773 resultados para minimization


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The demands in production and associate costs at power generation through non renewable resources are increasing at an alarming rate. Solar energy is one of the renewable resource that has the potential to minimize this increase. Utilization of solar energy have been concentrated mainly on heating application. The use of solar energy in cooling systems in building would benefit greatly achieving the goal of non-renewable energy minimization. The approaches of solar energy heating system research done by initiation such as University of Wisconsin at Madison and building heat flow model research conducted by Oklahoma State University can be used to develop and optimize solar cooling building system. The research uses two approaches to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) software for an integrated solar absorption cooling building model, which is capable of simulating and optimizing the absorption cooling system using solar energy as the main energy source to drive the cycle. The software was then put through a number of litmus test to verify its integrity. The litmus test was conducted on various building cooling system data sets of similar applications around the world. The output obtained from the software developed were identical with established experimental results from the data sets used. Software developed by other research are catered for advanced users. The software developed by this research is not only reliable in its code integrity but also through its integrated approach which is catered for new entry users. Hence, this dissertation aims to correctly model a complete building with the absorption cooling system in appropriate climate as a cost effective alternative to conventional vapor compression system.


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With proper application of Best Management Practices (BMPs), the impact from the sediment to the water bodies could be minimized. However, finding the optimal allocation of BMP can be difficult, since there are numerous possible options. Also, economics plays an important role in BMP affordability and, therefore, the number of BMPs able to be placed in a given budget year. In this study, two methodologies are presented to determine the optimal cost-effective BMP allocation, by coupling a watershed-level model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), with two different methods, targeting and a multi-objective genetic algorithm (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II, NSGA-II). For demonstration, these two methodologies were applied to an agriculture-dominant watershed located in Lower Michigan to find the optimal allocation of filter strips and grassed waterways. For targeting, three different criteria were investigated for sediment yield minimization, during the process of which it was found that the grassed waterways near the watershed outlet reduced the watershed outlet sediment yield the most under this study condition, and cost minimization was also included as a second objective during the cost-effective BMP allocation selection. NSGA-II was used to find the optimal BMP allocation for both sediment yield reduction and cost minimization. By comparing the results and computational time of both methodologies, targeting was determined to be a better method for finding optimal cost-effective BMP allocation under this study condition, since it provided more than 13 times the amount of solutions with better fitness for the objective functions while using less than one eighth of the SWAT computational time than the NSGA-II with 150 generations did.


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This thesis studies the minimization of the fuel consumption for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) using Model Predictive Control (MPC). The presented MPC – based controller calculates an optimal sequence of control inputs to a hybrid vehicle using the measured plant outputs, the current dynamic states, a system model, system constraints, and an optimization cost function. The MPC controller is developed using Matlab MPC control toolbox. To evaluate the performance of the presented controller, a power-split hybrid vehicle, 2004 Toyota Prius, is selected. The vehicle uses a planetary gear set to combine three power components, an engine, a motor, and a generator, and transfer energy from these components to the vehicle wheels. The planetary gear model is developed based on the Willis’s formula. The dynamic models of the engine, the motor, and the generator, are derived based on their dynamics at the planetary gear. The MPC controller for HEV energy management is validated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. Both the step response performance (a 0 – 60 mph step input) and the driving cycle tracking performance are evaluated. Two standard driving cycles, Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) and Highway Fuel Economy Driving Schedule (HWFET), are used in the evaluation tests. For the UDDS and HWFET driving cycles, the simulation results, the fuel consumption and the battery state of charge, using the MPC controller are compared with the simulation results using the original vehicle model in Autonomie. The MPC approach shows the feasibility to improve vehicle performance and minimize fuel consumption.


