931 resultados para west campus


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Nowadays the Finnish-Russian electric energy interaction is carried out through the back-to-back DC Vyborg substation and several power plants working synchronously with Finnish power system. Constant amount of energy flows in one direction — from Russia to Finland. But the process of electricity market development in Russian energy system makes the new possibilities of electrical cooperation available. The goal of master's thesis is to analyze the current state and possible evolution trends of North-West Russian system in relation with future possible change in power flow between Russia and Finland. The research is done by modelling the market of North-West Russia and examination of technical grid restrictions. The operational market models of North-West region of Russia for the years 2008 and 2015 were created during the research process. The description of prepared market models together with modelling results and their analysis are shown in the work. The description of power flow study process and results are also presented.


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Aquest projecte pretén aconseguir un Campus Virtual més flexible i més obert, on el professorat pugui fer una gestió més acurada i específica dels seus espais de docència, a més de poder crear-se d’altres espais organitzant els grups de matrícula de la forma que més li convingui. La idea és canviar la manera com s’aprovisiona actualment el Campus Virtual amb les dades de gestió acadèmica per tal d’aconseguir un campus on el professorat tingui totes les eines i dades disponibles per a que les pugui utilitzar de la manera que cregui més adient, i no d’una manera predefinida i tancada com es feia fins ara, on el professorat es trobava un espai per cada assignatura que impartia, però no en podia modificar gairebé res. A banda d’aquest objectiu fonamental, aquest treball facilitarà en gran mesura les tasques realitzades per l’equip que gestiona el Campus Virtual en els processos de gestió d’espais de docència i del tractament dels seus participants en sincronització amb els sistemes origen.


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En el present informe s’analitza la producció científica de les dues escoles del Campus del Baix Llobregat, l’Escola d’Enginyeria de Telecomunicació i Aerospacial de Castelldefels (EETAC) i l’Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona (ESAB) durant el 2014.


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En respuesta al reto que supone el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), las bibliotecas universitarias deben adaptarse al modelo de un Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación (CRAI). En el caso del CRAI Biblioteca de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona se hace énfasis en los espacios, la difusión y el fondo bibliográfico.


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A novel and unique in a brazilian university experience for rigorous handling of chemical residues of research and teaching is described. The activities since 1998 of a laboratory for the adequate treatment and recovery of chemicals at the São Carlos Campus of the University of São Paulo are summarized. The necessity of environment conscience future professional is enhanced.


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The paper is focused on feasibility study and market review of small scale bioenergy heating plants in the Russian North-West region. The main focus is effective and competitive usage of low-grade wood for heating purposes in the region. As example of economical feasibility estimation it was chosen the project of reconstruction of small scale boiler plant in Leningrad region that Brofta Oy is planning to implement the nearest time. It includes calculation the payback time with and without interest, the estimation of probable investments, the evaluation of possible risks and research on the potential of small scale heating plants projects. Calculations show that the profitability of this kind of projects is high, but payback time is not very short, because of high level of initial investments. Though, the development of small scale bioenergy heating plants in the region is considered to be the best way to solve the problems of heat supply in small settlements using own biomass resources.


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The main purposes of this study are analyzing of forest sector of North-West and research of potentials of wood fuel market in this region. Research is focused on definition of the most perspective areas for export of wood fuel: logging residues, industrial wood processing residues, pellets and briquettes. Russian wood energy industry is very young in comparison with European countries. Nowadays there are no support and serious attention from the government to this sector. Hence almost all wood fuel market is oriented to the Western Europe. Export of wood fuel is dominated over the internal consumption. Pellet production in North –West is rapidly growing. Despite internal market has been developed the lion's share of pellets goes to export. Part of industrial wood processing residues is used by producers for their own goals, part goes to the export and rest of them is not used at all. Logging residues as raw materials for fuel have great potentials; most of them are left in a forest. Special techniques for their processing are too expensive for Russian entrepreneur. Some parts of North –West, which are situated close to the border with European countries, are potential for export. Political, economical and logistical challenges are complicated facilities for foreign customer to purchase wood fuel in remote parts of North-West. However some decisions for solving this problem exist and Russian manufactures are still interested in export of their products.


