804 resultados para profession paramédicale
Tutkielmassa pureudutaan tilintarkastajan rikosvastuun toteutumiseen teoriassa ja käytännössä. Vastuuta tarkastellaan tilintarkastuslain pohjalta, teoriakirjallisuuden perusteella sekä käytännön esimerkkien avulla. Tutkimus antaa seikkaperäisen kuvauksen siitä, millaiseen rikosvastuuseen tilintarkastaja voi joutua harjoittaessaan ammattiaan.
How can the holy craft of liturgy be trained? A study of approaches to instruction in training oral skills within education of the Norwegian clergy The theme of this study is the competence of expression of clerics performing liturgies as part of their duties in the Norwegian Lutheran Church. The aim of the study is to find a teaching practice which can raise the competence in oral expression characteristic of the clergy profession. The teaching practice is explored and discussed within the context of the basic education of the clergy. The main thesis is formulated as a question: How can the holy craft of liturgy be trained? An underpinning of the study is that liturgical acts are holy, which gives these performances an aspect of otherness. This otherness constitutes a clear agreement between the students and the teacher, and between the professional and the employer. The pre-understanding of the researcher is that these liturgical oral acts are trainable, and that there is a need and a necessity to train in these skills. Three research questions are elaborated on in the explorative section of the study: • What is characteristic of a competence of expression connected to the profession? • How can this competence of expression connected to liturgical performance be developed? • What is the importance of this competence in the holy craft of liturgy for the development of a cohesive professional self-understanding? The study is based on a research and development project where the researcher as the teacher and students from one specific clergy education in Norway (MF) were the source of the empirical material. The empirical data came from practice with two external observers› logs on the coaching, video observations, of the teacher and the students› texts on the practice under study, which is liturgical performance. The researcher›s log and field notes also provide material for the analysis. This is a qualitative project and an arts education project carried out within an interpretative framework. The theoretical framework has three perspectives: a structural approach based on the system theory of Niklas Luhmann, an epistemological approach discussing forms of knowledge in practice or informing practice and an arts education approach. The results indicate that the competence in oral liturgical performance can be considered a trainable skill, and that this training can be understood as an arts education method of instruction based on meaningful communication, dramaturgical thinking and the development of authenticity. The main result from this study can be considered as articulating and sketching the contours of the field of knowledge where the students embody the meaning of the clergy profession ‒ and this articulation has an innovative potential as knowledge combining experience and theoretical understanding.
The focus of this study is to examine the role of police and immigrants’ relations, as less is known about this process in the country. The studies were approached in two different ways. Firstly, an attempt was made to examine how immigrants view their encounters with the police. Secondly, the studies explored how aware the police are of immigrants’ experiences in their various encounters and interactions on the street level. An ancillary aim of the studies is to clarify, analyse and discuss how prejudice and stereotypes can be tackled, thereby contributing to the general debate about racism and discrimination for better ethnic relations in the country. The data in which this analysis was based is on a group of adults (n=88) from the total of 120 Africans questioned for the entire study (n=45) police cadets and (n=6) serving police officers from Turku. The present thesis is a compilation of five articles. A summary of each article findings follows, as the same data was used in all five studies. In the first study, a theoretical model was developed to examine the perceived knowledge of bias by immigrants resulting from race, culture and belief. This was also an attempt to explore whether this knowledge was predetermined in my attempt to classify and discuss as well as analyse the factors that may be influencing immigrants’ allegations of unfair treatment by the police in Turku. The main finding shows that in the first paper there was ignorance and naivety on the part of the police in their attitudes towards the African immigrant’s prior experiences with the police, and this may probably have resulted from stereotypes or their lack of experience as well as prior training with immigrants where these kinds of experience are rampant in the country (Egharevba, 2003 and 2004a). In exploring what leads to stereotypes, a working definition is the assumption that is prevalent among some segments of the population, including the police, that Finland is a homogenous country by employing certain conducts and behaviour towards ethnic and immigrant groups in the country. This to my understanding is stereotype. Historically this was true, but today the social topography of the country is changing and becoming even more complex. It is true that, on linguistic grounds, the country is multilingual, as there are a few recognised national minority languages (Swedish, Sami and Russian) as well as a number of immigrant languages including English. Apparently it is vital for the police to have a line of communication open when addressing the problem associated with immigrants in the country. The second paper moved a step further by examining African immigrants’ understanding of human rights as well as what human rights violation means or entails in their views as a result of their experiences with the police, both in Finland and in their country of origin. This approach became essential during the course of the study, especially when the participants were completing the questionnaire (N=88), where volunteers were solicited for a later date for an in-depth interview with the author. Many of the respondents came from countries where human rights are not well protected and seldom discussed publicly, therefore understanding their views on the subject can help to explain why some of the immigrants are sceptical about coming forward to report cases of batteries and assaults to the police, or even their experiences of being monitored in shopping malls in their new home and the reason behind their low level of trust in public authorities in Finland. The study showed that knowledge of human rights is notably low among some of the participants. The study also found that female respondents were less aware of human rights when compared with their male counterparts. This has resulted in some of the male participants focussing more on their traditional ways of thinking by not realising that they are in a new country where there is equality in sexes and lack of respect on gender terms is not condoned. The third paper focussed on the respondents’ experiences with the police in Turku and tried to explore police attitudes towards African immigrant clients, in addition to the role stereotype plays in police views of different cultures and how these views have impacted on immigrants’ views of discriminatory policing in Turku. The data is the same throughout the entire studies (n=88), except that some few participants were interviewed for the third paper thirty-five persons. The results showed that there is some bias in mass-media reports on the immigrants’ issues, due to selective portrayal of biases without much investigation being carried out before jumping to conclusions, especially when the issues at stake involve an immigrant (Egharevba, 2005a; Egharevba, 2004a and 2004b). In this vein, there was an allegation that the police are even biased while investigating cases of theft, especially if the stolen property is owned by an immigrant (Egharevba, 2006a, Egharevba, 2006b). One vital observation from the respondents’ various comments was that race has meaning in their encounters and interaction with the police in the country. This result led the author to conclude that the relation between the police and immigrants is still a challenge, as there is rampant fear and distrust towards the police by some segments of the participating respondents in the study. In the fourth paper the focus was on examining the respondents’ view of the police, with special emphasis on race and culture as well as the respondents’ perspective on police behaviour in Turku. This is because race, as it was relayed to me in the study, is a significant predictor of police perception (Egharevba, 2005a; Egharevba and Hannikianen, 2005). It is a known scientific fact that inter-group racial attitudes are the representation of group competition and perceived threat to power and status (Group-position theory). According to Blumer (1958) a sense of group threat is an essential element for the emergence of racial prejudice. Consequently, it was essential that we explored the existing relationship between the respondents and the police in order to have an understanding of this concept. The result indicates some local and international contextual issues and assumptions that were of importance tackling prejudice and discrimination as it exists within the police in the country. Moreover, we have to also remember that, for years, many of these African immigrants have been on the receiving end of unjust law enforcement in their various countries of origin, which has resulted in many of them feeling inferior and distrustful of the police even in their own country of origin. While discussing the issues of cultural difference and how it affects policing, we must also keep in mind the socio-cultural background of the participants, their level of language proficiency and educational background. The research data analysed in this study also confirmed the difficulties associated with cultural misunderstandings in interpreting issues and how these misunderstandings have affected police and immigrant relations in Finland. Finally, the fifth paper focussed on cadets’ attitudes towards African immigrants as well as serving police officers’ interaction with African clients. Secondly, the police level of awareness of African immigrants’ distrustfulness of their profession was unclear. For this reason, my questions in this fifth study examined the experiences and attitudes of police cadets and serving police officers as well as those of African immigrants in understanding how to improve this relationship in the country. The data was based on (n=88) immigrant participants, (n=45) police cadets and 6 serving police officers from the Turku police department. The result suggests that there is distrust of the police in the respondents’ interaction; this tends to have galvanised a heightened tension resulting from the lack of language proficiency (Egharevba and White, 2007; Egharevba and Hannikainen, 2005, and Egharevba, 2006b) The result also shows that the allegation of immigrants as being belittled by the police stems from the misconceptions of both parties as well as the notion of stop and search by the police in Turku. All these factors were observed to have contributed to the alleged police evasiveness and the lack of regular contact between the respondents and the police in their dealings. In other words, the police have only had job-related contact with many of the participants in the present study. The results also demonstrated the complexities caused by the low level of education among some of the African immigrants in their understanding about the Finnish culture, norms and values in the country. Thus, the framework constructed in these studies embodies diversity in national culture as well as the need for a further research study with a greater number of respondents (both from the police and immigrant/majority groups), in order to explore the different role cultures play in immigrant and majority citizens’ understanding of police work.
The theme of this thesis is the learning process that occurs when teachers become professional voice users. The aim is to explore what it (really) means to become a professional voice user in a teaching profession; thereby developing an understanding of how future education in this field can be arranged so as to both effectively prevent vocal problems and to develop oral didactical competence among teachers. The ambition is to describe, interpret, and understand the learning process through a combination of emic and ethic research perspectives. The theoretical frame of reference reflects the cross disciplinary character of the thesis. Voice problems are common among both student teachers and inservice teachers and adversely affect professional competence, identity and quality of life. Additionally, vocal problems are proven to have a negative impact on pupils´ learning. The individual elements of learning are explored in the light of experiential learning theory and transformative learning theory. The social elements of learning are explored in relation to the theory of situated learning. In addition, theories of teacher professionalisation in terms of competence and identity are outlined. The empirical study has a longitudinal and multi method character. It is anchored in a phenomenological hermeneutical tradition, more specifically in narrative inquiry. The point of departure is the learning experiences of ten student teachers, who attended a ten week long course on voice production as part of their teacher training at Åbo Akademi University, in the autumn of 2002 and the spring of 2003. Four interviews in the form of conversations were conducted with each participant. These were crystallised with a process diary, a Swedish Voice Handicap Index, a voice observation, and a video observation. A fifth interview was conducted with each participant five years post teacher training, in the spring of 2008. Participant observation was also conducted throughout the course. The research materials have been analysed and interpreted narratively using a phenomenological hermeneutical method. The results are presented descriptively as individual narratives, which are reflected in logopedic research materials. Learning is here understood as emergent awareness. This is followed by a meta narrative concerning learning as experiences in the four dimensions body, thought, feeling, and relation. Finally, interpretation is expressed with respect to the theory of relational education. Learning is here understood as a movement in the field between the actual and the possible voice. It is also viewed as fundamentally rooted in inter-human relationships, in moments of presence and coexistence. As a tentative answer to the call for an existential space for learning in order to be a professional voice user, I suggest the concept of a learning refuge as a locus for a learning process built on trust, mutuality and openness.
