552 resultados para theatrical clown


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This year 2015 marks the 55th anniversary of the establishment in Spain of the first theatre academy whose methodological principles for actors were based on the Stanislavski system —although transformed by the perspective of the Method, developed in America by the Group Theatre during the 1930s and then implanted in some famous schools such as the Actor’s Studio—. It was in October 1960 when the American actor, teacher and director William Layton (1913-1995) opened the Teatro Estudio de Madrid (TEM). By then, he had already been living in Spain for two years. In that adventure Layton was accompanied by the Spanish Miguel Narros (a stage director) and the American Elizabeth H. Buckley. This private academy began its activity by offering the Method, a discipline that Layton had learned in his country with Sandford Meisner; one member of the Group Theatre along with Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler, Harold Clurmann or Elia Kazan. Thanks to the TEM, concepts till then completely unknown in Spanish academic venues for actors such as organicity, truth, mood, sensory memory, etc., started being implemented in the theatrical interpretation. Firstly, in exercises of improvisation; secondly, in scenes and characters; and finally, after a time of performing, those concepts were tested in the scenarios, by display to the public, which is the biggest challenge for any actor, author or director. That way, a singular model of interpretation, a naturalistic type, which have prevailed in the West over other ways of interpreting, came to Spain. A system (which could be defined as organic interpretation) that had been systematized by the Russian Konstantin Stanislavski in the early twentieth century and rapidly was exported abroad by some of his first students: Richard Boleslavsky, Maria Ouspenskaya, Michael Chekhov, Pietro Scharoff, P. Pauloff... Its popularity in the USA increased mainly due to the Actor’s Studio and also thanks to professor Lee Strasberg, through the famous Method working. While in 1960 Layton founded in Madrid the TEM, together with Narros and Buckley, the Brechtian technique was arriving to Barcelona. In that city, Ricard Salvat —who had trained in Germany— and Maria Aurélia Capmany opened the School of Dramatic Art Adrià Gual (EADAG). From Catalonia and over the years, this center will project the first formulas about “distancing”. That way, after decades of delay, that same year 1960 landed in Spain two key trends that shaped and influenced the development of Western theatrical art in the first half of the twentieth century. SYNTHESIS: The knowledge and deep analysis of William Layton’s work as acting teacher in Spain will allow us to get closer to a major figure in the history of theater education in our country. Our main goal is to demonstrate that he was responsible for breaking the isolation that, from secular times, suffered the training of actors in Spain. Layton not only did achieve that, but did it consistently, without interruption. Also, by analyzing his work as stage manager, we will discover how this methodology was implemented in two aspects regarding the theatrical play: in the actor himself and in the dramatic text...


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This thesis has its origin in a previous work: “The Catalan theatrical life in the magazine ‘El Teatre Català’ (1912-1917)” (DEA, UCM, 2004-2005), focused on the history, description and the indexes of that magazine. Among the historical and literary references ordered there, we chose a figure that would make a monographic work resulting in the present Doctoral Thesis. The choice fell on Avel·lí Artís i Balaguer (1881-1954), whose personality and literary corpus, allow additional possibilities for research. The cultural and literary reach of his life and his work covers a whole historical cycle in Catalan culture and literature, which moves from its contemporary consolidation towards the drama of its temporal dislocation, between the Spanish Civil War and the exile experience. This e historical itinerary is represented by Avel·lí Artís i Balaguer, being a playwright and a publisher. He’s been considered a comedy playwright since his editions bear titles such as “comedy”, “pas comedy”, “sainet” “quadro”, “farce” or “dialogue”, at most we find the word “Drama” once and “tragicomedy” twice, and we can find all this, in a series of texts for the representation ranging from 1909 to 1938. Secondly, as a professional fully involved in printing and publishing, thereby covering since its first steps as a compositor in the late nineties of the 19th century until his activity as a crucial character for magazines and other publishing projects, from the first decade of the 20th century until the last year of his Mexican exile...


