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From political economy to economic policy: The neo-developmentalism and the Lula administration. This article critically reviews the design of neo-developmentalist economic policies in Brazil, in the first half of the last decade, and their relationship with the economic policies of the Lula administration after 2006. Paradoxically, the neo-developmentalist policies were implemented jointly with the main (neoliberal) macroeconomic policies which had been introduced earlier. The article reviews the relevant literature, and examines the contradictory nature of this 'inflection' of economic policy. So far, this combination of policies has achieved an unquestionable - though provisional - success, despite the persistence of the structural macroeconomic problems due to the continuity of the neoliberal policies.


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Theory of functional finance and the role of fiscal policy: A post-keynesian critique to the new consensus macroeconomics. This paper presents the critical approaches and elaborates the arguments that oppose those of the New Consensus Macroeconomics regarding the conduct of fiscal policy. Those criticisms and arguments are based in the post-Keynesian thought and the theory of Functional Finance. The theory of Functional Finance is an extension of the Keynesian approach, particularly with regard to discussions on public finances. As supports the theory of Functional Finance, the objectives to be pursued by fiscal policy should suggest the improvement of social welfare as a whole, i.e., the performance of inflation, employment and output should be taken into account by policymakers.


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The debate regarding Brazil's development model returned again to the public arena in the first decade of 21st century after two decades of orthodox economic policies which encouraged non-developed countries to adopt liberal economic policies as their preferred growth strategies. As Brazil achieved neither economic stability nor development, the discussion of new development strategies returned as a popular research topic. It is in this context that a new development theory - New Developmentalism - emerges. The objective of this article is to review the origins of this debate and the main propositions defended by the group aiming to implement a new development model policy in the country. The main conclusions are that this group has had an important contribution in maintaining the development debate in the public agenda as well as proposing a new theoretical approach called "structuralist macroeconomic development".


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This paper starts from the conceptualism of New Developmentalism which was proposed by its formulators and their criticism of the "old" developmentalism in order to compare both. It is elaborate in both theoretical and historical levels. In the former, it explores the theoretical streams that contributed to the formulation of economic policies that designated the Latin American developmentalism. In the latter, it focuses on the economic policy of the Brazilian import-substitution industrialization and advocates the impropriety of associating it to the irresponsibility in the management of the foreign exchange, fiscal and monetary policies, as the proposers of New Developmentalism assert. Finally, in a third stage, it resumes the propositions of the New Developmentalism and debates the pertinence of some of its policy propositions based upon theoretical considerations and the Brazilian experience which were mentioned in the previous stages.


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RESUMO O artigo defende a tese de que, diferentemente do que acontece nos países desenvolvidos, em que o crescimento depende dos níveis de poupanças e de inovações tecnológicas, nos países subdesenvolvidos o crescimento está condicionado à disponibilidade de mercado. Em termos de política econômica, isso significa que nos desenvolvidos o esforço deve ser no sentido da criação de poupanças e inovações tecnológicas de nível adequado, enquanto nos subdesenvolvidos o importante é garantir mercado do dinamismo e dimensões necessários à eliminação de seu atraso econômico. O não reconhecimento dessa diferença, resultante de a Economia do Desenvolvimento não ter proposto modelo específico para o crescimento retardatário, tem levado a sérios erros nas políticas de desenvolvimento.


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RESUMO:A réplica rousseauniana a d’Alembert, autor do verbete Genebra da Enciclopédia, foi batizada como Carta sobre os espetáculos, em respeito ao tema nela tratado após os dez primeiros parágrafos, os quais abordam explicitamente o tema da intolerância religiosa. Contudo, o presente artigo apresenta, sob a perspectiva de uma moral da tolerância que não se resume às questões religiosas, a defesa de que a Carta a d’Alembert é uma integral e avançada Carta sobre a Tolerância, por contemplar, além do discurso iluminista de recusa à inquirição ou inspeção da fé alheia em matéria de religião, uma atualizada recusa multiculturalista ao etnocentrismo.


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The Baltic Sea is a unique environment that contains unique genetic populations. In order to study these populations on a genetic level basic molecular research is needed. The aim of this thesis was to provide a basic genetic resource for population genomic studies by de novo assembling a transcriptome for the Baltic Sea isopod Idotea balthica. RNA was extracted from a whole single adult male isopod and sequenced using Illumina (125bp PE) RNA-Seq. The reads were preprocessed using FASTQC for quality control, TRIMMOMATIC for trimming, and RCORRECTOR for error correction. The preprocessed reads were then assembled with TRINITY, a de Bruijn graph-based assembler, using different k-mer sizes. The different assemblies were combined and clustered using CD-HIT. The assemblies were evaluated using TRANSRATE for quality and filtering, BUSCO for completeness, and TRANSDECODER for annotation potential. The 25-mer assembly was annotated using PANNZER (protein annotation with z-score) and BLASTX. The 25-mer assembly represents the best first draft assembly since it contains the most information. However, this assembly shows high levels of polymorphism, which currently cannot be differentiated as paralogs or allelic variants. Furthermore, this assembly is incomplete, which could be improved by sampling additional developmental stages.


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Collection : Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir à l'histoire de la géographie depuis le XIIIe jusqu'à la fin du XVIe siècle ; 21