929 resultados para modulus of continuity


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Extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed in a B2-NiAl nanowire using an embedded atom method (EAM) potential. We show a stress induced B2 -> body-centered-tetragonal (BCT) phase transformation and a novel temperature and cross-section dependent pseudo-elastic/pseudo-plastic recovery from such an unstable BCT phase with a recoverable strain of similar to 30% as compared to 5-8% in polycrystalline materials. Such a temperature and cross-section dependent pseudo-elastic/pseudo-plastic strain recovery can be useful in various interesting applications of shape memory and strain sensing in nanoscale devices. Effects of size, temperature, and strain rate on the structural and mechanical properties have also been analyzed in detail. For a given size of the nanowire the yield stress of both the B2 and the BCT phases is found to decrease with increasing temperature, whereas for a given temperature and strain rate the yield stress of both the B2 and the BCT phase is found to increase with increase in the cross-sectional dimensions of the nanowire. A constant elastic modulus of similar to 80 GPa of the B2 phase is observed in the temperature range of 200-500 K for nanowires of cross-sectional dimensions in the range of 17.22-28.712 angstrom, whereas the elastic modulus of the BCT phase shows a decreasing trend with an increase in the temperature.


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The significant advancement and growth of organic and flexible electronic applications demand materials with enhanced properties. This paper reports the fabrication of a nonsynthetic polymer thin film using radio frequency plasma polymerisation of 3,7-dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol. The fabricated optically transparent thin film exhibited refractive index of approximately 1.55 at 500 nm and rate of deposition was estimated to be 40 nm/min. The surface morphology and chemical properties of the thin films were also reported in this paper. The optical band gap of the material is around 2.8 eV. The force of adhesion and Young's modulus of the linalool polymer thin films were measured using force-displacement curves obtained from a scanning probe microscope. The friction coefficient of linalool polymer thin films was measured using the nanoscratch test. The calculated Young's modulus increased linearly with increase in input power while the friction coefficient decreased.


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Close to the Mott transition, lattice degrees of freedom react to the softening of electron degrees of freedom. This results in a change of lattice spacing, a diverging compressibility, and a critical anomaly of the sound velocity. These effects are investigated within a simple model, in the framework of dynamical mean-field theory. The results compare favorably to recent experiments on the layered organic-conductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)]Cl. We predict that effects of a similar magnitude are expected for V2O3, despite the much larger value of the elastic modulus of this material.


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Research objectives. The Special Education Strategy, the legislative change based on it, and the change in the Finnish National Core Curriculum for Pre-primary and Basic Education build the background for this study. An improvement initiative called KELPO was founded in 2008 to implement a new three-level support system in municipalities. To support this initiative, the Network of Intensified and Special Support in the Metropolitan Area was founded in 2010. The Network consists of 22 pilot schools from four metropolitan municipalities and the Centre for Educational Assessment at the University of Helsinki that carries out the developmental assessment of the initiative. The objective of my study was to form an overall view of the functioning of the Network. The data included interviews of 20 principals of the schools belonging to the Network. The interviews were conducted by the Centre for Educational Assessment in the autumn of 2010. The research question is: What do principals speak about the networking done inside and between the municipalities? Methods. I received the data as already transcribed for my use. I researched it using a narrative research approach. As a method I used both thematic reading and classifying narratives by the holistic-content. These methods belong under the analyze of narratives. I collected the narratives from the principals under themes that arose from the data delimited by my research question. The narrative analysis materialized by writing the research story, as a new story was built by the principals stories theme by theme. The classification of the narratives by the holistic-content method was realized according to what kind of a gatekeeper s role each principal had. With a gatekeeper I here mean the intermediary role of a principal between the school and outside world. In addition, I used the analysis of interactive production of the narrative when applicable. Results and conclusions. Explicit features in the story of the Network were the principals at least partial uncertainty of the purpose of the networking, lack of time and resources, changing of initiatives, and lack of continuity. Positive narratives about ownership and empowerment could also be found. Nonetheless, many of the preconditions for success described by the school reform and school networking theories were not fulfilled. According to the collective story, there was no shared goal or purpose, and nor were the needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness fulfilled. Three different kinds of gatekeepers were found in the data: The Exemplary ones, The Survivors and The Losers. The distinguishing factor turned out to be sharing of information at school. Based on the narratives, the schools with principals taking care of sharing information were the most active in partaking in networking.


