952 resultados para poly-L-lactic acid


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The processes of adsorption of grafted copolymers onto negatively charged surfaces were studied using a dissipative quartz crystal microbalance (D-QCM) and ellipsometry. The control parameters in the study of the adsorption are the existence or absence on the molecular architecture of grafted polyethyleneglycol (PEG) chains with different lengths and the chemical nature of the main chain, poly(allylamine) (PAH) or poly(L-lysine) (PLL). It was found out that the adsorption kinetics of the polymers showed a complex behavior. The total adsorbed amount depends on the architecture of the polymer chains (length of the PEG chains), on the polymer concentration and on the chemical nature of the main chain. The comparison of the thicknesses of the adsorbed layers obtained from D-QCM and from ellipsometry allowed calculation of the water content of the layers that is intimately related to the grafting length. The analysis of D-QCM results also provides information about the shear modulus of the layers, whose values have been found to be typical of a rubber-like polymer system. It is shown that the adsorption of polymers with a charged backbone is not driven exclusively by the electrostatic interactions, but the entropic contributions as a result of the trapping of water in the layer structure are of fundamental importance.


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La presente Tesis Doctoral se realizó con el fin de estimar conjuntamente la respuesta agronómica y fisiológica de la vid (Vitis vinifera L.), así como los efectos sobre la evolución de la maduración, composición y la calidad de la uva y del vino, bajo la aplicación de diferentes déficit hídricos en pre-envero y post-envero, dentro de un marco de referencia de cambio climático. La variación climática que prevén los estudios sobre el cambio climático, resulta un factor decisivo en la eficiencia del uso del agua en la vid. En zonas cálidas, las estrategias de cultivo del viñedo frente al cambio climático deben de ir dirigidas a atenuar sus efectos sobre el crecimiento y el desarrollo de la vid, haciéndose imprescindible el estudio pormenorizado del déficit hídrico como factor decisivo en la obtención de las uvas adecuadas, ya que son la clave indispensable para el éxito en la elaboración del vino, y de forma muy especial en los vinos enfocados a un sector de alta calidad. El ensayo se llevó a cabo en un viñedo comercial de Bodegas Licinia, en la Comunidad de Madrid, durante los años 2010 y 2011. La variedad estudiada fue Cabernet sauvignon / 41 B, plantada a un marco de plantación de 3 m x 1 m, con un guiado vertical de la vegetación. El dispositivo experimental fue totalmente al azar, y se establecieron 4 tratamientos experimentales con 4 grados de disponibilidad hídrica, déficit moderado continuo (T0,45-0,6), déficit severo continuo (T0-0,3), déficit severo después de envero (T0,45-0,3) y déficit severo antes de envero (T0-0,6). En cada tratamiento se distribuyeron 3 repeticiones. El año 2010 fue el más lluvioso de los años de ensayo, con 478 mm de precipitaciones anuales, lo que supuso 146 mm más que en el año 2011. Su distribución a lo largo del ciclo fue más homogénea en el año 2010, mientras que en 2011 las precipitaciones contabilizadas en el período de maduración de la uva fueron nulas. La temperatura media subió 0,9ºC en 2011, respecto a 2010 y en cuanto a la integral térmica eficaz, en 2011 se acumularon, desde el 1 de abril hasta el final de ciclo, 217 grados•día más que en 2010. El déficit hídrico en pre-envero, modificó notablemente el crecimiento vegetativo y la producción de cosecha de la parcela de ensayo, no así la fertilidad de las yemas. El tratamiento con mayor disponibilidad hídrica (T0,45-0,6) obtuvo el mayor peso de baya, y los tratamientos con menor déficit hídrico en pre-envero (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3) registraron los mayores rendimientos de cosecha, mientras que las menores tasas de cuajado correspondieron al tratamiento con un déficit severo continuo (T0-0,3). La parcela de ensayo se caracterizó por un exceso de vigor y un alto crecimiento vegetativo. El pH del mosto se vio afectado por el déficit hídrico, disminuyendo su valor en el tratamiento de déficit hídrico severo antes de envero (T0-0,6). Organolépticamente, no se percibieron diferencias significativas en los vinos elaborados en función del déficit hídrico, y respecto a su composición físico-química, solo existieron diferencias en la concentración de ácido L-Málico, con mayores concentraciones en los tratamientos sin déficit hídrico en pre-envero, T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3. El déficit hídrico modificó notablemente el color del vino, aumentando los valores de las coordenadas CIELAB a* y b*, la luminosidad (L*), croma (C*) y tonalidad (H*), para los tratamientos con un déficit severo en pre-envero (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6) y disminuyendo estas en el tratamiento con mayor disponibilidad hídrica (T0,45-0,6). Del mismo modo, mediante el análisis de color por métodos tradicionales, IPT e IC de los vinos, aumentó en los tratamientos con mayor déficit hídrico en pre-envero (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), respecto a los tratamientos de mayor disponibilidad (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3). La concentración de taninos de la baya en vendimia, no se vio afectada por el déficit hídrico, aunque sí estuvo relacionada positivamente con el tamaño de las bayas. Organolépticamente, los hollejos del año 2011 resultaron con menor frescura, acidez, afrutado, sensación herbácea e intensidad tánica, aunque con mayor astringencia respecto a 2010. Las pepitas fueron más astringentes y aromáticas pero menos crujientes, sin llegar a los niveles de madurez del año 2010. El catador relacionó los taninos con la calidad del vino, asociándolos con un mayor cuerpo, acidez, intensidad, equilibrio gustativo, amargor y menor astringencia en la fase gustativa. La concentración de taninos en los vinos se vio favorecida con el déficit hídrico en pre-envero y post-envero. Los tratamientos con mayor déficit hídrico en pre-envero, T0-0,6 y T0-0,3, obtuvieron las menores concentraciones de potasio en mostos y vinos. Las relaciones entre la concentración de potasio, ácido L-Málico y el porcentaje de color rojo puro (dA(%)) resultaron altamente significativas, de modo que las mayores tasas de potasio en el vino se asociaron a los valores más bajos de color rojo y a los mayores de ácido L-Málico. ABSTRACT The present Doctoral Thesis has been done in order to estimate the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) agronomic and physiologic performance or response as well as the impact in the grape and wine maturity, composition and quality evolution, with different water deficits. The variation in climate that the global warming studies for seen is a key factor for the grapevine water use efficiency. In warm areas the farming vineyards strategy to face the climatic change, should be focused on diminish the effects on the grapevine growth and development, so that the water deficit detailed analysis becomes decisive to obtain the appropriate grapes, that are the main subject for a successful wine production and especially for top quality wines. The trial was carried out in a commercial vineyard in Chinchón (Madrid), Licinia winery, during the 2010 and 2011 seasons. The grape variety studied was Cabernet Sauvignon grafted onto 41B with a vine spacing 3m x 1m trained as VSP. Experimental design consisted on 4 irrigation treatments with 3 replications totally randomized. Irrigation treatments were: moderate regulated deficit (T0,45-0,6), severe continuous deficit (T0-0,3), severe post-veraison deficit (T0,45-0,3) and severe pre veraison deficit (T0-0,6). The 2010 was rainier year than the 2011; Total annual rain in 2010 was 478 mm, which resulted in 146 mm more than in 2011. The distribution along the vine cycle was more homogeneous in the 2010, whereas precipitations in 2011 along the grape maturity period were nonexistent. The average temperature in 2011 was 0,9ºC higher than that of the 2010 and regarding to the thermal integral, in the 2011 from 1st April to the end of the growing cycle, was 217 degrees•day higher than that in 2010. Water deficit significantly modified the vegetative growth and yield but, it did not modified bud fertility. The treatment with the highest water availability (T0,45-0,6) got the highest berry size, the lowest berry set rates were found in the severe continuous deficit treatment (T0-0,3). The plot studied in this trial was characterized by both excessive vigour and vegetative growth. Water deficit modified the pH must by, reducing it in the severe water deficit during pre-veraison (T0-0,6). There were not differences in wine tasting between the water deficits treatments. Regarding to the physical-chemical composition, it only existed differences in the L-malic acid concentration, resulting higher concentrations in the water deficit pre-veraison treatments: T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3. Water deficit significantly modified wine colour by, increasing the CIELAB coordinates a* and b*, the brightness (L*), croma (C*) and tonality (H*), in the lower water availability pre-veraison treatments (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), and reducing them in the in the moderate continuous water deficit ones (T0,45-0,6). By means of traditional wine colour parameters analyses, red colour percentage, TPI, they became higher in the lower water availability pre-veraison treatments (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), than in those with higher availability (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3). At harvest, berry tannins concentrations was not affected by the water deficit although it did in a positive way, in the berry size. Berry tasting in 2011, resulted in a lower freshness, acidity, fruity, herbaceous flavour and tannic intensity, but with higher astringency respect to the 2010 season. Seeds, in 2011, were more astringent and aromatic as in the 2010, but less crunchy, without getting to the point of maturity. The taster linked the tannins to wine quality, associating them with a higher bodiest wine, acidity, intensity, taste balance, bitterness and with a lower astringency in the tasting stage. Treatments with a higher water deficit up to veraison T0-0,6 y T0-0,3 got less musts and wines potassium concentration. The relation between L-malic acid and the full red color percentage (dA(%)), were highly related, resulting the higher potassium content the lower wine quality.