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An Approach to contemporary Peruvian theatre (1960-2000) is a work of research that attempts to justify an initial assumption: contemporary Peruvian theatre could not have come to an end at the close of the 1950s with the few writers mentioned briefly in histories of literature, such as Sebastián Salazar Bondy, Enrique Solari Swayne, Juan Ríos and Julio Ramón Ribeyro. Moreover, these are writers noted for their work in other areas of literature and not specifically defined as playwrights. There must have been a new generation of theatrical authors starting in the 1960s who did not gain notoriety in Peru or, of course, beyond its borders. In the preface to his collected works, Mario Vargas Llosa gives us a clue that illustrates this period: “To write theatre in the Lima of those years, was worse than to weep; it was almost to condemn yourself never to see what you wrote on the stage, which is even sadder and more frustrating than it is for a poet or novelist to die unpublished.” [2001: 4] The huge social inequality that characterised Peruvian society at the time meant that only a small elite had access to theatres...


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Both ludic and macabre, the theatrical works of Samuel Beckett and Jean Genet are a paradox to behold. Indeed, as this thesis seeks to illustrate, despite their vastly differing aesthetics, at the core of each playwright’s stage productions is a tension between the characters’ yearning for silence and invisibility, and the continual creation of an often humorous, chaotic, exaggerated or theatrical image that depicts this very longing. Seeking an impossible intersection between their image and their death, they are trapped in a double bind that guarantees aesthetic failure. In order to grasp the close, yet delicate, relationship between the image of death and the death of the image, as presented in the plays of Beckett and Genet, we will explore how the characters’ creative processes deflate the very images — both visual and auditory — that they create. More specifically, we will examine how mimesis both liberates and confines the characters; while the symbolic realm provides the only means of self-representation, it is also a source of profound alienation and powerlessness, for it never adequately conveys meaning. Thus, body, gesture, language and voice are each the site of simultaneous and ceaseless reappearance and disappearance, for which death remains the only (aporetic) cure. Struggling against theatrical form, which demands the actors’ and the audience’s physical presence, both playwrights make shrewd use of metatheatre to slowly empty the stage and thereby suggest the impending, yet impossible, erasure of their characters.


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Globalisation has transformed “independence” into, at best, “inter-dependence”. In Latin American film, this process has been experienced as a decline in the national productions, now usually co-productions, and a tendency towards the self-exoticising as films cater for a festival-circuit global audience; similarly, theatrical exhibition takes place in one of a handful of the global multiplex complexes. Moreover, narrative film itself has long been regarded as inherently “dependent”, on the conservative sectors that have provided its finance, with the word “independent” referring to authorial features only. However, the very same processes that have allowed for such an unprecedented corporate control of these film industries have also spawned a parallel network of local, regional and national filmmaking, distribution and exhibition through digital media. From the “Mi Cine” project in Mexico to the “Cine Piquetero” in Argentina, digital filmmaking is empowering viewers and restoring agency to local filmmakers. In this paper I argue for this understanding of “independence” in the contemporary cinematic spheres of Latin America: the re-appropriation, amidst the transnationalism of the day, of the democratising potential of cinema that Walter Benjamin once thought was inherent to the medium.


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Sarah Bernhardt (born Sara-Marie-Henriette Bernard, 1844-1923) was the most famous actress of the late nineteenth century. Celebrated for her golden voice, for her use of the spiral as the building block for movement on the theatrical stage, for an innovative use of costume and jewellery, for her patronage emerging artists, and for the business acumen that saw her fast become a household name across the globe, she was the progenitor of celebrity as we know it today. This article explores the ways in which her achievements can be considered 'dangerous' today.


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As one who has mounted theatrical Bloomsdays since 1994,' I well understand that the issue of Joyces radicalism on the subject of the body is a recurring crux for dramaturg, director and actors, not so much on moral grounds, as on the grounds of playability and sometimes taste. It is one thing to read with a startled chuckle a febrile passage which transgresses norms, or to enjoy hyperbole in context, but embodied enactment is an entirely different matter, because the limits of what Joyce was prepared to essay in fiction are so extreme, so strangely and transgressively unfamiliar, despite the passing of close to a century since publication. It is the difference between reading in private and reading a staged and necessarily embodied and visual event that is the focus of this article. What performing Joyces bodies has revealed to me is his particular, unsentimental and secular take on bodies as both comic and sublime, even sacred - concepts that are rarely yoked together. Resisting the impulse to sanitise Joyce and censor him takes one into the territory of outrageous, often non-naturalistic, comedy, but also into a paradoxical notion of the body as sacred, and the gendered body as potentially subversive, via the by-ways of theatricality, censorship and taste.


