775 resultados para the development of intellectual capital
Background, aim and scope Soil organic matter (SOM) is known to increase with time as landscapes recover after a major disturbance; however, little is known about the evolution of the chemistry of SOM in reconstructed ecosystems. In this study, we assessed the development of SOM chemistry in a chronosequence (space for time substitution) of restored Jarrah forest sites in Western Australia. Materials and methods Replicated samples were taken at the surface of the mineral soil as well as deeper in the profile at sites of 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 17 years of age. A molecular approach was developed to distinguish and quantify numerous individual compounds in SOM. This used accelerated solvent extraction in conjunction with gas chromatography mass spectrometry. A novel multivariate statistical approach was used to assess changes in accelerated solvent extraction (ASE)-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) spectra. This enabled us to track SOM developmental trajectories with restoration time. Results Results showed total carbon concentrations approached that of native forests soils by 17 years of restoration. Using the relate protocol in PRIMER, we demonstrated an overall linear relationship with site age at both depths, indicating that changes in SOM chemistry were occurring. Conclusions The surface soils were seen to approach native molecular compositions while the deeper soil retained a more stable chemical signature, suggesting litter from the developing diverse plant community has altered SOM near the surface. Our new approach for assessing SOM development, combining ASE-GCMS with illuminating multivariate statistical analysis, holds great promise to more fully develop ASE for the characterisation of SOM.
The increasing importance of employability in Higher Education curricula and the prevalence of using mobile devices for fieldbased learning prompted an investigation into student awareness of the relationship between the use of mobile apps for learning and the development of graduate attributes (GAs) (and the link to employability). The results from post-fieldwork focus groups from four field courses indicated that students could make clear links between the use of a variety of mobile apps and graduate attribute development. The study suggests a number of mobile apps can align simultaneously with more than one graduate attribute. Furthermore, prior experience and the context of use can influence students’ perceptions of an app and its link with different GAs.
The Arctic Snow Microstructure Experiment (ASMEx) took place in Sodankylä, Finland in the winters of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. Radiometric, macro-, and microstructure measurements were made under different experimental conditions of homogenous snow slabs, extracted from the natural seasonal taiga snowpack. Traditional and modern measurement techniques were used for snow macro- and microstructure observations. Radiometric measurements of the microwave emission of snow on reflector and absorber bases were made at frequencies 18.7, 21.0, 36.5, 89.0 and 150.0 GHz, for both horizontal and vertical polarizations. Two measurement configurations were used for radiometric measurements: a reflecting surface and an absorbing base beneath the snow slabs. Simulations of brightness temperatures using two microwave emission models, Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) snow emission model and Microwave Emission Model of Layered Snowpacks (MEMLS), were compared to observed brightness temperatures. RMSE and bias were calculated; with the RMSE and bias values being smallest upon an absorbing base at vertical polarization. Simulations overestimated the brightness temperatures on absorbing base cases at horizontal polarization. With the other experimental conditions, the biases were small; with the exception of the HUT model 36.5 GHz simulation, which produced an underestimation for the reflector base cases. This experiment provides a solid framework for future research on the extinction of microwave radiation inside snow.
There is growing concern amongst international lawyers that the United States’ use of unmanned armed vehicles to conduct lethal targeting operations against non-state actors is setting a dangerous precedent for the future and might lead to an erosion of important rules under international law. Taking seriously these concerns, this article examines in more detail the potential precedent created by the US through its lethal drone strikes and the provided justifications, for the purpose of the development of jus ad bellum. In identifying the claims made by the US under different theories of customary international law as qualified practice or expressions of opinio juris that can lead to an alteration of the law should they be accepted by the international community, this article takes a first step towards a more extensive debate on the potential effects of the US drone strikes on the development of international law.