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Vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid; AsA) acts as a potent antioxidant and cellular reductant in plants and animals. AsA has long been known to have many critical physiological roles in plants, yet its biosynthesis is only currently being defined. A pathway for AsA biosynthesis that features GDP-mannose and l-galactose has recently been proposed for plants. We have isolated a collection of AsA-deficient mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana that are valuable tools for testing of an AsA biosynthetic pathway. The best-characterized of these mutants (vtc1) contains ≈25% of wild-type AsA and is defective in AsA biosynthesis. By using a combination of biochemical, molecular, and genetic techniques, we have demonstrated that the VTC1 locus encodes a GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase (mannose-1-P guanyltransferase). This enzyme provides GDP-mannose, which is used for cell wall carbohydrate biosynthesis and protein glycosylation as well as for AsA biosynthesis. In addition to genetically defining the first locus involved in AsA biosynthesis, this work highlights the power of using traditional mutagenesis techniques coupled with the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative to rapidly clone physiologically important genes.


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The availability of cysteine is thought to be the rate limiting factor for synthesis of the tripeptide glutathione (GSH), based on studies in rodents. GSH status is compromised in various disease states and by certain medications leading to increased morbidity and poor survival. To determine the possible importance of dietary cyst(e)ine availability for whole blood glutathione synthesis in humans, we developed a convenient mass spectrometric method for measurement of the isotopic enrichment of intact GSH and then applied it in a controlled metabolic study. Seven healthy male subjects received during two separate 10-day periods an l-amino acid based diet supplying an adequate amino acid intake or a sulfur amino acid (SAA) (methionine and cysteine) free mixture (SAA-free). On day 10, l-[1-13C]cysteine was given as a primed, constant i.v. infusion (3μmol⋅kg−1⋅h−1) for 6 h, and incorporation of label into whole blood GSH determined by GC/MS selected ion monitoring. The fractional synthesis rate (mean ± SD; day-1) of whole blood GSH was 0.65 ± 0.13 for the adequate diet and 0.49 ± 0.13 for the SAA-free diet (P < 0.01). Whole blood GSH was 1,142 ± 243 and 1,216 ± 162 μM for the adequate and SAA-free periods (P > 0.05), and the absolute rate of GSH synthesis was 747 ± 216 and 579 ± 135 μmol⋅liter−1⋅day−1, respectively (P < 0.05). Thus, a restricted dietary supply of SAA slows the rate of whole blood GSH synthesis and diminishes turnover, with maintenance of the GSH concentration in healthy subjects.


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The emergence of biochemical homochirality was a key step in the origin of life, yet prebiotic mechanisms for chiral separation are not well constrained. Here we demonstrate a geochemically plausible scenario for chiral separation of amino acids by adsorption on mineral surfaces. Crystals of the common rock-forming mineral calcite (CaCO3), when immersed in a racemic aspartic acid solution, display significant adsorption and chiral selectivity of d- and l-enantiomers on pairs of mirror-related crystal-growth surfaces. This selective adsorption is greater on crystals with terraced surface textures, which indicates that d- and l-aspartic acid concentrate along step-like linear growth features. Thus, selective adsorption of linear arrays of d- and l-amino acids on calcite, with subsequent condensation polymerization, represents a plausible geochemical mechanism for the production of homochiral polypeptides on the prebiotic Earth.