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PMR-15 polyimide is a polymer that is used as a matrix in composites. These composites with PMR-15 matrices are called advanced polymer matrix composite that is abundantly used in the aerospace and electronics industries because of its high temperature resistivity. Apart from having high temperature sustainability, PMR-15 composites also display good thermal-oxidative stability, mechanical properties, processability and low costs, which makes it a suitable material for manufacturing aircraft structures. PMR-15 uses the reverse Diels-Alder (RDA) method for crosslinking which provides it with the groundwork for its distinctive thermal stability and a range of 280-300 degree Centigrade use temperature. Regardless of such desirable properties, this material has a number of limitations that compromises its application on a large scale basis. PMR-15 composites has been known to be very vulnerable to micro-cracking at inter and intra-laminar cracking. But the major factor that hinders its demand is PMR-15's carcinogenic constituent, methylene dianilineme (MDA), also a liver toxin. The necessity of providing a safe working environment during its production adds up to the cost of this material. In this study, Molecular Dynamics and Energy Minimization techniques are utilized to simulate a structure of PMR-15 at a given density of 1.324 g/cc and an attempt to recreate the polyimide to reduce the number of experimental testing and hence subdue the health hazards as well as the cost involved in its production. Even though this study does not involve in validating any mechanical properties of the model, it could be used in future for the validation of its properties and further testing for different properties like aging, microcracking, creep etc.


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We present an algorithm for estimating dense image correspondences. Our versatile approach lends itself to various tasks typical for video post-processing, including image morphing, optical flow estimation, stereo rectification, disparity/depth reconstruction, and baseline adjustment. We incorporate recent advances in feature matching, energy minimization, stereo vision, and data clustering into our approach. At the core of our correspondence estimation we use Efficient Belief Propagation for energy minimization. While state-of-the-art algorithms only work on thumbnail-sized images, our novel feature downsampling scheme in combination with a simple, yet efficient data term compression, can cope with high-resolution data. The incorporation of SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) features into data term computation further resolves matching ambiguities, making long-range correspondence estimation possible. We detect occluded areas by evaluating the correspondence symmetry, we further apply Geodesic matting to automatically determine plausible values in these regions.


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Dem Bestandsmanagement wird in Unternehmen eine stetig steigende Bedeutung beigemessen. Die Möglichkeit, durch ein effizientes Bestandsmanagement Kosten zu reduzieren, ist für viele Unternehmen im Hinblick auf einen langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg wichtig. Im Fokus des Bestandsmanagements stehen oft schnelldrehende Materialien, die sich durch geringe Reichweiten und hohe Lagerumschläge auszeichnen. Das Potenzial eines systematischen Managements von langsamdrehenden Materialien wurde bisher noch nicht untersucht. Dieses Paper greift diese Thematik auf und liefert einen Beitrag zum Bestandsmanagement für langsamdrehende Materialien.


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Nonlinear computational analysis of materials showing elasto-plasticity or damage relies on knowledge of their yield behavior and strengths under complex stress states. In this work, a generalized anisotropic quadric yield criterion is proposed that is homogeneous of degree one and takes a convex quadric shape with a smooth transition from ellipsoidal to cylindrical or conical surfaces. If in the case of material identification, the shape of the yield function is not known a priori, a minimization using the quadric criterion will result in the optimal shape among the convex quadrics. The convexity limits of the criterion and the transition points between the different shapes are identified. Several special cases of the criterion for distinct material symmetries such as isotropy, cubic symmetry, fabric-based orthotropy and general orthotropy are presented and discussed. The generality of the formulation is demonstrated by showing its degeneration to several classical yield surfaces like the von Mises, Drucker–Prager, Tsai–Wu, Liu, generalized Hill and classical Hill criteria under appropriate conditions. Applicability of the formulation for micromechanical analyses was shown by transformation of a criterion for porous cohesive-frictional materials by Maghous et al. In order to demonstrate the advantages of the generalized formulation, bone is chosen as an example material, since it features yield envelopes with different shapes depending on the considered length scale. A fabric- and density-based quadric criterion for the description of homogenized material behavior of trabecular bone is identified from uniaxial, multiaxial and torsional experimental data. Also, a fabric- and density-based Tsai–Wu yield criterion for homogenized trabecular bone from in silico data is converted to an equivalent quadric criterion by introduction of a transformation of the interaction parameters. Finally, a quadric yield criterion for lamellar bone at the microscale is identified from a nanoindentation study reported in the literature, thus demonstrating the applicability of the generalized formulation to the description of the yield envelope of bone at multiple length scales.


