955 resultados para physical-chemical evaluation


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O desmatamento da floresta tropical da Amazônia e a utilização do solo para fins agrícolas potencializam sua degradação física, química e biológica, quando realizados de forma inadequada. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de sistemas de uso e manejo de um Latossolo Amarelo, muito argiloso, mediante avaliações de atributos físicos determinados nas profundidades de 0,0-0,2 e 0,2-0,4 m, em área da Universidade do Amazonas, Manaus (AM). Os sistemas de uso e manejo foram: milho, laranja, pupunha, guaraná, pastagem, capoeira e floresta. Nos sistemas com milho, laranja, pupunha e pastagem, foram realizados o desmatamento, a queima e as operações de preparo e cultivo mecanizados. Foram avaliados a composição granulométrica, o grau de floculação da argila, o teor de matéria orgânica, a densidade de partículas, a densidade do solo, a porosidade total, a macro e microporosidade, e a infiltrações inicial e básica. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. Os agroecossistemas, em ordem crescente: capoeira, guaraná, milho, laranja, pupunha e pastagem induziram uma degradação dos atributos físicos do solo cultivado em relação ao de floresta, quantificada pelos maiores valores de densidade do solo e menores de macroporosidade, infiltração de água e matéria orgânica.


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The use of sewage sludge as a raw material falls within the waste recycling key in the current process model environmental sustainability .Waste recycling has been consolidated as a sustainable environmentally sound technical solution, and. Despite showing very variable composition and characteristics, sewage sludge, can be considered as a residue with a high recycling potential in the building sector. In this paper the feasibility of using sewage sludge ash was studied in addition to Portland cement mortar in 1:3 mass considered the standard dash. This gray additions were studied in proportions of 5%, 10 %, 15 %, 20 %, 25% and 30% by mass of cement. The methodology was focused on the characterization of materials by physical, chemical , mechanical , environmental and morphological followed by the production of mortar tests ,and finalized by the characterization tests of mortar in the fresh state, through the consistency index, content of entrained air, bulk density and water retention, and in the hardened state by bulk density, water absorption by capillarity capillarity coefficient, compressive strength, tensile strength in bending ,tensile bond strength and microstructural analysis for percentages of 0 to 20%. After comparing with the standard mortar mortars with addition of ash, it is concluded that the ash of sewage sludge did not impair the integrity and properties of mortars with addition, including increasing resistance to compression and tension, being 20% more indicated percentage. Thus, it becomes feasible the addition of sewage sludge ash in Portland cement mortar for the trait studied


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Analisaram-se as qualidades física, química e sensorial, bem como o perfil de ácidos graxos da carne de fêmeas suínas alimentadas com dietas com concentrações crescentes de ractopamina. Foram utilizadas 468 fêmeas, com peso inicial de 84,77±7,20kg, alojadas em 36 baias e alimentadas com dietas contendo 0, 5, 10 ou 15mg de ractopamina/kg. Após o período de 28 dias, dois animais de cada baia, depois de passarem por 15 horas de jejum sólido, foram abatidos. Uma amostra do músculo Longissimus da meia carcaça direita foi colhida para se avaliar as características de qualidade da carne. Não houve efeito (P>0,05) da adição de ractopamina às dietas sobre o pH, capacidade de retenção de água, força de cisalhamento, cor e oxidação lipídica da carne. Observou-se efeito quadrático (P<0,05) para perdas por cocção da carne, e não foi observada diferença (P>0,05) na análise sensorial da carne. Também não foi observado efeito (P>0,05) sobre a composição em ácidos graxos e sobre a relação entre ácidos graxos saturados:insaturados. A adição de até 15mg de ractopamina/kg de dieta não altera as características físicas, sensoriais e o perfil de ácidos graxos da carne de fêmeas suínas abatidas com 110kg de peso.


