979 resultados para rice straw


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In plants, sugar feedback regulation provides a mechanism for control of carbohydrate allocation and utilization among tissues and organs. The sugar repression of α-amylase gene expression in rice provides an ideal model for studying the mechanism of sugar feedback regulation. We have shown previously that sugar repression of α-amylase gene expression in rice suspension cells involves control of both transcription rate and mRNA stability. The α-amylase mRNA is significantly more stable in sucrose-starved cells than in sucrose-provided cells. To elucidate the mechanism of sugar-dependent mRNA turnover, we have examined the effect of αAmy3 3′ untranslated region (UTR) on mRNA stability by functional analyses in transformed rice suspension cells. We found that the entire αAmy3 3′ UTR and two of its subdomains can independently mediate sugar-dependent repression of reporter mRNA accumulation. Analysis of reporter mRNA half-lives demonstrated that the entire αAmy3 3′ UTR and the two subdomains each functioned as a sugar-dependent destabilizing determinant in the turnover of mRNA. Nuclear run-on transcription analysis further confirmed that the αAmy3 3′ UTR and the two subdomains did not affect the transcription rate of promoter. The identification of sequence elements in the α-amylase mRNA that dictate the differential stability has very important implications for the study of sugar-dependent mRNA decay mechanisms.


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Many reports have shown that plant growth and yield is superior on mixtures of NO3− and NH4+ compared with provision of either N source alone. Despite its clear practical importance, the nature of this N-source synergism at the cellular level is poorly understood. In the present study we have used the technique of compartmental analysis by efflux and the radiotracer 13N to measure cellular turnover kinetics, patterns of flux partitioning, and cytosolic pool sizes of both NO3− and NH4+ in seedling roots of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv IR72), supplied simultaneously with the two N sources. We show that plasma membrane fluxes for NH4+, cytosolic NH4+ accumulation, and NH4+ metabolism are enhanced by the presence of NO3−, whereas NO3− fluxes, accumulation, and metabolism are strongly repressed by NH4+. However, net N acquisition and N translocation to the shoot with dual N-source provision are substantially larger than when NO3− or NH4+ is provided alone at identical N concentrations.


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The quantitative analysis with immunogold-electron microscopy using a single-affinity-purified anti-NADH-glutamate synthase (GOGAT) immunoglobulin G (IgG) as the primary antibody showed that the NADH-GOGAT protein was present in various forms of plastids in the cells of the epidermis and exodermis, in the cortex parenchyma, and in the vascular parenchyma of root tips (<10 mm) of rice (Oryza sativa) seedlings supplied with 1 mm NH4+ for 24 h. The values of the mean immunolabeling density of plastids were almost equal among these different cell types in the roots. However, the number of plastids per individual cell type was not identical, and some parts of the cells in the epidermis and exodermis contained large numbers of plastids that were heavily immunolabeled. Although there was an indication of labeling in the mitochondria using the single-affinity-purified anti-NADH-GOGAT IgG, this was not confirmed when a twice-affinity-purified IgG was used, indicating an exclusively plastidial location of the NADH-GOGAT protein in rice roots. These results, together with previous work from our laboratory (K. Ishiyama, T. Hayakawa, and T. Yamaya [1998] Planta 204: 288–294), suggest that the assimilation of exogeneously supplied NH4+ ions is primarily via the cytosolic glutamine synthetase/plastidial NADH-GOGAT cycle in specific regions of the epidermis and exodermis in rice roots. We also discuss the role of the NADH-GOGAT protein in vascular parenchyma cells.


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Cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs) play key roles in regulating the eukaryotic cell cycle. We have analyzed the expression of four rice (Oryza sativa) CDK genes, cdc2Os1, cdc2Os2, cdc2Os3, and R2, by in situ hybridization of sections of root apices. Transcripts of cdc2Os1, cdc2Os2, and R2 were detected uniformly in the dividing region of the root apex. cdc2Os1 and cdc2Os2 were also expressed in differentiated cells such as those in the sclerenchyma, pericycle, and parenchyma of the central cylinder. By contrast, signals corresponding to transcripts of cdc2Os3 were distributed only in patches in the dividing region. Counterstaining of sections with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and double-target in situ hybridization with a probe for histone H4 transcripts revealed that cdc2Os3 transcripts were abundant from the G2 to the M phase, but were less abundant or absent during the S phase. The levels of the Cdc2Os3 protein and its associated histone H1-kinase activity were reduced by treatment of cultured cells with hydroxyurea, which blocks cycling cells at the onset of the S phase. Our results suggest that domains other than the conserved amino acid sequence (the PSTAIRE motif) have important roles in the function of non-PSTAIRE CDKs in distinct cell-cycle phases.


