982 resultados para strategic leadership


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Esse estudo aborda a relação entre o Legislativo e o Executivo na produção de políticas. Identifica os elementos do sistema de produção legislativa do Brasil (regras estruturantes, atores, recursos, instâncias de decisão e tipos de políticas produzidas) e propõe um modelo para o caso brasileiro de presidencialismo de coalizão, com base em estudos sobre a relação entre o presidente e o Congresso dos EUA e também na vasta produção existente sobre o contexto nacional. O sistema é estruturado pelo marco normativo de maior hierarquia, a Constituição, determinado historicamente, o qual privilegia a governabilidade com accountability e também orienta políticas segundo princípios de equidade, mas com responsabilidade orçamentária. O modelo considera que as agendas estratégicas dos atores são produto de variadas influências, incluindo o status quo (políticas existentes) e as demandas provenientes das conexões normativa e eleitoral. A primeira cria path dependencies e limita opções de política, realçando questões de capacidade de governar. A segunda agrega preferências em torno do pertencimento à coalizão de governo ou à oposição. As proposições legislativas decorrentes das agendas dos atores são processadas em instâncias de decisão pré-determinadas do Congresso Nacional, segundo conteúdo e relevância das matérias, onde os atores interagem por meio da seleção de vias legislativas e de outros recursos estratégicos. O arcabouço sistêmico é integrado às interações estratégicas que ocorrem nas fases de iniciação, apreciação e conclusão da tramitação de proposições legislativas (em três vias distintas: a constitucional, a complementar e a ordinária). Essa estrutura é reforçada por regras que centralizam o processo decisório durante a tramitação no Congresso. Os produtos do sistema são as leis com impacto em políticas públicas. A partir desse modelo, o estudo analisa seus elementos e relações, aplicando-o a um conjunto abrangente de propostas egislativas (cerca de 21 mil proposições sobre todos os temas, apresentadas no Congresso entre 1999 e 2006, nas três vias). São observados indícios de quatro tipos de interação, segundo padrões de conflito e liderança dos atores: liderança da coalizão, liderança do Legislativo, cooperação e impasse. Os dados opõem-se à demarcação da agenda entre os Poderes e indicam que o êxito do Executivo variou inversamente com a hierarquia da via e que o desempenho do Legislativo superou o do Executivo na via constitucional, com destaque para a atividade do Senado, e na via ordinária (apenas no caso dos projetos de lei ordinária, pois os privilégios de iniciativa exclusiva do Executivo para leis orçamentárias e de edição de medidas provisórias, com força imediata de lei, garantem maior desempenho quantitativo a esse Poder nessa via). Contudo, a coalizão predominou amplamente em todas as vias. Análises qualitativas com foco na política de saúde e seu financiamento reforçam esses achados e sugerem que, apesar das muitas regularidades identificadas no sistema (rejeitando teses como a paralisia decisória ou a completa predominância do Executivo), fragmentações na sociedade e no Estado, persistem como fatores que limitam a produção de políticas mais equitativas


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[EN] The main goal of this study is to analyze how organizational commitment has a mediating effect on the relation between transformational leadership and organizational trust. Therefore we developed an organization analysis based on a survey that was used to collect primary data from a sample of 58 employees. We obtained a 71% response rate and these data were analyzed using quantitative methodological techniques and linear regression. The research was conducted at the Serralves Foundation (Porto, Portugal) to empirically test the proposed research model and its hypotheses. The empirical results confirm that transformational leadership positively enhances organizational trust. However, transformational leadership and organizational trust are not significantly influenced by organizational commitment, thus not having a mediating effect on this relationship. Such results assume particular relevance because they become a basis for comparative studies in similar organizations. This study brings some theoretical contributions to the literature by analyzing the mediating effect of organizational commitment on the relation between transformational leadership and organizational trust in cultural organizations and has also some practical management implications, as it draws attention to the importance of a set of practices, job satisfaction oriented, which can effectively lead to organizational commitment intervention in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational trust.


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In the past stock assessment surveys were generally reactive in response to a particular problem e.g. a pollution incident and as such were limited in the information they provided. A programme of strategic stock assessment would be more beneficial, providing up to date information on the status and composition of the stock. On a national level this could reveal trends in population dynamics and enable comparisons to be made between key rivers and between regions. The Stock Assessment Task Group (1991) has recommended annual strategic surveys for juvenile salmonids and triennial strategic surveys for coarse fish and non- migratory salmonids. The aim of this pilot study was to gain information on species distribution and their relative abundance within the River Lune catchment, and to compare the findings with the surveys carried out between 1981-1985. This would provide valuable information on the current status of the stock and provide an indication of the resources required to conduct such strategic surveys on other river catchments in the North West Region of the National Rivers Authority.


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This is the report on the strategic stock assessment survey of the Colton Beck catchment in 1994 with particular reference to salmonids in Colton Beck, River Ea, River Gilpin and Rusland Pool. This report forms one part of the third year of a triennial survey programme for the South West Cumbria and South Cumbria catchments. It was produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1994. Colton Beck had excellent densities of sea trout (Salmo trutta) and a small population of salmon (Salmo salar) in its lowest reaches. The total productivity was very good throughout the catchment. Stocking of sea trout fry in 1993 has enhanced the population with survivors through to parr probably adding to the scoring of double class A at two sites in the survey in 1994. Stocking was not undertaken in 1994, but the population appears to be maintaining itself at a very high level.


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This is the report on the strategic fisheries stock assessment survey of the minor catchments in South West Cumbria 1996 with particular reference to salmonids, produced by North West Water in 1994. The 1996 Minor Catchment survey indicates variations in salmonid production within these catchments. Survey results indicate that production may be reaching its limit in certain areas whilst others are underachieving and others are unsuitable for salmonid production. Trout production within the catchments is higher and more widespread than that of salmon. Water quality levels vary considerably between catchments and intra-annually within individual catchments. The need for selective habitat surveys, with a view to habitat improvement schemes (H.I.S) is discussed. This report formed a basis for subsequent reports, thus, allowing data comparisons and analysis of production level fluctuations. It was the most extensive assessment of these catchments to date, taking into account comparisons with the new National Database on salmonid production in England and Wales.