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We consider the problem of fitting a union of subspaces to a collection of data points drawn from one or more subspaces and corrupted by noise and/or gross errors. We pose this problem as a non-convex optimization problem, where the goal is to decompose the corrupted data matrix as the sum of a clean and self-expressive dictionary plus a matrix of noise and/or gross errors. By self-expressive we mean a dictionary whose atoms can be expressed as linear combinations of themselves with low-rank coefficients. In the case of noisy data, our key contribution is to show that this non-convex matrix decomposition problem can be solved in closed form from the SVD of the noisy data matrix. The solution involves a novel polynomial thresholding operator on the singular values of the data matrix, which requires minimal shrinkage. For one subspace, a particular case of our framework leads to classical PCA, which requires no shrinkage. For multiple subspaces, the low-rank coefficients obtained by our framework can be used to construct a data affinity matrix from which the clustering of the data according to the subspaces can be obtained by spectral clustering. In the case of data corrupted by gross errors, we solve the problem using an alternating minimization approach, which combines our polynomial thresholding operator with the more traditional shrinkage-thresholding operator. Experiments on motion segmentation and face clustering show that our framework performs on par with state-of-the-art techniques at a reduced computational cost.


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A patient classification system was developed integrating a patient acuity instrument with a computerized nursing distribution method based on a linear programming model. The system was designed for real-time measurement of patient acuity (workload) and allocation of nursing personnel to optimize the utilization of resources.^ The acuity instrument was a prototype tool with eight categories of patients defined by patient severity and nursing intensity parameters. From this tool, the demand for nursing care was defined in patient points with one point equal to one hour of RN time. Validity and reliability of the instrument was determined as follows: (1) Content validity by a panel of expert nurses; (2) predictive validity through a paired t-test analysis of preshift and postshift categorization of patients; (3) initial reliability by a one month pilot of the instrument in a practice setting; and (4) interrater reliability by the Kappa statistic.^ The nursing distribution system was a linear programming model using a branch and bound technique for obtaining integer solutions. The objective function was to minimize the total number of nursing personnel used by optimally assigning the staff to meet the acuity needs of the units. A penalty weight was used as a coefficient of the objective function variables to define priorities for allocation of staff.^ The demand constraints were requirements to meet the total acuity points needed for each unit and to have a minimum number of RNs on each unit. Supply constraints were: (1) total availability of each type of staff and the value of that staff member (value was determined relative to that type of staff's ability to perform the job function of an RN (i.e., value for eight hours RN = 8 points, LVN = 6 points); (2) number of personnel available for floating between units.^ The capability of the model to assign staff quantitatively and qualitatively equal to the manual method was established by a thirty day comparison. Sensitivity testing demonstrated appropriate adjustment of the optimal solution to changes in penalty coefficients in the objective function and to acuity totals in the demand constraints.^ Further investigation of the model documented: correct adjustment of assignments in response to staff value changes; and cost minimization by an addition of a dollar coefficient to the objective function. ^


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In this work, we propose a distributed rate allocation algorithm that minimizes the average decoding delay for multimedia clients in inter-session network coding systems. We consider a scenario where the users are organized in a mesh network and each user requests the content of one of the available sources. We propose a novel distributed algorithm where network users determine the coding operations and the packet rates to be requested from the parent nodes, such that the decoding delay is minimized for all clients. A rate allocation problem is solved by every user, which seeks the rates that minimize the average decoding delay for its children and for itself. Since this optimization problem is a priori non-convex, we introduce the concept of equivalent packet flows, which permits to estimate the expected number of packets that every user needs to collect for decoding. We then decompose our original rate allocation problem into a set of convex subproblems, which are eventually combined to obtain an effective approximate solution to the delay minimization problem. The results demonstrate that the proposed scheme eliminates the bottlenecks and reduces the decoding delay experienced by users with limited bandwidth resources. We validate the performance of our distributed rate allocation algorithm in different video streaming scenarios using the NS-3 network simulator. We show that our system is able to take benefit of inter-session network coding for simultaneous delivery of video sessions in networks with path diversity.


