892 resultados para reinforcement
L'objectif de cette thèse est de présenter différentes applications du programme de recherche de calcul conditionnel distribué. On espère que ces applications, ainsi que la théorie présentée ici, mènera à une solution générale du problème d'intelligence artificielle, en particulier en ce qui a trait à la nécessité d'efficience. La vision du calcul conditionnel distribué consiste à accélérer l'évaluation et l'entraînement de modèles profonds, ce qui est très différent de l'objectif usuel d'améliorer sa capacité de généralisation et d'optimisation. Le travail présenté ici a des liens étroits avec les modèles de type mélange d'experts. Dans le chapitre 2, nous présentons un nouvel algorithme d'apprentissage profond qui utilise une forme simple d'apprentissage par renforcement sur un modèle d'arbre de décisions à base de réseau de neurones. Nous démontrons la nécessité d'une contrainte d'équilibre pour maintenir la distribution d'exemples aux experts uniforme et empêcher les monopoles. Pour rendre le calcul efficient, l'entrainement et l'évaluation sont contraints à être éparse en utilisant un routeur échantillonnant des experts d'une distribution multinomiale étant donné un exemple. Dans le chapitre 3, nous présentons un nouveau modèle profond constitué d'une représentation éparse divisée en segments d'experts. Un modèle de langue à base de réseau de neurones est construit à partir des transformations éparses entre ces segments. L'opération éparse par bloc est implémentée pour utilisation sur des cartes graphiques. Sa vitesse est comparée à deux opérations denses du même calibre pour démontrer le gain réel de calcul qui peut être obtenu. Un modèle profond utilisant des opérations éparses contrôlées par un routeur distinct des experts est entraîné sur un ensemble de données d'un milliard de mots. Un nouvel algorithme de partitionnement de données est appliqué sur un ensemble de mots pour hiérarchiser la couche de sortie d'un modèle de langage, la rendant ainsi beaucoup plus efficiente. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse est au centre de la vision de calcul conditionnel distribué émis par Yoshua Bengio. Elle tente d'appliquer la recherche dans le domaine des mélanges d'experts aux modèles profonds pour améliorer leur vitesse ainsi que leur capacité d'optimisation. Nous croyons que la théorie et les expériences de cette thèse sont une étape importante sur la voie du calcul conditionnel distribué car elle cadre bien le problème, surtout en ce qui concerne la compétitivité des systèmes d'experts.
Les cultes isiaques se répandent autour du bassin méditerranéen entre le IVe s. av. et la fin du IVe s. apr. J.-C., arrivant à Rome au Ier siècle av. notre ère et y disparaissant conjointement aux cultes païens traditionnels avec ou peu après le coup porté par Théodose. Leur diffusion romaine s’étale donc sur une grande partie de l’histoire de l’Empire d’Occident, et ils vont ainsi se retrouver face à l’homme désormais considéré comme primus inter pares, grâce à l’accumulation de ses pouvoirs. L’empereur est pontifex maximus, c’est-à-dire maitre des cultes publics et du droit religieux, et il est ainsi l’agent du pouvoir qui a le potentiel religieux et législatif pour avoir un discours varié sur les autres traditions religieuses. Il semble donc inévitable que la sphère cultuelle isiaque rencontre et interagisse avec la sphère religieuse traditionnelle romaine, et que certains empereurs interfèrent, par renforcement ou au contraire par opposition, avec les cultes isiaques arrivés peu de temps avant l’avènement du pouvoir impérial. Cette thèse se propose non seulement d’étudier la dialectique entre institué romain (la force d’inertie) et instituant isiaque (la force de changements) dans la direction d’une potentielle altérité incluse (soit le dialogue évolutif du Nous par rapport à l’Autre), mais notamment par les liens publics romains et évolutifs entre l’empereur et les divinités isiaques. Nous effectuons cette recherche grâce à quatre types de sources antiques : la littérature pour le point de vue de l’élite littéraire gréco-romaine ; les inscriptions isiaques pour une définition surtout populaire de l’identité évolutive de l’instituant isiaque ; les monnaies et les oeuvres monumentales pour le point de vue public (et parfois plus personnel) impérial. Nous concentrons notre étude à partir de la dynastie sévérienne, qui laisse supposer que les cultes romano-orientaux profitent de la nouvelle configuration impériale avec des empereurs originaires d’Afrique et d’Orient, dans un phénomène d’« impérialisation » isiaque intensifié par un engagement tant impérial que populaire. En outre, nous nuancerons les conséquences sur la diffusion isiaque des troubles qui surviennent dans la deuxième moitié du IIIe siècle. Enfin, le IVe siècle, avec la christianisation de l’Empire et donc un christianisme devenant institué, ouvre sur une analyse des débats entre les défenseurs actifs du paganisme et les auteurs chrétiens, et de là, vers des interrogations sur l’intervention de la sphère isiaque dans ce face-à-face.
