989 resultados para strontium 90
[ A. Berliner ... ]
We aimed to explore the effects of (90)Y-DOTATOC and (90)Y-DOTATOC plus (177)Lu-DOTATOC on survival of patients with metastasized gastrinoma. Patients with progressive metastasized gastrinoma were treated with repeated cycles of (90)Y-DOTATOC or with cycles alternating between (90)Y-DOTATOC and (177)Lu-DOTATOC until tumor progression or permanent toxicity. Multivariable Cox regression analyses were used to study predictors of survival. A total of 36 patients were enrolled; 30 patients received (90)Y-DOTATOC (median activity per patient 11.8GBq; range: 6.1-62.2GBq) and 6 patients received (90)Y-DOTATOC plus (177)Lu-DOTATOC (median activity per patient: 14.8GBq; range: 7.4-14.8GBq). Response was found in 26 patients (72.2%), including morphological (n=12, 33.3%), biochemical (n=14, 38.9%) and/or clinical response (n=6, 16.2%). A total of 21 patients (58.3%) experienced hematotoxicity grade 1/2, while 1 patient (2.8%) experienced hematotoxicity grade 3; no grade 4 hematotoxicity occurred. Furthermore, 2 patients (5.6%) developed grade 4 renal toxicity; no grade 5 renal toxicity occurred. Responders had a significantly longer median survival from time of enrollment than non-responders (45.1 months, range: 37.1-53.1 months vs. 12.6 months, range: 11.0-14.2, hazard ratio: 0.12 (0.027-0.52), p=0.005). Additionally, there was a trend towards longer median survival with (90)Y-DOTATOC plus (177)Lu-DOTATOC as compared to (90)Y-DOTATOC alone (60.2 months, range: 19.8-100.6 months vs. 27.0 months, range: 4.0-50.0, hazard ratio: 0.21 (0.01-3.98), p=0.16). Response to (90)Y-DOTATOC and (90)Y-DOTATOC plus (177)Lu-DOTATOC therapy is associated with a longer survival in patients with metastasized gastrinoma. Both treatment regimens are promising tools for management of progressive gastrinoma.
hrsg. von Samuel Hirsch
Vorbesitzer: Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main
OBJECTIVE Correction of all kind of deformities at the distal part of the femur (supracondylar). INDICATIONS Flexion, extension osteotomies, and varus or valgus, and external or internal rotation osteotomies, and shortening osteotomies of the distal femur or combined surgical procedures (e.g., extension and de-rotation osteotomy). CONTRAINDICATIONS Osteotomy through unknown bony process. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE LCP system provides angular stable fixation. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT Without concomitant surgical procedures of soft tissue (e.g., patellar tendon shortening), early functional rehabilitation is possible with immediate weight bearing (35 kg for small fragment plates and 70 kg for large fragment plates). RESULTS The surgical procedure is safe and is associated with few complications. Overall complication rate in this series of patients was 3%.
Regina Neisser
M. A. Klausner
Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform
The concentration ratios of strontium to calcium in laboratory-reared larval cod otoliths are shown to be related to the water temperature (T) at the time of otolith precipitation. This relationship is curvilinear, and is best described by a simple exponential equation of the form (Sr/Ca x 1000 = a exp(-T/b). We show that when Sr/Ca elemental analyses are related to the daily growth increments in the larval otoliths, relative temperature histories of individual field-caught larvae can be reconstructed from the egg stage to the time of capture. We present preliminary examples of how such reconstructed temperature histories of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua larvae, collected on Georges Bank during April and May 1993, may be interpreted in relation to the broad-scale larval distributions and the hydrography of the Bank.
Heymann Steinthal
Vorbesitzer: Abraham Merzbacher
veröffentlicht in: Schopenhauer, Arthur : Arthur Schopenhauers sämtliche Werke - München : Piper - Bd. 14 : Der Briefwechsel Arthur Schopenhauers ; 1 (1799 - 1849), Nr. 21;
Vorbesitzer: Johannes Smizkil; Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main
Trägerband: Q 16/109; Vorbesitzer: Philippus Jacobus Otto