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Aging societies suffer from an increasing incidence of bone fractures. Bone strength depends on the amount of mineral measured by clinical densitometry, but also on the micromechanical properties of the bone hierarchical organization. A good understanding has been reached for elastic properties on several length scales, but up to now there is a lack of reliable postyield data on the lower length scales. In order to be able to describe the behavior of bone at the microscale, an anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic damage model was developed using an eccentric generalized Hill criterion and nonlinear isotropic hardening. The model was implemented as a user subroutine in Abaqus and verified using single element tests. A FE simulation of microindentation in lamellar bone was finally performed show-ing that the new constitutive model can capture the main characteristics of the indentation response of bone. As the generalized Hill criterion is limited to elliptical and cylindrical yield surfaces and the correct shape for bone is not known, a new yield surface was developed that takes any convex quadratic shape. The main advantage is that in the case of material identification the shape of the yield surface does not have to be anticipated but a minimization results in the optimal shape among all convex quadrics. The generality of the formulation was demonstrated by showing its degeneration to classical yield surfaces. Also, existing yield criteria for bone at multiple length scales were converted to the quadric formulation. Then, a computational study to determine the influence of yield surface shape and damage on the in-dentation response of bone using spherical and conical tips was performed. The constitutive model was adapted to the quadric criterion and yield surface shape and critical damage were varied. They were shown to have a major impact on the indentation curves. Their influence on indentation modulus, hardness, their ratio as well as the elastic to total work ratio were found to be very well described by multilinear regressions for both tip shapes. For conical tips, indentation depth was not a significant fac-tor, while for spherical tips damage was insignificant. All inverse methods based on microindentation suffer from a lack of uniqueness of the found material properties in the case of nonlinear material behavior. Therefore, monotonic and cyclic micropillar com-pression tests in a scanning electron microscope allowing a straightforward interpretation comple-mented by microindentation and macroscopic uniaxial compression tests were performed on dry ovine bone to identify modulus, yield stress, plastic deformation, damage accumulation and failure mecha-nisms. While the elastic properties were highly consistent, the postyield deformation and failure mech-anisms differed between the two length scales. A majority of the micropillars showed a ductile behavior with strain hardening until failure by localization in a slip plane, while the macroscopic samples failed in a quasi-brittle fashion with microcracks coalescing into macroscopic failure surfaces. In agreement with a proposed rheological model, these experiments illustrate a transition from a ductile mechanical behavior of bone at the microscale to a quasi-brittle response driven by the growth of preexisting cracks along interfaces or in the vicinity of pores at the macroscale. Subsequently, a study was undertaken to quantify the topological variability of indentations in bone and examine its relationship with mechanical properties. Indentations were performed in dry human and ovine bone in axial and transverse directions and their topography measured by AFM. Statistical shape modeling of the residual imprint allowed to define a mean shape and describe the variability with 21 principal components related to imprint depth, surface curvature and roughness. The indentation profile of bone was highly consistent and free of any pile up. A few of the topological parameters, in particular depth, showed significant correlations to variations in mechanical properties, but the cor-relations were not very strong or consistent. We could thus verify that bone is rather homogeneous in its micromechanical properties and that indentation results are not strongly influenced by small de-viations from the ideal case. As the uniaxial properties measured by micropillar compression are in conflict with the current literature on bone indentation, another dissipative mechanism has to be present. The elastic-viscoplastic damage model was therefore extended to viscoelasticity. The viscoelastic properties were identified from macroscopic experiments, while the quasistatic postelastic properties were extracted from micropillar data. It was found that viscoelasticity governed by macroscale properties has very little influence on the indentation curve and results in a clear underestimation of the creep deformation. Adding viscoplasticity leads to increased creep, but hardness is still highly overestimated. It was possible to obtain a reasonable fit with experimental indentation curves for both Berkovich and spherical indenta-tion when abandoning the assumption of shear strength being governed by an isotropy condition. These results remain to be verified by independent tests probing the micromechanical strength prop-erties in tension and shear. In conclusion, in this thesis several tools were developed to describe the complex behavior of bone on the microscale and experiments were performed to identify its material properties. Micropillar com-pression highlighted a size effect in bone due to the presence of preexisting cracks and pores or inter-faces like cement lines. It was possible to get a reasonable fit between experimental indentation curves using different tips and simulations using the constitutive model and uniaxial properties measured by micropillar compression. Additional experimental work is necessary to identify the exact nature of the size effect and the mechanical role of interfaces in bone. Deciphering the micromechanical behavior of lamellar bone and its evolution with age, disease and treatment and its failure mechanisms on several length scales will help preventing fractures in the elderly in the future.