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L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a powerful reducing agent found in millimolar concentrations in plants, and is proposed to play an important role in scavenging free radicals in plants and animals. However, surprisingly little is known about the role of this antioxidant in plant environmental stress adaptation or ascorbate biosynthesis. We report the isolation of soz1, a semi-dominant ozone-sensitive mutant that accumulates only 30% of the normal ascorbate concentration. The results of genetic approaches and feeding studies show that the ascorbate concentration affects foliar resistance to the oxidizing gas ozone. Consistent with the proposed role for ascorbate in reactive oxygen species detoxification, lipid peroxides are elevated in soz1, but not in wild type following ozone fumigation. We show that the soz1 mutant is hypersensitive to both sulfur dioxide and ultraviolet B irradiation, thus implicating ascorbate in defense against varied environmental stresses. In addition to defining the first ascorbate deficient mutant in plants, these results indicate that screening for ozone-sensitive mutants is a powerful method for identifying physiologically important antioxidant mechanisms and signal transduction pathways. Analysis of soz1 should lead to more information about the physiological roles and metabolism of ascorbate.


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Since ribosomally mediated protein biosynthesis is confined to the L-amino acid pool, the presence of D-amino acids in peptides was considered for many years to be restricted to proteins of prokaryotic origin. Unicellular microorganisms have been responsible for the generation of a host of D-amino acid-containing peptide antibiotics (gramicidin, actinomycin, bacitracin, polymyxins). Recently, a series of mu and delta opioid receptor agonists [dermorphins and deltorphins] and neuroactive tetrapeptides containing a D-amino acid residue have been isolated from amphibian (frog) skin and mollusks. Amino acid sequences obtained from the cDNA libraries coincide with the observed dermorphin and deltorphin sequences, suggesting a stereospecific posttranslational amino acid isomerization of unknown mechanism. A cofactor-independent serine isomerase found in the venom of the Agelenopsis aperta spider provides the first major clue to explain how multicellular organisms are capable of incorporating single D-amino acid residues into these and other eukaryotic peptides. The enzyme is capable of isomerizing serine, cysteine, O-methylserine, and alanine residues in the middle of peptide chains, thereby providing a biochemical capability that, until now, had not been observed. Both D- and L-amino acid residues are susceptible to isomerization. The substrates share a common Leu-Xaa-Phe-Ala recognition site. Early in the reaction sequence, solvent-derived deuterium resides solely with the epimerized product (not substrate) in isomerizations carried out in 2H2O. Significant deuterium isotope effects are obtained in these reactions in addition to isomerizations of isotopically labeled substrates (2H at the epimerizeable serine alpha-carbon atom). The combined kinetic and structural data suggests a two-base mechanism in which abstraction of a proton from one face is concomitant with delivery from the opposite face by the conjugate acid of the second enzymic base.


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Pancreatic islets from young normal and scorbutic male guinea pigs were examined for their ability to release insulin when stimulated with elevated D-glucose. Islets from normal guinea pigs released insulin in a D-glucose-dependent manner showing a rapid initial secretion phase and three secondary secretion waves during a 120-min period. Islets from scorbutic guinea pigs failed to release insulin during the immediate period, and only delayed and decreased responses were observed over the 40-60 min after D-glucose elevation. Insulin release from scorbutic islets was greatly elevated if 5 mM L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate was supplemented in the perifusion medium during the last 60 min of perifusion. When 5 mM L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate was added to the perifusion medium concurrently with elevation of medium D-glucose, islets from scorbutic guinea pigs released insulin as rapidly as control guinea pig islets and to a somewhat greater extent. L-Ascorbic acid 2-phosphate without elevated D-glucose had no effect on insulin release by islets from normal or scorbutic guinea pigs. The pancreas from scorbutic guinea pigs contained 2.4 times more insulin than that from control guinea pigs, suggesting that the decreased insulin release from the scorbutic islets was not due to decreased insulin synthesis but due to abnormal insulin secretion.