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O objetivo nesta pesquisa foi avaliar o potencial de crescimento, desempenho zootécnico e as características de rendimento da carcaça, das partes e dos órgãos e a qualidade da carne de três linhagens de frango de corte: Cobb (CB), Paraíso Pedrês (PP) e ISA Label (IL). O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições de 29 aves por tratamento. Semanalmente, com os dados obtidos para peso corporal médio, foi descrito o crescimento das aves, utilizando-se a equação de Gompertz e, com sua derivada, foi obtida a taxa de crescimento das aves. Três aves de cada repetição foram selecionadas e abatidas para análises do rendimento da carcaça, das partes e dos órgãos. As características físico-químicas da carne foram avaliadas utilizando-se o peito de duas destas aves. As aves CB apresentaram maior potencial de crescimento e, entre as caipiras o maior potencial foi observado para PP. Quanto ao desempenho, observou-se que a linhagem CB apresentou maior ganho de peso e consumo de ração, seguida pelas aves PP e IL. Maiores rendimentos de carcaça, de peito, sobrecoxa, fígado, intestinos e proventrículo foram obtidos com as aves CB em relação às caipiras, que não diferiram entre si. As aves CB apresentaram carne de peito com maior pH e maior capacidade de retenção de água que as de linhagens caipiras, que apresentaram carne de peito menos macia e com maior intensidade da cor vermelha. Maior potencial de crescimento e maiores rendimentos de pés, coxa, coxa+sobrecoxa e de coração foram verificados nos machos, enquanto, nas fêmeas, maiores rendimentos de peito, porcentagem de gordura abdominal, fígado, moela e proventrículo. As aves CB em relação às caipiras possuíram maior potencial de crescimento e maior rendimento de partes nobres, mas as caipiras apresentaram atributos diferenciados que justificam sua criação.


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O trabalho foi realizado em um pomar comercial de pêssego da cultivar Aurora 2, de três anos de idade, conduzida em sistema de vaso moderno e espaçamento de 6 x 4 m. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, utilizando-se de 15 tratamentos, 8 repetições e 16 frutos por tratamento. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: T1 - Sacolas de TNT branco de 45 gramaturas por m² (45G/m², fechado; T2 - Sacolas de TNT branco de 45 gramaturas por m² (45G/m²) aberto; T3 - Sacolas de TNT branco de 20 gramaturas por m² (20G/m²) fechado; T4 - Sacolas de TNT branco de 20 gramaturas por m² (20G/m²) aberto; T5 - Sacolas de polipropileno microperfurado transparente (furos de 1mm) fechado; T6 - Sacolas de polipropileno microperfurado transparente (furos de 1mm) aberto; T7 - Sacolas de polipropileno microperfurado transparente (furos de 2mm) fechado; T8 - Sacolas de polipropileno microperfurado transparente (furos de 2mm) aberto; T9 - Sacolas de polietileno microperfurado leitoso (furos de 1mm) fechado; T10 Sacolas de polietileno microperfurado leitoso (furos de 1mm) aberto; T11 Sacolas de polietileno microperfurado leitoso (furos de 2mm) fechado; T12 - Sacolas de polietileno microperfurado leitoso (furos de 2mm) aberto; T13 - Sacolas de papel impermeável fechado; T14 - Sacolas de papel impermeável aberto; T15 - Testemunha (sem ensacamento). As sacolas de TNT (Tecido-não-Tecido) e as de papel impermeável tinham as dimensões de 11,5 x 15,0 cm, e as de polipropileno microperfurado, de 13,0 x 20,0 cm. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que as embalagens de polipropileno transparentes podem ser empregadas para o ensacamento de frutos de pessegueiro, uma vez que as mesmas possibilitam a visualização da coloração dos frutos no momento da colheita, não comprometem o desenvolvimento da coloração dos mesmos e apresentam facilidade no manuseio.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The potential market of the metropolitan area of Salvador accounts for the estimated consumption of roughly 800 million horizontally perforated extruded clay bricks a year. The growing demand of consumers along with the competitiveness of the structural ceramic sector has driven forward a number of recent efforts and investments towards improving the quality of structural ceramics. In this scenario, the present study focused on sampling and evaluating the conformity of 8-hole horizontally perforated extruded clay bricks manufactured by different plants (A, B and C) in the metropolitan area of Salvador. In addition, representative clay and sandy-clay materials were collected from each plant and characterized by conventional physical, chemical and mineralogical techniques. Finally, experimental compositions designated as A, B and C, according to the source, were prepared by mixing different contents of the raw materials collected in the plants, fired at different temperatures and characterized. The results revealed a series of non conformities regarding ABNT guidelines. The characterization of raw materials revealed the presence of kaolinite and ilite in concentrations ranging from 64 to 90 wt.% along with free quartz (10 - 25%). The sandy-clay samples consisted basically of kaolinite. All raw materials depicted low contents of organics, amorphous constituents, alkaline oxides and feldspar. An analysis of the firing behavior of all different ceramic compositions revealed that the linear contraction of composition A was rather significant considering the temperature range evaluated, and it justifies the significant dimensional non conformity that was shown by bricks made with the ceramic A


