982 resultados para water storage
Theoretical developments as well as field and laboratory data have shown the influence of the capillary fringe on water table fluctuations to increase with the fluctuation frequency. The numerical solution of a full, partially saturated flow equation can be computationally expensive. In this paper, the influence of the capillary fringe on water table fluctuations is simplified through its parameterisation into the storage coefficient of a fully-saturated groundwater flow model using the complex effective porosity concept [Nielsen, P., Perrochet, P., 2000. Water table dynamics under capillary fringes: experiments and modelling. Advances in Water Resources 23 (1), 503-515; Nielsen, P., Perrochet, P., 2000. ERRATA: water table dynamics under capillary fringes: experiments and modelling (Advances in Water Resources 23 (2000) 503-515). Advances in Water Resources 23, 907-908]. The model is applied to sand flume observations of periodic water table fluctuations induced by simple harmonic forcing across a sloping boundary, analogous to many beach groundwater systems. While not providing information on the moisture distribution within the aquifer, this approach can reasonably predict the water table fluctuations in response to periodic forcing across a sloping boundary. Furthermore, he coupled ground-surface water model accurately predicts the extent of the seepage face formed at the sloping boundary. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The coupling of sandy beach aquifers with the swash zone in the vicinity of the water table exit point is investigated through simultaneous measurements of the instantaneous shoreline (swash front) location, pore pressures and the water table exit point. The field observations reveal new insights into swash-aquifer coupling not previously gleaned from measurements of pore pressure only. In particular, for the case where the exit point is seaward of the observation point, the pore pressure response is correlated with the distance between the exit point and the shoreline in that when the distance is large the rate of pressure drop is fast and when the distance is small the rate decreases. The observations expose limitations in a simple model describing exit point dynamics which is based only on the force balance on a particle of water at the sand surface and neglects subsurface pressures. A new modified form of the model is shown to significantly improve the model-data comparison through a parameterization of the effects of capillarity into the aquifer storage coefficient. The model enables sufficiently accurate predictions of the exit point to determine when the swash uprush propagates over a saturated or a partially saturated sand surface, potentially an important factor in the morphological evolution of the beach face. Observations of the shoreward propagation of the swash-induced pore pressure waves ahead of the runup limit shows that the magnitude of the pressure fluctuation decays exponentially and that there is a linear increase in time lags, behavior similar to that of tidally induced water table waves. The location of the exit point and the intermittency of wave runup events is also shown to be significant in terms of the shore-normal energy distribution. Seaward of the mean exit point location, peak energies are small because of the saturated sand surface within the seepage face acting as a "rigid lid'' and limiting pressure fluctuations. Landward of the mean exit point the peak energies grow before decreasing landward of the maximum shoreline position.
Ready to eat pasta meals are an important segment of convenience food, but these products are subjected to significant changes in physico-chemical properties during storage, which reduce their acceptability at the time of consumption. A deep understanding of the properties of the single phases, their dependence upon formulation, and the changes they undergo during storage is very important to intelligently intervene on products properties to improve their quality at the time of consumer’s consumption. This work has focused on the effect of formulation on physico-chemical properties of pasta and tomato sauce with a special focus on mechanical/rheological attributes and water status. Variable considered in pasta formulation were gluten, glycerol and moisture content and their effect was studied in both freshly cooked or shelf-stable cooked pasta. The effect of multiple hydrocolloids (at different levels) was considered in the case of tomato sauce. In the case of pasta, it was found that water content was indeed a very important variable in defying pasta mechanical properties and water status. Higher moisture contents in pasta resulted in softer samples and reduced the changes in physico-chemical parameters during storage. Glycerol was found to favor water uptake and to soften the pasta matrix, acting as plasticizer and increasing molecular mobility. The addition of gluten hardened pasta but did not affect the water status. The combination of higher amount of gluten (15%, g gluten / 100 g product) with higher moisture content (59-65%, g water / 100 g product) were found to minimize the physico-chemical changes occurring in RTE pasta meals during storage, improving quality at longer storage times. Hydrocolloids added into tomato sauce modulated its mechanical attributes and water status in very different manner, depending on hydrocolloid type and concentration. This may allow to produce tomato sauce for different applications and that are expected to have different performance if placed in contact with pasta in a RTE meal. Future work should include an investigation of how the interaction between the two phases (pasta and sauce) can be modulated and controlled by controlling the properties of the single phases with the goal of obtaining highly acceptable products also at longer storage times.