Réalisé en co-tutelle avec l'Université Paul-Valéry-Montpellier III.
Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) nanocomposites with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been prepared by a simple melt compounding method. With increasing concentration (0-3 wt %) of SWNTs, the mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties improved, corresponding to effective reinforcement. Melt rheological characterization indicated the effective entanglements provided by SWNTs in the melt state as well. Thermogravimetric analysis suggested no influence of SWNTs on the thermal stability of PET. Electrical conductivity measurements on the composite films pointed out that the melt compounded SWNTs can result in electrical percolation albeit at concentrations exceeding 2 wt %.
Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) based nanocomposites have been prepared with single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) through an ultrasound assisted dissolution-evaporation method. Differential scanning calorimetry studies showed that SWNTs nucleate crystallization in PET at weight fractions as low as 0.3%, as the nanocomposite melt crystallized during cooling at temperature 24 °C higher than neat PET of identical molecular weight. Isothermal crystallization studies also revealed that SWNTs significantly accelerate the crystallization process. Mechanical properties of the PETSWNT nanocomposites improved as compared to neat PET indicating the effective reinforcement provided by nanotubes in the polymer matrix. Electrical conductivity measurements on the nanocomposite films showed that SWNTs at concentrations exceeding 1 wt% in the PET matrix result in electrical percolation. Comparison of crystallization, conductivity and transmission electron microscopy studies revealed that ultrasound assisted dissolution-evaporation method enables more effective dispersion of SWNTs in the PET matrix as compared to the melt compounding method
Isora fibre-reinforced natural rubber (NR) composites were cured at 80, 100, 120 and 150°C using a low temperature curing accelerator system. Composites were also prepared using a conventional accelerator system and cured at 150°C. The swelling behavior of these composites at varying fibre loadings was studied in toluene and hexane. Results show that the uptake of solvent and volume fraction of rubber due to swelling was lower for the low temperature cured vulcanizates which is an indication of the better fibre/rubber adhesion. The uptake of aromatic solvent was higher than that of aliphatic solvent, for all the composites. As the fibre content increased, the solvent uptake decreased, due to the superior solvent resistance of the fibre and good fibre-rubber interactions. The bonding agent improved the swelling resistance of the composites due to the strong interfacial adhesion. Due to the improved adhesion between the fibre and rubber, the ratio of the change in volume fraction of rubber due to swelling to the volume fraction of rubber in the dry sample (V,) was found to decrease in the presence of bonding agent. At a fixed fibre loading, the alkali treated fibre composite showed a lower percentage swelling than untreated one for both systems showing superior rubber-fibre interactions.
Natural rubber/isora fibre composites were cured at various temperatures. The solvent swelling characteristics of natural rubber composites containing both untreated and alkali treated fibres were investigated in aromatic and aliphatic solvents like toluene, and n-hexane. The diffusion experiments were conducted by the sorption gravimetric method. The restrictions on elastomer swelling exerted by isora fibre as well as the anisotropy of swelling of the composite have been confirmed by this study. Composite cured at 100°C shows the lowest percentage swelling. The uptake of aromatic solvent is higher than that of aliphatic solvent for the composites cured at all temperatures. The effect of fibre loading on the swelling behaviour of the composite was also investigated in oils like petrol, diesel, lubricating oil etc. The % swelling index and swelling coefficient of the composite were found to decrease with increase in fibre loading. This is due to the increased hindrance exerted by the fibres at higher fibre loadings and also due to the good fibre-rubber interactions. Maximum uptake of solvent was observed with petrol followed by diesel and then lubricating oil. The presence of bonding agent in the composites restrict the swelling considerably due to the strong interfacial adhesion. At a fixed fibre loading, the alkali treated fibre composite showed lower percentage swelling compared to the untreated one.