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Méthodologie: Investigation à caractère heuristique et réflexif, inscrite dans une énonciation autobiographique se traduisant par la rédaction et l’analyse de deux récits


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Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux apports possibles de la biomécanique meyerholdienne à l’expression théâtrale et plastique du slam de poésie, l’objectif initial de la recherche consistant à bonifier et à développer l’expression tant gestuelle que vocale du poète performant son texte à slamer. Il s’agissait donc, à travers le processus de recherche-création proposé, de conduire une série de laboratoires et d’expérimentations théâtrales afin de développer Panpan!, un spectacle expérimental hybridant à la fois biomécanique et slam de poésie. Des multiples expériences nécessaires à la réalisation de ce court spectacle, j’ai dégagé une série d’outils théoriques et pratiques, que j’ai ensuite exposés en profondeur dans cet essai. En annexe, le lecteur trouvera également l’ensemble de mes outils de travail, développés au fil de ma pratique expérimentale et ayant permis tant la réalisation de Panpan! que la découverte et l’étude des principes théoriques et pratiques dont fait état ma recherche. Mots clés: poésie slamée, slam de poésie, biomécanique, Vsevolod E. Meyerhold, slam-théâtre, expression corporelle, expression vocale, partition dramaturgique, mécanique dramaturgique, musicalité, virtuosité, rythme, constructivisme russe, grotesque, cabotinage.


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Este trabajo se inscribe en uno de los grandes campos de los estudios organizacionales: la estrategia. La perspectiva clásica en este campo promovió la idea de que proyectarse hacia el futuro implica diseñar un plan (una serie de acciones deliberadas). Avances posteriores mostraron que la estrategia podía ser comprendida de otras formas. Sin embargo, la evolución del campo privilegió en alguna medida la mirada clásica estableciendo, por ejemplo, múltiples modelos para ‘formular’ una estrategia, pero dejando en segundo lugar la manera en la que esta puede ‘emerger’. El propósito de esta investigación es, entonces, aportar al actual nivel de comprensión respecto a las estrategias emergentes en las organizaciones. Para hacerlo, se consideró un concepto opuesto —aunque complementario— al de ‘planeación’ y, de hecho, muy cercano en su naturaleza a ese tipo de estrategias: la improvisación. Dado que este se ha nutrido de valiosos aportes del mundo de la música, se acudió al saber propio de este dominio, recurriendo al uso de ‘la metáfora’ como recurso teórico para entenderlo y alcanzar el objetivo propuesto. Los resultados muestran que 1) las estrategias deliberadas y las emergentes coexisten y se complementan, 2) la improvisación está siempre presente en el contexto organizacional, 3) existe una mayor intensidad de la improvisación en el ‘como’ de la estrategia que en el ‘qué’ y, en oposición a la idea convencional al respecto, 4) se requiere cierta preparación para poder improvisar de manera adecuada.


