964 resultados para reatividade cardiovascular
l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRMC) est une technologie utilisée depuis les aimées quatre¬-vingts dans le monde de la cardiologie. Cette technique d'imagerie non-invasive permet d'acquérir Ses images du coeur en trois dimensions, dans n'importe quel, plan, sans application de radiation, et en haute résolution. Actuellement, cette technique est devenue un référence dans l'évaluation et 'l'investigation de différentes pathologies cardiaques. La morphologie cardiaque, la fonction des ventricules ainsi que leur contraction, la perfusion tissulaire ainsi que la viabilité tissulaire peuvent être caractérisés en utilisant différentes séquences d'imagerie. Cependant, cette technologie repose sur des principes physiques complexes et la mise en pratique de cette technique se heurte à la difficulté d'évaluer un organe en mouvement permanent. L'IRM cardiaque est donc sujette à différents artefacts qui perturbent l'interprétation des examens et peuvent diminuer la précision diagnostique de cette technique. A notre connaissance, la plupart des images d'IRMC sont analysées et interprétées sans évaluation rigoureuse de la qualité intrinsèque de l'examen. Jusqu'à présent, et à notre connaissance, aucun critère d'évaluation de la qualité des examens d'IRMC n'a été clairement déterminé. L'équipe d'IRMC du CHUV, dirigée par le Prof J. Schwitter, a recensé une liste de 35 critères qualitatifs et 12 critères quantitatifs évaluant la qualité d'un examen d'IRMC et les a introduit dans une grille d'évaluation. L'objet de cette étude est de décrire et de valider la reproductibilité des critères figurant dans cette grille d'évaluation, par l'interprétation simultanée d'examens IRMC par différents observateurs (cardiologues spécialisés en IRM, étudiant en médecine, infirmière spécialisée). Notre étude a permis de démontrer que les critères définis pour l'évaluation des examens d'IRMC sont robustes, et permettent une bonne reproductibilité intra- et inter-observateurs. Cette étude valide ainsi l'utilisation de ces critères de qualité dans le cadre de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique cardiaque. D'autres études sont encore nécessaires afin de déterminer l'impact de la qualité de l'image sur la précision diagnostique de cette technique. Les critères standardisés que nous avons validés seront utilisés pour évaluer la qualité des images dans le cadre d'une étude à échelle européenne relative à l'IRMC : "l'EuroCMR registry". Parmi les autres utilités visées par ces critères de qualité, citons notamment la possibilité d'avoir une référence d'évaluation de la qualité d'examen pour toutes les futures études cliniques utilisant la technologie d'IRMC, de permettre aux centres d'IRMC de quantifier leur niveau de qualité, voire de créer un certificat de standard de qualité pour ces centres, d'évaluer la reproductibilité de l'évaluation des images par différents observateurs d'un même centre, ou encore d'évaluer précisément la qualité des séquences développées à l'avenir dans le monde de l'IRMC.
A acidez do solo é um dos principais fatores limitantes na produção agrícola. O calcário é o corretivo mais utilizado, porém tem lenta mobilidade no perfil do solo, sendo lenta a correção além da camada de incorporação. Por isso, outros produtos têm sido testados para a correção da acidez, como os silicatos, ou para a amenização de seus efeitos em camadas de solo mais profundas, como o gesso. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar o efeito do calcário, gesso e silicatos quanto à sua capacidade de fornecer Ca, Mg, Si e corrigir o pH do solo em profundidade. Foram utilizadas amostras de um Neossolo Quartzarênico Órtico típico coletado sob mata natural com baixos teores de Ca e Mg trocáveis e acidez elevada. Foram montados lisímetros, divididos em 12 anéis de 5 cm, que foram preenchidos pelo solo amostrado, incorporando-se, no primeiro anel (0-5 cm), o equivalente a 500 e 1.000 kg ha-1 de Ca, na forma de silicato de cálcio (Wollastonita), silicato de Ca e Mg, termofosfato, calcário comercial (calcítico) e gesso agrícola, num delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. As colunas de solo foram incubadas por quarenta dias, aplicando-se o equivalente a 2.000 mm de água destilada (cinco vezes/semana) durante os quarenta dias de incubação. Determinaram-se o pH CaCl2, Ca e Mg trocáveis e Si disponível. O gesso aumentou os teores de Ca em todo o perfil do solo, mas não corrigiu a acidez. Os silicatos corrigiram a acidez do solo e aumentaram os teores de Ca trocável com maior eficiência que o calcário. A aplicação de silicato de Ca e Mg e de termofosfato aumentou a concentração de Mg no solo até à profundidade de 25 cm. O Si foi carreado até às camadas mais profundas dos lisímetros (55 cm), independentemente da fonte de Si utilizada.
