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We proposed and tested a multilevel model, underpinned by empowerment theory, that examines the processes linking high-performance work systems (HPWS) and performance outcomes at the individual and organizational levels of analyses. Data were obtained from 37 branches of 2 banking institutions in Ghana. Results of hierarchical regression analysis revealed that branch-level HPWS relates to empowerment climate. Additionally, results of hierarchical linear modeling that examined the hypothesized cross-level relationships revealed 3 salient findings. First, experienced HPWS and empowerment climate partially mediate the influence of branch-level HPWS on psychological empowerment. Second, psychological empowerment partially mediates the influence of empowerment climate and experienced HPWS on service performance. Third, service orientation moderates the psychological empowerment-service performance relationship such that the relationship is stronger for those high rather than low in service orientation. Last, ordinary least squares regression results revealed that branch-level HPWS influences branch-level market performance through cross-level and individual-level influences on service performance that emerges at the branch level as aggregated service performance. © 2011 American Psychological Association.
This paper reports part of a national study of career motivations and expectations of United Kingdom MPharm students. The aim was to describe the students’ influences and motivations in making their choice to study pharmacy. A self-completion questionnaire was administered to year one and year four students in thirteen pharmacy schools during 2005. The reasons considered most important were objective ones that related to self-interest, both in terms of the nature of the degree course and the advantages conferred by the degree. However, there was evidence that for female students, future patterns of working that are not central to career progression were considered more important than for males. At a time of expanding demand by students for pharmacy education and a parallel demand for qualified pharmacists, this study adds to earlier knowledge on the motivations and influences on students when making their early career choices.
In the UK, 20% of people aged 75 years and over are living with sight loss and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of sight loss in the UK, impacting nearly 10% of those over 80; regrettably, these figures are expected to increase in coming decades as the population ages (RNIB, 2012). This paper reports on the authors' design activities conducted for the purpose of informing the development of an assistive self-monitoring, ability-reactive technology (SMART) for older adults with AMD. The authors reflect on their experience of adopting and adapting the PICTIVE (Plastic Interface for Collaborative Technology Initiatives through Video Exploration) participatory design approach (Muller, 1992) to support effective design with and for their special needs user group, reflect on participants' views of being part of the process, and discuss the design themes identified via their PD activities.
In the computer science community, there is considerable debate about the appropriate sequence for introducing object-oriented concepts to novice programmers. Research into novice programming has struggled to identify the critical aspects that would provide a consistently successful approach to teaching introductory object-oriented programming. Starting from the premise that the conceptions of a task determine the type of output from the task, assisting novice programmers to become aware of what the required output should be, may lay a foundation for improving learning. This study adopted a phenomenographic approach. Thirty one practitioners were interviewed about the ways in which they experience object-oriented programming and categories of description and critical aspects were identified. These critical aspects were then used to examine the spaces of learning provided in twenty introductory textbooks. The study uncovered critical aspects that related to the way that practitioners expressed their understanding of an object-oriented program and the influences on their approach to designing programs. The study of the textbooks revealed a large variability in the cover of these critical aspects.
Do community pharmacists coming from different educational backgrounds rank the importance of competences for practice differently-or is the way in which they see their profession more influenced by practice than university education? A survey was carried out on 68 competences for pharmacy practice in seven countries with different pharmacy education systems in terms of the relative importance of the subject areas chemical and medicinal sciences. Community pharmacists were asked to rank the competences in terms of relative importance for practice; competences were divided into personal and patient-care competences. The ranking was very similar in the seven countries suggesting that evaluation of competences for practice is based more on professional experience than on prior university education. There were some differences for instance in research-related competences and these may be influenced, by education.