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Cosmic Clowns: Convention, Invention, and Inversion in the Yaqui Easter Ritual is an ethnographic study of masked clown figures called Chapayekas. They represent Judas and the Roman soldiers in the Passion play that forms the narrative core of the Easter ritual of the Yaquis, an indigenous group in Sonora, Mexico. The study looks at how the Chapayeka is created as a ritual figure, how their performance is constructed, and what the part of the clown is in the dynamics of the ritual. The material was gathered over three periods of anthropological fieldwork in Cócorit, Sonora during Easter in 2004, 2006 and 2007. The Chapayeka masks portray foreigners, animals, mythological figures, and even figures from television and movies. They combine two kinds of performance: they perform set, conventional actions, and improvise and invent new ones. This creates dialectics of invention and convention that allow the figure to mediate between the ritual and its context and different kinds of beings within the Yaqui cosmology. The conventional side of their performance is a cycle of death and rebirth that is an inversion of the cycle of Jesus. Through invention, they separate themselves from the other performers and make themselves powerful. Alternation between the two modes enhances that power and brings it into the conventions of the ritual; ultimately the Chapayekas revitalize the entire ritual. The study finds that the clowns are extremely important to the continuity of both ritual and culture, as the combination of continuity and change, convention and invention, is what makes it possible to recreate the conventions of Yaqui culture as powerful and compelling in various contexts. Another factor is the prevalence of dialectical mediation, which relates concepts by defining them against each other as opposites, and makes it possible to cross a boundary while keeping it intact. Clowns embody and create dialectics to mediate boundaries while guarding against relativization, the disappearance of distinctions. The Chapayekas create and constitute boundaries between the self and other, microcosm and macrocosm, sacred and profane. The study argues that all clown and trickster figures are characterized by constantly alternating between invention and convention; this is what connects them to the collective and moral aspect of culture and, at the same time, makes them unpredictable and powerful. It is possible to do justice to the opposed aspects of these ambiguous and paradoxical figures by taking into account the different foundations and contextual effects of the different modes of symbolization.


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This paper presents a study on the uncertainty in material parameters of wave propagation responses in metallic beam structures. Special effort is made to quantify the effect of uncertainty in the wave propagation responses at high frequencies. Both the modulus of elasticity and the density are considered uncertain. The analysis is performed using a Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) under the spectral finite element method (SEM). The randomness in the material properties is characterized by three different distributions, the normal, Weibull and extreme value distributions. Their effect on wave propagation in beams is investigated. The numerical study shows that the CPU time taken for MCS under SEM is about 48 times less than for MCS under a conventional one-dimensional finite element environment for 50 kHz loading. The numerical results presented investigate effects of material uncertainties on high frequency modes. A study is performed on the usage of different beam theories and their uncertain responses due to dynamic impulse load. These studies show that even for a small coefficient of variation, significant changes in the above parameters are noticed. A number of interesting results are presented, showing the true effects of uncertainty response due to dynamic impulse load.


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We propose a family of 3D versions of a smooth finite element method (Sunilkumar and Roy 2010), wherein the globally smooth shape functions are derivable through the condition of polynomial reproduction with the tetrahedral B-splines (DMS-splines) or tensor-product forms of triangular B-splines and ID NURBS bases acting as the kernel functions. While the domain decomposition is accomplished through tetrahedral or triangular prism elements, an additional requirement here is an appropriate generation of knotclouds around the element vertices or corners. The possibility of sensitive dependence of numerical solutions to the placements of knotclouds is largely arrested by enforcing the condition of polynomial reproduction whilst deriving the shape functions. Nevertheless, given the higher complexity in forming the knotclouds for tetrahedral elements especially when higher demand is placed on the order of continuity of the shape functions across inter-element boundaries, we presently emphasize an exploration of the triangular prism based formulation in the context of several benchmark problems of interest in linear solid mechanics. In the absence of a more rigorous study on the convergence analyses, the numerical exercise, reported herein, helps establish the method as one of remarkable accuracy and robust performance against numerical ill-conditioning (such as locking of different kinds) vis-a-vis the conventional FEM.