Physical activity and pregnancy: cardiovascular adaptations, recommendations and pregnancy outcomes.
Regular physical activity is associated with improved physiological, metabolic and psychological parameters, and with reduced risk of morbidity and mortality. Current recommendations aimed at improving the health and well-being of nonpregnant subjects advise that an accumulation of > or =30 minutes of moderate physical activity should occur on most, if not all, days of the week. Regardless of the specific physiological changes induced by pregnancy, which are primarily developed to meet the increased metabolic demands of mother and fetus, pregnant women benefit from regular physical activity the same way as nonpregnant subjects. Changes in submaximal oxygen uptake (VO(2)) during pregnancy depend on the type of exercise performed. During maternal rest or submaximal weight-bearing exercise (e.g. walking, stepping, treadmill exercise), absolute maternal VO(2) is significantly increased compared with the nonpregnant state. The magnitude of change is approximately proportional to maternal weight gain. When pregnant women perform submaximal weight-supported exercise on land (e.g. level cycling), the findings are contradictory. Some studies reported significantly increased absolute VO(2), while many others reported unchanged or only slightly increased absolute VO(2) compared with the nonpregnant state. The latter findings may be explained by the fact that the metabolic demand of cycle exercise is largely independent of the maternal body mass, resulting in no absolute VO(2) alteration. Few studies that directly measured changes in maternal maximal VO(2) (VO(2max)) showed no difference in the absolute VO(2max) between pregnant and nonpregnant subjects in cycling, swimming or weight-bearing exercise. Efficiency of work during exercise appears to be unchanged during pregnancy in non-weight-bearing exercise. During weight-bearing exercise, the work efficiency was shown to be improved in athletic women who continue exercising and those who stop exercising during pregnancy. When adjusted for weight gain, the increased efficiency is maintained throughout the pregnancy, with the improvement being greater in exercising women. Regular physical activity has been proven to result in marked benefits for mother and fetus. Maternal benefits include improved cardiovascular function, limited pregnancy weight gain, decreased musculoskeletal discomfort, reduced incidence of muscle cramps and lower limb oedema, mood stability, attenuation of gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational hypertension. Fetal benefits include decreased fat mass, improved stress tolerance, and advanced neurobehavioural maturation. In addition, few studies that have directly examined the effects of physical activity on labour and delivery indicate that, for women with normal pregnancies, physical activity is accompanied with shorter labour and decreased incidence of operative delivery. However, a substantial proportion of women stop exercising after they discover they are pregnant, and only few begin participating in exercise activities during pregnancy. The adoption or continuation of a sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy may contribute to the development of certain disorders such as hypertension, maternal and childhood obesity, gestational diabetes, dyspnoea, and pre-eclampsia. In view of the global epidemic of sedentary behaviour and obesity-related pathology, prenatal physical activity was shown to be useful for the prevention and treatment of these conditions. Further studies with larger sample sizes are required to confirm the association between physical activity and outcomes of labour and delivery.
BACKGROUND: We assessed the prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in a middle-income country in rapid epidemiological transition and estimated direct costs for treating all individuals at increased cardiovascular risk, i.e. following the so-called "high risk strategy". METHODS: Survey of risk factors using an age- and sex-stratified random sample of the population of Seychelles aged 25-64 in 2004. Assessment of CVD risk and treatment modalities were in line with international guidelines. Costs are expressed as USD per capita per year. RESULTS: 1255 persons took part in the survey (participation rate of 80.2%). Prevalence of main risk factors was: 39.6% for high blood pressure (> or =140/90 mmHg or treatment) of which 59% were under treatment; 24.2% for high cholesterol (> or =6.2 mmol/l); 20.8% for low HDL-cholesterol (<1.0 mmol/l); 9.3% for diabetes (fasting glucose > or =7.0 mmol/l); 17.5% for smoking; 25.1% for obesity (body mass index > or =30 kg/m2) and 22.1% for the metabolic syndrome. Overall, 43% had HBP, high cholesterol or diabetes and substantially increased CVD risk. The cost for medications needed to treat all high-risk individuals amounted to USD 45.6, i.e. 11.2 dollars for high blood pressure, 3.8 dollars for diabetes, and 30.6 dollars for dyslipidemia (using generic drugs except for hypercholesterolemia). Cost for minimal follow-up medical care and laboratory tests amounted to 22.6 dollars. CONCLUSION: High prevalence of major risk factors was found in a rapidly developing country and costs for treatment needed to reduce risk factors in all high-risk individuals exceeded resources generally available in low or middle income countries. Our findings emphasize the need for affordable cost-effective treatment strategies and the critical importance of population strategies aimed at reducing risk factors in the entire population.
