998 resultados para reverse characteristics


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An atmospheric radio noise burst represents the radiation received from one complete lightning flash at the frequency to which a receiver is tuned and within the receiver bandwidth. At tropical latitudes, the principal source of interference in the frequency range from 0.1 to 10 MHz is the burst form of atmospheric radio noise. The structure of a burst shows several approximately rectangular pulses of random amplitude, duration and frequency of recurrence. The influence of the noise on data communication can only be examined when the value of the number of pulses crossing a certain amplitude threshold per unit time of the noise burst is known. A pulse rate counter designed for this purpose has been used at Bangalore (12°58′N, 77°35′E) to investigate the pulse characteristics of noise bursts at 3 MHz with a receiver bandwidth of 3.3 kHz/6d B. The results show that the number of pulses lying in the amplitude range between peak and quasi-peak values of the noise bursts and the burst duration corresponding to these pulses follow log normal distributions. The pulse rates deduced therefrom show certain correlation between the number of pulses and the duration of the noise burst. The results are discussed with a view to furnish necessary information for data communication.


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The time dependent response of a polar solvent to a changing charge distribution is studied in solvation dynamics. The change in the energy of the solute is measured by a time domain Stokes shift in the fluorescence spectrum of the solute. Alternatively, one can use sophisticated non-linear optical spectroscopic techniques to measure the energy fluctuation of the solute at equilibrium. In both methods, the measured dynamic response is expressed by the normalized solvation time correlation function, S(t). The latter is found to exhibit uniquefeatures reflecting both the static and dynamic characteristics of each solvent. For water, S(t) consists of a dominant sub-50 fs ultrafast component, followed by a multi-exponential decay. Acetonitrile exhibitsa sub-100 fs ultrafast component, followed by an exponential decay. Alcohols and amides show features unique to each solvent and solvent series. However, understanding and interpretation of these results have proven to be difficult, and often controversial. Theoretical studiesand computer simulations have greatly facilitated the understanding ofS(t) in simple systems. Recently solvation dynamics has been used extensively to explore dynamics of complex systems, like micelles and reverse micelles, protein and DNA hydration layers, sol-gel mixtures and polymers. In each case one observes rich dynamical features, characterized again by multi-exponential decays but the initial and final time constants are now widely separated. In this tutorial review, we discuss the difficulties in interpreting the origin of the observed behaviour in complex systems.


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A detailed account of the morphological, staining, penicillin sensitivity and serological peculiarities of five strains of an oxalate-decomposing bacterium including the well-recognized strain Vibrio extorquens, has been given. Inasmuch as all the strains share many of the characteristics of the genus Arthrobacter and not Vibrio the desirability of placing the bacterium in the former genus for the time being has been suggested. The possibility of the strains falling under an altogether new genus which represent a phylogenic link between the pseudomonads and diphtheroids has been speculated.


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Aspects of large-scale organized structures in sink flow turbulent and reverse-transitional boundary layers are studied experimentally using hot-wire anemometry. Each of the present sink flow boundary layers is in a state of 'perfect equilibrium' or 'exact self-preservation' in the sense of Townsend (The Structure of Turbulent Shear Flow, 1st and 2nd edns, 1956, 1976, Cambridge University Press) and Rotta (Progr. Aeronaut. Sci., vol. 2, 1962, pp. 1-220) and conforms to the notion of 'pure wall-flow' (Coles, J. Aerosp. Sci., vol. 24, 1957, pp. 495-506), at least for the turbulent cases. It is found that the characteristic inclination angle of the structure undergoes a systematic decrease with the increase in strength of the streamwise favourable pressure gradient. Detectable wall-normal extent of the structure is found to be typically half of the boundary layer thickness. Streamwise extent of the structure shows marked increase as the favourable pressure gradient is made progressively severe. Proposals for the typical eddy forms in sink flow turbulent and reverse-transitional flows are presented, and the possibility of structural self-organization (i.e. individual hairpin vortices forming streamwise coherent hairpin packets) in these flows is also discussed. It is further indicated that these structural ideas may be used to explain, from a structural viewpoint, the phenomenon of soft relaminarization or reverse transition of turbulent boundary layers when subjected to strong streamwise favourable pressure gradients. Taylor's 'frozen turbulence' hypothesis is experimentally shown to be valid for flows in the present study even though large streamwise accelerations are involved, the flow being even reverse transitional in some cases. Possible conditions, which are required to be satisfied for the safe use of Taylor's hypothesis in pressure-gradient-driven flows, are also outlined. Measured convection velocities are found to be fairly close to the local mean velocities (typically 90% or more) suggesting that the structure gets convected downstream almost along with the mean flow.


