656 resultados para refraction


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To validate clinically an algorithm for correcting the error in the keratometric estimation of corneal power by using a variable keratometric index of refraction (nk) in a normal healthy population.


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We report on a procedure to improve the resolution of far-field imaging by using a neighboring high-index medium that is coated with a left-handed metamaterial. The resulting plot can also exhibit an enhanced transmission by considering proper conditions to retract backscattering. Based on negative refraction, geometrical aberrations are considered in detail since they may cause a great impact in this sort of diffraction-unlimited imaging by reducing its resolution power. We employ a standard aberration analysis to refine the asymmetric configuration of metamaterial superlenses. We demonstrate that low-order centrosymmetric aberrations can be fully corrected for a given object plane. For subwavelength-resolution imaging, however, high-order aberrations become of relevance, which may be balanced with defocus. Not only the point spread function but also numerical simulations based on the finite-element method support our theoretical analysis, and subwavelength resolution is verified in the image plane.


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We show that subwavelength diffracted wave fields may be managed inside multilayered plasmonic devices to achieve ultra-resolving lensing. For that purpose we first transform both homogeneous waves and a broad band of evanescent waves into propagating Bloch modes by means of a metal/dielectric (MD) superlattice. Beam spreading is subsequently compensated by means of negative refraction in a plasmon-induced anisotropic effective-medium that is cemented behind. A precise design of the superlens doublet may lead to nearly aberration-free images with subwavelength resolution in spite of using optical paths longer than a wavelength.


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Objective: To evaluate the visual and refractive outcomes after phacoemulsification surgery in eyes with isolated lens coloboma. Design: Prospective, consecutive case series. Participants: Eighteen eyes with isolated lens coloboma of 13 patients were included in the study. Mean patient age was 13.9 ± 6.5 years. Methods: Patients underwent phacoemulsification surgery, with combined implantation of capsular tension ring (CTR) and intraocular lens. In colobomas of less than 120°, a CTR was used, whereas in colobomas of more than 120°, a Cionni-modified single eyelet CTR was used to achieve better capsular centration. The main outcome measures were uncorrected distance visual acuity, corrected distance visual acuity, refraction, and keratometry. Results: Mean logMAR uncorrected distance visual acuity and corrected distance visual acuity improved significantly from 1.53 ± 0.35 and 1.02 ± 0.47 before surgery to 0.67 ± 0.51 and 0.52 ± 0.49 at the last visit of the follow-up (p < 0.001). Mean refractive cylinder and spherical equivalent decreased significantly from –6.73 ± 1.73 and –6.72 ± 4.07 D preoperatively to –1.40 ± 1.39 and –0.83 ± 1.31 D at the end of the follow-up (p = 0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively). Mean keratometric astigmatism at preoperative and postoperative visits were 1.58 ± 0.97 and 1.65 ± 0.94 D, respectively (p = 0.70). Conclusions: Phacoemulsification with CTR and intraocular lens implantation is an effective and safe option for providing a refractive correction and a significant visual improvement in eyes with isolated lens coloboma.


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Purpose To evaluate visual, optical, and quality of life (QoL) outcomes and intercorrelations after bilateral implantation of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lenses. Methods Twenty eyes with high to moderate myopia of 10 patients that underwent PRL implantation (Phakic Refractive Lens, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG) were examined. Refraction, visual acuity, photopic and low mesopic contrast sensitivity (CS) with and without glare, ocular aberrations, as well as QoL outcomes (National Eye Institute Refractive Error Quality of Life Instrument-42, NEI RQL-42) were evaluated at 12 months postoperatively. Results Significant improvement in uncorrected (UDVA) and best-corrected distance (CDVA) visual acuities were found postoperatively (p < 0.01), with significant reduction in spherical equivalent (p < 0.01). Low mesopic CS without glare was significantly better than measurements with glare for 1.5, 3, and 6 cycles/degree (p < 0.01). No significant correlations between higher order root mean square (RMS) with CDVA (r = −0.26, p = 0.27) and CS (r ≤ 0.45, p ≥ 0.05) were found. Postoperative binocular photopic CS for 12 cycles/degree and 18 cycles/degree correlated significantly with several RQL-42 scales. Glare index correlated significantly with CS measures and scotopic pupil size (r = −0.551, p = 0.04), but not with higher order RMS (r = −0.02, p = 0.94). Postoperative higher order RMS, postoperative primary coma and postoperative spherical aberration was significant higher for 5-mm pupil diameter (p < 0.01) compared with controls. Conclusions Correction of moderate to high myopia by means of PRL implantation had a positive impact on CS and QoL. The aberrometric increase induced by the surgery does not seem to limit CS and QoL. However, perception of glare is still a relevant disturbance in some cases possibly related to the limitation of the optical zone of the PRL.