BACKGROUND: Prevalence of hypertension in HIV infection is high, and information on blood pressure control in HIV-infected individuals is insufficient. We modeled blood pressure over time and the risk of cardiovascular events in hypertensive HIV-infected individuals. METHODS: All patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study with confirmed hypertension (systolic or diastolic blood pressure above 139 or 89 mm Hg on 2 consecutive visits and presence of at least 1 additional cardiovascular risk factor) between April 1, 2000 and March 31, 2011 were included. Patients with previous cardiovascular events, already on antihypertensive drugs, and pregnant women were excluded. Change in blood pressure over time was modeled using linear mixed models with repeated measurement. RESULTS: Hypertension was diagnosed in 2595 of 10,361 eligible patients. Of those, 869 initiated antihypertensive treatment. For patients treated for hypertension, we found a mean (95% confidence interval) decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure of -0.82 (-1.06 to -0.58) mm Hg and -0.89 (-1.05 to -0.73) mm Hg/yr, respectively. Factors associated with a decline in systolic blood pressure were baseline blood pressure, presence of chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular events, and the typical risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In patients with hypertension, increase in systolic blood pressure [(hazard ratio 1.18 (1.06 to 1.32) per 10 mm Hg increase], total cholesterol, smoking, age, and cumulative exposure to protease inhibitor-based and triple nucleoside regimens were associated with cardiovascular events. CONCLUSIONS: Insufficient control of hypertension was associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events indicating the need for improved management of hypertension in HIV-infected individuals.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effect of low-dose aspirin administered in the morning or evening on the rate of discontinuation of prolonged-release nicotinic acid (Niaspan) due to flushing in patients at elevated cardiovascular risk. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: This was an observational, non-interventional study in patients at elevated cardiovascular risk due to cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes. Patients received prolonged-release nicotinic acid and aspirin under the usual care of their physician for 15 weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The main outcome measure was the rate of treatment discontinuation for flushing. Other adverse drug reactions (ADRs) were also recorded. Lipid parameters were also measured. RESULTS: The patient population included 539 subjects (70% male); 36% had type 2 diabetes, 80% had prior cardiovascular disease, and 37% had a family history of cardiovascular disease. The rate of treatment discontinuation due to flushing did not differ (p = 0.3375) between the morning aspirin group (10.6%) and the evening aspirin group (13.8%). The overall incidence of flushing was 57%. Most flushes were of mild or moderate severity and decreases occurred over time in both frequency and intensity. ADRs unrelated to flushing occurred in 6.6% of the morning aspirin group and 7.4% of the evening aspirin group. HDL-cholesterol increased by +21.3% in the overall population, together with moderate improvements in other lipid parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Flushing was the most common ADR with prolonged-release nicotinic acid treatment, as expected. The timing of aspirin administration did not influence the rate of treatment discontinuations for flushing. Marked increases in HDL-cholesterol were observed.