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In this thesis, we develop an adaptive framework for Monte Carlo rendering, and more specifically for Monte Carlo Path Tracing (MCPT) and its derivatives. MCPT is attractive because it can handle a wide variety of light transport effects, such as depth of field, motion blur, indirect illumination, participating media, and others, in an elegant and unified framework. However, MCPT is a sampling-based approach, and is only guaranteed to converge in the limit, as the sampling rate grows to infinity. At finite sampling rates, MCPT renderings are often plagued by noise artifacts that can be visually distracting. The adaptive framework developed in this thesis leverages two core strategies to address noise artifacts in renderings: adaptive sampling and adaptive reconstruction. Adaptive sampling consists in increasing the sampling rate on a per pixel basis, to ensure that each pixel value is below a predefined error threshold. Adaptive reconstruction leverages the available samples on a per pixel basis, in an attempt to have an optimal trade-off between minimizing the residual noise artifacts and preserving the edges in the image. In our framework, we greedily minimize the relative Mean Squared Error (rMSE) of the rendering by iterating over sampling and reconstruction steps. Given an initial set of samples, the reconstruction step aims at producing the rendering with the lowest rMSE on a per pixel basis, and the next sampling step then further reduces the rMSE by distributing additional samples according to the magnitude of the residual rMSE of the reconstruction. This iterative approach tightly couples the adaptive sampling and adaptive reconstruction strategies, by ensuring that we only sample densely regions of the image where adaptive reconstruction cannot properly resolve the noise. In a first implementation of our framework, we demonstrate the usefulness of our greedy error minimization using a simple reconstruction scheme leveraging a filterbank of isotropic Gaussian filters. In a second implementation, we integrate a powerful edge aware filter that can adapt to the anisotropy of the image. Finally, in a third implementation, we leverage auxiliary feature buffers that encode scene information (such as surface normals, position, or texture), to improve the robustness of the reconstruction in the presence of strong noise.


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In this work we solve the uncalibrated photometric stereo problem with lights placed near the scene. We investigate different image formation models and find the one that best fits our observations. Although the devised model is more complex than its far-light counterpart, we show that under a global linear ambiguity the reconstruction is possible up to a rotation and scaling, which can be easily fixed. We also propose a solution for reconstructing the normal map, the albedo, the light positions and the light intensities of a scene given only a sequence of near-light images. This is done in an alternating minimization framework which first estimates both the normals and the albedo, and then the light positions and intensities. We validate our method on real world experiments and show that a near-light model leads to a significant improvement in the surface reconstruction compared to the classic distant illumination case.


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In this paper we study the problem of blind deconvolution. Our analysis is based on the algorithm of Chan and Wong [2] which popularized the use of sparse gradient priors via total variation. We use this algorithm because many methods in the literature are essentially adaptations of this framework. Such algorithm is an iterative alternating energy minimization where at each step either the sharp image or the blur function are reconstructed. Recent work of Levin et al. [14] showed that any algorithm that tries to minimize that same energy would fail, as the desired solution has a higher energy than the no-blur solution, where the sharp image is the blurry input and the blur is a Dirac delta. However, experimentally one can observe that Chan and Wong's algorithm converges to the desired solution even when initialized with the no-blur one. We provide both analysis and experiments to resolve this paradoxical conundrum. We find that both claims are right. The key to understanding how this is possible lies in the details of Chan and Wong's implementation and in how seemingly harmless choices result in dramatic effects. Our analysis reveals that the delayed scaling (normalization) in the iterative step of the blur kernel is fundamental to the convergence of the algorithm. This then results in a procedure that eludes the no-blur solution, despite it being a global minimum of the original energy. We introduce an adaptation of this algorithm and show that, in spite of its extreme simplicity, it is very robust and achieves a performance comparable to the state of the art.


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In this work we devise two novel algorithms for blind deconvolution based on a family of logarithmic image priors. In contrast to recent approaches, we consider a minimalistic formulation of the blind deconvolution problem where there are only two energy terms: a least-squares term for the data fidelity and an image prior based on a lower-bounded logarithm of the norm of the image gradients. We show that this energy formulation is sufficient to achieve the state of the art in blind deconvolution with a good margin over previous methods. Much of the performance is due to the chosen prior. On the one hand, this prior is very effective in favoring sparsity of the image gradients. On the other hand, this prior is non convex. Therefore, solutions that can deal effectively with local minima of the energy become necessary. We devise two iterative minimization algorithms that at each iteration solve convex problems: one obtained via the primal-dual approach and one via majorization-minimization. While the former is computationally efficient, the latter achieves state-of-the-art performance on a public dataset.