842 resultados para unit disk graphs
This study examines adolescent student responses to a women's literature unit taught within a grade 12 Writer's Craft course. Current research (Gilligan, 1989, Pipher, 1994 & Slack, 1999) suggests that there is a great under-representation of female authors in the high school literature curriculum. The use of women's literature may draw attention to important literary figures who are historically overlooked within the curriculum. It gives voice to a marginalized group and presents students with alternative subjects and heroes. It encourages students to develop a critical perspective and reevaluate assumptions about institutions, ideologies, language and culture. It also allows me, as a teacher, to reflect on my own teaching practices and explore alternate feminist pedagogical principles and teaching styles encouraging multiplicity of voices, deconstruction of power relations, and alternative assessment tools within the classroom. As an educator, it is important for me to teach curriculum that is relevant and meaningful to students and help them become critical, self-reflective thinkers. It is also important for me to assist students in their exploration of self and encourage them to expand their awareness of historical, social and global issues. Sylvia Plath's (1963) The belljar is used as the primary text taught within this unit. In this novel, the bell jar is a central image that signifies entrapment and isolation. "To the person in the bell jar, blank and stopped as a dead body, the world itself is the bad dream"(p.l 54). As a metaphor, the bell jar resonates with young readers in a variety of ways.
The (n, k)-star interconnection network was proposed in 1995 as an attractive alternative to the n-star topology in parallel computation. The (n, k )-star has significant advantages over the n-star which itself was proposed as an attractive alternative to the popular hypercube. The major advantage of the (n, k )-star network is its scalability, which makes it more flexible than the n-star as an interconnection network. In this thesis, we will focus on finding graph theoretical properties of the (n, k )-star as well as developing parallel algorithms that run on this network. The basic topological properties of the (n, k )-star are first studied. These are useful since they can be used to develop efficient algorithms on this network. We then study the (n, k )-star network from algorithmic point of view. Specifically, we will investigate both fundamental and application algorithms for basic communication, prefix computation, and sorting, etc. A literature review of the state-of-the-art in relation to the (n, k )-star network as well as some open problems in this area are also provided.
With repeated activity, force production, rate of force production, and relaxation time are impaired. These are characteristics ofa fatigued muscle (Vandenboom, 2004). However, brief bouts of near maximal to maximal activity results in the increased ability of the muscle to generate force, termed post activation potentiation (P AP)(V andervoort et aI., 1983). The purpose of the present study was to characterize motor unit firing rate (MUFR) in the unfatigued, potentiated tibialis anterior (TA). Using a quadrifilar needle electrode, MUFR was measured during a 5s 50% MVC in which the TA was either potentiated or unpotentiated; monopolar electrodes measured surface parameters. A lOs MVC was used to potentiate the muscle. Firing rate decreased significantly from 20.15±2.9Opps to 18.27±2.99pps, while mean power frequency decreased significantly from 60. 13±7.75 Hz to 53.62±8.56 Hz. No change in root mean square (RMS) was observed. Therefore, in the present study, MUFR decreases in response to a potentiated TA.
The (n, k)-arrangement interconnection topology was first introduced in 1992. The (n, k )-arrangement graph is a class of generalized star graphs. Compared with the well known n-star, the (n, k )-arrangement graph is more flexible in degree and diameter. However, there are few algorithms designed for the (n, k)-arrangement graph up to present. In this thesis, we will focus on finding graph theoretical properties of the (n, k)- arrangement graph and developing parallel algorithms that run on this network. The topological properties of the arrangement graph are first studied. They include the cyclic properties. We then study the problems of communication: broadcasting and routing. Embedding problems are also studied later on. These are very useful to develop efficient algorithms on this network. We then study the (n, k )-arrangement network from the algorithmic point of view. Specifically, we will investigate both fundamental and application algorithms such as prefix sums computation, sorting, merging and basic geometry computation: finding convex hull on the (n, k )-arrangement graph. A literature review of the state-of-the-art in relation to the (n, k)-arrangement network is also provided, as well as some open problems in this area.
The hyper-star interconnection network was proposed in 2002 to overcome the drawbacks of the hypercube and its variations concerning the network cost, which is defined by the product of the degree and the diameter. Some properties of the graph such as connectivity, symmetry properties, embedding properties have been studied by other researchers, routing and broadcasting algorithms have also been designed. This thesis studies the hyper-star graph from both the topological and algorithmic point of view. For the topological properties, we try to establish relationships between hyper-star graphs with other known graphs. We also give a formal equation for the surface area of the graph. Another topological property we are interested in is the Hamiltonicity problem of this graph. For the algorithms, we design an all-port broadcasting algorithm and a single-port neighbourhood broadcasting algorithm for the regular form of the hyper-star graphs. These algorithms are both optimal time-wise. Furthermore, we prove that the folded hyper-star, a variation of the hyper-star, to be maixmally fault-tolerant.
Abstract: Root and root finding are concepts familiar to most branches of mathematics. In graph theory, H is a square root of G and G is the square of H if two vertices x,y have an edge in G if and only if x,y are of distance at most two in H. Graph square is a basic operation with a number of results about its properties in the literature. We study the characterization and recognition problems of graph powers. There are algorithmic and computational approaches to answer the decision problem of whether a given graph is a certain power of any graph. There are polynomial time algorithms to solve this problem for square of graphs with girth at least six while the NP-completeness is proven for square of graphs with girth at most four. The girth-parameterized problem of root fining has been open in the case of square of graphs with girth five. We settle the conjecture that recognition of square of graphs with girth 5 is NP-complete. This result is providing the complete dichotomy theorem for square root finding problem.
An illustration dated 10 November 1948 of Unit No. 9. The description reads "Sketch Showing Field Notes taken before unit dismantled Nov. 1948 - Runner and shaft were hanging from the thrust bearing when these measurements were taken. The thrust bearing was 3/32" thinner than a full size bearing."
A photograph of Unit 11 Runner at Rankine Station (5901-2105).
We associate some graphs to a ring R and we investigate the interplay between the ring-theoretic properties of R and the graph-theoretic properties of the graphs associated to R. Let Z(R) be the set of zero-divisors of R. We define an undirected graph ᴦ(R) with nonzero zero-divisors as vertices and distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if xy=0 or yx=0. We investigate the Isomorphism Problem for zero-divisor graphs of group rings RG. Let Sk denote the sphere with k handles, where k is a non-negative integer, that is, Sk is an oriented surface of genus k. The genus of a graph is the minimal integer n such that the graph can be embedded in Sn. The annihilating-ideal graph of R is defined as the graph AG(R) with the set of ideals with nonzero annihilators as vertex such that two distinct vertices I and J are adjacent if IJ=(0). We characterize Artinian rings whose annihilating-ideal graphs have finite genus. Finally, we extend the definition of the annihilating-ideal graph to non-commutative rings.
The conjecture claiming that every planar graph is acyclic 5-choosable[Borodin et al., 2002] has been verified for several restricted classes of planargraphs. Recently, O. V. Borodin and A. O. Ivanova, [Journal of Graph Theory,68(2), October 2011, 169-176], have shown that a planar graph is acyclically 5-choosable if it does not contain an i-cycle adjacent to a j-cycle, where 3<=j<=5 if i=3 and 4<=j<=6 if i=4. We improve the above mentioned result and prove that every planar graph without an i-cycle adjacent to a j-cycle with3<=j<=5 if i=3 and 4<=j<=5 if i=4 is acyclically 5-choosable.