Maahanmuuttajien määrä on Suomessa merkittävämmin lisääntynyt vasta 1990- ja 2000-luvuilla. Vuonna 2010 Suomessa asui lähes 170 000 ulkomaan kansalaista. Tavallisimmin Suomeen muutetaan avioliiton, paluumuuton tai pakolaisuuden vuoksi. Pieni, joskin kasvava joukko muuttaa työn tai opiskelun vuoksi. Myös kansalaisuuksien, koulutustaustojen, ammattien jne. kirjo muuttajien joukossa on suuri. Ulkomaan kansalaisten lisääntyessä Suomessa on jouduttu kohtaamaan monenlaisia maahanmuuttoon liittyviä haasteita, joista työllistymiseen liittyvät kysymykset eivät ole vähäisimpiä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan lähtömaassaan korkeakoulututkinnon suorittaneiden maahanmuuttajien työllistymistä ja työuran alkua Suomessa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten korkeakoulutetut maahanmuuttajat ovat Suomessa työllistyneet, minkälaisia heidän työuriensa alut ovat Suomessa olleet ja miten he ovat onnistuneet uudessa maassa hyödyntämään lähtömaassa hankkimaansa koulutusta. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, miten maahanmuuttajien lähtömaan erilaiset elämäntilanteet, olosuhteet ja valinnat ovat vaikuttaneet työuran muotoutumiseen Suomessa. Tutkimuksen aineisto muodostuu kysely- sekä haastatteluaineistosta. Kyselyaineiston (n=99) tarkoituksena on luoda määrällistä kuvaa korkeakoulutettujen maahanmuuttajien työllistymisestä Suomessa. Numerotietojen taakse jää kuitenkin näkymättömiin tieto maahanmuuttajien yksilöllisistä kokemuksista liittyen työllistymiseen ja työuran muotoutumiseen uudessa maassa. Toisena aineistona hyödynnettävän elämäkerrallisen haastatteluaineiston (n=20) kautta on mahdollista tehdä näkyväksi ne tutkittavien yksilölliset työ- ja koulutusuraan liittyvät valinnat, joita maahanmuuttajat ovat tehneet niin lähtömaassa kuin Suomessa sekä ne tilanteet ja olosuhteet, joissa tutkittavat ovat lähtömaassa eläneet ja joiden pohjalta he ovat tulleet Suomeen ja Suomen työmarkkinoille. Aineistoissa mukana olevat maahanmuuttajat olivat pääosin avioliiton, paluumuuton sekä pakolaisuuden vuoksi Suomeen tulleita. Vain muutama oli tullut työn vuoksi. Maahanmuuttajien työmarkkina-asemaa selitetään usein maahanmuuttajien resursseilla, kuten kielitaidolla, koulutuksella, työkokemuksella, sosiaalisten suhteiden ja verkostojen laadulla ja määrällä jne. Myös maahanmuuttajiin kohdistuvilla syrjivillä ja ennakkoluuloisilla asenteilla on keskeinen merkitys työllistymisessä. Koulutuksen ollessa yksi keskeisimmistä työmarkkina-asemaa määräävistä tekijöistä, tulisi koulutettujen maahanmuuttajien sijoittua hankitun tutkinnon oikeuttamiin tehtäviin. Tutkimuksessa kuitenkin havaittiin, että työllistyminen oli maahanmuuttajilla vaikeaa hyvästä koulutuksesta huolimatta. Kyselyaineistoon vastanneista vain muutama (6 %) oli työssä heti Suomeen muuttovuoden lopussa, kolme vuotta Suomessa asuttuaan työssä oli runsas kolmannes (35 %) ja aineistonkeruuhetkellä eli vuonna 2004 työssä oli 38 % vastaajista. Työsuhteet olivat tutkittavilla useimmiten määräaikaisia ja kestoltaan lyhyitä. Lisäksi työurat koostuivat runsaasta työttömyydestä sekä koulutukseen osallistumisesta. Myönteistä kuitenkin oli, että mikäli korkeakoulutetut maahanmuuttajat onnistuivat Suomessa työllistymään, vastasi työ usein joko kokonaan tai ainakin osittain hankittua korkeakoulututkintoa. Korkeakoulutettujen maahanmuuttajien työuran alut Suomessa voidaan tyypitellä kolmeen ryhmään, joista kukin jakaantui vielä kahteen alaryhmään siten, että kaiken kaikkiaan saatiin kuusi erilaista työuran alun tyyppiä: koulutusta vastaava vakaa ja vakiintuva ura, koulutusta osittain vastaava sekaura ja laskeva ura sekä koulutusta vastaamaton sisääntuloura ja työttömän ura . Haastatteluaineiston kautta tarkastellaan korkeakoulutettujen maahanmuuttajien yksilöllisiä elämänuria lähtien liikkeelle korkeakoulutettujen maahanmuuttajien lähtömaassa tekemistä ura- ja ammatinvalinnoista jatkuen Suomeen muuton kautta aina työuran muotoutumiseen Suomessa. Haastatteluja toisistaan erottelevina keskeisinä teemoina olivat toisaalta pärjääminen Suomessa ja suomalaisilla työmarkkinoilla toisaalta elämän muotoutuminen lähtömaassa ja nimenomaan siellä tehdyt ura- ja ammatinvalinnat ja niihin liittyvät kokemukset ja elämäntilanteet. Näiden kriteerien pohjalta aineisto jakaantui kolmeen ryhmään, jotka nimettiin pärjääjiksi, harhailijoiksi ja sinnittelijöiksi. Pärjääjien kertomukset muotoutuivat tietyllä tavalla myönteisen kehän kautta: niin lähtömaassa tehdyt ammatinvalinnat kuin työuran muotoutuminen Suomessa tapahtuivat suhteellisen vaivattomasti. Useimmiten työt Suomessa vastasivat lähtömaassa hankittua koulutusta. Omiin uravalintoihin oltiin myöhemmin myös tyytyväisiä. Harhailijoille oman paikan löytyminen oli puolestaan hankalampaa. Leimallista tälle ryhmälle oli tietynlainen valintojen vaikeus sekä tyytymättömyys omiin aikaisemmin tehtyihin ratkaisuihin. Jotkut harmittelivat nuorena tekemiään uravalintoja niin, että päättivät Suomessa hankkia kokonaan uuden ammatin. Muutto Suomeen merkitsi useimmille ammatillisen aseman laskua. Sinnittelijät kertoivat jo lähtökohdiltaan kahteen muuhun ryhmään nähden hyvin erilaista tarinaa. Tämän ryhmän lähes koko elämä lähtömaassa oli sodan ja levottomuuksien sävyttämää. Tämä näkyi myös ammatinvalinnassa: opiskelupaikka oli saatettu valita esimerkiksi sen perusteella, missä oli milloinkin turvallista opiskella. Myös Suomeen muutto erosi kahdesta aikaisemmasta ryhmästä, sillä lähtö entisestä kotimaasta oli tapahtunut usein hyvinkin yllättäen vailla etukäteissuunnittelua tilanteiden kärjistyttyä nopeasti. Suomessa työelämään pääseminen oli kaikille sinnittelijöille vaikeaa ja haastatteluhetkellä useilla vielä hyvin alkutekijöissä. Hyväkään koulutus ei aina takaa maahanmuuttajille työtä uudessa maassa, sillä hankittua tutkintoa ja osaamista ei ole helppo siirtää maasta toiseen. Pahimmassa tapauksessa vieraassa maassa suoritettu korkeakoulututkinto voi kokonaan mitätöityä uudessa maassa ja korkeakoulututkinnon myötä hankittu osaaminen menettää täysin arvonsa. Kyse on niin yksilön kuin yhteiskunnankin resurssien tuhlaamisesta tilanteessa, jossa maassa pysyvästi asuvat koulutetut maahanmuuttajat työskentelevät tavalla tai toisella koulutustaan vastaamattomissa epävakaissa töissä, työmarkkinoiden laitamilla tai ovat kokonaan työmarkkinoiden ulkopuolella.