The research investigates the fuel property variations associated with the time of harvest and the duration of storage of Miscanthus x giganteus over a one year period. The crop has been harvested at three different times: early (September 2009), conventional (April 2010) and late (June 2010). Once harvested the crop was baled and stored. Biomass properties of samples taken from different storage zones were compared. The thermochemical properties have been investigated using a range of analytical equipment including thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS). In addition, bio-oil has been produced from the early, conventional and late harvest using a laboratory scale (300gh) fast pyrolysis unit. The potential organic liquid yield (ondry basis, also excluding the reaction water generated) based on the laboratory fast pyrolysis processing undertaken in this study, was found to vary between 2.82 and 3.18 dry tha for the early and the late harvest respectively. The bio-oil organic yield was reduced by approximately 11% (0.36tha) between the early and the late harvest. Char yield was also reduced by approximately 18% (0.61tha). The highest gas yield (18.03%-1.60tha) was observed for the conventional harvest. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the bio-oil shows that levoglucosan, methylbenzaldehyde and 1,2-benzenediol all increase as a consequence of delayed harvest. It was also observed that by delaying the harvest time the O:C atomic ratio is reduced and a more carbonaceous feedstock is produced. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Controlling the water content within a product has long been required in the chemical processing, agriculture, food storage, paper manufacturing, semiconductor, pharmaceutical and fuel industries. The limitations of water content measurement as an indicator of safety and quality are attributed to differences in the strength with which water associates with other components in the product. Water activity indicates how tightly water is "bound," structurally or chemically, in products. Water absorption introduces changes in the volume and refractive index of poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA. Therefore for a grating made in PMMA based optical fiber, its wavelength is an indicator of water absorption and PMMA thus can be used as a water activity sensor. In this work we have investigated the performance of a PMMA based optical fiber grating as a water activity sensor in sugar solution, saline solution and Jet A-1 aviation fuel. Samples of sugar solution with sugar concentration from 0 to 8%, saline solution with concentration from 0 to 22%, and dried (10ppm), ambient (39ppm) and wet (68ppm) aviation fuels were used in experiments. The corresponding water activities are measured as 1.0 to 0.99 for sugar solution, 1.0 to 0.86 for saline solution, and 0.15, 0.57 and 1.0 for the aviation fuel samples. The water content in the measured samples ranges from 100% (pure water) to 10 ppm (dried aviation fuel). The PMMA based optical fiber grating exhibits good sensitivity and consistent response, and Bragg wavelength shifts as large as 3.4 nm when the sensor is transferred from dry fuel to wet fuel. © 2014 Copyright SPIE.
Natural, unenriched Everglades wetlands are known to be limited by phosphorus (P) and responsive to P enrichment. However, whole-ecosystem evaluations of experimental P additions are rare in Everglades or other wetlands. We tested the response of the Everglades wetland ecosystem to continuous, low-level additions of P (0, 5, 15, and 30 μg L−1 above ambient) in replicate, 100 m flow-through flumes located in unenriched Everglades National Park. After the first six months of dosing, the concentration and standing stock of phosphorus increased in the surface water, periphyton, and flocculent detrital layer, but not in the soil or macrophytes. Of the ecosystem components measured, total P concentration increased the most in the floating periphyton mat (30 μg L−1: mean = 1916 μg P g−1, control: mean = 149 μg P g−1), while the flocculent detrital layer stored most of the accumulated P (30 μg L−1: mean = 1.732 g P m−2, control: mean = 0.769 g P m−2). Significant short-term responses of P concentration and standing stock were observed primarily in the high dose (30 μg L−1 above ambient) treatment. In addition, the biomass and estimated P standing stock of aquatic consumers increased in the 30 and 5 μg L−1 treatments. Alterations in P concentration and standing stock occurred only at the upstream ends of the flumes nearest to the point source of added nutrient. The total amount of P stored by the ecosystem within the flume increased with P dosing, although the ecosystem in the flumes retained only a small proportion of the P added over the first six months. These results indicate that oligotrophic Everglades wetlands respond rapidly to short-term, low-level P enrichment, and the initial response is most noticeable in the periphyton and flocculent detrital layer.