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The tension-softening parameters for different concrete-concrete interfaces are determined using the bimaterial cracked hinge model. Beams of different sizes having a jointed interface between two different strengths of concrete are tested under three-point bending (TPB). The load versus crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) results are used to obtain the stress-crack opening relation through an inverse analysis. In addition, the fracture energy, tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity are also computed from the inverse analysis. The fracture properties are used in the nonlinear fracture mechanics analysis of a concrete patch-repaired beam to determine its load-carrying capacity when repaired with concrete of different strengths.


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In this article, we report the mechanical and biocompatibility properties of injection-molded high-density polyethylene (HDPE) composites reinforced with 40 wt % ceramic filler [hydroxyapatite (HA) and/or Al2O3] and 2 wt % titanate as a coupling agent. The mechanical property measurements revealed that a combination of a maximum tensile strength of 18.7 MPa and a maximum tensile modulus of about 855 MPa could be achieved with the injection-molded HDPE20 wt % HA20 wt % Al2O3 composites. For the same composite composition, the maximum compression strength was determined to be 71.6 MPa and the compression modulus was about 660 MPa. The fractrography study revealed the uniform distribution of ceramic fillers in the semicrystalline HDPE matrix. The cytocompatibility study with osteoblast-like SaOS2 cells confirmed extensive cell adhesion and proliferation on the injection-molded HDPE20 wt % HA20 wt % Al2O3 composites. The cell viability analysis with the 3(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay revealed a statistically significant difference between the injection-molded HDPE20 wt % HA20 wt % Al2O3 composites and sintered HA for various culture durations of upto 7 days. The difference in cytocompatibility properties among the biocomposites is explained in terms of the difference in the protein absorption behavior. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012


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Tungsten incorporated diamond like carbon (W-DLC) nanocomposite thin films with variable fractions of tungsten were deposited by using reactive biased target ion beam deposition technique. The influence of tungsten incorporation on the microstructure, surface topography, mechanical and tribological properties of the DLC were studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectroscopy. Atomic force microscope (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nano-indentation and nano-scratch tests. The amount of W in films gets increases with increasing target bias voltage and most of the incorporated W reacts with carbon to form WC nanoclusters. Using TEM and FFT pattern, it was found that spherical shaped WC nanoclusters were uniformly dispersed in the DLC matrix and attains hexagonal (W2C) crystalline structure at higher W concentration. On the other hand, the incorporation of tungsten led to increase the formation of C-sp(2) hybridized bonding in DLC network and which is reflected in the hardness and elastic modulus of W-DLC films. Moreover, W-DLC films show very low friction coefficient and increased adhesion to the substrate than the DLC film, which could be closely related to its unique nanostructure of the W incorporated thin films. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Analyticity and unitarity techniques are employed to obtain bounds on the shape parameters of the scalar and vector form factors of semileptonic K l3 decays. For this purpose we use vector and scalar correlators evaluated in pQCD, a low energy theorem for scalar form factor, lattice results for the ratio of kaon and pion decay constants, chiral perturbation theory calculations for the scalar form factor at the Callan-Treiman point and experimental information on the phase and modulus of Kπ form factors up to an energy t in = 1GeV 2. We further derive regions on the real axis and in the complex-energy plane where the form factors cannot have zeros.