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The advantages of the use of vegetable fibers on the synthetic fibers, such as glass fibers, in the reinforcements in composites are: low cost, low density, good tenacity, good thermal properties and reduced use of instruments for their treatment or processing. However, problems related to poor performance of some mechanical natural fibers, have hindered its direct use in structural elements. In this sense, the emergence of alternative materials such as hybrids composites, involving natural and synthetic fibers, has been encouraged by seeking to improve the performance of structural composites based only on natural fibers. The differences between the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of these fibers, especially facing the adverse environmental conditions such as the presence of moisture and ultraviolet radiation, is also becoming a concern in the final response of these composites. This piece of research presents a comparative study of the strength and stiffness between two composite, both of ortoftalic polyester matrix, one reinforced with fibers of glass-E (CV) and other hybrid reinforced with natural fibers of curauá and fiberglass-E (CH). All the comparative study is based on the influence of exposure to UV rays and steam heated water in composites, simulating the aging environment. The conditions for the tests are accelerated through the use of the aging chamber. The composites will be evaluated through tests of uniaxial static mechanical traction and bending on three points. The composite of glass fiber and hybrid manufacturing industry are using the rolling manual (hand lay-up) and have been developed in the form of composites. All were designed to meet possible structural applications such as tanks and pipes. The reinforcements used in composites were in the forms of short fiber glass-E quilts (450g/m2 - 5cm) of continuous wires and fuses (whose title was of 0.9 dtex) for the curauá fibers. The results clearly show the influence of aging on the environmental mechanical performance of the composite CV and CH. The issues concerning the final characteristics of the fracture for all types of cargoes studied were also analyzed


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The industries of structural ceramics are among the most important production chains in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The industry and other interest groups to target the replacement of firewood by natural gas. Studies accordingly concluded that simple change does not guarantee products of superior quality, and that the increase in spending on fuel can economically cripple the use of gas for burning the majority of products manufactured by that action. However some proposals of innovations in terms of process and product are being studied in an attempt to justify the use of natural gas in industry, structural ceramics. One of the aspects investigated is the development of ceramic products differentiated, with new designs and greater value added. Inserted in that context, this paper aims to investigate the potential use of clay-firing clear fabrication of the "bricks of apparent joins drought", a new ceramic product with an innovative way. The development of the work was done in three stages. In the initial stage was held the characterization of raw materials, sought information on physical, chemical, mineralogical and mechanical samples. In the second stage five bodies were made using two of the nine ceramic clay characterized the first step. The masses were analyzed and compared with respect to the size distribution, plasticity and technological properties. In the last part of this work was carried out tests on massive bricks manufactured on an industrial scale. The results show that the nine clays can be used in the manufacture of new ceramic products, is the only constituent of mass ceramic or by mixing with other(s) clay(s