Natural, unenriched Evergladeswetlands are known to be limited by phosphorus(P) and responsive to P enrichment. However,whole-ecosystem evaluations of experimental Padditions are rare in Everglades or otherwetlands. We tested the response of theEverglades wetland ecosystem to continuous,low-level additions of P (0, 5, 15, and30 μg L−1 above ambient) in replicate,100 m flow-through flumes located in unenrichedEverglades National Park. After the first sixmonths of dosing, the concentration andstanding stock of phosphorus increased in thesurface water, periphyton, and flocculentdetrital layer, but not in the soil or macrophytes. Of the ecosystem components measured, total P concentration increased the most in the floating periphyton mat (30 μg L−1: mean = 1916 μg P g−1, control: mean =149 μg P g−1), while the flocculentdetrital layer stored most of the accumulated P(30 μg L−1: mean = 1.732 g P m−2,control: mean = 0.769 g P m−2). Significant short-term responsesof P concentration and standing stock wereobserved primarily in the high dose (30 μgL−1 above ambient) treatment. Inaddition, the biomass and estimated P standingstock of aquatic consumers increased in the 30and 5 μg L−1 treatments. Alterationsin P concentration and standing stock occurredonly at the upstream ends of the flumes nearestto the point source of added nutrient. Thetotal amount of P stored by the ecosystemwithin the flume increased with P dosing,although the ecosystem in the flumes retainedonly a small proportion of the P added over thefirst six months. These results indicate thatoligotrophic Everglades wetlands respondrapidly to short-term, low-level P enrichment,and the initial response is most noticeable inthe periphyton and flocculent detrital layer.
Efforts to rehydrate and restore surface water flow in karst wetlands can have unintended consequences, as these highly conductive and heterogeneous aquifers create a close connection between groundwater and surface water. Recently, hydrologic restoration efforts in the karstic Taylor Slough portion of the Everglades has changed from point source delivery of canal water (direct restoration), to the use of a series of surface water recharge retention basins (diffuse restoration). To determine the influence of restoration on groundwater-surface water interactions in the Taylor Slough headwaters, a water budget was constructed for 1997–2011 using 70 hydro-meteorological stations. With diffuse restoration, groundwater seepage from the Everglades toward the urban boundary increased, while the downstream delivery of surface water to the main portion of the slough declined. The combined influence of diffuse restoration and climate led to increased intra-annual variability in the volume of groundwater and surface water in storage but supported a more seasonally hydrated wetland compared to the earlier direct tactics. The data further indicated that hydrologic engineering in karst wetland landscapes enhances groundwater-surface water interactions, even those designed for restoration purposes.
The realization of an energy future based on safe, clean, sustainable, and economically viable technologies is one of the grand challenges facing modern society. Electrochemical energy technologies underpin the potential success of this effort to divert energy sources away from fossil fuels, whether one considers alternative energy conversion strategies through photoelectrochemical (PEC) production of chemical fuels or fuel cells run with sustainable hydrogen, or energy storage strategies, such as in batteries and supercapacitors. This dissertation builds on recent advances in nanomaterials design, synthesis, and characterization to develop novel electrodes that can electrochemically convert and store energy.
Chapter 2 of this dissertation focuses on refining the properties of TiO2-based PEC water-splitting photoanodes used for the direct electrochemical conversion of solar energy into hydrogen fuel. The approach utilized atomic layer deposition (ALD); a growth process uniquely suited for the conformal and uniform deposition of thin films with angstrom-level thickness precision. ALD’s thickness control enabled a better understanding of how the effects of nitrogen doping via NH3 annealing treatments, used to reduce TiO2’s bandgap, can have a strong dependence on TiO2’s thickness and crystalline quality. In addition, it was found that some of the negative effects on the PEC performance typically associated with N-doped TiO2 could be mitigated if the NH3-annealing was directly preceded by an air-annealing step, especially for ultrathin (i.e., < 10 nm) TiO2 films. ALD was also used to conformally coat an ultraporous conductive fluorine-doped tin oxide nanoparticle (nanoFTO) scaffold with an ultrathin layer of TiO2. The integration of these ultrathin films and the oxide nanoparticles resulted in a heteronanostructure design with excellent PEC water oxidation photocurrents (0.7 mA/cm2 at 0 V vs. Ag/AgCl) and charge transfer efficiency.