Background: Previous studies have pointed out that the mere elevation of the maxillary sinus membrane promotes bone formation without the use of augmentation materials. Purpose: This experimental study aimed at evaluating if the two-stage procedure for sinus floor augmentation could benefit from the use of a space-making device in order to increase the bone volume to enable later implant installation with good primary stability. Materials and Methods: Six male tufted capuchin primates (Cebus apella) were subjected to extraction of the three premolars and the first molar on both sides of the maxilla to create an edentulous area. The sinuses were opened using the lateral bone-wall window technique, and the membrane was elevated. One resorbable space-making device was inserted in each maxillary sinus, and the bone window was returned in place. The animals were euthanatized after 6 months, and biopsy blocks containing the whole maxillary sinus and surrounding soft tissues were prepared for ground sections. Results: The histological examination of the specimens showed bone formation in contact with both the schneiderian membrane and the device in most cases even when the device was displaced. The process of bone formation indicates that this technique is potentially useful for two-stage sinus floor augmentation. The lack of stabilization of the device within the sinus demands further improvement of space-makers for predictable bone augmentation. Conclusions: It is concluded that (1) the device used in this study did not trigger any important inflammatory reaction; (2) when the sinus membrane was elevated, bone formation was a constant finding; and (3) an ideal space-making device should be stable and elevate the membrane to ensure a maintained connection between the membrane and the secluded space.
The present study aimed to evaluate whether the association between a calcium hydroxide paste (Calen paste) and 0.4% chlorhexidine (CHX) affects the development of the osteogenic phenotype in vitro. With rat calvarial osteogenic cell cultures, the following parameters were assayed: cell morphology and viability, alkaline phosphatase activity, total protein content, bone sialoprotein immunolocalization, and mineralized nodule formation. Comparisons were carried out by using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test (level of significance, 5%). The results showed that the association between Calen paste and 0.4% CHX did not affect the development of the osteogenic phenotype. No significant changes were observed in terms of cell shape, cell viability, alkaline phosphatase activity, and the total amount of bone-like nodule formation among control, Calen, or Calen + CHX groups. The strategy to combine Ca(OH)(2) and CHX to promote a desirable synergistic antibacterial effect during endodontic treatment in vivo might not significantly affect osteoblastic cell biology. (J Endod 2008;34:1485-1489)
This work aimed at evaluating the effects of the supplementation of starter diet with Arg on breast muscle development in broilers and the activation of satellite cells and the aggregation of myofibrillar protein. Male Cobb chicks (n = 990) were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 treatments in a complete random design. Measurements of 33 chicks per treatment were made in 6 repetitions. The treatments consisted of a basal diet with 1.390% digestible Arg (without supplementation) and 4 dietary levels of Arg (1.490, 1.590, 1.690, and 1.790%) with Arg:Lys ratios of 1.103, 1.183, 1.262, 1.341, and 1.421, respectively. Arginine supplementation was used only in the starter phase (1 to 21 d). Dietary supplementation with Arg had a positive effect (P < 0.05) on breast and breast fillet weight on d 7 and 21 and on myofiber diameter on d 14 and 21. However, no effect was observed (P > 0.05) on the protein: DNA ratio, which demonstrates that Arg does not interfere with the mitotic activity of the satellite cells. Independently from mechanism, Arg affected muscle growth in the starter phase positively. Dietary supplementation with Arg in the starter phase had no effect (P > 0.05) on the carcass yield of broilers on d 42. Diet supplementation with Arg at levels above the ones recommended for the starter phase may be necessary for improved muscle development in broilers.
