945 resultados para technological densities
This paper shows the development of a science-technological knowledge transfer model in Mexico, as a means to boost the limited relations between the scientific and industrial environments. The proposal is based on the analysis of eight organizations (research centers and firms) with varying degrees of skill in the practice of science-technological knowledge transfer, and carried out by the case study approach. The analysis highlights the synergistic use of the organizational and technological capabilities of each organization, as a means to identification of the knowledge transfer mechanisms best suited to enabling the establishment of cooperative processes, and achieve the R&D and innovation activities results.
decade has raised the interest among the research community on the acceptance and use of these systems by both teachers and students. At first, the implementation of LMS was based on their technical design and the adaptation of the learning processes to the virtual environment, neglecting students characteristics when the systems were deployed, which led to expensive and failing implementations. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) proposes a framework which allows the study of the acceptance and use of technology that takes into consideration the students characteristics and how they affect the acceptance and the degree of use of educational technology. This study questions the role of the users attitude towards use of LMS and uses the UTAUT to examine the moderating effect of technological culture in the adoption of LMS in Spain. The results from the comparison and analysis of three different models confirm the relevance of attitude towards use as an antecedent of intention to use the system, as well as the important moderating effect of gender and technological culture. The discussion of results suggests the need for a more in-depth analysis and interrelations of cultural dimensions in the adoption of educational technologies and learning management systems
To improve percolation modelling on soils the geometrical properties of the pore space must be understood; this includes porosity, particle and pore size distribution and connectivity of the pores. A study was conducted with a soil at different bulk densities based on 3D grey images acquired by X-ray computed tomography. The objective was to analyze the effect in percolation of aspects of pore network geometry and discuss the influence of the grey threshold applied to the images. A model based on random walk algorithms was applied to the images, combining five bulk densities with up to six threshold values per density. This allowed for a dynamical perspective of soil structure in relation to water transport through the inclusion of percolation speed in the analyses. To evaluate separately connectivity and isolate the effect of the grey threshold, a critical value of 35% of porosity was selected for every density. This value was the smallest at which total-percolation walks appeared for the all images of the same porosity and may represent a situation of percolation comparable among bulks densities. This criterion avoided an arbitrary decision in grey thresholds. Besides, a random matrix simulation at 35% of porosity with real images was used to test the existence of pore connectivity as a consequence of a non-random soil structure.
Infrared thermography IR is a technique, which allows us to get rapidly and non-invasive thermal images from objects or human beings. (Barnes, 1967). In Medicine, its usefulness as diagnosis tool was accepted decades ago (BenEliyahu, 1990), but other techniques with a higher efficiency -such as magnetic resonance or x-rays- ousted it. Nevertheless, the technological improvements on thermographic cameras and new studies on sport injuries are reinforcing new applications (Ring, 2006)
From the end of 2013 and during the following two years, 20 kt of CO2sc are planned to be injected in a saline reservoir (1500 m depth) at the Hontomn site (NE Spain). The target aquifers are Lower Jurassic limestone formations which are sealed by Lower Cretaceous clay units at the Hontomn site (NE Spain). The injection of CO2 is part of the activities committed in the Technology Development phase of the EC-funded OXYCFB300 project (European Energy Program for Recovery EEPR, http://www.compostillaproject.eu), which include CO2 injection strategies, risk assessment, and testing and validating monitoring methodologies and techniques. Among the monitoring works, the project is intended to prove that present-day technology is able to monitor the evolution of injected CO2 in the reservoir and to detect potential leakage. One of the techniques is the measurement of CO2 flux at the soilatmosphere interface, which includes campaigns before, during and after the injection operations. In this work soil CO2 flux measurements in the vicinity of oil borehole, drilled in the eighties and named H-1 to H-4, and injection and monitoring wells were performed using an accumulation chamber equipped with an IR sensor. Seven surveys were carried out from November 2009 to summer 2011. More than 4000 measurements were used to determine the baseline flux of CO2 and its seasonal variations. The measured values were low (from 5 to 13 g m2 day1) and few outliers were identified, mainly located close to the H-2 oil well. Nevertheless, these values cannot be associated to a deep source of CO2, being more likely related to biological processes, i.e. soil respiration. No anomalies were recognized close to the deep fault system (Ubierna Fault) detected by geophysical investigations. There, the CO2 flux is indeed as low as other measurement stations. CO2 fluxes appear to be controlled by the biological activity since the lowest values were recorded during autumn-winter seasons and they tend to increase in warm periods. Two reference CO2 flux values (UCL50 of 5 g m2 d1 for non-ploughed areas in autumnwinter seasons and 3.5 and 12 g m2 d1 for in ploughed and non-ploughed areas, respectively, in springsummer time, and UCL99 of 26 g m2 d1 for autumnwinter in not-ploughed areas and 34 and 42 g m2 d1 for springsummer in ploughed and not-ploughed areas, respectively) were calculated. Fluxes higher than these reference values could be indicative of possible leakage during the operational and post-closure stages of the storage project.