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Background To evaluate the 3-year clinical outcomes after toric implantable collamer lens (ICL) implantation for the management of moderate to high myopic astigmatism. Methods Thirty-four eyes of 20 patients who underwent toric ICL implantation were reviewed. All eyes completed 3-year follow-up. Uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected (CDVA) distance LogMAR visual acuities, refraction, endothelial cell density (ECD), and surgical complications were evaluated. Vectorial analysis of astigmatic correction was also done. Results A significant improvement in UDVA, CDVA, manifest spherical and cylindrical refraction was observed at 1 week and remained stable after 3 years. Twenty-six eyes (76.5 %) gained lines of CDVA, and two eyes (5.9 %) showed a loss of 1 line of CDVA. The spherical equivalent (SE) was within ±0.50 D of emmetropia in 18 eyes (52.9 %) and within ±1.00 D in 28 eyes (82.4 %). Differences between target-induced astigmatism (TIA) and surgically-induced astigmatism (SIA) were statistically significant (p < 0.01), and a trend to undercorrection of the refractive astigmatism was present after 3 years. The magnitude of flattening effect (FE) was found to be significantly lower than the magnitude of TIA (p < 0.01). The magnitude of the torque vector was always positive, with a value below 0.50 D in all cases. No vision-threatening complications were observed during the follow-up. Conclusion Toric ICL implantation is an effective and safe surgical option that provides a relatively predictable and stable refractive correction of myopic astigmatism. Further improvements are needed to minimize the degree of undercorrection.


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Purpose. To evaluate theoretically in normal eyes the influence on IOL power (PIOL) calculation of the use of a keratometric index (nk) and to analyze and validate preliminarily the use of an adjusted keratometric index (nkadj) in the IOL power calculation (PIOLadj). Methods. A model of variable keratometric index (nkadj) for corneal power calculation (Pc) was used for IOL power calculation (named PIOLadj). Theoretical differences ($PIOL) between the new proposed formula (PIOLadj) and which is obtained through Gaussian optics (PIOL Gauss) were determined using Gullstrand and Le Grand eye models. The proposed new formula for IOL power calculation (PIOLadj) was prevalidated clinically in 81 eyes of 81 candidates for corneal refractive surgery and compared with Haigis, HofferQ, Holladay, and SRK/T formulas. Results. A theoretical PIOL underestimation greater than 0.5 diopters was present in most of the cases when nk = 1.3375 was used. If nkadj was used for Pc calculation, a maximal calculated error in $PIOL of T0.5 diopters at corneal vertex in most cases was observed independently from the eye model, r1c, and the desired postoperative refraction. The use of nkadj in IOL power calculation (PIOLadj) could be valid with effective lens position optimization nondependent of the corneal power. Conclusions. The use of a single value of nk for Pc calculation can lead to significant errors in PIOL calculation that may explain some IOL power overestimations with conventional formulas. These inaccuracies can be minimized by using the new PIOLadj based on the algorithm of nkadj.


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Purpose: To report the successful outcome obtained after fitting a new hybrid contact lens in a cornea with an area of donor-host misalignment and significant levels of irregular astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). Materials and methods: A 41-year-old female with bilateral asymmetric keratoconus underwent PKP in her left eye due to the advanced status of the disease. One year after surgery, the patient referred a poor visual acuity and quality in this eye. The fitting of different types of rigid gas permeable contact lenses was performed, but with an unsuccessful outcome due to contact lens stability problems and uncomfortable wear. Scheimpflug imaging evaluation revealed that a donor-host misalignment was present at the nasal area. Contact lens fitting with a reverse geometry hybrid contact lens (Clearkone, SynergEyes Carlsbad) was then fitted. Visual, refractive, and ocular aberrometric outcomes were evaluated during a 1-year period after the fitting. Results: Uncorrected distance visual acuity improved from a prefitting value of 20/200 to a best corrected postfitting value of 20/20. Prefitting manifest refraction was +5.00 sphere and -5.50 cylinder at 75°, with a corrected distance visual acuity of 20/30. Higher order root mean square (RMS) for a 5 mm pupil changed from a prefitting value of 6.83 µm to a postfitting value of 1.57 µm (5 mm pupil). The contact lens wearing was referred as comfortable, with no anterior segment alterations. Conclusion: The SynergEyes Clearkone contact lens seems to be another potentially useful option for the visual rehabilitation after PKP, especially in cases of donor-host misalignment.