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FLORICAULA (FLO) of Antirrhinum and LEAFY (FLY) of Arabidopsis regulate the formation of floral meristems. To examine whether same mechanisms control floral development in distantly related species such as grasses, we isolated RFL, FLO-LFY homolog of rice, and examined its expression and function. Northern analysis showed that RFL is expressed predominantly in very young panicle but not in mature florets, mature leaves, or roots. In situ hybridization revealed that RFL RNA was expressed in epidermal cells in young leaves at vegetative growth stage. After the transition to reproductive stage, RFL RNA was detected in all layers of very young panicle including the apical meristem, but absent in the incipient primary branches. As development of branches proceeds, RFL RNA accumulation localized in the developing branches except for the apical meristems of the branches and secondary branch primordia. Expression pattern of RFL raised a possibility that, unlike FLO and LFY, RFL might be involved in panicle branching. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants constitutively expressing RFL from the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter were produced to test whether 35S-RFL would cause similar phenotype as observed in 35S-LFY plants. In 35S-RFL plants, transformation of inflorescence meristem to floral meristem was rarely observed. Instead, development of cotyledons, rosette leaves, petals, and stamens was severely affected, demonstrating that RFL function is distinct from that of LFY. Our results suggest that mechanisms controlling floral development in rice might be diverged from that of Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum.


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Since 1991, the Rice Genome Research Program in Japan has carried out rice genomics, such as large-scale cDNA analysis, construction of a fine-scale restriction fragment length polymorphism map, and physical mapping of the rice genome with yeast artificial chromosome clones. These studies have made a great impact on research into grass genomes and made rice a model plant for other cereal crop research. Starting in 1998, the Rice Genome Research Program will step into a new stage of genomics—that of genome sequencing. This project eventually should reveal all of the genomic sequence information in the rice plant and be an indispensable aid in understanding the genomics of other grass species.


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We describe in this study punchless, a nonpathogenic mutant from the rice blast fungus M. grisea, obtained by plasmid-mediated insertional mutagenesis. As do most fungal plant pathogens, M. grisea differentiates an infection structure specialized for host penetration called the appressorium. We show that punchless differentiates appressoria that fail to breach either the leaf epidermis or artificial membranes such as cellophane. Cytological analysis of punchless appressoria shows that they have a cellular structure, turgor, and glycogen content similar to those of wild type before penetration, but that they are unable to differentiate penetration pegs. The inactivated gene, PLS1, encodes a putative integral membrane protein of 225 aa (Pls1p). A functional Pls1p-green fluorescent protein fusion protein was detected only in appressoria and was localized in plasma membranes and vacuoles. Pls1p is structurally related to the tetraspanin family. In animals, these proteins are components of membrane signaling complexes controlling cell differentiation, motility, and adhesion. We conclude that PLS1 controls an appressorial function essential for the penetration of the fungus into host leaves.


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The promoter from rice tungro bacilliform badnavirus (RTBV) is expressed only in phloem tissues in transgenic rice plants. RF2a, a b-Zip protein from rice, is known to bind to the Box II cis element near the TATA box of the promoter. Here, we report that the full-length RTBV promoter and a truncated fragment E of the promoter, comprising nucleotides −164 to +45, result in phloem-specific expression of β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter genes in transgenic tobacco plants. When a fusion gene comprising the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and RF2a cDNA was coexpressed with the GUS reporter genes, GUS activity was increased by 2–20-fold. The increase in GUS activity was positively correlated with the amount of RF2a, and the expression pattern of the RTBV promoter was altered from phloem-specific to constitutive. Constitutive expression of RF2a did not induce morphological changes in the transgenic plants. In contrast, constitutive overexpression of the b-ZIP domain of RF2a had a strong effect on the development of transgenic plants. These studies suggest that expression of the b-Zip domain can interfere with the function of homologues of RF2a that regulate development of tobacco plants.


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It has been reported that carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity in plant leaves is decreased by Zn deficiency. We examined the effects of Zn deficiency on the activity of CA and on photosynthesis by leaves in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). Zn deficiency increased the transfer resistance from the stomatal cavity to the site of CO2 fixation 2.3-fold and, consequently, the value of the transfer resistance relative to the total resistance in the CO2-assimilation process increased from 10% to 21%. This change led to a reduced CO2 concentration at the site of CO2 fixation, resulting in an increased gradient of CO2 between the stomatal cavity and this site. The present findings support the hypothesis that CA functions to facilitate the supply of CO2 from the stomatal cavity to the site of CO2 fixation. We also showed that the level of mRNA for CA decreased to 13% of the control level during Zn deficiency. This decrease resembled the decrease in CA activity, suggesting the possible involvement of the CA mRNA level in the regulation of CA activity.


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To confer abscisic acid (ABA) and/or stress-inducible gene expression, an ABA-response complex (ABRC1) from the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) HVA22 gene was fused to four different lengths of the 5′ region from the rice (Oryza sativa L.) Act1 gene. Transient assay of β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity in barley aleurone cells shows that, coupled with ABRC1, the shortest minimal promoter (Act1–100P) gives both the greatest induction and the highest level of absolute activity following ABA treatment. Two plasmids with one or four copies of ABRC1 combined with the same Act1–100P and HVA22(I) of barley HVA22 were constructed and used for stable expression of uidA in transgenic rice plants. Three Southern blot-positive lines with the correct hybridization pattern for each construct were obtained. Northern analysis indicated that uidA expression is induced by ABA, water-deficit, and NaCl treatments. GUS activity assays in the transgenic plants confirmed that the induction of GUS activity varies from 3- to 8-fold with different treatments or in different rice tissues, and that transgenic rice plants harboring four copies of ABRC1 show 50% to 200% higher absolute GUS activity both before and after treatments than those with one copy of ABRC1.