Nowadays "Flood Resilient (FRe) Building Technological Products" is an undefined concept, and concerned FRe solutions cannot be even easily identified. There is an interest in offering an identification and classification of the referred products, since it will be useful for stakeholders and populations at flood risk for adopting the most adequate protections when facing floods. There are many barriers for the implementation of "FRe building technological products", and particularly their standardization is still a major challenge. To put into contact such solutions with final customers, it appears necessary to protocolize them all. The classification effort achieved in this document shall be considered as a necessary preliminary step in order to open the road to the market to FRe building technological solutions.
En las ltimas dcadas el mundo ha sufrido un aumento exponencial en la utilizacin de soluciones tecnolgicas, lo que ha desembocado en la necesidad de medir situaciones o estados de los distintos objetos que nos rodean. A menudo, no es posible cablear determinados sensores por lo que ese aumento en la utilizacin de soluciones tecnolgicas, se ha visto traducido en un aumento de la necesidad de utilizacin de sensrica sin cables para poder hacer telemetras correctas. A nivel social, el aumento de la demografa mundial est estrechamente ligado al aumento de la necesidad de servicios tecnolgicos, por lo que es lgico pensar que a ms habitantes, ms tecnologa ser consumida. El objetivo de este Proyecto Final de Carrera est basado en la utilizacin de diversos nodos o tambin llamados motas capaces de realizar transferencia de datos en modo sin cables, permitiendo as realizar una aplicacin real que solvente problemas generados por el aumento de la densidad de poblacin. En concreto se busca la realizacin de un sistema de aparcamiento inteligente para estacionamientos en superficie, ayudando por tanto a las tareas de ordenacin vehicular dentro del marco de las Smart cities. El sistema est basado en el protocolo de comunicaciones 802.15.4 (ZigBee) cuyas caractersticas fundamentales radican en el bajo consumo de energa de los componentes hardware asociados. En primer lugar se realizar un Estado del Arte de las Redes Inalmbricas de Sensores, abordando tanto la arquitectura como el estndar Zigbee y finalmente los componentes XBee que se van a utilizar en este Proyecto. Seguidamente se realizar la algoritmia necesaria para el buen funcionamiento del sistema inteligente de estacionamiento y finalmente se realizar un piloto demostrador del correcto funcionamiento de la tecnologa. ABSTRACT In the last decades the world has experienced an exponential increase in the use of technological solutions, which has resulted in the need to measure situations or states of the objects around us. Often, wired sensors cannot be used at many situations, so the increase in the use of technological solutions, has been translated into a increase of the need of using wireless sensors to make correct telemetries. At the social level, the increase in global demographics is closely linked to the increased need for technological services, so it is logical that more people, more technology will be consumed. The objective of this Final Project is based on the use of various nodes or so-called motes, capable of performing data transfer in wireless mode, thereby allowing performing a real application solving problems generated by the increase of population densities. Specifically looking for the realization of a smart outdoor parking system, thus helping to vehicular management tasks within the framework of the Smart Cities. The system is based on the communication protocol 802.15.4 (ZigBee) whose main characteristics lie in the low energy consumption associated to the hardware components. First there will be a State of the Art of Wireless Sensor Networks, addressing both architecture and finally the Zigbee standard XBee components to be used in this project. Then the necessary algorithms will be developed for the proper working of the intelligent parking system and finally there will be a pilot demonstrator validating the whole system.
