970 resultados para septal hepatic fibrosis


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The diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) in cystic fibrosis patients remains challenging, mainly owing to overlapping symptoms of the underlying lung disease with clinical symptoms of ABPA. In addition, a varying mixture of diagnostic criteria, including clinical status, radiological findings and immunological measurements, has led to confusion and differing recommendations. In order to help simplify as well as standardize the diagnostic criteria for ABPA, different serological markers have been evaluated in the last 20 years and their usefulness has been assessed in many clinical studies. This review presents current diagnostic criteria of ABPA, with a special focus on serum markers supporting the diagnosis and explains why the hunt for a serological marker for ABPA is still ongoing.


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The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is responsible for Na+ and fluid absorption across colon, kidney, and airway epithelia. We have previously identified SPLUNC1 as an autocrine inhibitor of ENaC. We have now located the ENaC inhibitory domain of SPLUNC1 to SPLUNC1's N terminus, and a peptide corresponding to this domain, G22-A39, inhibited ENaC activity to a similar degree as full-length SPLUNC1 (∼2.5 fold). However, G22-A39 had no effect on the structurally related acid-sensing ion channels, indicating specificity for ENaC. G22-A39 preferentially bound to the β-ENaC subunit in a glycosylation-dependent manner. ENaC hyperactivity is contributory to cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. Addition of G22-A39 to CF human bronchial epithelial cultures (HBECs) resulted in an increase in airway surface liquid height from 4.2±0.6 to 7.9±0.6 μm, comparable to heights seen in normal HBECs, even in the presence of neutrophil elastase. Our data also indicate that the ENaC inhibitory domain of SPLUNC1 may be cleaved away from the main molecule by neutrophil elastase, which suggests that it may still be active during inflammation or neutrophilia. Furthermore, the robust inhibition of ENaC by the G22-A39 peptide suggests that this peptide may be suitable for treating CF lung disease.


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The diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) is often delayed because of the nonspecificity of a wide variety of clinical symptoms at disease onset. Newborn screening for CF has been advocated to reduce delays in diagnosis, facilitating preventive care for early respiratory and nutritional involvement. According to American and European consensus and experience of existing programs, a Swiss Nationwide Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening Program started in January 2011. Screening strategy combines two steps: an immunoreactive trypsinogen assay and DNA mutation analysis in dried blood samples at day 4 (Guthrie cards).


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Chronic inflammation and fatty acid deficiency, in particular in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6-n3), occurring in cystic fibrosis patients, are two convincing arguments urging the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) omega-3 in this population. PUFA omega-3 oral dietary intake position in the cystic fibrosis treatment is however not clear despite many years of clinical research. This review article sets out the reasons that conduct nutritionists to try this approach and reviews the results published until nowadays.


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INTRODUCTION: Respiratory therapy is a keystone of the treatment for cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease, but it is time consuming. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to assess the total time spent on respiratory therapy, including chest physiotherapy (CPT) and physical activity (PA), as well as inhalation therapy (IT) and maintenance of materials (MM) to rationalise and optimise treatment. METHODS: A cross-sectional prospective study in a paediatric CF cohort. A questionnaire was developed to look at the time spent on respiratory care over 3 months. Enrolled in this study are all CF patients aged from 6 to 16 years (the exclusion criterion was lung transplantation). RESULTS: Of the 40 enrolled patients, 22 participated (13 boys and 9 girls), with a mean age of 11 years. The patients spent approximately 19.46 h per week (standard deviation ± 7.53, 8.00-35.25 h) on therapy: CPT (30.58%), IT (15.11%), PA (50%) and MM (4.32%), without statistical significance between sexes. CONCLUSION: In our cohort, CF patients spent an average of nearly 20 h a week in respiratory therapy, within a wide range of between 8 h to almost 36 h a week. PA consumes almost half of the time. Physicians have to take into consideration the burden of the treatment, to optimise the therapy.


