, alors que l'effet aneugène le relierait à l'étape de progression. Ces résultats sont importants puisque l'exposition aux composés de la classe du BaP est de longue durée (cigarette, air pollué).
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La digestion enzymatique des protéines est une méthode de base pour les études protéomiques ainsi que pour le séquençage en mode « bottom-up ». Les enzymes sont ajoutées soit en solution (phase homogène), soit directement sur le gel polyacrylamide selon la méthode déjà utilisée pour l’isolation de la protéine. Les enzymes protéolytiques immobilisées, c’est-à-dire insolubles, offrent plusieurs avantages tels que la réutilisation de l’enzyme, un rapport élevé d’enzyme-sur-substrat, et une intégration facile avec les systèmes fluidiques. Dans cette étude, la chymotrypsine (CT) a été immobilisée par réticulation avec le glutaraldehyde (GA), ce qui crée des particules insolubles. L’efficacité d’immobilisation, déterminée par spectrophotométrie d’absorbance, était de 96% de la masse totale de la CT ajouté. Plusieurs différentes conditions d’immobilisation (i.e., réticulation) tels que la composition/pH du tampon et la masse de CT durant la réticulation ainsi que les différentes conditions d’entreposage tels que la température, durée et humidité pour les particules GA-CT ont été évaluées par comparaison des cartes peptidiques en électrophorèse capillaire (CE) des protéines standards digérées par les particules. Les particules de GA-CT ont été utilisés pour digérer la BSA comme exemple d’une protéine repliée large qui requit une dénaturation préalable à la digestion, et pour digérer la caséine marquée avec de l’isothiocyanate de fluorescéine (FITC) comme exemple d’un substrat dérivé afin de vérifier l’activité enzymatique du GA-CT dans la présence des groupements fluorescents liés au substrat. La cartographie peptidique des digestions par les particules GA-CT a été réalisée par CE avec la détection par absorbance ultraviolet (UV) ou fluorescence induite par laser. La caséine-FITC a été, en effet, digérée par GA-CT au même degré que par la CT libre (i.e., soluble). Un microréacteur enzymatique (IMER) a été fabriqué par immobilisation de la CT dans un capillaire de silice fondu du diamètre interne de 250 µm prétraité avec du 3-aminopropyltriéthoxysilane afin de fonctionnaliser la paroi interne avec les groupements amines. Le GA a été réagit avec les groupements amine puis la CT a été immobilisée par réticulation avec le GA. Les IMERs à base de GA-CT étaient préparé à l’aide d’un système CE automatisé puis utilisé pour digérer la BSA, la myoglobine, un peptide ayant 9 résidus et un dipeptide comme exemples des substrats ayant taille large, moyenne et petite, respectivement. La comparaison des cartes peptidiques des digestats obtenues par CE-UV ou CE-spectrométrie de masse nous permettent d’étudier les conditions d’immobilisation en fonction de la composition et le pH du tampon et le temps de réaction de la réticulation. Une étude par microscopie de fluorescence, un outil utilisé pour examiner l’étendue et les endroits d’immobilisation GA-CT dans l’IMER, ont montré que l’immobilisation a eu lieu majoritairement sur la paroi et que la réticulation ne s’est étendue pas si loin au centre du capillaire qu’anticipée.
Precipitated silica is the most promising alternative for carbon black in tyre tread compounds due to its improved performance in terms of rolling resistance and wet grip.But its poor processability is a serious limitation to its commercial application.This thesis suggests a novel route for the incorporation of silica in rubbers,i.e.,precipitation of silica in rubber latex followed by coagulation of the latex to get rubber-silica maseterbatch.Composites with in situ precipitated silica showed improved processability and mechanical properties,when compared to conventional silica composites.
A packed bed bioreactor (PBBR) was developed for rapid establishment of nitrification in brackish water hatchery systems in the tropics. The reactors were activated by immobilizing ammonia-oxidizing (AMONPCU- 1) and nitrite-oxidizing (NIONPCU-1) bacterial consortia on polystyrene and low-density polyethylene beads, respectively. Fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated the presence of autotrophic nitrifiers belong to Nitrosococcus mobilis, lineage of b ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizer Nitrobacter sp. in the consortia. The activated reactors upon integration to the hatchery system resulted in significant ammonia removal (P\0.01) culminating to its undetectable levels. Consequently, a significantly higher percent survival of larvae was observed in the larval production systems. With spent water the reactors could establish nitrification with high percentage removal of ammonia (78%), nitrite (79%) and BOD (56%) within 7 days of initiation of the process. PBBR is configured in such a way to minimize the energy requirements for continuous operation by limiting the energy inputs to a single stage pumping of water and aeration to the aeration cells. The PBBR shall enable hatchery systems to operate under closed recirculating mode and pave the way for better water management in the aquaculture industry.