El trabajo se desarroll en tres etapas de investigacin, las dos primeras fueron realizadas en la Unidad Bsica de Produccin Cooperativa El Palmar perteneciente a la Empresa de Cultivos Varios "Paquito Rosales Bentez" del municipio de Yara, provincia de Granma, Cuba, el cual se llev a cabo en el perodo de abril de 2005 a enero de 2008; y de noviembre de 2012 a febrero de 2013 respectivamente; la tercera se ejecut de mayo a junio de 2013 en un canal de suelo ubicado en la nave de maquinaria del Departamento de Ingeniera Rural de la Universidad Politcnica de Madrid. En la primera etapa se evaluaron los conjuntos tractor-apero que intervienen en la realizacin de cuatro sistemas de labranza para el cultivo de la yuca, variedad Enana Rosada. Los sistemas de laboreo fueron: T1, labor de aradura (alzado) con un arado de discos seguidas de un pase de grada de discos un pase cruzado de un escarificador y un pase con una grada de discos (5 labores); T2, laboreo mnimo que comprende una labor profunda con un escarificador con saetas seguido por una labor de grada de discos (2 labores); T3, laboreo mnimo en el que se realizaron dos pases cruzados con escarificador y una labor de fresado con una fresadora de eje horizontal (3 labores) y; T4, dos labores cruzadas con la grada de discos seguidas por otras dos pases cruzados con el escarificador y una ltima labor con la grada de discos (5 labores). Se realizaron cinco observaciones de la jornada laboral para cada uno de los conjuntos tractorapero de cada sistema de laboreo en tres campaas, evaluando el consumo de combustible, las diferentes productividades, los ndices y coeficientes tecnolgicos y de explotacin, el rendimiento del cultivo el balance energtico del mismo, y la emisin de CO2 equivalente. En la segunda etapa se determin la fuerza de tiro requerida por un rgano de trabajo de un escarificador con saetas en condiciones de campo, en tres profundidades (15, 25 y 35 cm) y a cuatro velocidades de trabajo (1,30; 1,49; 1,65 y 2,32 m s-1). En la tercera etapa se determinaron las fuerzas horizontales y verticales en una maqueta experimental de un rgano de trabajo de un escarificador con saetas (1:5 del tamao real del apero) en cuatro contenidos de humedad (60, 90, 120 y 150 g kg-1), tres densidades del suelo (1,1; 1,2 y 1,3 Mg m-3) y una velocidad de 40 mm s-1. Se comparan los resultados del apero a tamao real y la maqueta experimental. Los mejores resultados relacionados con los indicadores evaluados a la maquinaria correspondieron al sistema de laboreo mnimo T2, el cual presenta la mejor productividad por hora de tiempo limpio (1,34 ha h-1) y de tiempo operativo (1,27 ha h-1), con diferencias significativas respecto al resto de los sistemas de labranza evaluados; as como el menor consumo de combustible (32,4 L ha-1) y el mejor comportamiento energtico, con diferencias significativas respecto a las dems, resultando inferior en un 63, 30 y 58 % con relacin a T1, T3 y T4. La fuerza de tiro del rgano de trabajo del escarificador con saetas se incrementa con la densidad del suelo y con la profundidad, y velocidad de trabajo. Las fuerzas horizontales y verticales de la maqueta se incrementan linealmente con la densidad y humedad del suelo. Existe una relacin lineal entre las fuerzas de tiro y horizontales medidas en el apero real y en el apero a escala con el contenido de humedad del suelo. ABSTRACT The work was developed in three stages of research, the first two were conducted in the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production "El Palmar" belonging to the agricultural farm "Paquito Rosales Benitez" in the municipality of Yara, Granma Province, Cuba, the which was conducted in the period from April 2005 to January 2008 and November 2012 and February 2013 respectively, the third from May to June 2013 on a soilbin located in the ship's machinery of Rural Engineering Department of the Technical University of Madrid. In the first stage were evaluated tractor-implement sets involved in the completion of four tillage systems for cassava, Pink Dwarf variety. Tillage systems were: T1, plowing (elevation) with a disk plow followed by a pass of disc harrow, a cross of scarifier and a pass with a disc harrow (5 labours), T2, minimum tillage comprising a deep work with a scarifier with a bolt followed by a disc harrow work (two labours); T3, minimum tillage which two crossed passes performed with scarifier and milling labour with a horizontal axis milling machine (three labours) and, T4, two crossed labours with disc harrow followed by two crossed passes with the scarifier and a final labour with disc harrow (5 labours). Five observations of the working day for each tractor-implement sets of each tillage system in three seasons were performed, evaluating fuel consumption, different productivities, indexes and technological and operational factors, the crop yield energy balance and the emission of CO2 equivalent. In the second stage we determined the draft force required by a working body of a scarifier with bolt under field conditions at three depths (15, 25 and 35 cm) and four operating speeds (1.30, 1.49 , 1.65 and 2.32 m s-1). In the third stage were determined horizontal and vertical forces on an experimental model of a working body of a scarifier with bolt (1:5 real scale of the implement) in four moisture contents (60, 90, 120 and 150 g kg -1), three soil densities (1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 Mg m-3) and a speed of 40 mm s-1.The results of real scale implement the experimental model were compared. The best results related to evaluated machinery indicators corresponded to T2 minimum tillage system, which presents the best productivity per hour clean time (1.34 ha h-1) and operating time (1.27 ha h-1), with significant differences compared to other tillage systems evaluated; as well as lower fuel consumption (32.4 L ha-1) and the best energy performance, with significant differences from the other, resulting lower by 63, 30 and 58% compared to T1, T3 and T4. The draft force of the working body of the scarifier with bolt increases with soil density and depth, and speed of work. The horizontal and vertical forces of the model increase linearly with density and soil moisture. A linear relationship exists between the shot and horizontal forces measured at the real implement and scale implement with the soil moisture content.
