945 resultados para servo drive
Longe das premissas de «objectividade» e «cientificidade» positivistas, que promoviam a Arquivística como «ciência auxiliar» da História, os arquivistas como “guardiães passivos” 2 da documentação ao ser- viço dos historiadores e os arquivos como “resíduos naturais e orgânicos da actividade humana” 3 virginal- mente conservados ao longo dos séculos, as últimas décadas trouxeram novos pressupostos lançados por uma, também ela, «Nova Arquivística», progressivamente sintonizada com os desafios pós-modernistas com as exigências da Era da Informação. Autónoma, metamorfoseada e ao abrigo de um novo paradigma, esta «ciência» arquivística renovada depressa contaminou a sua antiga disciplina-mãe ao chamar particular atenção para a necessidade de rever algumas das tendências - ou “resíduos tóxicos” 5 para usar uma expressão de Patrick Geary – de herança positivista. Dessa contaminação resultaram dois movimentos essenciais que marcam o compasso de diversas das principais discussões hoje tecidas acerca da metodologia e da teoria da História: o archival turn (“viragem arquivística”), sobretudo animado pela produção científica ligada aos EUA, Inglaterra e Canáda; e o tournant documentaire (“viragem documental”), propagado por autores oriundos de França, Bélgica, Espanha, Itália e, em menor medida, Portugal. Apesar de cada uma destas viragens apresentar características específicas ambas partilham, no entanto, uma mesma essência que aponta precisamente para a concepção dos arquivos (tanto os conjuntos documentais como as instituições) não só como “place of study”, isto é, como espaços e repositórios de informação passível de ser recolhida para a análise de dado objecto de estudo mas também como objectos de estudo em si mesmos, per se merecedores de um esforço problematizante. Esta centralidade ocupada pelos conjuntos documentais, pelos arquivos-instituição e, consequentemente, pelo trabalho desenvolvido pelos arquivistas provocou, por seu turno, um intenso questionamento de algumas das mais enraizadas «evidências» cultivadas no seio da Historiografia.
The continued economic and population development puts additional pressure on the already scarce energetic sources. Thus there is a growing urge to adopt a sustainable plan able to meet the present and future energetic demands. Since the last two decades, solar trough technology has been demonstrating to be a reliable alternative to fossil fuels. Currently, the trough industry seeks, by optimizing energy conversion, to drive the cost of electricity down and therefore to place itself as main player in the next energetic age. One of the issues that lately have gained considerable relevance came from the observation of significant heat losses in a large number of receiver modules. These heat losses were attributed to slow permeation of traces of hydrogen gas through the steel tube wall into the vacuum annulus. The presence of hydrogen gas in the absorber tube results from the decomposition of heat transfer fluid due to the long-term exposure to 400°C. The permeated hydrogen acts as heat conduction mean leading to a decrease in the receivers performance and thus its lifetime. In order to prevent hydrogen accumulation, it has been common practice to incorporate hydrogen getters in the vacuum annulus of the receivers. Nevertheless these materials are not only expensive but their gas absorbing capacity can be insufficient to assure the required level of vacuum for the receivers to function. In this work the building of a permeation measurement device, vulnerabilities detected in the construction process and its overcome are described. Furthermore an experimental procedure was optimized and the obtained permeability results, of different samples were evaluated. The data was compared to measurements performed by an external entity. The reliability of the comparative data was also addressed. In the end conclusions on the permeability results for the different samples characteristics, feasibility of the measurement device are drawn and recommendations on future line of work were made.