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Prolyl 4-hydroxylase (EC catalyzes the posttranslational formation of 4-hydroxyproline in collagens. The vertebrate enzyme is an alpha 2 beta 2 tetramer, the beta subunit of which is a highly unusual multifunctional polypeptide, being identical to protein disulfide-isomerase (EC We report here the cloning of a second mouse alpha subunit isoform, termed the alpha (II) subunit. This polypeptide consists of 518 aa and a signal peptide of 19 aa. The processed polypeptide is one residue longer than the mouse alpha (I) subunit (the previously known type), the cloning of which is also reported here. The overall amino acid sequence identity between the mouse alpha (II) and alpha (I) subunits is 63%. The mRNA for the alpha (II) subunit was found to be expressed in a variety of mouse tissues. When the alpha (II) subunit was expressed together with the human protein disulfide-isomerase/beta subunit in insect cells by baculovirus vectors, an active prolyl 4-hydroxylase was formed, and this protein appeared to be an alpha (II) 2 beta 2 tetramer. The activity of this enzyme was very similar to that of the human alpha (I) 2 beta 2 tetramer, and most of its catalytic properties were also highly similar, but it differed distinctly from the latter in that it was inhibited by poly(L-proline) only at very high concentrations. This property may explain why the type II enzyme was not recognized earlier, as an early step in the standard purification procedure for prolyl 4-hydroxylase is affinity chromatography on a poly(L-proline) column.


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A celulose é o polímero natural renovável disponível em maior abundância atualmente. Por possuir estrutura semicristalina, é possível extrair seus domínios cristalinos através de procedimentos que ataquem sua fase amorfa, como a hidrólise ácida, obtendo-se assim partículas cristalinas chamadas nanopartículas de celulose (NCs). Estas nanopartículas têm atraído enorme interesse científico, uma vez que possuem propriedades mecânicas, como módulo de elasticidade e resistência à tração, semelhantes a várias cargas inorgânicas utilizadas na fabricação de compósitos. Além disso, possuem dimensões nanométricas, o que contribui para menor adição de carga à matriz polimérica, já que possuem maior área de superfície, quando comparadas às cargas micrométricas. Nanocompósitos formados pela adição destas cargas em matrizes poliméricas podem apresentar propriedades comerciais atraentes, como barreira a gases, melhores propriedades térmicas e baixa densidade, quando comparados aos compósitos tradicionais. Como se trata de uma carga com dimensões nanométricas, obtida de fontes renováveis, uma das principais áreas de interesse para aplicação deste reforço é em biopolímeros biodegradáveis. O poli(ácido lático) (PLA), é um exemplo de biopolímero com propriedades mecânicas, térmicas e de processamento superiores a de outros biopolímeros comerciais. No presente trabalho foram obtidas nanopartículas de celulose (NCs), por meio de hidrólise ácida, utilizando-se três métodos distintos, com o objetivo de estudar o método mais eficiente para a obtenção de NCs adequadas à aplicação em compósitos de PLA. Os Métodos I e II empregam extração das NCs por meio do H2SO4, diferenciando-se apenas pela neutralização, a qual envolve diálise ou neutralização com NaHCO3, respectivamente. No Método III a extração das NCs foi realizada com H3PO4. As NCs foram caracterizadas por diferentes técnicas, como difração de raios X (DRX), análise termogravimétrica (TG), espectroscopia vibracional de absorção no infravermelho (FTIR), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET) e microscopia de força atômica (MFA). Os resultados de caracterização das NCs indicaram que, a partir de todos os métodos utilizados, há formação de nanocristais de celulose (NCCs), entretanto, apenas os NCCs obtidos pelos Métodos II e III apresentaram estabilidade térmica suficiente para serem empregados em compósitos preparados por adição da carga no polímero em estado fundido. A incorporação das NCs em matriz de PLA foi realizada em câmara de mistura, com posterior moldagem por prensagem a quente. Compósitos obtidos por adição de NCs obtidas pelo Método II foram caracterizados por calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), análise termogravimétrica, microscopia óptica, análises reológicas e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). A adição de NCs, extraídas pelo Método II, em matriz de PLA afetou o processo de cristalização do polímero, o qual apresentou maior grau de cristalinidade. Além disso, a adição de 3% em massa de NCs no PLA foi suficiente para alterar seu comportamento reológico. Os resultados reológicos indicaram que a morfologia do compósito é, predominantemente, composta por uma dispersão homogênea e fina da carga na fase matriz. Micrografias obtidas por MEV corroboram os resultados reológicos, mostrando, predominantemente a presença de partículas de NC em escala nanométrica. Compósitos de PLA com NCs obtidas pelo Método III apresentaram aglomerados de partículas de NC em escala micro e milimétrica, ao longo da fase matriz, e não foram extensivamente caracterizados.