This paper is based on the following postulates taken from a book recently published by this author (Sez-Vacas, 1990(1)): a) technological innovation in a company is understood to be the process and set of changes that the company undergoes as a result of a specific type of technology; b) the incorporation of technology in the company does not necessarily result in innovation, modernization and progress; c) the very words "modernization" and "progress" are completely bereft of any meaning if isolated from the concept of complexity in its broadest sense, including the human factor. Turning to office technology in specific, the problem of managing office technology for business innovation purposes can be likened to the problem of managing third level complexity, following the guidelines of a three-level complexity model proposed by the author some years ago
Novel isotactic polypropylene (iPP)/glass fiber (GF) laminates reinforced with inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) nanoparticles as environmentally friendly fillers have been successfully fabricated by simple melt-blending and fiber impregnation in a hot-press without the addition of any compatibilizer. The influence of IF-WS2 concentration on the morphology, viscosity. and thermal and mechanical behavior of the hierarchical composites has been investigated. Results revealed an unprecedented 62 C increase in the degradation temperature of iPP/GF upon addition of only 4.0 wt % IF-WS2. The coexistence of both micro- and nanoscale fillers resulted in synergistic effects on enhancing the stiffness, strength, crystallinity, thermal stability, glass transition (Tg) and heat distortion temperature (HDT) of the matrix. The approach used in this work is an efficient, versatile, scalable and economic strategy to improve the mechanical and thermal behavior of GF-reinforced thermoplastics with a view to extend their use in advanced technological applications. This new type of composite materials shows great potential to improve the efficiency and sustainability of many forms of transport.
The principle of complexity as the evolution vector of the gothic style was an idea largely developed by Paul Frankl. The high complexity reached in the 15th and 16th centuries was possible thanks to the geometrical resources developed in the workshops of the medieval stonemasons. The search for more sophisticated designs was possible also with the higher standardization, so that the most complex ribbed vault could be built with ribs that had all the same curvature and with voussoirs that were therefore identical. Spanish Gothic architecture has been deeply studied from a historical and artistic point of view. The present paper, as a complement to these analyses, aims to point out some of the geometrical methods and technological improvements that late medieval masons were able to develop. In that way, some selected vaults have been measured, in order to study their geometry and design process. Also scale models of some vaults have been built at the Escuela de Arquitectura (Madrid) to validate these geometrical principles. More than just a research method, the scale models allow to understand the medieval construction techniques, and they are a powerful pedagogical tool with which pupils can reach a rewarding experience based on the medieval-way praxis.
In recent years, international cooperation processes have become a key mechanism for companies to internationalise their innovative activities, par ticularly in the case of small businesses whose size reduces their possibilities of developing internationalisation strategies autonomously in the same way as larger companies. In Spain, the existence of two parallel programmes with similar structures oriented towards Europe (EUREKA) and Latin America (IBEROEKA) raises the question as to whether the fact that companies participate in only one (unipolar) or both (bipolar) of these programmes is the result of a selection process, which, in turn, results in the existence of different collectives with different efficiency parameters. The aim of this study is to provide a comparative analysis based on the final reports of Spanish companies that have participated in the EUREKA programme. Two groups of companies were compared: one comprising companies that have only had international experience in Europe (EUREKA); and another formed by companies that have also carried out IBEROEKA projects. The conclusions confirm that the behaviour of both groups of companies differs substantially and reveal the importance of geographical perspective in the analysis of international cooperation in technology. This disparate behaviour is a relevant aspect that must be taken into account when designing policies to promote international technological cooperation.
El estudio de la evolucin tecnolgica a partir de logros concretos de la humanidad es una forma de aproximacin a la enseanza de la ingeniera. Comprender que las tecnologas existentes son el resultado de un depurado proceso de creacin/seleccin no es trivial. Por ello combinar un conocimiento deductivo profundo con un pensamiento divergente que favorezca la obtencin de soluciones viables y creativas es fundamental en el contexto de incertidumbre econmica actual. En este ensayo se comparan siete tcnicas de enseanza que pretenden favorecer el PD en una estrategia adaptativa para alumnos con distintos estilos cognitivos (AA) sobre la base de un proceso de vigilancia tecnolgica (VT) aplicada a algunos objetos cotidianos y otros muy especializados.