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Nanoindentation studies on Ge15Te85-xInx glasses indicate that the hardness and elastic modulus of these glasses increase with indium concentration. While a pronounced plateau is seen in the elastic modulus in the composition range 3 <= x <= 7, the hardness exhibits a change in slope at compositions x = 3 and x = 7. Also, the density exhibits a broad maximum in this composition range. The observed changes in the mechanical properties and density are clearly associated with the thermally reversing window in Ge15Te85-xInx glasses in the composition range 3 <= x <= 7. In addition, a local minimum is seen in density and hardness around x = 9, the chemical threshold of the system. Further, micro-Raman studies reveal that as-quenched Ge15Te85-xInx samples exhibit two prominent peaks, at 123 cm(-1) and 155 cm(-1). In thermally annealed samples, the peaks at 120 cm(-1) and 140 cm(-1), which are due to crystalline Te, emerge as the strongest peaks. The Raman spectra of polished samples are similar to those of annealed samples, with strong peaks at 123 cm(-1) and 141 cm(-1). The spectra of lightly polished samples outside the thermally reversing window resemble those of thermally annealed samples; however, the spectra of glasses with compositions in the thermally reversing window resemble those of as-quenched samples. This observation confirms the earlier idea that compositions in the thermally reversing window are non-aging and are more stable. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report ultrafast quasiparticle (QP) dynamics and coherent acoustic phonons in undoped CaFe2As2 iron pnictide single crystals exhibiting spin-density wave (SDW) and concurrent structural phase transition at temperature T-SDW similar to 165K using femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy. The contributions in transient differential reflectivity arising from exponentially decaying QP relaxation and oscillatory coherent acoustic phonon mode show large variations in the vicinity of T-SDW. From the temperature-dependence of the QP recombination dynamics in the SDW phase, we evaluate a BCS-like temperature dependent charge gap with its zero-temperature value of similar to(1.6 perpendicular to 0.2)k(B)T(SDW), whereas, much above T-SDW, an electron-phonon coupling constant of similar to 0.13 has been estimated from the linear temperature-dependence of the QP relaxation time. The long-wavelength coherent acoustic phonons with typical time-period of similar to 100 ps have been analyzed in the light of propagating strain pulse model providing important results for the optical constants, sounds velocity and the elastic modulus of the crystal in the whole temperature range of 3 to 300 K.


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Optical straight waveguides are inscribed in GeGaS and GeGaSSb glasses using a high repetition-rate sub-picosecond laser. The mechanical properties of the glasses in the inscribed regions, which have undergone photo induced changes, have been evaluated by using the nanoindentation technique. Results show that the hardness and elastic modulus of the photo-modified glasses are significantly lower as compared to the other locations in the waveguide, which tend to be similar to those of the unexposed areas. The observed mechanical effects are found to correlate well with the optical properties of the waveguides. Further, based on the results, the minimum threshold values of hardness and elastic modulus for the particular propagation mode of the waveguide (single or multi), has been established.


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A dynamical instability is observed in experimental studies on micro-channels of rectangular cross-section with smallest dimension 100 and 160 mu m in which one of the walls is made of soft gel. There is a spontaneous transition from an ordered, laminar flow to a chaotic and highly mixed flow state when the Reynolds number increases beyond a critical value. The critical Reynolds number, which decreases as the elasticity modulus of the soft wall is reduced, is as low as 200 for the softest wall used here (in contrast to 1200 for a rigid-walled channel) The instability onset is observed by the breakup of a dye-stream introduced in the centre of the micro-channel, as well as the onset of wall oscillations due to laser scattering from fluorescent beads embedded in the wall of the channel. The mixing time across a channel of width 1.5 mm, measured by dye-stream and outlet conductance experiments, is smaller by a factor of 10(5) than that for a laminar flow. The increased mixing rate comes at very little cost, because the pressure drop (energy requirement to drive the flow) increases continuously and modestly at transition. The deformed shape is reconstructed numerically, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are carried out to obtain the pressure gradient and the velocity fields for different flow rates. The pressure difference across the channel predicted by simulations is in agreement with the experiments (within experimental errors) for flow rates where the dye stream is laminar, but the experimental pressure difference is higher than the simulation prediction after dye-stream breakup. A linear stability analysis is carried out using the parallel-flow approximation, in which the wall is modelled as a neo-Hookean elastic solid, and the simulation results for the mean velocity and pressure gradient from the CFD simulations are used as inputs. The stability analysis accurately predicts the Reynolds number (based on flow rate) at which an instability is observed in the dye stream, and it also predicts that the instability first takes place at the downstream converging section of the channel, and not at the upstream diverging section. The stability analysis also indicates that the destabilization is due to the modification of the flow and the local pressure gradient due to the wall deformation; if we assume a parabolic velocity profile with the pressure gradient given by the plane Poiseuille law, the flow is always found to be stable.