For establishing nitrification in prawn (non-penaeid, salinity 10–15 ppt) and shrimp (penaeid, salinity 30–35 ppt) larval production systems, a stringed bed suspended bioreactor (SBSBR) was designed, fabricated, and validated. It was fabricated with 5 mm polystyrene and low density polyethylene beads as the substrata for ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacterial consortia, respectively, with an overall surface area of 684 cm2. The reactors were activated in a prototype activator and were transported in polythene bags to the site of testing. Performance of the reactors activated with the nitrifying bacterial consortia AMONPCU-1 (ammonia oxidizers for non-penaeid culture) and NIONPCU-1 (nitrite oxidizers for non-penaeid culture) was evaluated in a Macrobrachium rosenbergii larval rearing system and those activated with AMOPCU-1 (ammonia oxidizers for penaeid culture) and NIOPCU-1 (nitrite oxidizers for penaeid culture) in a Penaeus monodon seed production system. Rapid setting up of nitrification could be observed in both the static systems which resulted in a higher relative per cent survival of larvae
The addition of commercial nitrifying bacterial products has resulted in significant improvement of nitrification efficiency in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). We developed two nitrifying bacterial consortia (NBC) from marine and brackish water as start up cultures for immobilizing commercialized nitrifying bioreactors for RAS. In the present study, the community compositions of the NBC were analyzed by universal 16S rRNA gene and bacterial amoA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This study demonstrated that both the consortia involved autotrophic nitrifiers, denitrifiers as well as heterotrophs. Abundant taxa of the brackish water heterotrophic bacterial isolates were Paenibacillus and Beijerinckia spp. whereas in the marine consortia they were Flavobacterium, Cytophaga and Gramella species. The bacterial amoA clones were clustered together with high similarity to Nitrosomonas sp. and uncultured beta Proteobacteria. FISH analysis detected ammonia oxidizers belonging to b subclass of proteobacteria and Nitrosospira sp. in both the consortia, and Nitrosococcus mobilis lineage only in the brackish water consortium and the halophilic Nitrosomonas sp. only in the marine consortium. However, nitrite oxidizers, Nitrobacter sp. and phylum Nitrospira were detected in both the consortia. The metabolites from nitrifiers might have been used by heterotrophs as carbon and energy sources making the consortia a stable biofilm.
Raman spectra of the KTP single crystal are recorded in electric fields (dc and ac) applied along the polar axis c. Spectra with the laser beam focused near the cathode end, anode end and the centre of the crystal are recorded. The cathode end of the crystal develops a spot ‘grey track’ where the laser beam is focused after a lapse of 5 h from the application of a dc electric field of 38 V/cm. The spectra recorded at the cathode end after the application of field show variations in intensity of bands. A new band appears at 177 cm21. Changes in band intensities are explained on the basis of changes in polarizability of the crystal due to the movement of K1 ions along the polar axis. K1 ions accumulate at the cathode end, where the ‘Grey track’ formation occurs. The intensity enhancement observed for almost all bands in the ac field is attributed to the improvement of crystalline quality.
This thesis entitled “Studies on Nitrifying Microorganisms in Cochin Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Waters” reports for the first time the spatial andtemporal variations in the abundance and activity of nitrifiers (Ammonia oxidizingbacteria-AOB; Nitrite oxidizing bacteria- NOB and Ammonia oxidizing archaea-AOA) from the Cochin Estuary (CE), a monsoon driven, nutrient rich tropicalestuary along the southwest coast of India. To fulfil the above objectives, field observations were carried out for aperiod of one year (2011) in the CE. Surface (1 m below surface) and near-bottomwater samples were collected from four locations (stations 1 to 3 in estuary and 4 in coastal region), covering pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Station 1 is a low saline station (salinity range 0-10) with high freshwater influx While stations 2 and 3 are intermediately saline stations (salinity ranges 10-25). Station 4 is located ~20 km away from station 3 with least influence of fresh water and is considered as high saline (salinity range 25- 35) station. Ambient physicochemical parameters like temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), Ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate of surface and bottom waters were measured using standard techniques. Abundance of Eubacteria, total Archaea and ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (AOB and NOB) were quantified using Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH) with oligonucleotide probes labeled withCy3. Community structure of AOB and AOA was studied using PCR Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) technique. PCR products were cloned and sequenced to determine approximate phylogenetic affiliations. Nitrification rate in the water samples were analyzed using chemical NaClO3 (inhibitor of nitrite oxidation), and ATU (inhibitor of ammonium oxidation). Contribution of AOA and AOB in ammonia oxidation process was measured based on the recovered ammonia oxidation rate. The contribution of AOB and AOA were analyzed after inhibiting the activities of AOB and AOA separately using specific protein inhibitors. To understand the factors influencing or controlling nitrification, various statistical tools were used viz. Karl Pearson’s correlation (to find out the relationship between environmental parameters, bacterial abundance and activity), three-way ANOVA (to find out the significant variation between observations), Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) (for the discrimination of stations based on observations), Multivariate statistics, Principal components analysis (PCA) and Step up multiple regression model (SMRM) (First order interaction effects were applied to determine the significantly contributing biological and environmental parameters to the numerical abundance of nitrifiers). In the CE, nitrification is modulated by the complex interplay between different nitrifiers and environmental variables which in turn is dictated by various hydrodynamic characteristics like fresh water discharge and seawater influx brought in by river water discharge and flushing. AOB in the CE are more adapted to varying environmental conditions compared to AOA though the diversity of AOA is higher than AOB. The abundance and seasonality of AOB and NOB is influenced by the concentration of ammonia in the water column. AOB are the major players in modulating ammonia oxidation process in the water column of CE. The distribution pattern and seasonality of AOB and NOB in the CE suggest that these organisms coexist, and are responsible for modulating the entire nitrification process in the estuary. This process is fuelled by the cross feeding among different nitrifiers, which in turn is dictated by nutrient levels especially ammonia. Though nitrification modulates the increasing anthropogenic ammonia concentration the anthropogenic inputs have to be controlled to prevent eutrophication and associated environmental changes.