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Neste trabalho compósitos foram obtidos a partir da blenda comercial 100% biodegradável Ecovio® C2224 da BASF, uma blenda formada por 55% em massa de um copoliéster biodegradável, o Ecoflex® (poli[(adipato de butileno)-co-(tereftalato de butileno)]) e 45% em massa de PLA poli(ácido láctico). Como carga, utilizaram-se dois tipos de argilas comerciais do grupo das esmectitas, ambas predominantemente montmorilonitas: Cloisite Sódica® e Cloisite 30B®. Também foi utilizado como carga a sílica coloidal comercial Aerosil 200®, com área superficial de 200 m2/g e diâmetro médio de partícula 12nm. Os compósitos estudados, ambos contendo 5% e 10% em massa de cargas, foram preparados em uma extrusora de rosca dupla, acoplada a um reômetro de torque. O estudo foi dividido em três etapas: 1ª) etapa: Obtenção e caracterização dos compósitos de Ecovio®/ argila e Ecovio® / sílica; 2ª) etapa: Avaliação da fotodegradação do Ecovio® puro e dos compósitos obtidos; 3ª) etapa: Avaliação da biodegradabilidade do Ecovio® puro e dos compósitos após exposição em câmara de UV. As propriedades mecânicas dos compósitos antes e depois de serem submetidos à exposição em câmara de UV foram avaliadas por ensaios de resistência à tração e resistência ao impacto Izod. Os resultados obtidos na 1ª etapa deste trabalho indicaram aumento nos valores de módulo de elasticidade de todos os compósitos, em relação à blenda pura. Destacam-se as composições com 5% e 10% em massa de sílica coloidal, que apresentaram aumentos de até 115% nos valores de módulo de elasticidade, sem perdas significativas em resistência à tração, alongamento e resistência ao impacto, quando comparadas à fase matriz. Na 2ª etapa, a partir de 20 dias de exposição, todas as composições (blendas e compósitos) apresentam redução nas propriedades mecânicas em função do aumento do tempo de exposição à radiação UV. Na 3ª etapa, independente do tipo ou teor de carga presente na blenda, todas as composições apresentaram índices de biodegradabilidade, depois de 120 dias, de 40 a 60%, devido à prévia exposição à radiação UV.