O estudo da perceção dos Profissionais I-D sobre a qualidade da informação no desempenho das suas funções insere-se numa estratégia de investigação emergente em Portugal de gestão baseada em evidências, em que se pretende estudar e debater a problemática da qualidade da informação na formação dos futuros Profissionais da Informação. O universo estudado é o grupo de licenciados em Ciências da Informação e da Documentação pela Universidade Aberta que colaborou por meio da realização de um questionário através do Google Drive. É objetivo deste trabalho determinar a importância das dimensões da qualidade de informação em vários e heterogéneos domínios, nomeadamente; na tomada de decisão, na gestão da informação e no impacto no desempenho, seja em contexto privado ou laboral. As dimensões consideradas relevantes pelos respondentes foram as seguintes: qualidade da informação, quantidade de informação, acessibilidade, disponibilidade, usabilidade, compreensão, relevância, formato, concisão, impacto individual, aprendizagem, eficácia na decisão, impacto organizacional, tempo de resposta, objetividade e credibilidade da informação. Existe uma perceção generalizada na amostra estudada para que a qualidade da informação seja associada às características de fiabilidade, organização, concisão, facilidade de obtenção, pertinência, rapidez e segurança. Com efeito, é relevante e de indesmentível importância discutir no contexto académico o valor da informação por meio da avaliação dos seus atributos de qualidade, a fim de se dinamizarem novos indicadores e desempenhos que apontem para a efetividade das informações que são disponibilizadas em múltiplas situações informacionais.
We examine the drivers behind the establishment mode choice of German multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the sectors of Automotive, Chemicals and Mechanical Engineering in Brazil for the years 1993-2013 using a novel sample of primary data obtained directly from German MNEs. Based on prevalent theories found in the literature, we test the most common hypotheses on our sample. Firms with high R&D activities and firms with prior market knowledge in Brazil in from of previous sales offices are more likely to enter Brazil by a Greenfield investment. We also show that it is the specific private ownership of the German so-called hidden champions that drive those specific SMEs to enter Brazil by Greenfield, a sneaking suspicion that has been made before. Finally, we show that the establishment mode choice between Brazil and the USA only deviates to a low extent, with German MNEs preferring to enter Brazil by Greenfield and the USA by M&A. Thereby, we provide valuable insights for future research in this field.
Private financial transfers are becoming more and more important as ageing levels increase in Europe, with elders acting as both givers and receivers. Our study is divided in two main parts. In the first part we analyse the determinants of private financial transfers, using the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). In the second part we analyse the importance of family values for these transfers, combining SHARE with European Values Study. We show that family functions as the main agent of private transfers. We conclude that family values drive financial transfers, mainly gifts provided by elderly individuals. We find that receipts by old-aged people are more related with need cases, such as illness and poorness; moreover, for these particular cases, family network plays a very important role, working as a safety net.
This work was developed in the context of the MIT Portugal Program, area of Bioengineering Systems, in collaboration with the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal. The project entitled Dynamics of serotonergic neurons revealed by fiber photometry was carried out at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal and at the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal
The objective of the work presented in this thesis was the development of an innovative approach for the separation of enantiomers of secondary alcohols, combining the use of an ionic liquid (IL) - both as solvent for conducting enzymatic kinetic resolution and as acylating agent - with the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) as solvent for extraction. Menthol was selected for testing this reaction/separation approach due to the increasing demand for this substance, which is widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries. With a view to using an ionic ester as acylating agent, whose conversion led to the release of ethanol, and due to the need to remove this alcohol so as to drive reaction equilibrium forward, a phase equilibrium study was conducted for the ehtanol/(±)-menthol/CO2 system, at pressures between 8 and 10 MPa and temperatures between 40 and 50 oC. It was found that CO2 is more selective towards ethanol, especially at the lowest pressure and highest temperature tested, leading to separation factors in the range 1.6-7.6. The pressure-temperature-composition data obtained were correlated with the Peng-Robinson equation of state and the Mathias-Klotz-Prausnitz mixing rule. The model fit the experimental results well, with an average absolute deviation (AAD) of 3.7 %. The resolution of racemic menthol was studied using two lipases, namely lipase from Candida rugosa (CRL) and immobilized lipase B from Candida antarctica (CALB), and two ionic acylating esters. No reaction was detected in either case. (R,S)-1-phenylethanol was used next, and it was found that with CRL low, nonselective, conversion of the alcohol took place, whereas CALB led to an enantiomeric excess (ee) of the substrate of 95%, at 30% conversion. Other acylating agents were tested for the resolution of (±)-menthol, namely vinyl esters and acid anhydrides, using several lipases and varying other parameters that affect conversion and enantioselectivity, such as substrate concentration, solvent and temperature. One such acylating agent was propionic anhydride. It was thus performed a phase equilibrium study on the propionic anhydride/CO2 system, at temperatures between 35 and 50 oC. This study revealed that, at 35 oC and pressures from 7 MPa, the system is monophasic for all compositions. The enzymatic catalysis studies carried out with propionic anhydride revealed that the extent of noncatalyzed reaction was high, with a negative effect on enantioselectivity. These studies showed also that it was possible to reduce considerably the impact of the noncatalyzed reaction relative to the reaction catalyzed by CRL by lowering temperature to 4 oC. Vinyl decanoate was shown to lead to the best results at conditions amenable to a process combining the use of supercritical CO2 as agent for post-reaction separation. The use of vinyl decanoate in a number of IL solvents, namely [bmim][PF6], [bmim][BF4], [hmim][PF6], [omim][PF6], and [bmim][Tf2N], led to an enantiomeric excess of product (eep) values of over 96%, at about 50% conversion, using CRL. In n-hexane and supercritical CO2, reaction progressed more slowly.(...)