A Versenyképesség Kutató Központ 2004-ben a "Versenyben a világgal 1995-97" kutatási program és az 1999-es vállalati versenyképességi kérdőíves felmérés hagyományait folytatva, valamint azok tapasztalataira építve, egy hároméves kutatási programot kezdett el "Versenyben a világgal 2004-2006 – Gazdasági versenyképességünk vállalati nézőpontból" címmel. A kérdőíves felmérés nyomán létrejött adatbázist hasonló témában elemezték a szerzők 2005-ben. A korábbi eredményeken okulva, valamint a kérdőívelemzés kiterjesztésével azt kívánták felmérni, hogy az elektronikus beszerzés iránti nyitottság növekedett-e hazánkban, illetve milyen egyéb összefüggések fedezhetők fel a beszerzési szervezet, a beszerzés vállalati kapcsolatai, valamint az elektronikus beszerzés értelmezésében az egyes válaszadóknál. A kutatás továbbra is eltér a hagyományos megoldásoktól, azaz nem kívánja vizsgálni a hazai vállalati honlapok elterjedtségét, azonban a korábbiaktól eltérően több információtechnológiával kapcsolatos információt kér a válaszadóktól. A cél a belső vállalati folyamatok, a vevő-szállító kapcsolatok, az informatikai háttér elektronikus beszerzéssel való kapcsolatának felismerése. Meg szeretnék tudni, hogy az elektronikus beszerzés milyen hatékonyságnövelési lehetőséget hordoz és a hazai információs társadalmi fejlettség figyelembevételével mennyire nyitottak erre a beszerzők és a pályázók. Az elektronikus beszerzés és versenyképesség kapcsolata különösen a 2000-es évek eleje óta foglalkoztatja a kutatókat. Vita az elektronikus beszerzés beszerzési költségre gyakorolt hatásával, valamint a kormányzati politika hatásával kapcsolatban alakult ki, melyet a közbeszerzés, mint speciálisan szabályozott beszerzési tevékenység és az e-beszerzés kapcsolatára fejt ki. A vállalatok versenyképességének és az elektronikus beszerzés folyamatosan. / === / The Competitiveness Research Center based on the experience of the „ In Global Competition 1995-1997” research program and continuing the company competitiveness survey (1999) has begun a three-year research program with the following title: „In Global Competition 2004- 2006” Our economic competitiveness from company point of view”. The authors had analyzed a database generated on the basis of a questionnaire survey with a similar theme in 2005. Drawing the lessons from earlier researches and expanding the questionnaire, they now seek to find out how far receptiveness to electronic procurement has increased in Hungary and what other relations can be observed in responses concerning the interpretation of procurement organizations, the corporate aspects of procurement and electronic procurement. The new research project continues to differ from traditional solutions insofar as it does not intend to examine the penetration of corporate web pages, but, in contrast to earlier practice, it does want responders to provide information on their IT technology. The objectives are thus to understand how electronic procurement relates to corporate processes, purchaser-supplier relations and IT base, and to see what opportunities of increasing efficiency there are in electronic procurement and how far procurers and bidders are open to this at the current level of information society development in Hungary. Researchers have focused on the relation between electronic procurement and competitiveness since the early 2000s. What is debated is how electronic procurement influences procurement costs, and how government policies influence the relation between public procurement as a specially regulated procurement activity and electronic procurement. The relation between corporate competitiveness and the continually increasing means of electronic procurement is beyond doubt, evidenced by their research findings as well.