My research deals with agent nouns in the language of the works of Mikael Agricola (ca. 1510–1557). The main tasks addressed in my thesis have been to describe individual agent noun types, to provide a comprehensive picture of the category of agent nouns and to clarify the relations between different types of agent nouns. My research material consists of all the agent nouns referring to persons in the language of Agricola’s works, together with their context. The language studied is for the most part translated language. Agent nouns play an important role both in the vocabulary of natural language and in broader sentence structures, since in a text it is constantly necessary to refer to actors re-ferring to persons in the text. As a concept and a phenomenon, the agent noun is widely known in languages. It is a word formed with a certain derivational affixes, which typical-ly refers to a person. In my research the agent noun category includes both deverbal and denominal derivatives referring to persons, e.g. kirjoittaa > kirjoittaja (to write > writer), asua > asuva (to inhabit > inhabitant), imeä > imeväinen (to suck > suckling), juopua > juopunut (to drink > drunkard), pelätä > pelkuri (to fear > one who fears ‘a coward’), apu > apulainen (help/to help > helper); lammas > lampuri (sheep > shepherd). Besides original Finnish expressions, agent noun derivatives taken as such from foreign languages form a word group of central importance for the research (e.g. nikkari, porvari, ryöväri, based on the German/Swedish for carpenter, burgher, robber). Especially important for the formation of agent nouns in Finnish are the models offered by foreign languages. The starting point for my work is predominantly semantic, as both the criteria for collecting the material and the categorisation underlying the analysis of the material are based on semantic criteria. When examining derivatives, aspects relating to structure are also inevitably of central importance, as form and meaning are closely associated with each other in this type of vocabulary. The alliance of structure and meaning can be described in an illustrative manner with the help of structural schemata. The examination of agent nouns comprises on the one hand analysis of syntactic elements and on the other, study of cultural words in their most typical form. The latter aspect offers a research object in which language and the extralinguistic world, referents, their designations and cultural-historical reality are in concrete terms one and the same. Thus both the agent noun types that follow the word formation principles of the Finn-ish language and those of foreign origin borrowed as a whole into Finnish illustrate very well how an expression of a certain origin and formed according to a certain structural model is inseparably bound up with the background of its referent and in general with semantic factors. This becomes evident both on the level of the connection between cer-tain linguistic features and text genre and in relation to cultural words referring to per-sons. For example, the model for the designations of God based on agent nouns goes back thousands of years and is still closely linked in 16th century literature with certain text genres. This brings out the link between the linguistic feature and the genre in a very con-crete manner. A good example of the connection between language and the extralinguistic world is provided by the cultural vocabulary referring to persons. Originally Finnish agent noun derivatives are associated with an agrarian society, while the vocabulary relat-ing to mediaeval urbanisation, the Hansa trade and specialisation by trade or profession is borrowed and originates in its entirety from vocabulary that was originally German.
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin Jyväskylän asukkaiden, päättäjien ja suun terveydenhuollon työntekijöiden palveluodotuksia sekä niiden toteutumista Jyväskylän julkisessa suun terveydenhuollossa sekä verrattuna ympäristökuntiin. Toiseksi tutkittiin päättäjien ja suun terveydenhuollon työntekijöiden käsityksiä alan työmotivaatioon vaikuttavista tekijöistä Jyväskylässä ja ympäristökunnissa. Kolmas tutkimuskohde oli työhyvinvointi, jota selvitettiin Jyväskylässä ja seitsemässä muussa julkisessa suun terveydenhuollossa sekä Jyväskylän yksityishammaslääkäreiden vastaanotoilla. Tutkimuksen tiedot kerättiin postikyselynä, johon vastasi 1 151 asukasta, 125 päättäjää ja 388 suun terveydenhuollon työntekijää. Tulokset osoittivat, että Jyväskylän julkisen suun terveydenhuollon palvelujen järjestämisessä ei kuultu tarpeeksi kuntalaisia eikä alan ammattilaisia. Palvelut toteutuivat useammin päättäjien kuin asukkaiden ja työntekijöiden odotusten mukaisesti. Asukkaiden odotukset olivat lähempänä työntekijöiden kuin päättäjien odotuksia. Suurimmat erot olivat