This study investigates how the summer thunderstorms developed over the city of Sao Paulo and if the pollution might affect its development or characteristics during the austral summer (December-January-February-March, DJFM months). A total of 605 days from December 1999 to March 2004 was separated as 241 thunderstorms days (TDs) and 364 non-thunderstorm days (NTDs). The analyses are performed by using hourly measurements of air temperature (T), web-bulb temperature (Tw), surface atmospheric pressure (P), wind velocity and direction, rainfall and thunder and lightning observations collected at the Meteorological Station of the University of Sao Paulo in conjunction with aerosol measurements obtained by AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network), and the NCEP-DOE (National Centers for Environmental Prediction Department of Energy) reanalysis and radiosondes. The wind diurnal cycle shows that for TDs the morning flow is from the northwest rotating to the southeast after 16: 00 local time (LT) and it remains from the east until the night. For the NTDs, the wind is well characterized by the sea-breeze circulation that in the morning has the wind blowing from the northeast and in the afternoon from the southeast. The TDs show that the air temperature diurnal cycle presents higher amplitude and the maximum temperature of the day is 3.2 degrees C higher than in NTDs. Another important factor found is the difference between moisture that is higher during TDs. In terms of precipitation, the TDs represent 40% of total of days analyzed and those days are responsible for more than 60% of the total rain accumulation during the summer, for instance 50% of the TDs had more than 15.5mm day(-1) while the NTDs had 4 mm day(-1). Moreover, the rainfall distribution shows that TDs have higher rainfall rate intensities and an afternoon precipitation maximum; while in the NTDs there isn`t a defined precipitation diurnal cycle. The wind and temperature fields from NCEP reanalysis concur with the local weather station and radiosonde observations. The NCEP composites show that TDs are controlled by synoptic circulation characterized by a pre-frontal situation, with a baroclinic zone situated at southern part of Sao Paulo. In terms of pollution, this study employed the AERONET data to obtain the main aerosol characteristics in the atmospheric column for both TDs and NTDs. The particle size distribution and particle volume size distribution have similar concentrations for both TDs and NTDs and present a similar fine and coarse mode mean radius. In respect to the atmospheric loading, the aerosol optical depth (AOD) at different frequencies presented closed mean values for both TDs and NTDs that were statistically significant at 95% level. The spectral dependency of those values in conjunction with the Angstrom parameter reveal the higher concentration of the fine mode particles that are more likely to be hygroscopic and from urban areas. In summary, no significant aerosol effect could be found on the development of summer thunderstorms, suggesting the strong synoptic control by the baroclinic forcing for deep convective development. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B. V.
P>1. Clinical and experimental evidence highlights the importance of the renin-angiotensin system in renovascular hypertension. Furthermore, genetic factors affecting angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) could influence the development of renovascular hypertension. 2. To test the effect of small gene perturbations on the development of renovascular hypertension, mice harbouring two or three copies of the Ace gene were submitted to 4 weeks of two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C) hypertension. Blood pressure (BP), cardiac hypertrophy, baroreflex sensitivity and blood pressure and heart rate variability were assessed and compared between the different groups. 3. The increase in BP induced by 2K1C was higher in mice with three copies of the Ace gene compared with mice with only two copies (46 vs 23 mmHg, respectively). Moreover, there was a 3.8-fold increase in the slope of the left ventricle mass/BP relationship in mice with three copies of the Ace gene. Micewith three copies of the Ace gene exhibited greater increases in cardiac and serum ACE activity than mice with only two copies of the gene. Both baroreflex bradycardia and tachycardia were significantly depressed in mice with three copies of the Ace gene after induction of 2K1C hypertension. The variance in basal systolic BP was greater in mice with three copies of the Ace gene after 2K1C hypertension compared with those with only two copies of the gene (106 vs 54%, respectively). In addition, the low-frequency component of the pulse interval was higher mice with three copies of the Ace gene after 2K1C hypertension compared with those with only two (168 vs 86%, respectively). Finally, in mice with three copies of the Ace gene, renovascular hypertension induced a 6.1-fold increase in the sympathovagal balance compared with a 3.2-fold increase in mice with only two copies of the gene. 4. Collectively, these data provide direct evidence that small genetic disturbances in ACE levels per se have an influence on haemodynamic, cardiac mass and autonomic nervous system responses in mice under pathological perturbation.