En todo el mundo se ha observado un crecimiento exponencial en la incidencia de enfermedades crnicas como la hipertensin y enfermedades cardiovasculares y respiratorias, as como la diabetes mellitus, que causa un nmero de muertes cada vez mayor en todo el mundo (Beaglehole et al., 2008). En concreto, la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus (DM) est aumentando de manera considerable en todas las edades y representa un serio problema de salud mundial. La diabetes fue la responsable directa de 1,5 millones de muertes en 2012 y 89 millones de aos de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD) (OMS, 2014). Uno de los principales dilemas que suelen asociarse a la gestin de EC es la adherencia de los pacientes a los tratamientos, que representa un aspecto multifactorial que necesita asistencia en lo relativo a: educacin, autogestin, interaccin entre los pacientes y cuidadores y compromiso de los pacientes. Medir la adherencia del tratamiento es complicado y, aunque se ha hablado ampliamente de ello, an no hay soluciones de oro (Reviews, 2002). El compromiso de los pacientes, a travs de la participacin, colaboracin, negociacin y a veces del compromiso firme, aumentan las oportunidades para una terapia ptima en la que los pacientes se responsabilizan de su parte en la ecuacin de adherencia. Comprometer e involucrar a los pacientes diabticos en las decisiones de su tratamiento, junto con expertos profesionales, puede ayudar a favorecer un enfoque centrado en el paciente hacia la atencin a la diabetes (Martin et al., 2005). La motivacin y atribucin de poder de los pacientes son quizs los dos factores interventores ms relevantes que afectan directamente a la autogestin de la atencin a la diabetes. Se ha demostrado que estos dos factores desempean un papel fundamental en la adherencia a la prescripcin, as como en el fomento exitoso de un estilo de vida sana y otros cambios de conducta (Heneghan et al., 2013). Un plan de educacin personalizada es indispensable para proporcionarle al paciente las herramientas adecuadas que necesita para la autogestin efectiva de la enfermedad (El-Gayar et al. 2013). La comunicacin efectiva es fundamental para proporcionar una atencin centrada en el paciente puesto que influye en las conductas y actitudes hacia un problema de salud ((Frampton et al. 2008). En este sentido, la interactividad, la frecuencia, la temporalizacin y la adaptacin de los mensajes de texto pueden promover la adherencia a un rgimen de medicacin. Como consecuencia, adaptar los mensajes de texto a los pacientes puede resultar ser una manera de hacer que las sugerencias y la informacin sean ms relevantes y efectivas (Nundy et al. 2013). En este contexto, las tecnologas mviles en el mbito de la salud (mHealth) estn desempeando un papel importante al conectar con pacientes para mejorar la adherencia a medicamentos recetados (Krishna et al., 2009). La adaptacin de los mensajes de texto especficos de diabetes sigue siendo un rea de oportunidad para mejorar la adherencia a la medicacin y ofrecer motivacin a adultos con diabetes. Sin embargo, se necesita ms investigacin para entender totalmente su eficacia. Los consejos de texto personalizados han demostrado causar un impacto positivo en la atribucin de poder a los pacientes, su autogestin y su adherencia a la prescripcin (Gatwood et al., 2014). mHealth se puede utilizar para ofrecer programas de asistencia de autogestin a los pacientes con diabetes y, al mismo tiempo, superar las dificultades tcnicas y financieras que supone el tratamiento de la diabetes (Free at al., 2013). El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigacin es demostrar que un marco tecnolgico basado en las teoras de cambios de conducta, aplicado al campo de la mHealth, permite una mejora de la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes diabticos. Como mtodo de definicin de una solucin tecnolgica, se han adoptado un conjunto de diferentes tcnicas de conducta validadas denominado marco de compromiso de retroaccin conductual (EBF, por sus siglas en ingls) para formular los mensajes, guiar el contenido y evaluar los resultados. Los estudios incorporan elementos del modelo transterico (TTM, por sus siglas en ingls), la teora de la fijacin de objetivos (GST, por sus siglas en ingls) y los principios de comunicacin sanitaria persuasiva y eficaz. Como concepto general, el modelo TTM ayuda a los pacientes a progresar a su prxima fase de conducta a travs de mensajes de texto motivados especficos y permite que el mdico identifique la fase actual y adapte sus estrategias individualmente. Adems, se adoptan las directrices del TTM para fijar objetivos personalizados a un nivel apropiado a la fase de cambio del paciente. La GST encierra normas que van a ponerse en prctica para promover la intervencin educativa y objetivos de prdida de peso. Finalmente, los principios de comunicacin sanitaria persuasiva y eficaz aplicados a la aparicin de los mensajes se han puesto en marcha para aumentar la efectividad. El EBF tiene como objetivo ayudar a los pacientes a mejorar su adherencia a la prescripcin y encaminarlos a una mejora general en la autogestin de la diabetes mediante mensajes de texto personalizados denominados mensajes de retroaccin automticos (AFM, por sus siglas en ingls). Despus de una primera revisin del perfil, consistente en identificar caractersticas significativas del paciente basadas en las necesidades de tratamiento, actitudes y conductas de atencin sanitaria, el sistema elige los AFM personalizados, los aprueba el mdico y al final se transfieren a la interfaz del paciente. Durante el tratamiento, el usuario recopila los datos en dispositivos de monitorizacin de pacientes (PMD, por sus siglas en ingls) de una serie de dispositivos mdicos y registros manuales. Los registros consisten en la