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Purpose: To evaluate the correlation of the magnitude of corneal toricity and power vector components of both corneal surfaces measured with a Scheimpflug photography-based system. Methods: A total of 117 healthy normal eyes of 117 subjects selected randomly with ages ranging from 7 to 80 years were included. All eyes received an anterior segment and corneal analysis with the Sirius system (CSO) evaluating the anterior and posterior mean toricity for 3 and 7 mm (aAST and pAST). The vector components J0 and J45 as well as the overall strength blur (B) were calculated for each keratometric measurement using the procedure defined by Thibos and Horner. Results: The coefficient of correlation between aAST and pAST was 0.52 and 0.62 and the mean anteroposterior ratio for toricity was 0.46 ± 0.39 and 0.57 ± 0.75 for 3 and 7 mm, respectively. These ratios correlated significantly with aAST, anterior corneal J0, and manifest refraction J0 (r ≥ 0.39, P < 0.01). The coefficient of correlation was 0.69 and 0.81 between anterior and posterior J0 for 3 and 7 mm, respectively. For J45, the coefficients were 0.62 and 0.71, respectively. The linear regression analysis revealed that the pAST and power vectors could be predicted from the anterior corneal data (R2 ≥ 0.40, P < 0.01). Conclusions: The toricity and astigmatic power vector components of the posterior corneal surface in the human healthy eye are related to those of the anterior and therefore can be predicted consistently from the anterior toricity and astigmatic power vectors.


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Purpose: To evaluate the influence of the difference between preoperative corneal and refractive astigmatism [ocular residual astigmatism (ORA)] on outcomes obtained after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery for correction of myopic astigmatism using the solid-state laser technology. Methods: One hundred one consecutive eyes with myopia or myopic astigmatism of 55 patients undergoing LASIK surgery using the Pulzar Z1 solid-state laser (CustomVis Laser Pty Ltd, currently CV Laser) were included. Visual and refractive changes at 6 months postoperatively and changes in ORA and anterior corneal astigmatism and posterior corneal astigmatism (PCA) were analyzed. Results: Postoperatively, uncorrected distance visual acuity improved significantly (P < 0.01). Likewise, refractive cylinder magnitude and spherical equivalent were reduced significantly (P < 0.01). In contrast, no significant changes were observed in ORA magnitude (P = 0.81) and anterior corneal astigmatism (P = 0.12). The mean overall efficacy and safety indices were 0.96 and 1.01, respectively. These indices were not correlated with preoperative ORA (r = −0.15, P = 0.15). Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between ORA (r = 0.81, P < 0.01) and PCA postoperatively, but not preoperatively (r = 0.12, P = 0.25). Likewise, a significant correlation of ORA with manifest refraction was only found postoperatively (r = −0.38, P < 0.01). Conclusions: The magnitude of ORA does not seem to be a predictive factor of efficacy and safety of myopic LASIK using a solid-state laser platform. The higher relevance of PCA after surgery in some cases may explain the presence of unexpected astigmatic residual refractive errors.