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Traditionally, fossil fuels have always been the major sources of the modern energy production. However prices on these energy sources have been constantly increasing. The utilization of local biomass resources for energy production can substitute significant part of the required energy demand in different energy sectors. The introduction of the biomass usage can easily be started in the forest industry first as it possesses biomass in a large volume. The forest industry energy sector has the highest potential for the fast bioenergy development in the North-West Russia. Therefore, the question concerning rational and effective forest resources use is important today as well as the utilization of the forestry by-products. This work describes and analyzes the opportunities of utilising biomass, mainly, in the form of the wood by-products, for energy production processes in general, as well as for the northwest Russian forest industry conditions. The study also covers basic forest industry processes and technologies, so, the reader can get familiar with the information about the specific character of the biomass utilization. The work gives a comprehensive view on the northwest forest industry situation from the biomass utilisation point of view. By presenting existing large-scale sawmills and pulp and paper mills the work provides information for the evaluation of the future development of CHP investments in the northwest Russian forest industry.


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This work presents a proposal for the management of residues from teaching laboratories. The main goals of the proposal are: scale reduction of experiments, reuse of residues as raw materials for new experiments and appropriate treatment and storage of residues. The methodology includes standardized labels for residue classification and registration of experimental classes and their residues in files. The management seemed to be efficient, resulting in a reduction of the amount of reagents utilized and residues generated, and an increase of reutilization of residues. A considerable decrease of needed storage space and suitable methods for correct residue disposal were achieved. We expect that all laboratories, including those exclusively for research activities, become involved, in a near future, in the Residue Management Project of URI - Campus Erechim.


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Aquest informe recull els 228 treballs publicats per 177 investigadors/es del Campus de Terrassa en revistes indexades al Journal Citation Report durant el 2013


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OBJETIVO: Descrever a produção científica de professores e profissionais do campus da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp) que toma a Atenção Básica em saúde e o SUS como objeto de estudo de 1994 a 2009. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo quali-quantitativo, baseado em informações obtidas em periódicos indexados nos bancos Pubmed, Medline, Lilacs e Scielo, no período de 1994-2009. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 98 trabalhos no período, verificando-se aumento progressivo do número de publicações a partir de 2003, principalmente de docentes e técnicos em educação superior vinculados aos departamentos de Medicina Preventiva, Enfermagem, Pediatria e Fonoaudiologia. Muitos deles foram realizados em parceria com outras universidades e serviços de saúde. A avaliação dos conteúdos dos trabalhos foi feita mediante categorização em quatro temas: política, planejamento e gestão; educação em saúde; morbidade; promoção da saúde. CONCLUSÃO: As publicações expressam que a relação dos pesquisadores da Unifesp com a rede do SUS vem se tornando construtiva nestes sete anos, contribuindo para a consolidação do SUS e o apoio à sua dinâmica, planejamento e gestão.


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A composição vegetal, estrutura, diversidade, estádio sucessional e distribuição de espécies do cerrado do campus da UEG com 6 ha, foram inventariados usando 30 parcelas com 100 m² cada. A partir de dbs superior ou igual a 5 cm foram amostrados 515 indivíduos, representados por 20 famílias, 28 gêneros e 46 espécies. As famílias de maior riqueza foram Leguminosae, Vochysiaceae e Malpighiaceae. As espécies Qualea grandiflora, Byrsonima crassa, Erytroxylum tortuosum, Qualea parviflora e Miconia ferruginata apresentaram os maiores VIs. A diversidade da área (H¢ = 1,353) é menor que valores descritos para Cerrado, o que pode ser conseqüência tanto da abundância de espécies como Q. grandiflora e B. crasssa quanto de interferências antrópicas no local, incluindo queimadas. O valor do índice sucessional (IS = 2,3) indica uma comunidade em estágio intermediário de sucessão, já que seu valor oscila de 1 a 3 . A comunidade ajustou-se apenas ao modelo log-normal, o que, de acordo com a literatura, pode ser influência da proporção da abundância de espécies dominantes, intermediárias e raras.