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Objectifs: Déterminer la fréquence et les facteurs prédictifs de l'effet T2 shine-through dans l'hémangiome hépatique. Matériels et méthodes: Entre janvier 2010 et novembre 2011, l'imagerie par résonance magnétique du foie de 149 patients avec 388 hémangiomes hépatiques a été revue rétrospectivement. Les caractéristiques lésionnelles: la taille, la localisation, le signal et l'aspect en T1, T2 et en diffusion, l'effet T2 shine-through, le coefficient apparent de diffusion des hémangiomes hépatiques et du foie et type de rehaussement ont été évalués. Résultats: L'effet T2 shine-through était observé dans 204/388 (52.6%) des hémangiomes hépatiques et 100 (67.1%) patients. L'ADC moyen des hémangiomas avec T2 shine-through effect était significativement plus bas que les hémangiomas sans T2 shine-through effect (2.0 +/- 0.48 vs 2.38 +/- 0.45 10"3 mm2/s, P < .0001). L'analyse multivariée retrouvait comme facteurs indépendants de la présence d'un effet T2 shine-through un hypersignal sur les images fat- suppressed T2-weighted fast spin-echo, les hémangiomes avec un rehaussement classique et retardé, et l'ADC du foie. Conclusion: Le T2 shine-through effect est fréquemment observé dans les hémangiomes hépatiques et dépend des caractéristiques lésionnelles. Sa présence ne remet pas en question le diagnostic lorsque les signes IRM typiques sont présents.


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Rôle du génotype 3 du virus de l'hépatite C dans la progression de la fibrose hépatique, une revue systématique avec méta-analyse. On estime à 170 millions le nombre de personnes atteintes d'hépatite C chronique dans le monde. La principale conséquence de cette maladie est la fibrose du foie, qui évolue plus ou moins rapidement, pour aboutir au développement d'une cirrhose et/ou d'un hépatocarcinome. Certains des facteurs accélérateurs de la fibrose, comme l'âge avancé au moment de l'infection, le sexe masculin, la consommation d'alcool, sont bien connus. On a longtemps considéré que les six différents génotypes viraux n'influençaient pas la progression de la fibrose. Des études récentes ont cependant suggéré que certains génotypes, en particulier ie génotype 3, pouvaient entraîner une fibrose plus rapide. Le but de ce travail de thèse était de déterminer à l'aide d'une méta-analyse le rôle du génotype viral dans la progression de la fibrose dans l'infection chronique au virus de l'hépatite C. Les études ont été sélectionnées dans la littérature médicale à partir d'une série de mots-clés. Le degré de fibrose a été estimé par biopsie, en utilisant le score Metavir. Deux types d'études ont décrits de manière différente la durée d'infection. Les premières ont calculé la progression de la fibrose depuis le moment estimée de l'infection (« études avec une biopsie »), les secondes ont exprimés cette durée comme étant l'intervalle entre deux biopsies (« études avec deux biopsies »). L'analyse a permis d'identifier 8 études avec une biopsie pour un collectif total de 3182 patients ainsi que 8 études avec deux biopsies pour un collectif de 896 patients. Dans une méta-analyse de type « random effect », le rapport de cote pour l'association du génotype 3 avec une fibrose accélérée est de 1.52 (95% IC 1.12-2.07, p=0.007) pour les études à une biopsie. Pour les études à deux biopsies, le rapport de cote pour cette association est de 1.37 (95% IC 0.87-2.17, P=0.17). Cette étude montre que les patients avec une hépatite C chronique due au génotype 3 ont une progression de fibrose plus rapide que ceux qui sont infectés par les autres génotypes. Alors que la méta-analyse des études avec une biopsie est clairement significative, celle des études avec deux biopsies est au-dessous du seuil de significativité. Les études à deux biopsies peuvent être limitées par plusieurs facteurs, comprenant un « biais d'indication » (seuls les patients évoluant rapidement vers la cirrhose ont plus de risque d'avoir une deuxième biopsie), une durée d'observation très courte (5 années comparée à 13 années pour les études à 2 biopsies), et un nombre de patient limité (896 pour le études à 2 biopsies comparé à 3182 pour les études à 1 biopsie). Impact d'un programme de vaccination sur l'immunité contre l'hépatite Β dans une clinique suisse du VIH Le virus de l'hépatite Β cause une infection aigûe dont la symptomatologie varie d'une présentation subclinique à une progression fulminante. Dans une minorité de cas, l'infection aigiie est suivie d'une infection chronique pouvant évoluer vers une cirrhose hépatique et/ou un hépatocarcinome. La prévalence de l'hépatite Β aiguë et chronique chez les personnes vivant avec le virus d'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) est supérieure à celle de la population générale. Par ailleurs la co-infection avec le virus du VIH entraine une progression plus rapide de l'hépatite B. Dès lors, l'immunité pour le virus de l'hépatite Β représente un facteur primordial de prévention dans la population infectée par le virus de l'HIV. Bien que l'administration d'un vaccin contre l'hépatite Β soit particulièrement recommandée chez tous les individus infectés par le VIH, la couverture vaccinale dans cette population est souvent insuffisante. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer l'état d'immunisation contre le virus de l'hépatite Β dans la population infectée par le VIH de la cohorte Suisse HIV et d'analyser l'efficacité d'un programme de vaccination administré par le personnel soignant. L'immunité avant et après intervention dans notre centre a été comparée aux autres centres de la cohorte HIV en Suisse. L'immunité pour le centre d'intervention a passé de 32% avant intervention à 76% après intervention alors que pour les autres centres, l'immunité n'a progressé que de 33% à 39% dans le même laps de temps (n=2712, P=0.001). Cette étude montre qu'un contrôle systématique de l'immunité par du personnel soignant augmente de manière significative l'immunité pour le vaccin de l'hépatite Β dans la population HIV.