päättäjien ja alan ammattilaisten välillä. Jyväskylän päättäjät eivät tunteneet tarpeeksi julkisessa suun terveydenhuollossa tehtävän työn vaatimuksia eivätkä sen erityispiirteitä. Jyväskylän ja ympäristökuntien välillä asukkaiden, päättäjien ja alan ammattilaisten odotukset suun terveydenhuollon palveluista erosivat vain vähän. Sen sijaan palveluiden toteutumisessa erot olivat suuremmat. Palvelut toimivat monilta osin paremmin ympäristökunnissa kuin Jyväskylässä. Jyväskylän suun terveydenhuollon työelämän laadussa oli ongelmia ja ne olivat suuremmat kuin verrokkiterveyskeskuksissa ja Jyväskylän yksityishammaslääkäreiden vastaanotoilla. Hyvä fyysinen työympäristö sekä hyvä työajan hallinta olivat voimavaratekijöitä, jotka Jyväskylän suun terveydenhuollossa suojasivat työntekijöitä työn kuormittavuuden haitallisilta vaikutuksilta. Työelämän laadun parantaminen vaatisi erityisesti näiden voimavarojen vahvistamista. Päättäjien tulisi tiedostaa niiden vaikutus työntekijöiden työmotivaatioon ja resursoida julkista suun terveydenhuoltoa riittävästi siellä tehtävän työn vaatimuksiin nähden. Kaiken kaikkiaan suun terveydenhuollon merkitys kuntalaisten hyvinvoinnille ja elämänlaadulle pitäisi paremmin ottaa huomioon Jyväskylän julkisessa terveydenhuollossa resursseja jaettaessa sekä toimintatapoja ja palvelurakenteita uudistettaessa. Tuloksellisuus suun terveydenhuollossa edellyttäisi, että palveluja kehitettäisiin vastaamaan mahdollisimman hyvin sekä kuntalaisten että työelämän tarpeita resurssien antamissa rajoissa. Jyväskylässä tarvittaisiin asukkaiden, päättäjien ja suun terveydenhuollon työntekijöiden välillä jatkuvaa vuoropuhelua ja parempaa tiedon välittymistä. Monipuolisen tiedon perusteella päättäjät pystyisivät palveluja järjestäessään sovittamaan paremmin yhteen eri osapuolten tarpeet ja tavoitteet sekä ratkaisemaan intressiristiriitoja.
Kainuun ELY-keskus ja alueen TE-toimistot yhdessä Kainuun ammattiopiston kanssa kartoittivat kainuulaisten ICT-alan yritysten työvoima-, koulutus- ja osaamistarpeita sekä toimialan kehitysnäkymiä. Työvoiman ja koulutuksen tarvetutkimuksen (TKTT) haastatteluja tehtiin alkusyksyn 2011 aikana yhteensä 21 yrityksessä. Näistä 16 tehtiin samanaikaisesti C&Q-profession osaamistarvekartoitus. Kyselyjen tuloksia käsiteltiin lokakuussa järjestetyssä asiantuntijaraadissa. Haastatelluista yrityksistä näyttää löytyvän kasvuhalukkuutta. Paitsi että yritykset ilmoittivat olevansa kasvuhakuisia, niin 15 yritystä 21:stä arvioi henkilöstömääränsä kasvavan seuraavan vuoden aikana. Yritykset työllistivät haastatteluhetkellä yhteensä 715 henkeä. Niiden yhteenlasketun henkilöstömäärän arvioitiin seuraavan vuoden aikana kasvavan yhteensä 65 hengellä eli 9,1 %. Suomen talouden epävarmoista kehitysnäkymistä huolimatta kainuulaisten ICT-alan yritysten suhdanneodotukset vuodeksi eteenpäin olivat positiiviset. Tarkempia suunnitelmia rekrytoida uutta työvoimaa oli kymmenellä yrityksellä. Heti tai vuoden kuluessa oli tarvetta palkata yhteensä 28 henkilöä. Eniten oli tarvetta atk-suunnittelijoille, joko ohjelmoijiksi tai ohjelmistosuunnittelijoiksi. Yrityksissä oli lisäksi kysyntää alan insinööreille ja teknikoille ja myös myyntitehtäviin haettiin osaajia. Työvoiman tarve on kasvussa myös pidemmällä tähtäimellä. Kyselyn perusteella työvoiman saatavuudessa ICT-alalla ei ainakaan vielä näytä olevan suuria ongelmia. ICT-alan kehitys on nopeaa ja alalla on osattava soveltaa teknologiaa asiakkaiden monenlaisiin tarpeisiin. Alan ammattilaisten tärkeintä osaamista on oman alansa asiantuntijuus. Yritykset nostivat muiksi tärkeiksi kvalifikaatioiksi muun muassa toimialan teknisen kehityksen seuraamisen ja ajantasaisen osaamisen varmistamisen sekä ennakoivan ajattelu- ja toimintatavan. Nykyisen osaamisen lisäksi yritysten henkilökunnalla pitäisi olla enemmän vuorovaikutus-, viestintä- ja kommunikointitaitoja sekä asiakaspalveluun liittyviä taitoja. Muutoksia osaamistarpeisiin tuo esimerkiksi ohjelmistosuunnittelun ja sovellusten käytön siirtyminen mobiilialustoille ja ns. pilvipalveluihin. Yrityksillä oli monenlaisia koulutustarpeita nykyiselle henkilöstölle. Asiantuntijaraadissa eri tarpeet yhdistettiin seuraavanlaisiksi koulutuskokonaisuuksiksi: ohjelmointi ja projektiosaaminen, tuotanto ja kielikoulutus, myynti ja markkinointi, asiakastarpeiden kartoitus ja tuotekehitys sekä esimiesosaaminen. Alan yritysten yhteistyön tiivistäminen muun muassa IT-poolin kautta nähtiin edelleen tarpeellisena. Yhteistyöhön oppilaitosten kanssa esimerkiksi työharjoittelujen suhteen oltiin pääasiassa tyytyväisiä. Oppilaitoksista valmistuneilla nähtiin olevan perusvalmiudet kutakuinkin kohdallaan. Puutteita oli projektityöskentelyvalmiuksissa ja projektinhallintataidoissa, ohjelmistotekniikan prosessikokonaisuuksien hallinnassa, tietokantapalvelujen tekniikan suunnittelussa sekä tiimityöskentelytaidoissa.