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In this study were conducted experimental procedures for determination of variation of the expandability of rigid polyurethane foam (PUR) from a natural oil polyol (NOP), specifically the Castor oil plant, Ricinus communis, pure and additions of the vermiculite in phase dispersed in different percentage within a range from 0% to 20%, mass replacement. From the information acquired, were defined the parameters for production of bodies of test, plates obtained through controlled expansion, with the final volume fixed. Initially, the plates were subjected to thermal performance tests and evaluated the temperature profiles, to later be extracted samples duly prepared in accordance with the conditions required for each test. Was proceeded then the measurement of the coefficient of thermal conductivity, volumetric capacity heat and thermal diffusivity. The findings values were compared with the results obtained in the tests of thermal performance, contributing to validation of the same. Ultimately, it was investigated the influence that changes in physical-chemical structure of the material had exerted on the variation of thermophysical quantities through gas pycnometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (EDXRF), infrared spectroscopy using Fourier transform (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Based on the results obtained was possible to demonstrate that all load percentage analyzed promoted an increase in the potential expansion (PE) of the resin. In production of the plates, the composites with density near at the free expansion presented high contraction during the cure, being the of higher density adopted as definitive standard. In the thermal performance tests, the heating and cooling curves of the different composites had presented symmetry and values very close for lines of the temperature. The results obtained for the thermophysical properties of composites, showed little difference in respect of pure foam. The percentage of open pores and irregularities in the morphology of the composites were proportionate to the increment of vermiculite. In the interaction between the matrix and dispersed phase, there were no chemical transformations in the region of interface and new compounds were not generated. The composites of PUR-NOP and vermiculite presented thermal insulating properties near the foam pure and percentage significantly less plastic in its composition, to the formulation with 10% of load


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The research had as purpose to evaluate the fruits physical-chemical characteristics of peach cultivars (CP-9553 CYN, CP951 C, Tropic Beauty, Cascata 953, Cascata 797, Cascata 587, Precocinho, Conserva 693, Diamante Mejorado, Turmalina e Marli and Sun Blaze nectarine at Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil region. It were evaluated the fruits fresh matter, longitudinal and transversal diameters, and the crop period. In relation the physical-chemical characteristics of fruits, it was evaluated the texture, the pH, tritatable acid and soluble solids. The results showed significant differences between the cultivars where the fruits fresh matter were 68,6g ('CP-9553 CYN') and 141,35g ('Cascata 953'); the fruits longitudinal diameter were 50,32mm ('Marli') and 72,12mm ('Conserva 693') and the fruits transversal diameter were 50,50mm ('CP-9553 CYN') and 62,90mm ('Cascata 953'). The post-harvest characteristics also had significant differences. The texture had changes at 517,00gf ('Marli') and 168,47gf ('Precocinho'); the soluble solids were 9,73 degrees Brix on Marli cultivar. The pH was about 3,36 on 'Diamante Mejorado' until 4,48 on CP-9553 CYN cultivar and the acidity was 0,96g of citric acid 100g(-1) fruits juice on Tropic Beauty cultivar. The crop period of the cultivars evaluated were the end of September month until 15(th) November month, being the earliest cultivars Tropic Beauty, CP-951 and CP-951 CYN and the latest cultivar were Marli. It was observed that the news cultivars, until in observations, with Cascata 953, Cascata 797 and Cascata 587, showed crops potential at Botucatu/SP region.