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The rice (Oryza sativa L.) homeobox gene OSH1 causes morphological alterations when ectopically expressed in transgenic rice, Arabidopsis thaliana, and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and is therefore believed to function as a morphological regulator gene. To determine the relationship between OSH1 expression and morphological alterations, we analyzed the changes in hormone levels in transgenic tobacco plants exhibiting abnormal morphology. Levels of the plant hormones indole-3-acetic acid, abscisic acid, gibberellin (GA), and cytokinin (zeatin and trans-zeatin [Z]) were measured in leaves of OSH1-transformed and wild-type tobacco. Altered plant morphology was found to correlate with changes in hormone levels. The more severe the alteration in phenotype of transgenic tobacco, the greater were the changes in endogenous hormone levels. Overall, GA1 and GA4 levels decreased and abscisic acid levels increased compared with wild-type plants. Moreover, in the transformants, Z (active form of cytokinin) levels were higher and the ratio of Z to Z riboside (inactive form) also increased. When GA3 was supplied to the shoot apex of transformants, internode extension was restored and normal leaf morphology was also partially restored. However, such GA3-treated plants still exhibited some morphological abnormalities compared with wild-type plants. Based on these data, we propose the hypothesis that OSH1 affects plant hormone metabolism either directly or indirectly and thereby causes changes in plant development.


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Previous studies have demonstrated that the mRNAs encoding the prolamine and glutelin storage proteins are localized to morphologically distinct membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) complex in developing rice (Oryza sativa L.) endosperm cells. To gain insight about this mRNA localization process, we investigated the association of prolamine polysomes on the ER that delimit the prolamine protein bodies (PBs). The bulk of the prolamine polysomes were resistant to extraction by 1% Triton X-100 either alone or together with puromycin, which suggests that these translation complexes are anchored to the PB surface through a second binding site in addition to the well-characterized ribosome-binding site of the ER-localized protein translocation complex. Suppression of translation initiation shows that these polysomes are bound through the mRNA, as shown by the simultaneous increase in the amounts of ribosome-free prolamine mRNAs and decrease in prolamine polysome content associated with the membrane-stripped PB fraction. The prolamine polysome-binding activity is likely to be associated with the cytoskeleton, based on the association of actin and tubulin with the prolamine polysomes and PBs after sucrose-density centrifugation.


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Techniques of compartmental (efflux) and kinetic influx analyses with the radiotracer 13NH4+ were used to examine the adaptation to hypoxia (15, 35, and 50% O2 saturation) of root N uptake and metabolism in 3-week-old hydroponically grown rice (Oryza sativa L., cv IR72) seedlings. A time-dependence study of NH4+ influx into rice roots after onset of hypoxia (15% O2) revealed an initial increase in the first 1 to 2.5 h after treatment imposition, followed by a decline to less than 50% of influx in control plants by 4 d. Efflux analyses conducted 0, 1, 3, and 5 d after the treatment confirmed this adaptation pattern of NH4+ uptake. Half-lives for NH4+ exchange with subcellular compartments, cytoplasmic NH4+ concentrations, and efflux (as percentage of influx) were unaffected by hypoxia. However, significant differences were observed in the relative amounts of N allocated to NH4+ assimilation and the vacuole versus translocation to the shoot. Kinetic experiments conducted at 100, 50, 35, and 15% O2 saturation showed no significant change in the Km value for NH4+ uptake with varying O2 supply. However, Vmax was 42% higher than controls at 50% O2 saturation, unchanged at 35%, and 10% lower than controls at 15% O2. The significance of these flux adaptations is discussed.


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Hd6 is a quantitative trait locus involved in rice photoperiod sensitivity. It was detected in backcross progeny derived from a cross between the japonica variety Nipponbare and the indica variety Kasalath. To isolate a gene at Hd6, we used a large segregating population for the high-resolution and fine-scale mapping of Hd6 and constructed genomic clone contigs around the Hd6 region. Linkage analysis with P1-derived artificial chromosome clone-derived DNA markers delimited Hd6 to a 26.4-kb genomic region. We identified a gene encoding the α subunit of protein kinase CK2 (CK2α) in this region. The Nipponbare allele of CK2α contains a premature stop codon, and the resulting truncated product is undoubtedly nonfunctional. Genetic complementation analysis revealed that the Kasalath allele of CK2α increases days-to-heading. Map-based cloning with advanced backcross progeny enabled us to identify a gene underlying a quantitative trait locus even though it exhibited a relatively small effect on the phenotype.