A series of short-isora-fiber-reinforced natural rubber composites were prepared by the incorporation of fibers of different lengths (6, 10, and 14 mm) at 15 phr loading and at different concentrations (10, 20, 30, and 40 phr) with a 10 mm fiber length. Mixes were also prepared with 10 mm long fibers treated with a 5% NaOH solution. The vulcanization parameters, processability, and stress-strain properties of these composites were analyzed. Properties such as tensile strength, tear strength, and tensile modulus were found to be at maximum for composites containing longitudinally oriented fibers 10 mm in length. Mixes containing fiber loadings of 30 phr with bonding agent (resorcinol-formaldehyde [RF] resin) showed mechanical properties superior to all other composites. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies were carried out to investigate the fiber surface morphology, fiber pullout, and fiber-rubber interface. SEM studies showed that the bonding between the fiber and rubber was improved with treated fibers and with the use of bonding agent.
The present study deals with the short isora fibre reinforced natural rubber composites. In recent years there has been a tremendous advancement in the field of science and technology of short fibre reinforced polymer composites. The low density, high strength, high stiffness to weight ratio, excellent durability and design flexibility are the primary reasons for their use in many diversified fields such as air crafts, automobiles, marine industry etc. Compared to the various natural and synthetic fibres used as reinforcement for elastomer composites isora fibre is superior in many aspects. `Isora' is a natural lignocellulosic fibre which is easily available in South India especially in Kerala. The fibre is separated from the bark of the Helicteres isora plant by retting process. This fibre has excellent mechanical properties and is easily amenable to physical and chemical modifications. The study shows that composites with poor interfacial bonding tend to dissipate more energy than that with to interfacial bonding. The mechanical loss also can be related to interfacial bonding. The effect of chemical treatment of isora fibre on damping was also studied. Both in the low and high temperature region which indicates that this composite posseses low damping and hence good interfacial bonding characteristics. Hence these composites are better candidates for high damping applications. Composites with longitudinally oriented fibres showed high storage modulus than transversely oriented ones due to the effective stress transfer between fibre and matrix.
Nanoscale silica was synthesized by precipitation method using sodium silicate and dilute hydrochloric acid under controlled conditions. The synthesized silica was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), BET adsorption and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The particle size of silica was calculated to be 13 nm from the XRD results and the surface area was found to be 295 m2/g by BET method. The performance of this synthesized nanosilica as a reinforcing filler in natural rubber (NR) compound was investigated. The commercial silica was used as the reference material. Nanosilica was found to be effective reinforcing filler in natural rubber compound. Filler-matrix interaction was better for nanosilica than the commercial silica. The synthesized nanosilica was used in place of conventional silica in HRH (hexamethylene tetramine, resorcinol and silica) bonding system for natural rubber and styrene butadiene rubber / Nylon 6 short fiber composites. The efficiency of HRH bonding system based on nanosilica was better. Nanosilica was also used as reinforcing filler in rubber / Nylon 6 short fiber hybrid composite. The cure, mechanical, ageing, thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of nanosilica / Nylon 6 short fiber / elastomeric hybrid composites were studied in detail. The matrices used were natural rubber (NR), nitrile rubber (NBR), styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) and chloroprene rubber (CR). Fiber loading was varied from 0 to 30 parts per hundred rubber (phr) and silica loading was varied from 0 to 9 phr. Hexa:Resorcinol:Silica (HRH) ratio was maintained as 2:2:1. HRH loading was adjusted to 16% of the fiber loading. Minimum torque, maximum torque and cure time increased with silica loading. Cure rate increased with fiber loading and decreased with silica content. The hybrid composites showed improved mechanical properties in the presence of nanosilica. Tensile strength showed a dip at 10 phr fiber loading in the case of NR and CR while it continuously increased with fiber loading in the case of NBR and SBR. The nanosilica improved the tensile strength, modulus and tear strength better than the conventional silica. Abrasion resistance and hardness were also better for the nanosilica composites. Resilience and compression set were adversely affected. Hybrid composites showed anisotropy in mechanical properties. Retention in ageing improved with fiber loading and was better for nanosilica-filled hybrid composites. The nanosilica also improved the thermal stability of the hybrid composite better than the commercial silica. All the composites underwent two-step thermal degradation. Kinetic studies showed that the degradation of all the elastomeric composites followed a first-order reaction. Dynamic mechanical analysis revealed that storage modulus (E’) and loss modulus (E”) increased with nanosiica content, fiber loading and frequency for all the composites, independent of the matrix. The highest rate of increase was registered for NBR rubber.