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The diagnostics of focal nodular hyperplasia is reached through the use of imaging. When the diagnostic is certain, surgical abstention is the rule. Nevertheless, we were confronted with two cases of a rare complication; that of intraperitoneal rupture. In this situation, we suggest to first do an arteriography to control the bleeding, then to perform surgery when the patient has reached hemodynamic stability. Spontaneous rupture as a complication of benign nodular hyperplasia remains a rare event and only five cases were reported in litterature.


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Acute ethanol administration stimulates sympathetic nervous system activity. The present study was designed to determine whether this sympathetic activation affects glycogenolysis and total hepatic glucose production (HGP) during ethanol-induced inhibition of gluconeogenesis. Nineteen volunteers participated in four protocols. Two protocols aimed to study--using combined infusion of [6,6-2H2]glucose and [U-13C]glucose, VCO2 and 13CO2 measurements--the effects of ethanol infusion alone (n = 10) or with propranolol (n = 6) or phentolamine infusion (n = 4) on HGP, glucose disposal (Rd), glucose oxidation [13C]Glcox and non-oxidative glucose disposal (NOGD = Rd - [13C]Glcox). The fourth protocol assessed the effects of saline infusion alone on HGP. Using ethanol, HGP decreased by 23%, Rd by 20% and glycaemia by 9% (all P &lt; 0.001); heart rate increased by 10%, whereas blood pressure remained unchanged. The effects were not observed with saline, except a slight (10%) decrease in HGP (P &lt; 0.01 vs. ethanol). Ethanol did not affect [13C]Glcox but decreased NOGD by 73% (P &lt; 0.001). Propranolol or phentolamine did not alter any of the effects of ethanol on glucose metabolism, but decreased mean arterial pressure. Propranolol prevented the ethanol-induced increase in heart rate. In conclusion, ethanol decreased blood glucose by decreasing HGP, presumably by inhibiting gluconeogenesis. Sympathetic activation prevented the decrease in blood pressure produced by ethanol but did not stimulate glycogenolysis.


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BACKGROUND: The potential effects of ionizing radiation are of particular concern in children. The model-based iterative reconstruction VEO(TM) is a technique commercialized to improve image quality and reduce noise compared with the filtered back-projection (FBP) method. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential of VEO(TM) on diagnostic image quality and dose reduction in pediatric chest CT examinations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty children (mean 11.4 years) with cystic fibrosis underwent either a standard CT or a moderately reduced-dose CT plus a minimum-dose CT performed at 100 kVp. Reduced-dose CT examinations consisted of two consecutive acquisitions: one moderately reduced-dose CT with increased noise index (NI = 70) and one minimum-dose CT at CTDIvol 0.14 mGy. Standard CTs were reconstructed using the FBP method while low-dose CTs were reconstructed using FBP and VEO. Two senior radiologists evaluated diagnostic image quality independently by scoring anatomical structures using a four-point scale (1 = excellent, 2 = clear, 3 = diminished, 4 = non-diagnostic). Standard deviation (SD) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were also computed. RESULTS: At moderately reduced doses, VEO images had significantly lower SD (P < 0.001) and higher SNR (P < 0.05) in comparison to filtered back-projection images. Further improvements were obtained at minimum-dose CT. The best diagnostic image quality was obtained with VEO at minimum-dose CT for the small structures (subpleural vessels and lung fissures) (P < 0.001). The potential for dose reduction was dependent on the diagnostic task because of the modification of the image texture produced by this reconstruction. CONCLUSIONS: At minimum-dose CT, VEO enables important dose reduction depending on the clinical indication and makes visible certain small structures that were not perceptible with filtered back-projection.