Intensive and critical care nursing is a speciality in its own right and with its own nature within the nursing profession. This speciality poses its own demands for nursing competencies. Intensive and critical care nursing is focused on severely ill patients and their significant others. The patients are comprehensively cared for, constantly monitored and their vital functions are sustained artificially. The main goal is to win time to cure the cause of the patient’s situation or illness. The purpose of this empirical study was i) to describe and define competence and competence requirements in intensive and critical care nursing, ii) to develop a basic measurement scale for competence assessment in intensive and critical care nursing for graduating nursing students, and iii) to describe and evaluate graduating nursing students’ basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing by seeking the reference basis of self-evaluated basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing from ICU nurses. However, the main focus of this study was on the outcomes of nursing education in this nursing speciality. The study was carried out in different phases: basic exploration of competence (phase 1 and 2), instrumentation of competence (phase 3) and evaluation of competence (phase 4). Phase 1 (n=130) evaluated graduating nursing students’ basic biological and physiological knowledge and skills for working in intensive and critical care with Basic Knowledge Assessment Tool version 5 (BKAT-5, Toth 2012). Phase 2 focused on defining competence in intensive and critical care nursing with the help of literature review (n=45 empirical studies) as well as competence requirements in intensive and critical care nursing with the help of experts (n=45 experts) in a Delphi study. In phase 3 the scale Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Competence Scale (ICCN-CS) was developed and tested twice (pilot test 1: n=18 students and n=12 nurses; pilot test 2: n=56 students and n=54 nurses). Finally, in phase 4, graduating nursing students’ competence was evaluated with ICCN-CS and BKAT version 7 (Toth 2012). In order to develop a valid assessment scale of competence for graduating nursing students and to evaluate and establish the competence of graduating nursing students, empirical data were retrieved at the same time from both graduating nursing students (n=139) and ICU nurses (n=431). Competence can be divided into clinical and general professional competence. It can be defined as a specific knowledge base, skill base, attitude and value base and experience base of nursing and the personal base of an intensive and critical care nurse. Personal base was excluded in this self-evaluation based scale. The ICCN-CS-1 consists of 144 items (6 sum variables). Finally, it became evident that the experience base of competence is not a suitable sum variable in holistic intensive and critical care competence scale for graduating nursing students because of their minor experience in this special nursing area. ICCN-CS-1 is a reliable and tolerably valid scale for use among graduating nursing students and ICU nurses Among students, basic competence of intensive and critical care nursing was self-rated as good by 69%, as excellent by 25% and as moderate by 6%. However, graduating nursing students’ basic biological and physiological knowledge and skills for working in intensive and critical care were poor. The students rated their clinical and professional competence as good, and their knowledge base and skill base as moderate. They gave slightly higher ratings for their knowledge base than skill base. Differences in basic competence emerged between graduating nursing students and ICU nurses. The students’ self-ratings of both their basic competence and clinical and professional competence were significantly lower than the nurses’ ratings. The students’ self-ratings of their knowledge and skill base were also statistically significantly lower than nurses’ ratings. However, both groups reported the same attitude and value base, which was excellent. The strongest factor explaining students’ conception of their competence was their experience of autonomy in nursing. Conclusions: Competence in intensive and critical care nursing is a multidimensional concept. Basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing can be measured with self-evaluation based scale but alongside should be used an objective evaluation method. Graduating nursing students’ basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing is good but their knowledge and skill base are moderate. Especially the biological and physiological knowledge base is poor. Therefore in future in intensive and critical care nursing education should be focused on both strengthening students’ biological and physiological knowledge base and on strengthening their overall skill base. Practical implications are presented for nursing education, practice and administration. In future, research should focus on education methods and contents, mentoring of clinical practice and orientation programmes as well as further development of the scale.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää organisaatiokulttuurin merkitystä organisaation uudistumiskykyyn. Lisäksi selvitetään, mitkä uudistumiskykyä tukevat tai estävät organisaatiokulttuurin piirteet toteutuvat Kouvolan kaupungin aikuissosiaalipalveluissa. Tutkimus toteutetaan laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena huomioiden organisaatiossa vuonna 2010 tehty organisaation uudistumiskyvyn kyselytutkimus. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytetään puolistrukturoituja yksilöhaastatteluita, joissa haastateltavina ovat organisaation harkinnanvaraisesti valitsemat haastateltavat. Aineiston kerääminen ja analysointi toteutetaan teorialähtöisesti. Kohdeorganisaation vahvuudeksi voidaan nähdä hyvin tunnistettu strategia sekä siihen liittyvät päämäärät ja arvot, mikä antaa organisaatiolle mahdollisuuden toteuttaa strategian mahdollistamia organisaatiokulttuurin uudistumista edistäviä piirteitä. Vahvuutena voidaan pitää myös asiakaslähtöisyyden sisäistämistä toimintaa ohjaavana arvona sekä vahvaa sitoutumista omaan työhön. Organisaatiokulttuuria pidetään vielä hahmottumattomana, mikä vaatii sekä kulttuurin että identiteetin vahvistamista. Uudistumiskykyä tukeva organisaatiokulttuuri näkyy hyvänä ja avoimena yhteistyönä ja vuorovaikutuksena sekä organisaation sisällä että yhteistyökumppanien kanssa. Kehittämiskohteeksi Kouvolassa nouseekin yhteistyön parantaminen ja tehostaminen ylittämällä palvelualue- ja toimialarajoja sekä pyrkimällä poliittisen ja virkamiesjohdon entistä yhtenäisempään näkemykseen toimintaa tukevista innovatiivisista ratkaisuista. Kannustamisen ja palkitsemisen kohdistamisella uudistumista edistävään toimintaan voidaan saada aikaan uskallusta ja halua ideoida sekä innovoida.