This research intends to examine if there were significant differences on the brand engagement and on the electronic word of mouth (e-WOM)1 referral intention through Facebook between Generation X and Generation Y (also called millennials). Also, this study intends to examine if there are differences in the motivations that drive these generations to interact with brands through Facebook. Results indicated that Generation Y members consumed more content on Facebook brands’ pages than Generation X. Also, they were more likely to have an e-WOM referral intention as well as being more driven by brand affiliation and opportunity seeking. Finally, currently employed individuals were found to contribute with more content than students. This study fills the gap in the literature by addressing how marketing professionals should market their brand and interact and engage with their customers, based on customers’ generational cohort.
The growth of a solid, knowledge-intensive firm, OutSystems—an IT company recognized in 2003 by Fortune magazine as one of the most promising start-ups in the world—is accompanied by efforts to create a strong culture that preserves the traits that have driven OutSystems’ success and that drives innovation, adaptability, high performance, and accountability. The lessons OutSystems learned from previous international experiences are presented along with its latest growth model of branded local partners. The case study is intended to introduce concepts related to organizational culture, traits of cultures that drive innovation, national versus organizational culture, and the challenges of globalization. It is designed to be used in Organizational Behavior classes and is appropriate for MBA- and Master’s-level courses in the area of management. It is suggested as a guideline for 60- to 90-minute classes. Participants are invited to discuss the importance of organizational cultures and their fit with the company strategy. Participants are also encouraged to brainstorm about the best approach to face OutSystems’ new stage of growth, specifically the advantages and consequences of growing as a metanational company. Finally, in the conclusion, the most relevant findings taken from the discussions proposed are revisited: The importance of an organizational culture adapted to the market needs and the potential of innovation behind metanational companies. Other considerations are made about: how the case illustrates the importance of leadership, group age, and group size in the process of building a culture; and how OutSystems’ culture solves the apparent contradiction behind adaptable culture.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Música
This paper presents the design and the prototype implementation of a three-phase power inverter developed to drive a motor-in-wheel. The control system is implemented in a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device. The paper describes the Field Oriented Control (FOC) algorithm and the Space Vector Modulation (SVM) technique that were implemented. The control platform uses a Spartan-3E FPGA board, programmed with Verilog language. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the developed system operation under different load conditions. Finally are presented conclusions based on the experimental results.
Several studies have shown that people with disabilities benefit substantially from access to a means of independent mobility and assistive technology. Researchers are using technology originally developed for mobile robots to create easier to use wheelchairs. With this kind of technology people with disabilities can gain a degree of independence in performing daily life activities. In this work a computer vision system is presented, able to drive a wheelchair with a minimum number of finger commands. The user hand is detected and segmented with the use of a kinect camera, and fingertips are extracted from depth information, and used as wheelchair commands.