RESUME L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer comment de jeunes médecins en formation perçoivent le risque cardiovasculaire de leurs patients hypertendus en se basant sur les recommandations médicales (« guidelines ») et sur leur jugement clinique. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale observationnelle effectuée à la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire de Lausanne (PMU). 200 patients hypertendus ont été inclus dans l'étude ainsi qu'un groupe contrôle de 50 patients non hypertendus présentant au moins un facteur de risque cardiovasculaire. Nous avons comparé le risque cardiovasculaire à 10 ans calculé par un programme informatique basé sur l'équation de Framingham. L'équation a été adaptée pour les médecins par l'OMS-ISH au risque perçu, estimé cliniquement par les médecins. Les résultats de notre étude ont montrés que les médecins sous-estiment le risque cardiovasculaire à 10 ans de leurs patients, comparé au risque calculé selon l'équation de Framingham. La concordance entre les deux méthodes était de 39% pour les patients hypertendus et de 30% pour le groupe contrôle de patients non hypertendus. La sous-estimation du risque. cardiovasculaire pour les patients hypertendus était corrélée au fait qu'ils avaient une tension artérielle systolique stabilisée inférieure a 140 mmHg (OR=2.1 [1.1 ;4.1]). En conclusion, les résultats de cette étude montrent que les jeunes médecins en formation ont souvent une perception incorrecte du risque cardiovasculaire de leurs patients, avec une tendance à sous-estimer ce risque. Toutefois le risque calculé pourrait aussi être légèrement surestimé lorsqu'on applique l'équation de Framingham à la population suisse. Pour mettre en pratique une évaluation systématique des facteurs de risque en médecine de premier recours, un accent plus grand devrait être mis sur l'enseignement de l'évaluation du risque cardiovasculaire ainsi que sur la mise en oeuvre de programme pour l'amélioration de la qualité.
BACKGROUND: Because of the known relationship between exposure to combination antiretroviral therapy and cardiovascular disease (CVD), it has become increasingly important to intervene against risk of CVD in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients. We evaluated changes in risk factors for CVD and the use of lipid-lowering therapy in HIV-infected individuals and assessed the impact of any changes on the incidence of myocardial infarction. METHODS: The Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs Study is a collaboration of 11 cohorts of HIV-infected patients that included follow-up for 33,389 HIV-infected patients from December 1999 through February 2006. RESULTS: The proportion of patients at high risk of CVD increased from 35.3% during 1999-2000 to 41.3% during 2005-2006. Of 28,985 patients, 2801 (9.7%) initiated lipid-lowering therapy; initiation of lipid-lowering therapy was more common for those with abnormal lipid values and those with traditional risk factors for CVD (male sex, older age, higher body mass index [calculated as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters], family and personal history of CVD, and diabetes mellitus). After controlling for these, use of lipid-lowering drugs became relatively less common over time. The incidence of myocardial infarction (0.32 cases per 100 person-years [PY]; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.29-0.35 cases per 100 PY) appeared to remain stable. However, after controlling for changes in risk factors for CVD, the rate decreased over time (relative rate in 2003 [compared with 1999-2000], 0.73 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.50-1.05 cases per 100 PY]; in 2004, 0.64 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.44-0.94 cases per 100 PY]; in 2005-2006, 0.36 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.24-0.56 cases per 100 PY]). Further adjustment for lipid levels attenuated the relative rates towards unity (relative rate in 2003 [compared with 1999-2000], 1.06 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.63-1.77 cases per 100 PY]; in 2004, 1.02 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.61-1.71 cases per 100 PY]; in 2005-2006, 0.63 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.36-1.09 cases per 100 PY]). CONCLUSIONS: Although the CVD risk profile among patients in the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs Study has decreased since 1999, rates have remained relatively stable, possibly as a result of a more aggressive approach towards managing the risk of CVD.
There is much evidence for a causal relationship between salt intake and blood pressure (BP). The current salt intake in many countries is between 9 and 12 g/day. A reduction in salt intake to the recommended level of 5-6 g/day lowers BP in both hypertensive and normotensive individuals. A further reduction to 3-4 g/day has a much greater effect. Prospective studies and outcome trials have demonstrated that a lower salt intake is associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Increasing evidence also suggests that a high salt intake is directly related to left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) independent of BP. Both raised BP and LVH are important risk factors for heart failure. It is therefore possible that a lower salt intake could prevent the development of heart failure. In patients who already have heart failure, a high salt intake aggravates the retention of salt and water, thereby exacerbating heart failure symptoms and progression of the disease. A lower salt intake plays an important role in the management of heart failure. Despite this, currently there is no clear evidence on how far salt intake should be reduced in heart failure. Our personal view is that these patients should reduce their salt intake to <5 g/day, i.e. the maximum intake recommended by the World Health Organisation for all adults. If salt intake is successfully reduced, there may well be a need for a reduction in diuretic dosage.