Formal software development processes and well-defined development methodologies are nowadays seen as the definite way to produce high-quality software within time-limits and budgets. The variety of such high-level methodologies is huge ranging from rigorous process frameworks like CMMI and RUP to more lightweight agile methodologies. The need for managing this variety and the fact that practically every software development organization has its own unique set of development processes and methods have created a profession of software process engineers. Different kinds of informal and formal software process modeling languages are essential tools for process engineers. These are used to define processes in a way which allows easy management of processes, for example process dissemination, process tailoring and process enactment. The process modeling languages are usually used as a tool for process engineering where the main focus is on the processes themselves. This dissertation has a different emphasis. The dissertation analyses modern software development process modeling from the software developers’ point of view. The goal of the dissertation is to investigate whether the software process modeling and the software process models aid software developers in their day-to-day work and what are the main mechanisms for this. The focus of the work is on the Software Process Engineering Metamodel (SPEM) framework which is currently one of the most influential process modeling notations in software engineering. The research theme is elaborated through six scientific articles which represent the dissertation research done with process modeling during an approximately five year period. The research follows the classical engineering research discipline where the current situation is analyzed, a potentially better solution is developed and finally its implications are analyzed. The research applies a variety of different research techniques ranging from literature surveys to qualitative studies done amongst software practitioners. The key finding of the dissertation is that software process modeling notations and techniques are usually developed in process engineering terms. As a consequence the connection between the process models and actual development work is loose. In addition, the modeling standards like SPEM are partially incomplete when it comes to pragmatic process modeling needs, like light-weight modeling and combining pre-defined process components. This leads to a situation, where the full potential of process modeling techniques for aiding the daily development activities can not be achieved. Despite these difficulties the dissertation shows that it is possible to use modeling standards like SPEM to aid software developers in their work. The dissertation presents a light-weight modeling technique, which software development teams can use to quickly analyze their work practices in a more objective manner. The dissertation also shows how process modeling can be used to more easily compare different software development situations and to analyze their differences in a systematic way. Models also help to share this knowledge with others. A qualitative study done amongst Finnish software practitioners verifies the conclusions of other studies in the dissertation. Although processes and development methodologies are seen as an essential part of software development, the process modeling techniques are rarely used during the daily development work. However, the potential of these techniques intrigues the practitioners. As a conclusion the dissertation shows that process modeling techniques, most commonly used as tools for process engineers, can also be used as tools for organizing the daily software development work. This work presents theoretical solutions for bringing the process modeling closer to the ground-level software development activities. These theories are proven feasible by presenting several case studies where the modeling techniques are used e.g. to find differences in the work methods of the members of a software team and to share the process knowledge to a wider audience.
There are vast changes in the work environment, and the traditional rules and management methods might not be suitable for today’s employees anymore. The meaning of work is also changing due to the younger and higher educated generations entering the markets. Old customs need to be re-validated and new approaches should be taken into use. This paper strongly emphasizes the importance of happiness research and happiness at work. The values towards the meaning of work are changing; people demand happiness and quality from all aspects of their lives. The aim of this study is to define happiness - especially at work - and to explain how it can be measured and what kind of results achieved. I also want to find out how the contents of work and the working environment might enhance happiness. The correlation between education and happiness is discussed and examined. I am aware that the findings and theories are concentrating mainly on Western Countries and highlighting the values and work-environments of those societies. The main aim of the empirical study is to find out if there are connections between happiness and work in data collected by World Value Survey in 2005, and if the profession has effects on happiness. Other factors such as the correlation of age, sex, education and income are examined too. I also want to find out what kind of values people have towards work and how these affect the happiness levels. The focus is on two nations: Finland (N=1014) and Italy (N=1012). I have also taken the global comparison within, that is all 54 countries (N=66,566) included in the 5th wave (during the years 2005 -2008) of the World Value Survey. The results suggest that people are generally happy around the world; happiness decreasing with the age, the educated being happier than the uneducated and the employed happier than the unemployed. People working in neat “white collar” jobs are more likely happier than those working in factories or outdoors. Money makes us happier, until certain level is reached. Work is important to people and the importance of work adds happiness. Work is also highly appreciated, but there are more happy people among those who do not appreciate work that highly. Safety matters the most when looking for a job, and there are more happy people among those who have selected the importance of work as the first choice when looking for a job, than among those to whom an income is the most important aspect. People are more likely happy when the quality of work is high, that is when their job consists of creative and cognitive tasks and when they have a feeling of independence.
The thesis consists of four studies (articles I–IV) and a comprehensive summary. The aim is to deepen understanding and knowledge of newly qualified teachers’ experiences of their induction practices. The research interest thus reflects the ambition to strengthen the research-based platform for support measures. The aim can be specified in the following four sub-areas: to scrutinise NQTs’ experiences of the profession in the transition from education to work (study I), to describe and analyse NQTs’ experiences of their first encounters with school and classroom (study II), to explore NQTs’ experiences of their relationships within the school community (study III), to view NQTs’ experiences of support through peer-group mentoring as part of the wider aim of collaboration and assessment (study IV). The overall theoretical perspective constitutes teachers’ professional development. Induction forms an essential part of this continuum and can primarily be seen as a socialisation process into the profession and the social working environment of schools, as a unique phase of teachers’ development contributing to certain experiences, and as a formal programme designed to support new teachers. These lines of research are initiated in the separate studies (I–IV) and deepened in the theoretical part of the comprehensive summary. In order to appropriately understand induction as a specific practice the lines of research are in the end united and discussed with help of practice theory. More precisely the theory of practice architectures, including semantic space, physical space-time and social space, are used. The methodological approach to integrating the four studies is above all represented by abduction and meta-synthesis. Data has been collected through a questionnaire survey, with mainly open-ended questions, and altogether ten focus group meetings with newly qualified primary school teachers in 2007–2008. The teachers (n=88 in questionnaire, n=17 in focus groups), had between one and three years of teaching experience. Qualitative content analysis and narrative analysis were used when analysing the data. What is then the collected picture of induction or the first years in the profession if scrutinising the results presented in the articles? Four dimensions seem especially to permeate the studies and emerge when they are put together. The first dimension, the relational ˗ emotional, captures the social nature of induction and teacher’s work and the emotional character intimately intertwined. The second dimension, the tensional ˗ mutable, illustrates the intense pace of induction, together with the diffuse and unclear character of a teacher’s job. The third dimension, the instructive ˗ developmental, depicts induction as a unique and intensive phase of learning, maturity and professional development. Finally, the fourth dimension, the reciprocal ˗ professional, stresses the importance of reciprocity and collaboration in induction, both formally and informally. The outlined four dimensions, or integration of results, describing induction from the experiences of new teachers, constitute part of a new synthesis, induction practice. This synthesis was generated from viewing the integrated results through the theoretical lens of practice architecture and the three spaces, semantic space, physical space-time and social space. In this way, a more comprehensive, refined and partially new architecture of teachers’ induction practices are presented and discussed.