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O presente relatório tem como objectivo analisar a realidade de uma Companhia de Marionetas em Portugal, Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora, incidindo sobre a relação entre o actor, marioneta e meio envolvente (site specific) no contexto de uma prática teatral concreta, a produção do espectáculo Era uma vez ...As Sete Casas da Infortuna, no Castelo de Santa Maria da Feira. Os resultados apurados acompanham os moldes em que se procurou passar de um actor convencional para a especialização de um micromundo teatral onde a aprendizagem foi, fulcral desde o processo de construção até, à manipulação em cena num universo de trabalho particularmente árduo e específico. A minha trajectória no seio da companhia começou pela familiarização e aprendizagem informal da prática das marionetas através da observação directa dos espectáculos e de diferentes projectos da companhia. A formação feita no local de estágio (atelier da Companhia) foi outra das modalidades de formação que acompanhou o meu trajecto ao longo do estágio através da minha colaboração em projectos como Teatro nas Instituições, sempre sob a égide da divisão de tarefas e de alguma autoaprendizagem com a devida supervisão e orientação de artistas especialistas, como o Director Criativo, enVide neFelibata. O laboratório de aprendizagem prosseguiu pela mão da marionetista Clara Ribeiro que orientou a minha formação no sentido de absorver princípios teórico-práticos como o Foco, o Movimento e o Olhar para uma melhor consciencialização do universo do teatro de marionetas e formas animadas. Ainda nessa aprendizagem, a figura de alguns artistas especialistas foi fulcral, nomeadamente a da cenógrafa Marta Fernandes da Silva, que revelou ser de extrema importância ao longo do estágio pois permitiu uma verdadeira intersecção entre as componentes teórica e prática. Dessa forma pude acompanhar todo o processo de criação do Era uma vez ...As Sete Casas da Infortuna, e colaborar na construção das marionetas que iria manipular como actor - marionetista. Relativamente à questão da componente da interpretação no estágio, esta foi assumida pela encenadora - marionetista, Filipa Alexandre que, com a sua orientação, permitiu um enfoque do grupo de trabalho num processo de criação colectiva. Assim, a nível pessoal, fui movido por uma necessidade premente de descodificar o papel do actor na sua relação com a marioneta e o meio envolvente (site specific). ABSTRACT: This study aims to examine the reality of a Puppet Company in Portugal, the Puppet Theater of Mandrágora, focusing on the relationship between actor, puppet and environment (site specific) in the context of an actual theatrical practice, Once upon a time ...Seven houses of infortune, in the Castle of Santa Maria da Feira. The results obtained follow the way in which one seeks to move from one "conventional" actor to the specialization of a micro theater where learning was central from the building process to manipulation on the scene in a universe of work particularly hard and specific. My initial course within the company began with the familiarization and informal learning of the practice of puppetry through direct observation of performances and various projects of the company. The training done at the company (workshop of the Company) was one of the training arrangements that accompanied my way along the training through assistance on projects such as Teatro nas Instituições, always under the auspices of the division of tasks and due self-teaching with appropriate supervision and guidance of expert artists, such as the Creative Director, enVide neFelibata. The learning laboratory continued by the hand of the puppeteer Clara Ribeiro who supervised my training in order to absorb theoretical and practical principles as the Focus, the Movement and the Look for better awareness of the world of puppetry and animated forms. Also at this level, the figure of some specialist artists were central, such as the scenographer Marta Fernandes da Silva, who proved to be extremely important during this training, allowing a true intersection between the theoretical and the practical components. I could experience the surroundings of the creation notebook of Era uma vez ...As Sete Casas da Infortuna, and collaborate in the preparation of puppets that would handle as an actor - puppeteer. As to the question of the interpretation component on training, this was in charge of stage director - puppeteer, and the Artistic Director, Filipa Alexandre, whose instructions allowed a focus of the working group in a process of collective creation. Accordingly, to a personal level, I was urged to decode the role of the actor in relation to the puppet and the environment (site specific).


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Recibido 09 de junio de 2011 • Aceptado 24 de octubre de 2011 • Corregido 27 de setiembre de 2011   El presente ensayo tiene como finalidad reflexionar sobre la importancia del humor pedagógico como estrategia de enseñanza aprendizaje en el aula; esto, tomando en cuenta la problemática de desmotivación y aburrimiento que sucede normalmente en la clase. Para plantear si “el enseñar contento y el aprender con alegría” pueden aumentar la eficacia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se abordará cómo, a pesar de las múltiples ventajas que puede aportar el humor en las aulas, se omite su empleo por la existencia de ciertos prejuicios y temores. La idea no es que los docentes hagan el papel de comediantes o payasos, sino la de mediar y acercar la clase de manera pedagógica y didáctica a través del uso del humor, y sobre esto reflexionaba Platón (1992), cuando planteaba que muchas veces ayudaba una broma, en donde la seriedad oponía resistencia.