A Versenyképesség Kutató Központ 2004-ben a „Versenyben a világgal 1995-97.” kutatási program és az 1999-es vállalati versenyképességi kérdőíves felmérés hagyományait folytatva, valamint azok tapasztalataira építve egy hároméves kutatási programot kezdett el „Versenyben a világgal 2004-2006 − Gazdasági versenyképességünk vállalati nézőpontból” címmel. A kérdőíves felmérés nyomán létrejött adatbázist elemeztük hasonló témában 2005-ben. A korábbi eredményeken okulva, a kérdőív-elemzés kiterjesztésével azt kívántuk felmérni, hogy az elektronikus beszerzés iránti nyitottság növekedett-e hazánkban, illetve milyen egyéb összefüggések fedezhetők fel a beszerzési szervezet, a beszerzés vállalati kapcsolatai, valamint az elektronikus beszerzés értelmezésében az egyes válaszadóknál. A kutatás továbbra is eltér a hagyományos megoldásoktól, azaz nem kívánja vizsgálni a hazai vállalati honlapok elterjedtségét, azonban a korábbiaktól eltérően több információ-technológiával kapcsolatos információt kíván a válaszadóktól. A cél, tehát belső vállalati folyamatok, vevő-szállító kapcsolatok, az informatikai háttér elektronikus beszerzéssel való kapcsolatának feltárása és következtetéseink levonása volt annak érdekében, hogy megtudjuk milyen hatékonyságnövelési lehetőséget hordoz az elektronikus beszerzés és a hazai információs társadalmi fejlettség figyelembe vételével mennyire nyitottak erre a beszerzők és a pályázók egyaránt. Az elektronikus beszerzés és versenyképesség kapcsolata különösen a 2000-es éves eleje óta foglalkoztatja a kutatókat. Vita az elektronikus beszerzés beszerzési költségre gyakorolt hatásában, valamint a kormányzati politika által gyakorolt hatás jellegében van, melyet a közbeszerzés mint speciálisan szabályozott beszerzési tevékenység és az e-beszerzés kapcsolatára fejt ki. A vállalatok versenyképességének és az elektronikus beszerzés folyamatosan bővülő és fejlődő eszközrendszerének kapcsolata azonban nem kérdéses, ezt kutatási eredményeink is megerősítik. _________ The Competitiveness Research Center based on the experience of the „ In Global Competition 1995-1997” research programme and continuing the company competitiveness survey (1999) has begun a three-year research programme with the following title: „In Global Competition 2004-2006” Our economic competitiveness, company point of view”. We had analyzed a database generated on the basis of a questionnaire survey with a similar theme in 2005. Drawing the lessons from earlier researches and expanding the questionnaire examination, we now seek to find out how far receptiveness to electronic procurement has increased in Hungary and what other relations can be observed in responses concerning the interpretation of procurement organizations, the corporate aspects of procurement and electronic procurement. The new research project continues to differ from traditional solutions insofar as it does not intend to examine the currency of corporate web pages, but, in contrast to earlier practice, it does want responders to provide information on IT technology. The objectives are thus to understand how electronic procurement relates to corporate processes, purchaser-supplier relations and IT base, and to see what opportunities of increasing efficiency there are in electronic procurement and how far procurers and bidders are open to this at the level of information society development in Hungary. Researchers have focused on the relation between electronic procurement and competitiveness since the early 2000s. What is debated is how electronic procurement influences procurement costs, and how government policies influence the relation between public procurement as a specially regulated procurement activity and electronic procurement. The relation between corporate competitiveness and the continually increasing means of electronic procurement is beyond doubt, evidenced by our research findings.
The implementation of term limits on state legislators has provided a wealth of data for study. Florida, the second largest state in the Union with term limits, has not been comprehensively studied. This research examines the effects of term limits on electoral competition, member composition, legislator career paths, legislative leadership, and intra- and inter-governmental influences on Florida's legislature. This study looks at the Florida legislature from 1992 when term limits were enacted through 2004, three electoral cycles in which term limits have been in effect. This study uses both quantitative and qualitative data where appropriate. Electoral data is used to assess electoral and demographic effects, as well as member career trajectories. Interview data with current and former legislators, lobbyists, and executive branch officials is used to analyze both changes in legislative organization and intra- and inter-governmental influences on the legislative process. Term limits has only created greater competition when a legislative seat opens and has actually created a greater advantage for incumbents. Women and minorities have only made minimal gains in winning seats post-term limits. Newly elected legislators are not political novices with a vast majority having previous elective experience. Leadership is more centralized under term limits and the Senate has gained an advantage over the more inexperienced House. Lastly, the influence of staff, lobbyists, and most importantly, the governor has greatly increased under term limits. This research finds that term limits have not produced the consequences that proponents had envisioned.^
The increasing threat of global climate change is predicted to have immense influences on ecosystems worldwide, but could be particularly severe to vulnerable wetland environments such as the Everglades. This work investigates the impact global climate change could have on the hydrologic and vegetative makeup of Everglades National Park (ENP) under forecasted emissions scenarios. Using a simple stochastic model of aboveground water levels driven by a fluctuating rainfall input, we link across ENP a location's mean depth and percent time of inundation to the predicted changes in precipitation from climate change. Changes in the hydrologic makeup of ENP are then related to changes in vegetation community composition through the use of relationships developed between two publically available datasets. Results show that under increasing emissions scenarios mean annual precipitation was forecasted to decrease across ENP leading to a marked hydrologic change across the region. Namely, areas were predicted to be shallower in average depth of standing water and inundated less of the time. These hydrologic changes in turn lead to a shift in ENP's vegetative makeup, with xeric vegetative communities becoming more numerous and hydric vegetative communities becoming scarcer. Noticeably, the most widespread of vegetative communities, sawgrass, decreases in abundance under increasing emissions scenarios. These results are an important indicator of the effects climate change may have on the Everglades region and raise important management implications for those seeking to restore this area to its historical hydrologic and vegetative condition.