Tietotyötä ja tietotyöntekijöitä on tutkittu jo monta vuosikymmentä, mutta siitä huolimatta nämä määritelmät ovat edelleen vailla tieteellisessä käytännössä vakiintunutta sisältöä. Voitaneen kuitenkin sanoa, että nykypäivän työstä yhä suurempi osuus on luokiteltavissa tietotyöksi. Tietotyöntekijöille puolestaan on keskeistä oman osaamisen myyminen työmarkkinoilla. Tästä huolimatta tietotyöntekijöiden osaaminen on tieteellisessä tutkimuksessa jäänyt melko vähäiselle huomiolle. Tässä tutkimuksessa tavoitteena on selvittää, millainen osaaminen on keskeistä kaikille tietotyöntekijöille. Tämän lisäksi tarkasteltiin myös sitä, miten näitä keskeisiä osaamisalueita voidaan mitata osaamiskartoituksen, inhimillisen pääoman tai henkilöstötilinpäätöksen avulla. Tutkimus suoritettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena ja hyödyntäen lähinnä grounded theory –menetelmää. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin tietotyöntekijöiden puolistrukturoidulla haastattelulla sekä rekrytoinnin ammattilaisille suunnatulla lomakekyselyllä, joka toteutettiin internetin välityksellä. Erityisen keskeisinä tietotyöntekijöille voidaan pitää yleisemmän tason osaamisia, kuten esimerkiksi sosiaalisia taitoja tai ongelmanratkaisukykyä. Huomattava merkitys on myös persoonaan liittyvillä ominaisuuksilla, motivaatiolla ja asenteella. Mittaamisen suhteen nämä ovat haastavia, sillä niiden toteaminen ei ole samalla tavalla yksinkertaista kuin ammattispesifin osaamisen havaitseminen. Nämä ominaisuudet ovat kuitenkin siinä määrin keskeisiä tietotyöntekijöiden työsuorituksille, että niitä ei tulisi sivuuttaa liian vaikeina.
Auditor independence is a cornerstone of the auditing profession and the basic principle that underpins the reputation of the auditing profession in the public eye. Indeed, it is the attribute most demanded from auditors by the public. Therefore, the sustainability of the auditing profession depends on how auditors can protect this principle. This dissertation consists of four interrelated essays concerned with auditor independence. Specifically, it examines situations that can threaten and impair auditor independence. In addition, this dissertation also examines several variables that may enhance and protect auditor independence. The first essay aims to examine the impact of social pressures occurring within audit firms on auditors’ judgment in the setting of a society with “high power distance” and “low individualism” cultural dimensions. The social pressures consisted of obedience pressure exerted by an auditor’s superior and conformity pressure exerted by an auditor’s colleague. Moreover, two moderating variables—a multi-dimensional professional commitment and locus of control—were included as moderator variables in the relationship between the social pressures faced by auditors and their judgment. The findings show that obedience and conformity pressures influence auditor judgment. Auditors who face the social pressures will make a judgment that may be even diametrically opposite to the independence principle. The findings also indicate that a multi-dimensional professional commitment and locus of control may potentially influence auditor judgment in a situation with social pressures. The second essay aims to investigate the association of advocacy and familiarity threats caused by auditor fee dependence and auditor tenure on auditor independence based on Finnish data, law, and auditing environment. This essay was motivated by the Green Paper on Audit Policy, published by the European Commission in 2010 that questions whether the maximum fee collected from a client should be regulated and whether consecutive assignments should be limited, among others. Contrary to popular belief, this essay does not find evidence that audit fees and long auditor tenure will jeopardise auditor independence. Therefore, the findings do not support policies to regulate auditor fees or limit auditor tenure in Finland. The third essay aims to examine the effect of client intimidation on auditor independence in an audit-client conflict situation. Intimidation threat is one of five independence threats that are explicitly referenced in the IFAC’s independence framework. Client intimidation was manifested in the client threatening to replace the auditor if the auditor did not adopt the client’s position. In addition, this essay examines the role of auditor’s perceived pressure and multi-dimensions of professional commitment as moderator variables. The findings suggest that auditors who experience client intimidation in an audit conflict situation are more likely to have their independence impaired than those who are in a similar situation but without client intimidation. Moreover, auditors who experience client intimidation perceive higher pressure than those who do not experience intimidation. Finally, auditors’ affective and continuance professional commitment dimensions moderate the relationship between auditors’ perceived pressures and auditor independence. The aim of the fourth essay is twofold. First, it aims to develop a scale for measuring auditors’ reputation awareness. Second, it aims to examine the correlation between the levels of auditor reputation awareness and auditor independence. A seven-item scale was developed as the reputation awareness scale. The findings indicate that the scale consists of one dimension. It also has a level of satisfactory reliability and a high level of validity. The findings show that there is a positive correlation between the level of auditors’ reputation awareness and auditor independence.