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The performance of a plate clutch in a two-inertia power transmission system is analysed assuming negligible compliance and using a piecewise linear function to represent the clutch torque characteristic. Expressions defining, for all linear segments of the clutch torque characteristic, dimensionless input and output velocities of the clutch and dimensionless slip period are presented. The use of these expressions in preparing design charts to aid analysis and design of the plate clutch is outlined.


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Precipitation involving mixing of two sets of reverse micellar solutions-containing a reactant and precipitant respectively-has been analyzed. Particle formation in such systems has been simulated by a Monte Carlo (MC) scheme (Li, Y.; Park, C. W. Langmuir 1999, 15, 952), which however is very restrictive in its approach. We have simulated particle formation by developing a general Monte Carlo scheme, using the interval of quiescence technique (IQ). It uses Poisson distribution with realistic, low micellar occupancies of reactants, Brownian collision of micelles with coalescence efficiency, fission of dimers with binomial redispersion of solutes, finite nucleation rate of particles with critical number of molecules, and instantaneous particle growth. With the incorporation of these features, the previous work becomes a special case of our simulation. The present scheme was then used to predict experimental data on two systems. The first is the experimental results of Lianos and Thomas (Chem. Phys. Lett. 1986, 125, 299, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1987, 117, 505) on formation of CdS nanoparticles. They reported the number of molecules in a particle as a function of micellar size and reactant concentrations, which have been predicted very well. The second is on the formation of Fe(OH)(3) nanoparticles, reported by Li and Park. Our simulation in this case provides a better prediction of the experimental particle size range than the prediction of the authors. The present simulation scheme is general and can be applied to explain nanoparticle formation in other systems.


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Experiments were conducted in water and wind tunnels on spheres in the Reynolds number range 6 x 10(3) to 6.5 x 10(5) to study the effect of natural ventilation on the boundary layer separation and near-wake Vortex shedding characteristics. In the subcritical range of Re (<2 x 10(5)), ventilation caused a marginal downstream shift in the location of laminar boundary layer separation; there was only a small change in the vortex shedding frequency. In the supercritical range (Re > 4 x 10(5)), ventilation caused a downstream shift in the mean locations of boundary layer separation and reattachment; these lines showed significant axisymmetry in the presence of venting. No distinct vortex shedding frequency was found. Instead, a dramatic reduction occurred in the wake unsteadiness at all frequencies. The reduction of wake unsteadiness is consistent with the reduction in total drag already reported. Based on the present results and those reported earlier, the effects of natural ventilation on the flow past a sphere can be categorized in two broad regimes, viz., weak and strong interaction regimes. In the weak interaction regime (subcritical Re), the broad features of the basic sphere are largely unaltered despite the large addition of mass in the near wake. Strong interaction is promoted by the closer proximity of the inner and outer shear layers at supercritical Re. This results in a modified and steady near-wake flow, characterized by reduced unsteadiness and small drag.


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Current-potential relationships are derived for porous electrode systems following a homogeneous model and whenadsorbed intermediates participate in the electrode reaction. Limiting Tafel slopes were deduced and compared with thecorresponding behavior on planar electrode systems. The theoretical results showed doubling of Tafel slopes when theslow-step is a charge-transfer reaction and a nonlogarithmic current-voltage behavior when the slow-step is a chemical reaction.Comparison of the experimental results with theory for the case of oxygen reduction on carbon surfaces in alkalinemedia indicates that a slow chemical reaction following the initial charge-transfer reaction to be the likely rate-controllingstep. Theoretical relationships are utilized to determine the exchange current density and the surface coverage by the adsorbedintermediates during the course of oxygen reduction from alkaline solutions on "carbon." Tafel slope measurementson planar and porous electrodes for the same reaction are suggested as one of the diagnostic criteria for elucidatingthe mechanistic pathways of electrochemical reactions.