The present study aimed at critically looking at the current practice of the installation of compacted clay liner using bentonite enhanced sand (BES). The application of bentonite is currently the most accepted practice for lining purposes. The ideal bentonite sand combination, which satisfies the liner requirements is 20% bentonite and 80% sand, was selected as one of the liner materials for the investigation of development of desiccation cracks. Locally available sundried marine clay and its combination with bentonite were also included in the study. The desiccation tests on liner materials were conducted for wet/dry cycles to simulate the seasonal variations. Digital image processing techniques were used to measure the crack intensity factor (CIF), a useful and effective parameter for quantification of desiccation cracking. The repeatability of the tests could be well established, as the variation in CIF values of identical samples had a very narrow range of 0 to 2%. The studies on the development of desiccation cracks showed that the CIF of bentonite enhanced sand mixture (BES) was 18.09%, 39.75% and 21.22% for the first, second and third cycles respectively, while it was only 9.83%, 7.52% and 4.58% respectively for sun dried marine clay (SMC). Thus the locally available, alternate liner material suggested, viz SMC, is far superior to BES, when subjected to alternate wet/dry cycles. Further, the improvement of these liner materials when amended with randomly distributed fibre reinforcements was also investigated. Three types of fibres ,namely nylon fibre, polypropylene monofilament and polypropylene fibre mesh were used for the study of fibre amended BES and SMC.The influence of these amendments on the properties of the above liner materials is also studied. The results showed that there is definite improvement in the properties of the liner materials when it is reinforced with discrete random fibres. The study also proved that the desiccation cracks could be controlled with the help of fibre reinforcement.
Short fiber reinforced thermoplastics have generated much interest these days since fibrous materials tend to increase both mechanical and thermal properties, such as tensile strength, flexural strength, flexural modulus, heat deflection temperature, creep resistance, and some times impact strength of thermoplastics. If the matrix and reinforcement are both based on polymers the composite are recyclable. The rheological behavior of recyclable composites based on nylon fiber reinforced polypropylene (PP) is reported in this paper. The rheological behavior was evaluated both using a capillary rheometer and a torque rheometer. The study showed that the composite became pseudoplastic with fiber content and hence fiber addition did not affect processing adversely at higher shear rates. The torque rheometer data resembled that obtained from the capillary rheometer. The energy of mixing and activation energy of mixing also did not show much variation from that of PP alone.
Chemically modified novel thermo-reversible zinc sulphonated ionomers based on natural rubber (NR), radiation induced styrene grafted natural rubber (RI-SGNR), and chemically induced styrene grafted natural rubber (CI-SGNR) were synthesized using acetyl sulphate/zinc acetate reagent system. Evidence for the attachment of sulphonate groups has been furnished by FTIR spectra. which was supplanted by FTNMR results. Estimation of the zinc sulphonate group was done using spectroscopic techniques such as XRFS and ICPAES. The TGA results prove improvement in the therrno-oxidative stability of the modified natural rubber. Both DSC and DMTA studies show that the incorporation of the ionic groups affect the thermal transition of the base polymer. Retention of the improved physical properties of the novel ionomers even after three repeated cycles of mastication and molding at 120 degree C may be considered as the evidence for the reprocessabiJity of the ionomer. Effect of both particulate (carbon black. silica & zinc stearate) and fibrous fillers (nylon & glass) on the properties of the radiation induced styrene grafted natural rubber ionomer has been evaluated. Incorporation of HAF carbon black results in maximum improvement in physical properties. Silica reinforces the backbone chain and weakens the ionic associations. Zinc stearate plays the dual role of reinforcement and ptasticization. The nylon and glass filled lonorner compounds show good improvement in the physical properties in comparison with the neat ionomer. Dispersion and adhesion of the fillers in the ionomer matrix has been amply supported by their SEM micrographs. Microwave probing of the electrical behavior of the 26.5 ZnSRISGNR ionomer reveals that the maximum relative complex conductivity and the complex permittivity appear at the frequency of 2.6 GHz. The complex conductivity of the base polymer increases from 1.8x 10.12 S/cm to 3.3xlO·4 S/cm. Influence of fillers on the dielectric constant and conductivity of the new ionic thermoplastic elastomer has been studied. The ionomer I nylon compound shows the highest microwave conductivity. Use of the 26.5 ZnS-RISGNR ionomer as a compatibilizer for obtaining the technologically compatible blends from the immiscible SBR/NBR system has been verified. The heat fugitive ionic cross-linked natural rubber may be, therefore, useful as an alternative to vulcanized rubber and thermoplastic elastomer