Through bioturbation, the macrofauna mediate chemical, physical and biological processes in marine benthic ecosystems. Because of the importance of bioturbation as ecosystem mediator, various studies have been conducted on bioturbation intensity and depth, and the relation of bioturbation processes to environmental condition and ecosystem state. This thesis builds on those previous studies, using a standard field and analytical protocol and by expanding the geographical scale to three climatic regions along Canada’s East Coast and Arctic margins, the Arctic Archipelago, the coastal Subarctic (Labrador Fjords), and the temperate continental climate zone (Gulf of Maine and adjacent Scotian shelf/slope). This Ph.D. study provides a comprehensive assessment of environmental influences on bioturbation along gradients in latitude and ocean depth. Bioturbation intensity, mixing depth, and bioturbation structures were studied in relation to the quantity and quality of potential food sources (organic matter) and substrate characteristics to gain an understanding of the environmental controls on bioturbation in these regions. The three main research chapters of this thesis are divided based on the contrasting climatic and geographical regions studied. The analytical approach included seabed sampling with a boxcorer, describing the sedimentary fabric and bioturbation structures by X-radiography, estimating bioturbation intensity and depth applying a biodiffusion model to particle tracer profiles of ²¹⁰Pbₓs, ²²⁸Thₓs, ²³⁴Thₓs, and chlorophyll-a, and analyzing benthic organic matter and substrate characteristics. Strong regional and cross-climatic relations of bioturbation processes with combinations of environmental factors were observed. In particular, bioturbation depth and the vertical extent of bioturbation structures responded to the environmental patterns observed and, therefore, represented potentially applicable predictors of environmental conditions and ecosystem state. The results of this Ph.D. study may be further extended to other geographical regions with similar environmental characteristics to predict the effects of benthic habitat alterations through environmental stresses on a global scale. Integrated with biological data produced by fellow CHONe scientists the presented data may provide valuable information about functional roles of macrofaunal species and community traits in marine benthic ecosystems along Canada’s extensive East Coast and Arctic margins.
Recent studies have shown the importance of the beat-by-beat changes in heart rate influenced by the autonomic nervous system (ANS), or heart rate variability (HRV). The purpose of this study was to examine the lasting effects of hypoxic exercise on HRV, and its influences on substrate usage. Results from this study could lead an increased understanding on this topic. Eight active healthy males (age: 31±11 years; height: 180±7 cm; weight: 83±8 kg; VO₂max (maximal oxygen consumption): 4.4±0.6 L•min⁻¹) underwent normoxic and hypoxic (FᵢO₂= 0.15) conditions during high-intensity interval (HIIT) cycling (70%-high interval, 35%-rest interval). Cycling intensity was determined by a peak power output cycling test. Each experimental session consisted of a basal metabolic rate determination, up to 45-minutes of HIIT cycling, and three 30-minute post-exercise metabolic rate measurements (spanning 3 hours and 15 minutes after exercise). During exercise, RPE was higher (p<0.01) and LAC (lactate) increased (p=0.001) at each point of time in hypoxia, with no change in normoxia. After hypoxic exercise, the SNS/PNS ratio (overall ANS activity) was significantly higher (p<0.01) and significantly decreased through time in both conditions (p<0.01). In addition, a significant interaction between time and conditions (p<0.02) showed a decrease in LAC concentration through time post-hypoxic exercise. The findings showed that a single bout of hypoxic exercise alters ANS activity post-exercise along with shifting substrate partitioning from glycolytic to lipolytic energy production. The significant decrease in LAC concentration post-hypoxic exercise supports the notion that hypoxic HIIT induces a greater muscle glycogen depletion leading to increased fat oxidation to sustain glycogenesis and gluconeogenesis to maintain blood glucose level during recovery.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 06, Sorbonne Universités.