toma de medicacin, dieta y actividad fsica y tareas de aprendizaje y control de la medida del metabolismo. El compromiso general del paciente se comprueba al estimar el uso del sistema y la adherencia del tratamiento y el estado de los objetivos del paciente a corto y largo plazo. El mdulo de anlisis conductual, que consiste en una serie de reglas y ecuaciones, calcula la conducta del paciente. Tras lograr el anlisis conductual, el mdulo de gestin de AFM actualiza la lista de AFM y la configuracin de los envos. Las actualizaciones incluyen el nmero, el tipo y la frecuencia de mensajes. Los AFM los revisa peridicamente el mdico que tambin participa en el perfeccionamiento del tratamiento, adaptado a la fase transterica actual. Los AFM se segmentan en distintas categoras y niveles y los pacientes pueden ajustar la entrega del mensaje de acuerdo con sus necesidades personales. El EBF se ha puesto en marcha integrado dentro del sistema METABO, diseado para facilitar al paciente diabtico que controle sus condiciones relevantes de una manera menos intrusiva. El dispositivo del paciente se vincula en una plataforma mvil, mientras que una interfaz de panel mdico permite que los profesionales controlen la evolucin del tratamiento. Herramientas especficas posibilitan que los profesionales comprueben la adherencia del paciente y actualicen la gestin de envos de AFM. El EBF fue probado en un proyecto piloto controlado de manera aleatoria. El principal objetivo era examinar la viabilidad y aceptacin del sistema. Los objetivos secundarios eran tambin la evaluacin de la eficacia del sistema en lo referente a la mejora de la adherencia, el control glucmico y la calidad de vida. Se reclutaron participantes de cuatro centros clnicos distintos en Europa. La evaluacin del punto de referencia inclua datos demogrficos, estado de la diabetes, informacin del perfil, conocimiento de la diabetes en general, uso de las plataformas TIC, opinin y experiencia con dispositivos electrnicos y adopcin de buenas prcticas con la diabetes. La aceptacin y eficacia de los criterios de evaluacin se aplicaron para valorar el funcionamiento del marco tecnolgico. El principal objetivo era la valoracin de la eficacia del sistema en lo referente a la mejora de la adherencia. En las pruebas participaron 54 pacientes. 26 fueron asignados al grupo de intervencin y equipados con tecnologa mvil donde estaba instalado el EBF: 14 pacientes tenan T1DM y 12 tenan T2DM. El grupo de control estaba compuesto por 25 pa cientes que fueron tratados con atencin estndar, sin el empleo del EBF. La intervencin profesional tanto de los grupos de control como de intervencin corri a cargo de 24 cuidadores, entre los que incluan diabetlogos, nutricionistas y enfermeras. Para evaluar la aceptabilidad del sistema y analizar la satisfaccin de los usuarios, a travs de LimeSurvey, se cre una encuesta multilinge tanto para los pacientes como para los profesionales. Los resultados tambin se recopilaron de los archivos de registro generados en los PMD, el panel mdico profesional y las entradas de la base de datos. Los mensajes enviados hacia y desde el EBF y los archivos de registro del sistema y los servicios de comunicacin se grabaron durante las cinco semanas del estudio. Se entregaron un total de 2795 mensajes, lo que supuso una media de 107,50 mensajes por paciente. Como se muestra, los mensajes disminuyen con el tiempo, indicando una mejora global de la adherencia al plan de tratamiento. Como se esperaba, los pacientes con T1DM recibieron ms consejos a corto plazo, en relacin a su estado. Del mismo modo, al ser el centro de T2DM en cambios de estilo de vida sostenible a largo plazo, los pacientes con T2DM recibieron ms consejos de recomendacin, en cuanto a dietas y actividad fsica. Tambin se ha llevado a cabo una comparacin de la adherencia e ndices de uso para pacientes con T1DM y T2DM, entre la primera y la segunda mitad de la prueba. Se han observado resultados favorables para el uso. En lo relativo a la adherencia, los resultados denotaron una mejora general en cada dimensin del plan de tratamiento, como la nutricin y las mediciones de insercin de glucosa en la sangre. Se han llevado a cabo ms estudios acerca del cambio a nivel educativo antes y despus de la prueba, medidos tanto para grupos de control como de intervencin. Los resultados indicaron que el grupo de intervencin haba mejorado su nivel de conocimientos mientras que el grupo de control mostr una leve disminucin. El anlisis de correlacin entre el nivel de adherencia y las AFM ha mostrado una mejora en la adherencia de uso para los pacientes que recibieron los mensajes de tipo alertas, y unos resultados no significativos aunque positivos relacionados con la adherencia tanto al tratamiento que al uso correlacionado con los recordatorios. Por otra parte, los AFM parecan ayudar a los pacientes que no tomaban suficientemente en serio su tratamiento en el principio y que s estaban dispuestos a responder a los mensajes recibidos. Aun as, los pacientes que recibieron demasiadas advertencias, comenzaron a considerar el envo de mensajes un poco estresante. El trabajo de investigacin llevado a cabo al desarrollar este proyecto ofrece respuestas a las cuatro hiptesis de investigacin que fueron la motivacin para el trabajo. Hiptesis 1 : es posible definir una serie de criterios para medir la adherencia en pacientes diabticos. Hiptesis 2: es posible disear un marco tecnolgico basado en los criterios y teoras de cambio de conducta mencionados con anterioridad para hacer que los pacientes diabticos se comprometan a controlar su enfermedad y adherirse a planes de atencin. Hiptesis 3: es posible poner en marcha el marco tecnolgico en el sector de la salud mvil. Hiptesis 4: es posible utilizar el marco tecnolgico como solucin de salud mvil en un contexto real y