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Atrial septal defect (ASD) typically is asymptomatic in infancy and early childhood and elective defect closure usually is performed at an age between 4 - 6 years. Severe pulmonary hypertension (PHT) complicating an ASD is seen in adulthood and has only occasionally been reported in small children. A retrospective study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of severe PHT complicating an isolated ASD and requiring early surgical correction in the fi rst year of life. 355 pediatric patients underwent treatment for an isolated ASD either surgically or by catheter intervention during a 10 year period (1996 - 2006) at two tertiary referral centers. 297 patients had secundum ASD and 58 primum ASD with mild to moderate mitral regurgitation. 8 infants were found with isolated ASD (six with secundum and two with primum ASD) associated with signifi cant PHT, accounting for 2.2% of all ASD patients in our centers. These 8 infants had invasively measured pulmonary artery pressures between 50 and 100% of systemic pressure. Median size of the ASD at the time of surgery was 14mm (7 - 20). They were operated in the fi rst year of life and had complicated postoperative courses requiring specifi c treatment for PHT for up to 16 weeks (median 12) postoperatively. Compared to ASD patients without PHT these infants had prolonged postoperative ICU stay of 5 - 9 days (median 8) and prolonged perioperative overall hospital stay of 8 - 32 days (median 15). Ultimate outcome in all 8 infants was good with persistent normalization of pulmonary pressures during mid-term follow-up of between 8 to 60 months (median 28). All other ASD patients had normal pulmonary pressures and mean age at defect closure was higher being 6.2 years for secundum ASD and 3.2 years for primum ASD. In conclusion, ASD is rarely associated with signifi cant PHT in infancy but then requires early surgery to normalize the prognosis of the patients.


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The repair process of damaged tissue involves the coordinated activities of several cell types in response to local and systemic signals. Following acute tissue injury, infiltrating inflammatory cells and resident stem cells orchestrate their activities to restore tissue homeostasis. However, during chronic tissue damage, such as in muscular dystrophies, the inflammatory-cell infiltration and fibroblast activation persists, while the reparative capacity of stem cells (satellite cells) is attenuated. Abnormal dystrophic muscle repair and its end stage, fibrosis, represent the final common pathway of virtually all chronic neurodegenerative muscular diseases. As our understanding of the pathogenesis of muscle fibrosis has progressed, it has become evident that the muscle provides a useful model for the regulation of tissue repair by the local microenvironment, showing interplay among muscle-specific stem cells, inflammatory cells, fibroblasts and extracellular matrix components of the mammalian wound-healing response. This article reviews the emerging findings of the mechanisms that underlie normal versus aberrant muscle-tissue repair.


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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the most frequent of the idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. It is a progressive disorderwith a poor prognosis. Its diagnosis requires the careful exclusion of potential causes, and a pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia at high-resolution computed tomography or video-assisted surgical lung biopsy. Several recent randomized trials have profoundly modified the therapeutic management of IPF. The combination of prednisone and azathioprine, often prescribed until recently, has been shown to be harmful and is no longer indicated. N-acetylcystein, also used in the past decade, failed to show an efficacy. However, two new antifibrotic drugs, pirfenidone and nintedanib, have for the first time proven effective in slowing disease progression.


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Atrial septal defects (ASDs) are typically asymptomatic in infancy and early childhood, and elective defect closure is usually performed at ages of 4 to 6 years. Severe pulmonary hypertension (PH) complicating an ASD is seen in adulthood and has only occasionally been reported in small children. A retrospective study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of severe PH complicating an isolated ASD and requiring early surgical correction. During a 10-year period (1996 to 2006), 355 pediatric patients underwent treatment for isolated ASDs either surgically or by catheter intervention at 2 tertiary referral centers. Two hundred ninety-seven patients had secundum ASDs, and 58 had primum ASDs with mild to moderate mitral regurgitation. Eight infants were found with isolated ASDs (6 with secundum ASDs and 2 with primum ASDs) associated with significant PH, accounting for 2.2% of all patients with ASDs at the centers. These 8 infants had invasively measured pulmonary artery pressures of 50% to 100% of systemic pressure. They were operated in the first year of life and had complicated postoperative courses requiring specific treatment for PH for up to 16 weeks postoperatively. The ultimate outcomes in all 8 infants were good, with persistent normalization of pulmonary pressures during midterm follow-up of up to 60 months (median 28). All other patients with ASDs had normal pulmonary pressures, and the mean age at defect closure was significantly older, at 6.2 years for secundum ASDs and 3.2 years for primum ASDs. In conclusion, ASDs were rarely associated with significant PH in infancy but then required early surgery and were associated with excellent midterm outcomes in these patients.