Obesity and overweight disproportionately impact Black American adolescent females—placing them at a lifetime of elevated physical health risks. Despite this burden, the literature that explores the contributors to obesity and overweight among Black American adolescent females remains limited and unclear. This dissertation aims to develop knowledge related to obesity and overweight in Black American adolescent females, by appraising the current understanding of factors that contribute to their obesity and overweight, and explicating the everyday social influences on dietary practices. The primary study conducted for this dissertation used a mixed method, multiple case study design to examine the mother, daughter, and other household contributors to Black American adolescent daughters’ everyday practices of food consumption, acquisition, preparation, and planning. Findings reveal the importance of understanding the complex and dynamic ways mothers and other household members contribute to a holistic view of everyday dietary practices among adolescent daughters. By deeply examining the nuanced ways the multiple cases varied, context-dependent knowledge essential to understanding the complicated health challenge of obesity was produced. Subsequently, recommendations are provided for health providers and scholars to more holistically approach and examine obesity—particularly among populations who are disproportionately affected.
Although many perspectives suggest that authenticity is important for well-being, people do not always have direct access to the psychological processes that produce their behaviors and, thus, are not able to judge whether they are behaving consistently with their personality, attitudes, values, motives, and goals. Even so, people experience subjective feelings of authenticity and inauthenticity, raising the question of factors that influence people’s judgments of whether they are being authentic. The present studies used descriptive, correlational, experimental, and experience sampling designs to examine possible influences on self-judgments of authenticity, including the congruence between people’s behavior and inner dispositions, the positivity of the behavior, their personal beliefs about authenticity, features of the interaction, and trait authenticity. Studies 1A and 1B examined the role of people’s beliefs about authenticity in self-judgments of authenticity. Studies 2A and 2B investigated the criteria that people use to judge their behavior as authentic versus inauthentic and challenged those criteria to see whether self-perceived authenticity was affected. And, Study 3 used an experience sampling design to study people’s experiences of state authenticity in daily life. Together the studies offer insights into the determinants of self-perceived authenticity and show that many factors that influence people’s feelings of authenticity are peripheral, if not irrelevant, to actual authenticity.
We have analyzed the stable carbon isotopic composition of the diunsaturated C37 alkenone in 29 surface sediments from the equatorial and South Atlantic Ocean. Our study area covers different oceanographic settings, including sediments from the major upwelling regions off South Africa, the equatorial upwelling, and the oligotrophic western South Atlantic. In order to examine the environmental influences on the sedimentary record the alkenone-based carbon isotopic fractionation (Ep) values were correlated with the overlying surface water concentrations of aqueous CO2 ([CO2(aq)]), phosphate, and nitrate. We found Ep positively correlated with 1/[CO2(aq)] and negatively correlated with [PO43-] and [NO3-]. However, the relationship between Ep and 1/[CO2(aq)] is opposite of what is expected from a [CO2(aq)] controlled, diffusive uptake model. Instead, our findings support the theory of Bidigare et al. (1997, doi:10.1029/96GB03939) that the isotopic fractionation in haptophytes is related to nutrient-limited growth rates. The relatively high variability of the Ep-[PO4] relationship in regions with low surface water nutrient concentrations indicates that here other environmental factors also affect the isotopic signal. These factors might be variations in other growth-limiting resources such as light intensity or micronutrient concentrations.