The goal of the present study was to investigate morphological changes in the serotonergic neurons/terminals in the dorsal (DR) and median (MnR) raphe nuclei and on the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) in neonatal rats treated from the 1st to the 21st postnatal day with fluoxetine (10 mg/kg sc, daily) or drug vehicle (0 9% saline 1 ml/kg). The results show that postnatal chronic treatment with fluoxetine promoted. (1) a smaller body weight increase during the pre-weaning period; (2) smaller number of 5-HT neurons in the DR, (3) smaller 5-HT neuronal cell bodies (area, perimeter and diameter) in the DR and the MnR and (4) diminished serotonergic terminals in the DG. These data suggest that the development of the serotonergic system was impaired and that early exposure to fluoxetine damaged the morphology of 5-HT neurons in young adult rats While these findings are consistent with other work, more studies are needed to better clarify the effects of postnatal chronic treatment with fluoxetine on the serotonergic system and, consequently, on the functions modulated by serotonin (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd All rights reserved
STUDY DESIGN: Randomized crossover double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. OBJECTIVE: To investigate if low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can affect biceps muscle performance, fatigue development, and biochemical markers of postexercise recovery. BACKGROUND: Cell and animal studies have suggested that LLLT can reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in muscle tissue. But it remains uncertain whether these findings can translate into humans in sport and exercise situations. METHODS: Nine healthy male volleyball players participated in the study. They received either active LLLT (cluster probe with 5 laser diodes; A = 810 nm; 200 mW power output; 30 seconds of irradiation, applied in 2 locations over the biceps of the nondominant arm; 60 J of total energy) or placebo LLLT using an identical cluster probe. The intervention or placebo were applied 3 minutes before the performance of exercise. All subjects performed voluntary elbow flexion repetitions with a workload of 75% of their maximal voluntary contraction force until exhaustion. RESULTS: Active LLLT increased the number of repetitions by 14.5% (mean +/- SD, 39.6 +/- 4.3 versus 34.6 +/- 5.6; P = .037) and the elapsed time before exhaustion by 8.0% (P = .034), when compared to the placebo treatment. The biochemical markers also indicated that recovery may be positively affected by LLLT, as indicated by postexercise blood lactate levels (P<.01), creatine kinase activity (P = .017), and C-reactive protein levels (P = .047), showing a faster recovery with LLLT application prior to the exercise. CONCLUSION: We conclude that pre-exercise irradiation of the biceps with an LLLT dose of 6 J per application location, applied in 2 locations, increased endurance for repeated elbow flexion against resistance and decreased postexercise levels of blood lactate, creatine kinase, and C-reactive protein. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Performance enhancement, level 1b. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2010;40(8):524-532. doi:10.2519/jospt.2010.3294
Aims: The premise that intrauterine malnutrition plays an important role in the development of cardiovascular and renal diseases implies that these disorders can be programmed during fetal life. Here, we analyzed the hypothesis that supplementation with mixed antioxidant vitamins and essential mineral in early life could prevent later elevation of blood pressure and vascular and renal dysfunction associated with intrauterine malnutrition. Main methods: For this, female Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups on day 1 of pregnancy: control fed standard chow ad libitum; restricted group fed 50% of the ad libitum intake and a restricted plus micronutrient cocktail group treated daily with a combination of micronutrient (selenium, folate, vitamin C and vitamin E) by oral gavage. Key findings: In adult offspring, renal function and glomerular number were impaired by intrauterine malnutrition. and the prenatal micronutrient treatment did not prevent it. However, increased blood pressure and reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilation were prevented by the micronutrient prenatal treatment. Intrauterine malnutrition also led to reduced NO production associated with increased superoxide generation, and these parameters were fully normalized by this prenatal treatment. Significance: Our current findings indicate that programming alterations during fetal life can be prevented by interventions during the prenatal period, and that disturbance in availability of both antioxidant vitamins and mineral may play a crucial role in determining the occurrence of long-term cardiovascular injury. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.