In Chapter 3, two innovative nanoarchitectures were engineered in order to enhance the pseudocapacitive energy storage of next generation supercapacitor electrodes. The morphology and quantity of MnO2 electrodeposits was controlled by adjusting the density of graphene foliates on a novel graphenated carbon nanotube (g-CNT) scaffold. This control enabled the nanocomposite supercapacitor electrode to reach a capacitance of 640 F/g, under MnO2 specific mass loading conditions (2.3 mg/cm2) that are higher than previously reported. In the second engineered nanoarchitecture, the electrochemical energy storage properties of a transparent electrode based on a network of solution-processed Cu/Ni cores/shell nanowires (NWs) were activated by electrochemically converting the Ni metal shell into Ni(OH)2. Furthermore, an adjustment of the molar percentage of Ni plated onto the Cu NWs was found to result in a tradeoff between capacitance, transmittance, and stability of the resulting nickel hydroxide-based electrode. The nominal area capacitance and power performance results obtained for this Cu/Ni(OH)2 transparent electrode demonstrates that it has significant potential as a hybrid supercapacitor electrode for integration into cutting edge flexible and transparent electronic devices.
Measurements of U concentration and 234U/238U ratio were made in five water samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B.The results indicate that a loss of U had occurred either during sampling or during the storage of the samples, probably as a result of adsorption by rust particles or by the walls of the sampling system. Within analytical uncertainty, the 234U/238U ratios in the samples were identical to those in unreacted seawater. Thus, it is not possible to detect any U exchange that may have occurred during the reaction of the solutions with the basement formation. Improvement in sampling technique is a necessity for future studies of uranium and probably other trace elements in drill hole water samples.
To project the future development of the soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in permafrost environments, the spatial and vertical distribution of key soil properties and their landscape controls needs to be understood. This article reports findings from the Arctic Lena River Delta where we sampled 50 soil pedons. These were classified according to the U.S.D.A. Soil Taxonomy and fall mostly into the Gelisol soil order used for permafrost-affected soils. Soil profiles have been sampled for the active layer (mean depth 58±10 cm) and the upper permafrost to one meter depth. We analyze SOC stocks and key soil properties, i.e. C%, N%, C/N, bulk density, visible ice and water content. These are compared for different landscape groupings of pedons according to geomorphology, soil and land cover and for different vertical depth increments. High vertical resolution plots are used to understand soil development. These show that SOC storage can be highly variable with depth. We recommend the treatment of permafrost-affected soils according to subdivisions into: the surface organic layer, mineral subsoil in the active layer, organic enriched cryoturbated or buried horizons and the mineral subsoil in the permafrost. The major geomorphological units of a subregion of the Lena River Delta were mapped with a land form classification using a data-fusion approach of optical satellite imagery and digital elevation data to upscale SOC storage. Landscape mean SOC storage is estimated to 19.2±2.0 kg C/m**2. Our results show that the geomorphological setting explains more soil variability than soil taxonomy classes or vegetation cover. The soils from the oldest, Pleistocene aged, unit of the delta store the highest amount of SOC per m**2 followed by the Holocene river terrace. The Pleistocene terrace affected by thermal-degradation, the recent floodplain and bare alluvial sediments store considerably less SOC in descending order.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Fiji exports approximately 800 t year-1 of 'Solo Sunrise' papaya marketed as 'Fiji Red' to international markets which include New Zealand, Australia and Japan. The wet weather conditions from November to April each year result in a significant increase in fungal diseases present in Fiji papaya orchards. The two major pathogens that are causing significant post-harvest losses are: stem end rot (Phytophthora palmivora) and anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.). The high incidence of post-harvest rots has led to increased rejection rates all along the supply chain, causing a reduction in income to farmers, exporters, importers and retailers of Fiji papaya. It has also undermined the superior quality reputation on the market. In response to this issue, the Fiji Papaya industry led by Nature's Way Cooperative, embarked on series of trials supported by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) to determine the most effective and economical post-harvest control in Fiji papaya. Of all the treatments that were examined, a hot water dip treatment was selected by the industry as the most appropriate technology given the level of control that it provide, the cost effectiveness of the treatment and the fact that it was non-chemical. A commercial hot water unit that fits with the existing quarantine treatment and packing facilities has been designed and a cost benefit analysis for the investment carried out. This paper explores the research findings as well as the industry process that has led to the commercial uptake of this important technology.