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Purpose: To report a very successful outcome obtained with the fitting of a new-generation hybrid contact lens of reverse geometry in a thin cornea with extreme irregularity due to the presence of a central island after unsuccessful myopic excimer laser refractive surgery. Methods: A 32-year-old man attended to our clinic complaining of very poor vision in his right eye after bilateral laser in situ keratomileusis (treatment or surgery) for myopia correction and some additional retreatments afterward. After a comprehensive ocular evaluation, contact lens fitting with a reverse geometry hybrid contact lens (SynergEyes PS, SynergEyes, Carlsbad, CA) was proposed as a solution for this case. Visual, refractive, and ocular aberrometric outcomes with the contact lens were evaluated. Results: Distance visual acuity improved from a prefitting uncorrected value of 20/200 to a postfitting corrected value of 20/16. Prefitting manifest refraction was +6.00 sphere and −3.00 cylinder at 70°, with a corrected distance visual acuity of 20/40. Higher order root mean square for a 5-mm pupil changed from a prefitting value of 1.45 to 0.34 µm with the contact lens. The contact lens wearing was reported as comfortable, and the patient was very satisfied with this solution. Conclusions: The SynergEyes PS contact lens seems to be an excellent option for the visual rehabilitation of corneas with extreme irregularity after myopic excimer laser surgery, minimizing the level of higher order aberrations and providing an excellent visual outcome.


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This case report reports the visual rehabilitation obtained with the fitting of a new design of full scleral contact lens (ICD 16.5 contact lens, Paragon Vision Sciences, distributed by Lenticon, Madrid, Spain) in a cornea with advanced keratoconus and previous implantation of intracorneal ring segment with a very limited effect. This eye had a refraction of –3.00 × 55° cylinder, providing a visual acuity of 0.5 LogMAR. The topographic pattern was very irregular with the presence of a significant central protrusion and a significant central corneal thinning. Some previous unsuccessful fittings have been performed with corneal and corneal-scleral lenses. A comfortable wearing was achieved with a fully scleral contact lens of 4600 μm of sagittal height, optical power of –11.25 D, and providing an apical clearance of 196 μm. A visual acuity of 0.0 LogMAR combined with a relevant aberrometric improvement was achieved with this contact lens. The patient was completely satisfied with the fitting. The result was maintained during 1 year after the fitting. Full scleral lenses are then able to provide comfortable wear and a significant increase in visual acuity combined with a significant improvement in the visual quality in eyes with advanced keratoconus.


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We present a purposeful initiative to open new grounds for teaching Geometrical Optics. It is based on the creation of an innovative education networking involving academic staff from three Spanish universities linked together around Optics. Nowadays, students demand online resources such as innovative multimedia tools for complementing the understanding of their studies. Geometrical Optics relies on basics of light phenomena like reflection and refraction and the use of simple optical elements such as mirrors, prisms, lenses, and fibers. The mathematical treatment is simple and the equations are not too complicated. But from our long time experience in teaching to undergraduate students, we realize that important concepts are missed by these students because they do not work ray tracing as they should do. Moreover, Geometrical Optics laboratory is crucial by providing many short Optics experiments and thus stimulating students interest in the study of such a topic. Multimedia applications help teachers to cover those student demands. In that sense, our educational networking shares and develops online materials based on 1) video-tutorials of laboratory experiences and of ray tracing exercises, 2) different online platforms for student self-examinations and 3) computer assisted geometrical optics exercises. That will result in interesting educational synergies and promote student autonomy for learning Optics.


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The volume size of a converging wave, which plays a relevant role in image resolution, is governed by the wavelength of the radiation and the numerical aperture (NA) of the wavefront. We designed an ultrathin (λ/8 width) curved metasurface that is able to transform a focused field into a high-NA optical architecture, thus boosting the transverse and (mainly) on-axis resolution. The elements of the metasurface are metal-insulator subwavelength gratings exhibiting extreme anisotropy with ultrahigh index of refraction for TM polarization. Our results can be applied to nanolithography and optical microscopy.


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This heavily illustrated notebook contains entries on the following topics, among others: geography; mensuration; navigation and the history of navigation; "the use of Gunter's Scale in plain sailing;" compasses; quadrants and their use; "the refraction of the stars observed by the famous Tycho Brahe;" the latitude and longitude of coasts in America, Europe, and Africa; oceans and islands; mountains and "burning mountains" (volcanoes); rivers and lakes; forests and deserts; maps and sea charts; and the uses of geometry and other measurements by carpenters, joiners, painters, glaziers, masons, and bricklayers. Many pages contain navigational problems and their detailed solutions, as well as chronologies of global exploration and lists of all known rivers, mountains, and other geographic features across the world, many with vivid descriptions. The last pages of the notebook contain entries made in December of 1743 regarding celestial measurements Prince took in Stratford, Connecticut, where he was staying with his brother.