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The mortar is a type of adhesive products used in large scale in construction, it is a function of its variety and ease of application . Although industrialized product and endowed with technology in its production is very frequent occurrence of the same pathology , which causes frequent damage and losses in the construction industry. Faced with this real market situation , the technical and scientific study of the effects of the addition of diatomite on the rheological and mechanical behavior of adhesive mortars are needed. This work back as a suggestion the use of diatomite as a mineral additive in formulations of adhesive mortars for partial replacement of cellulose based additives . The choice of using this mineral occurs through physical, chemical and rheological properties that justify its use in this product line , and is a raw material abundant in our region and can thus contribute positively to the minimization of direct costs cellulose -based additives . Industrial adhesive mortar used for comparison , was type AC1 . Formulations of adhesive mortar with diatomite held constant dosed quantities of sand, cement and the water / cement (w / c ) , or adhesive mortar formulations were developed with levels 10, 20, 30 and 40% of diatomite substituting part of the cellulose -based additives . These mortars were subjected to the following tests that define and evaluate the rheological and mechanical behavior of this type of mortar. The results attest the best performance of the adhesive mortar type AC1 with partial replacement of 30 % of the cellulose-based additive for diatomite


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This work presents research into the addition of chamotte obtained from the ceramic isolator of unusable spark plugs in formulations of material mixes for standard white ceramic material with aluminum oxide bases. After the physical chemical characterization of the primary materials, standard clay and the chamotte, three mixtures were prepared with concentrations of 10, 20 and 30% chamotte by weight in relation to the standard clay. The test samples underwent heating at a rate of 30 0C/min to levels that included 100o , 200o , 300o, 400o, 500o e 600 0C and also we submitted to three distinct burn temperatures: 1450o, 1500o e 1550 0C, remaining at these temperatures for 2 hour periods. After sintering, the physical and microstructural properties of the different test samples were measured and analyzed. The results show that the materials obtained present good technical properties and that the chamotte can be reutilized as an additive in the production of white ceramic material with an aluminum oxide base


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Particularly in Braziland in Rio Grande do Norte, companies manufacturing red ceramic, play an important role as agents of development to study the region Seridó- RN, specific place for carrying out the research. It is observed in this region a concentration of red ceramic industries of small size, which, despite its importance in the ceramic, they are unable to enjoy or use the new forms of administrative management and technological advances designed and offered by universities, centers of research and projects of governments, remained almost entirely outside the progress and modernization, technological and administrative. These companies still have outdated technology, and management processes, providing quality problems and standardization of end products. Upon these conditions are the companies going through crisis and struggling to survive alone and without assistance. The region of Seridó-RN, lets make a detailed case study of red ceramic companies in the region proposed from the existing theoretical and actual lifting of the condition of the product manufacturing red ceramic, allowing through this overview of the implementation of collect samples of raw materials, allowing the study of each ceramic industry that contributed to the participation of the research, which was determined parameters such as: analysis of the physical, chemical and technological properties of raw materials, characterization of the processes used, raising the technological resources considering equipment, machinery, supplies, raw materials and facilities available and its organization by type of products from companies involved in this study. The methodology consists of the following steps: collection of raw material, crushing and screening, characterization of raw materials (liquid limit, chemical analysis, mineralogical analysis, differential thermal analysis, sieve analysis), mixing, forming, cutting, drying and burning of ceramic bodies and bodies of evidence. The results showed that it was clay with distinct characteristics with respect to plasticity. With respect to the different compositions of mixtures of ceramic masses, we conclude that the ceramic properties showed a direct proportionality with increasing fraction of the clay not plastic. However, the compositions of the masses studied proved to be the most appropriate for the types of simulated clay for use in ceramics. Adopted in the ceramic processing made it possible to obtain products the resulted in consistent properties, and in some cases even exceeding the requirements of technical studies and standard-Brazilian clays to obtain ceramic products such as tiles, bricks and tiles to floor. Based on the discussions from the results obtained in the various processing steps of this work, one can draw conclusions according to the physico-chemical and mineralogical properties of raw materials, the properties of ceramic products burned and analysis. This work may be used by other researchers, private companies and governmental organizations, undergraduate students and graduate, can develop studies and future research to: develop projects to modify the furnaces; mapping projects develop and rationalize the exploitation of raw materials ;promoting reforestation and forest management; develop reduction projects and recovery of waste; develop training projects in manpower sector, and develop security projects, improving the conditions of work in the area pottery


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)