A ideia de que as Matemáticas de Portugal (e de Espanha) atravessaram, depois de um período áureo nos Descobrimentos, um longo deserto onde não foi possível florescerem Mestres, nem escolas, nem cultura científica, nem investigação de relevo foi, durante muito tempo, reiteradamente veiculada, inclusivé através de alguns dos nossos mais referenciados historiadores da Matemática, como é o caso de Gomes Teixeira ou de Rey Pastor. Mas a verdade é que o estudo da História das Matemáticas em Portugal tem, na última década, vivido um interesse crescente onde sobressaem, em particular, uma leitura menos enviesada sobre, por exemplo, o papel educativo dos Jesuítas ou a publicação das obras completas de Pedro Nunes. Está-se assim a contribuir para uma compreensão mais completa da História geral de Portugal, de que a História da Ciência e da Cultura faz parte. José Anastácio da Cunha (1744-1787) foi figura de proa no século XVIII português. Sabíamo-lo matemático que, sem nunca ter saído de Portugal, havia sido capaz de antecipar, em mais de 50 anos, os esforços de matemáticos franceses e alemães para fundar a Matemática com rigor. Sabíamo-lo também autor de uma vasta e diversificada obra de inegável importância matemática mas, igualmente, autor de textos poéticos. Agora, com o projecto que denominámos de MAT2, centramo-nos em José Anastácio da Cunha e pretendemos, se possível, ir ainda mais além. Partimos de uma descoberta, árdua mas com final feliz, em um Arquivo de família: o da Casa de Mateus. Sentimo-nos, com esta “sorte”, privilegiados e gratos por nos ter sido gentilmente concedido o acesso a um vasto conjunto de documentos únicos (diários de viagens, notas de aulas e correspondência) que incluem memórias autógrafas e inéditas de Anastácio da Cunha. Organizámo-nos, cientes do trabalho árduo que temos pela frente, multi e interdisciplinarmente englobando a Matemática (nas suas múltiplas especializações) e a História (incluindo a da Matemática) mas também contando com a Física, a Informática, os estudos militares ou a Arquivística e as Humanidades; reunimos académicos, mais e menos veteranos, com investigadores jovens e juntámos valências nacionais e estrangeiras. No presente artigo daremos conta do percurso trilhado, até agora, pelo projecto MAT2.
O século XVIII Português foi, à semelhança do resto da Europa, fértil em alterações académicas, científicas e ideológicas. O desenvolvimento da ciência e da técnica, o surgimento das primeiras máquinas, impulsionou a área do saber, que atualmente chamamos de engenharia. Em Portugal (à época ainda um império do qual fazia parte, entre outros, o Brasil), as escolas técnicas e militares consolidam-se e surgem vários engenheiros e militares de renome cujas obras se difundem pelo reino. Manuel de Azevedo Fortes (1660-1749), engenheiro-mor do reino Português, publicou, em 1728 e 1729, os dois tomos de uma das suas obras maiores, O Engenheiro Português, obra dedicada à formação dos engenheiros na Academia Militar de Lisboa.. A primeira parte deste tratado aborda os conhecimentos matemáticos que Azevedo Fortes considera essenciais na formação dos engenheiros. Na sua Geometria Especulativa, um manuscrito datado de 1724, aborda os elementos de geometria e trigonometria, sem esquecer as suas aplicações. O Brigadeiro José Fernandes Pinto Alpoim (1700-1765), engenheiro que se destacou na arquitetura e fortificação do Brasil no século XVIII, publicou o Exame de Artilheiros em 1744 e Exame de Bombeiros em 1748, obras contendo os princípios da geometria e da trigonometria e as suas aplicações à engenharia militar que se destinavam ao ensino dos militares na Academia Militar do Rio de Janeiro, onde era professor. Nesta comunicação analisaremos a matemática, em particular a geometria, presente nestas obras, salientando não só os conteúdos abordados mas a ênfase dada às aplicações desses conteúdos nos contextos militares da época.
This article compiles the main topics addressed by management systems (MSs) literature concerningMSs integration by performing a systematic literature review. In this paper, it is intended to present themain limitations of non-integratedmanagement systems (IMSs), the main motivations driving an IMS implementation, the major resistances faced, the most common resultant benefits, the suitable guidelines and standards and the critical success factors. In addition, this paper addresses the issues concerning integration strategies and models, the integration levels or degrees achieved by an IMS and the audit function in an integrated context. The motivations that drive companies to integrate their management subsystems, the obstacles faced and the benefits collected may have internal or external origins. The publishing of standards guiding companies on how to integrate their management subsystems has been done mainly at a national level. There are several models that could be used in order to support companies in their management subsystems integration processes, and a sequential or an all-in strategy may be adopted. Four audit typologies can be distinguished, and the adoption of any of these typologies should consider resource availability and audit team know-how, among other features.