tener efectos positivos en lo referente a indicadores de control de diabetes. La verificacin de cada hiptesis permite ofrecer respuesta a la hiptesis principal: La hiptesis principal es: es posible mejorar la adherencia diabtica a travs de un marco tecnolgico mHealth basado en teoras de cambio de conducta. El trabajo llevado a cabo para responder estas preguntas se explica en este trabajo de investigacin. El marco fue desarrollado y puesto en prctica en el Proyecto METABO. METABO es un Proyecto I+D, cofinanciado por la Comisin Europea (METABO 2008) que integra infraestructura mvil para ayudar al control, gestin y tratamiento de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus de tipo 1 (T1DM) y los que padecen diabetes mellitus de tipo 2 (T2DM). ABSTRACT Worldwide there is an exponential growth in the incidence of Chronic Diseases (CDs), such as: hypertension, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as diabetes mellitus, leading to rising numbers of deaths worldwide (Beaglehole et al. 2008). In particular, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is largely increasing among all ages and constitutes a major worldwide health problem. Diabetes was directly responsible for 1,5 million deaths in 2012 and 89 million Disability-adjusted life year (DALYs) (WHO 2014). One of the key dilemmas often associated to CD management is the patients adherence to treatments, representing a multi-factorial aspect that requires support in terms of: education, self-management, interaction between patients and caregivers, and patients engagement. Measuring adherence is complex and, even if widely discussed, there are still no gold standards ((Giardini et al. 2015), (Costa et al. 2015). Patients engagement, through participation, collaboration, negotiation, and sometimes compromise, enhance opportunities for optimal therapy in which patients take responsibility for their part of the adherence equation. Engaging and involving diabetic patients in treatment decisions, along with professional expertise, can help foster a patient-centered approach to diabetes care (Martin et al. 2005). Patients motivation and empowerment are perhaps the two most relevant intervening factors that directly affect self-management of diabetes care. It has been demonstrated that these two factors play an essential role in prescription adherence, as well as for the successful encouragement of a healthy life-style and other behavioural changes (Heneghan et al. 2013). A personalised education plan is indispensable in order to provide the patient with the appropriate tools needed for the effective self-management of the disease (El-Gayar et al. 2013). Effective communication is at the core of providing patient-centred care since it influences behaviours and attitudes towards a health problem (Frampton et al. 2008). In this regard, interactivity, frequency, timing, and tailoring of text messages may promote adherence to a medication regimen. As a consequence, tailoring text messages to patients can constitute a way of making suggestions and information more relevant and effective (Nundy et al. 2013). In this context, mobile health technologies (mHealth) are playing significant roles in improving adherence to prescribed medications (Krishna et al. 2009). The tailoring of diabetes-specific text messages remains an area of opportunity to improve medication adherence and provide motivation to adults with diabetes but further research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness. Personalized text advices have proven to produce a positive impact on patients empowerment, self-management, and adherence to prescriptions (Gatwood et al. 2014). mHealth can be used for offering self-management support programs to diabetes patients and at the same time surmounting the technical and financial difficulties involved in diabetes treatment (Free et al. 2013). The main objective of this research work is to demonstrate that a technological framework, based on behavioural change theories, applied to mHealth domain, allows improving adherence treatment in diabetic patients. The framework, named Engagement Behavioural Feedback Framework (EBF), is built on top of validated behavioural techniques to frame messages, guide the definition of contents and assess outcomes: elements from the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), the Goal-Setting Theory (GST), Effective Health Communication (EHC) guidelines and Principles of Persuasive Technology (PPT) were incorporated. The TTM helps patients to progress to a next behavioural stage, through specific motivated text messages, and allow clinicians identifying the current stage and tailor its strategies individually. Moreover, TTM guidelines are adopted to set customised goals at a level appropriate to the patients stage of change. The GST was used to build rules to be applied for enhancing educational intervention and weight loss objectives. Finally, the EHC guidelines and the PPT were applied to increase the effectiveness of messages. The EBF aims to support patients on improving their prescription adherence and persuade them towards a general improvement in diabetes self-management, by means of personalised text messages, named Automatic Feedback Messages (AFM). After a first profile screening, consisting in identifying meaningful patient characteristics based on treatment needs, attitudes and health care behaviours, customised AFMs are selected by the system, approved by the professional, and finally transferred into the patient interface. During the treatment, the user collects the data into a Patient Monitoring Device (PMD) from a set of medical devices and from manual inputs. Inputs consist in medication intake, diet and physical activity, metabolic measurement monitoring and learning tasks. Patient general