The thesis describes utilisation of reclaimed rubber, Whole Tyre Reclaim (WTR) produced from bio non- degradable solid pollutant scrap and used tyres. In this study an attempt has made to optimize the substitution of virgin rubber with WTR in both natural and synthetic rubber compounds without seriously compromising the important mechanical properties. The WTR is used as potent source of rubber hydrocarbon and carbon black filler. Apart from natural rubber (NR), Butadiene rubber (BR), Styrene butadiene rubber (SBR), Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) and Chloroprene rubber (CR) were selected for study, being the most widely used general purpose and specialty rubbers. The compatibility problem was addressed by functionalisation of WTR with maleic anhydride and by using a coupling agent Si69.The blends were systematically evaluated with respect to various mechanical properties. The thermogravimetric analyses were also carried out to evaluate the thermal stability of the blends.Mechanical properties of the blends were property and matrix dependant. Presence of reinforcing carbon black filler and curatives in the reclaimed rubber improved the mechanical properties with the exception of some of the elastic properties like heat build up, resilience, compression set. When WTR was blended with natural rubber and synthetic rubbers, as the concentration of the low molecular weight, depolymerised WfR was increased above 46-weight percent, the properties deteriorates.When WTR was blended with crystallizing rubbers such as natural rubber and chloroprene rubber, properties like tensile strength, ultimate elongation were decreased in presence of WTR. Where as in the case of blends of WTR with non-crystallizing rubbers reinforcement effect was more prominent.The effect of functionalisation and coupling agent was studied in three matrices having different levels of polarity(NBR, CR and SBR).The grafting of maleic anhydride on to WTR definitely improved the properties of its blends with NBR, CR and SBR, the effect being prominent in Chloroprene rubber.Improvement in properties of these blends could also achieved by using a coupling agent Si69. With this there is apparent plasticizing effect at higher loading of the coupling agent. The optimum concentration of Si69 was 1 phr for improved properties, though the improvements are not as significant as in the case of maleic anhydride grafting.Thermal stability of the blend was increased by using silane-coupling agent.
The study shows that standard plastics like polypropylene and high density polyethylene can be reinforced by adding nylon short fibres. Compared to the conventional glass reinforced thermoplastics this novel class of reinforced thermoplastics has the major advantage of recyclability. Hence such composites represent a new spectrum of recyclable polymer composites. The fibre length and fibre diameter used for reinforcement are critical parameters While there is a critical fibre length below which no effective reinforcement takes place, the reinforcement improves when the fibre diameter decreases due to increased surface area.While the fibres alone give moderate reinforcement, chemical modification of the matrix can further improve the strength and modulus of the composites. Maleic anhydride grafting in presence of styrene was found to be the most efficient chemical modification. While the fibre addition enhances the viscosity of the melt at lower shear rates, the enhancement at higher shear rate is only marginal. This shows that processing of the composite can be done in a similar way to that of the matrix polymer in high shear operations such as injection moulding. Another significant observation is the decrease in melt viscosity of the composite upon grafting. Thus chemical modification of matrix makes processing of the composite easier in addition to improving the mechanical load bearing capacity.For the development of a useful short fibre composite, selection of proper materials, optimum design with regard to the particular product and choosing proper processing parameters are most essential. Since there is a co-influence of many parameters, analytical solutions are difficult. Hence for selecting proper processing parameters 'rnold flow' software was utilized. The orientation of the fibres, mechanical properties, temperature profile, shrinkage, fill time etc. were determined using the software.Another interesting feature of the nylon fibre/PP and nylon fibre/HDPE composites is their thermal behaviour. Both nylon and PP degrade at the same temperature in single steps and hence the thermal degradation behaviour of the composites is also being predictable. It is observed that the thermal behaviour of the matrix or reinforcement does not affect each other. Almost similar behaviour is observed in the case of nylon fibre/HDPE composites. Another equally significant factor is the nucleating effect of nylon fibre when the composite melt cools down. In the presence of the fibre the onset of crystallization occurs at slightly higher temperature.When the matrix is modified by grafting, the onset of crystallization occurs at still higher temperature. Hence it may be calculated that one reason for the improvement in mechanical behaviour of the composite is the difference in crystallization behaviour of the matrix in presence of the fibre.As mentioned earlier, a major advantage of these composites is their recyclability. Two basic approaches may be employed for recycling namely, low temperature recycling and high temperature recycling. In the low temperature recycling, the recycling is done at a temperature above the melting point of the matrix, but below that of the fibres while in the high temperature route. the recycling is done at a temperature above the melting points of both matrix and fibre. The former is particularly interesting in that the recycled material has equal or even better mechanical properties compared to the initial product. This is possible because the orientation of the fibre can improve with successive recycling. Hence such recycled composites can be used for the same applications for which the original composite was developed. In high temperature recycling, the composite is converted into a blend and hence the properties will be inferior to that of the original composite, but will be higher than that of the matrix material alone.