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Neste trabalho são apresentados processos de microfabricação de estruturas contendo microcanais e sistemas de manipulação hidrodinâmica e eletroosmótica de fluídos. Foram desenvolvidos processos de microfabricação utilizando toner sobre poliéster, toner sobre vidro, toner como resiste, além de métodos alternativos de perfuração de lâminas e selagem de microestruturas em vidro, desenvolvimento de microestruturas para eletroforese capilar e espectrometria de massas com ionização por eletronebulização. A caracterização dos materiais e processos permitiu uma ampla visão das potencialidades e alternativas dos processos de microfabricação, tendo sido demonstrado que os dispositivos produzidos em toner-poliéster são quimicamente resistentes às substâncias tipicamente utilizadas em eletroforese capilar. Neste trabalho, um detector condutométrico sem contato foi implementado em microestruturas de toner-poliéster e a separação eletroforética de alguns metais alcalinos é demonstrada. A microestrutura foi projetada no formato padrão em cruz, tendo o canal de separação 22 mm de comprimento, 12 µm de profundidade e largura típica. A cela condutométrica foi construída sobre o canal de separação utilizando-se fita adesiva de cobre (1 mm de largura) como eletrodos. O sinal aplicado na cela foi de 530 kHz e 10 Vpp . A separação de K+, Na+ e Li+ na concentração de 100 µmol L-1 foi efetuada em torno de 0,8 min, utilizando-se 1 kV como potencial de separação. Foram desenvolvidos microchips para análise por espectrometria de massas com introdução de amostra por eletronebulização, sendo determinado cluster do íon cloreto em concentração de 1 mmol L+. Também solução com 1 mmol/L de glucosamina em água/metanol 1: 1 (v/v), sob corrente de 100 nA gerou sinal estável e livre de descarga corona. Utilizando detecção amperométrica, obteve-se eletroferogramas mostrando a separação de iodeto (10 mmol L-1) e ascorbato (40 mmol L-1) em potencial de separação de 4,0 kV (800 V cm-1 potencial de detecção de 0,9 V (vs. Ag/AgCI), injeção com 1,0 kV/1°s, tampão borato de sódio 10 mmol L+ com CTAH 0,2 mmol L-1, pH 9,2. Obteve-se eficiência de 1,6.104 pratos/m e foi possível obter limites de detecção de 500 nmol L-1 (135 amol) e 1,8 µmol L-1 (486 amol) para iodeto e ascorbato, respectivamente. O processo de fabricação utilizando toner como material estrutural para microchips em vidro foi bem estabelecido, assim como os modos de detecção fotométrico e condutométrico foram demonstrados. Foram obtidos eletroferogramas par detecção condutométrica sem contato de solução 200 µmol L-1 de K+, Na+ e U+, em tampão histidina/ácido lático 30 mmol L-1 9:1 (v/v) água:metanol, injeção eletrocinética de 2,0 kV/5,0 s, potencial de separação de 1 kV, 530 kHz de frequência e tensão de 2,0 Vpp. Também foi implementado um sistema de detecção fotométrico para microchip operando em 660 nm, tendo sido utilizado para a detecção de azul de metileno 1,0 mmol L-1 em tampão de corrida de barato de sódio 20 mmol L-1 (pH 9,2), com o detector posicionado a 40 mm do ponto de injeção e com injeção eletrocinética a 2,0 kV por 12 s com picos bem resolvidos em menos de 1 min.


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Poly(lactic acid) (PLA)-based high performance nano-biocomposites were prepared to be used in active food packaging. Pristine (CNC) and surfactant modified cellulose nanocrystals (s-CNC) with silver (Ag) nanoparticles were used as the matrix modifiers. Binary and ternary systems were prepared. Morphological investigations revealed the good distribution of silver nanoparticles in PLA ternary systems. The combination of s-CNC and Ag nanoparticles increased the barrier effect of the produced films while the results of overall migration for the PLA nano-biocomposites revealed that none of the samples exceeded the overall migration limit, since results were well below 60 mg kg−1 of simulant.


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The disintegration under composting conditions of films based on poly(lactic acid)–poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PLA–PHB) blends and intended for food packaging was studied. Two different plasticizers, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and acetyl-tri-n-butyl citrate (ATBC), were used to limit the inherent brittleness of both biopolymers. Neat PLA, plasticized PLA and PLA–PHB films were processed by melt-blending and compression molding and they were further treated under composting conditions in a laboratory-scale test at 58 ± 2 °C. Disintegration levels were evaluated by monitoring their weight loss at different times: 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Morphological changes in all formulations were followed by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The influence of plasticizers on the disintegration of PLA and PLA–PHB blends was studied by evaluating their thermal and nanomechanical properties by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and the nanoindentation technique, respectively. Meanwhile, structural changes were followed by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The ability of PHB to act as nucleating agent in PLA–PHB blends slowed down the PLA disintegration, while plasticizers speeded it up. The relationship between the mesolactide to lactide forms of PLA was calculated with a Pyrolysis–Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry device (Py–GC/MS), revealing that the mesolactide form increased during composting.


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Bio-based films formed by poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) plasticized with an oligomer of the lactic acid (OLA) were used as supporting matrices for an antibacterial agent (carvacrol). This paper reports the main features of the processing and physico-chemical characterization of these innovative biodegradable material based films, which were extruded and further submitted to filmature process. The effect of the addition of carvacrol and OLA on their microstructure, chemical, thermal and mechanical properties was assessed. The presence of these additives did not affect the thermal stability of PLA_PHB films, but resulted in a decrease in their crystallinity and in the elastic modulus for the active formulations. The obtained results showed the effective presence of additives in the PLA or the PLA_PHB matrix after processing at high temperatures, making them able to be used in active and bio-based formulations with antioxidant/antimicrobial performance.