engagement is checked by estimating the usage of the system and the adherence of treatment and patient goals status in the short and the long term period. The Behavioural Analysis Module, consisting in a set of rules and equations, calculates the patients behaviour. After behavioural analysis is accomplished, the AFM library and the dispatch setting are updated by the AFM Manager module. Updates include the number, the type and the frequency of messages. The AFMs are periodically supervised by the professional who also participates to the refinement of the treatment, adapted to the current transtheoretical stage. The AFMs are segmented in different categories and levels and patients can adjust message delivery in accordance with their personal needs. The EBF was integrated to the METABO system, designed to facilitate diabetic patients in managing their disease in a less intrusive approach. Patient device corresponds in a mobile platform, while a medical panel interface allows professionals to monitoring the treatment evolution. Specific tools allow professional to check patient adherence and to update the AFMs dispatch management. The EBF was tested in a randomised controlled pilot. The main objective was to examine the feasibility and acceptance of the system. Secondary objectives were also the assessment of the effectiveness of system in terms of adherence improvement, glycaemic control, and quality of life. Participants were recruited from four different clinical centres in Europe. The baseline assessment included demographics, diabetes status, profile information, knowledge about diabetes in general, usage of ICT platforms, opinion and experience about electronic devices and adoption of good practices with diabetes. Acceptance and the effectiveness evaluation criteria were applied to evaluate the performance of the technological framework. The main objective was the assessment of the effectiveness of system in terms of adherence improvement. Fifty-four patients participated on the trials. Twenty-six patients were assigned in the intervention group and equipped with mobile where the EBF was installed: 14 patients were T1DM and 12 were T2DM. The control group was composed of 25 patients that were treated through a standard care, without the usage of the EBF. Professionals intervention for both intervention and control groups was carried out by 24 care providers, including endocrinologists, nutritionists, and nurses. In order to evaluate the system acceptability and analyse the users satisfaction, an online multi-language survey, using LimeSurvey, was produced for both patients and professionals. Results were also collected from the log-files generated in the PMDs, the professional medical panel and the entries of the data base. The messages sent to and from the EBF and the log-files of the system and communication services were recorded over 5 weeks of the study. A total of 2795 messages were submitted, representing an average of 107,50 messages per patient. As demonstrated, messages decrease over time indicating an overall improvement of the care plans adherence. As expected, T1DM patients were more loaded with short-term advices, in accordance with their condition. Similarly, being the focus of T2DM on long-term sustainable lifestyle changes, T2DM received more reminders advices, as for diet and physical activity. Favourable outcomes were observed for treatment and usage adherences of the intervention group: for both the adherence indices, results denoted a general improvement on each care plans dimension, such as on nutrition and blood glucose input measurements. Further studies were conducted on the change on educational level before and after the trial, measured for both control and intervention groups. The outcomes indicated the intervention group has improved its level of knowledge, while the control group denoted a low decrease. The correlation analysis between the level of adherences and the AFMs showed an improvement in usage adherence for patients who received warnings message, while non-significantly yet even positive indicators related to both treatment and usage adherence correlated with the Reminders. Moreover, the AFMs seemed to help those patients who did not take their treatment seriously enough in the beginning and who were willing to respond to the messages they received. Even though, patients who received too many Warnings, started to consider the message dispatch to be a bit stressful. The research work carried out in developing this research work provides responses to the four research hypothesis that were the motivation for the work: Hypothesis 1: It is possible to define a set of criteria to measure adherence in diabetic patients. Hypothesis 2: It is possible to design a technological framework, based on the aforementioned criteria and behavioural change theories, to engage diabetic patients in managing their disease and adhere to care plans. Hypothesis 3: It is possible to implement the technological framework in the mobile health domain. Hypothesis 4: It is possible to use the technological framework as a mobile health solution in a real context and have positive effects in terms of diabetes management indicators. The verification of each hypothesis allowed us to provide a response to the main hypothesis: The Main Hypothesis is: It is possible to improve diabetic adherence through a mHealth technological framework based on behavioural change theories. The work carried out to answer these questions is explained in this research work. The framework was developed and applied in the METABO project. METABO is an R&D project, co-funded by the European Commission (METABO 2008) that integrates mobile infrastructure for supporting the monitoring, management, and treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients.