886 resultados para meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus


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Realizou-se um trabalho experimental com o objectivo de obter informação sobre a evolução do crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus. Foram utilizadas duas estirpes de Staphylococcus aureus, uma isolada a partir de rissóis de frango e uma estirpe de referência, a ATCC n. 9213, estas estirpes foram sujeitas a 3 valores de pH diferentes (que representam os valores de pH que é possível, ou seja pH 4, 5,5 e 7, a 3 valores de concentração de NaCl, nomeadamente, 0,5%, 7% e 15%. A temperatura de desenvolvimento será de 7°C, 37°C e 50aC. Utilizaram-se dois métodos para avaliar o crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus, ao longo do tempo, nomeadamente o Método Turbidímétrico e o Método de contagem de unidades formadoras de colónias (método das diluições sucessivas). ABSTRACT: Carried out experimental work in order to obtain information on the evolution of the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. We used two strains of Staphylococcus aureus, a strain isolated from a chicken patties and one reference strain, ATCC Nº 29213, these strains were subjected to 3 different pH values (which represent the values of pH it is possible, or is pH 4, 5.5 and 7, the 3 values of NaCI concentration, namely, 0.5%, 7% and 15%. The growth temperature is 7 °C, 37°C and 50ºC. We used two methods to evaluate the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, over time, including the turbidimetric method and the method of counting colony forming units (method of successive dilutions).


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A presente publicação descreve os procedimentos necessários para a identificação e confirmação molecular de estirpes de S. aureus causadoras de mastite subclínica, provenientes de amostras de leite de cabra, por meio da técnica de RT-PCR.


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Purpose: Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent of many infections and the advent MRSA has drawn much attention to it. However, some organisms have been noted to be wrongly identified as S. aureus through phenotypic identifications leading to wrong treatment of infections. This study is therefore undertaken to evaluate the rate of false identification of other organisms as S. aureus in Southern Nigeria. Methods: 507 microorganisms which have been previously identified as S. aureus in 8 States in Southern Nigeria through characteristic morphology on blood agar, Gram staining, growth and fermentation on Mannitol Salt Agar and coagulase formation were collected. All the isolates were identified in this study through sequencing of 16S rRNA and detection of spa gene. The percentages of true and false identities were determined. Results: Of the 507 isolates previously identified as S. aureus, only 54 (11 %) were confirmed as S. aureus while the rest were coagulase negative Staphylococci (85 % misidentification rate), Bacillus sp. (12 % misidentification rate), and Brevibacterium sp. (3 % misidentification rate). Conclusion: A high rate of false positive identification of S. aureus which could lead to the misuse of antibiotics in emergency situation has been identified in this study. The use of standard methods for the identification of S. aureus at all times is highly recommended.


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Introduction: Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogen that causes food poisoning as well as hospital and community acquired infections. Objective: Establish the profile of superantigen genes among hospital isolates in relation to clinical specimen type, susceptibility to antibiotics and hospital or community acquisition. Methods: Eighty one isolates obtained from patients at Colombian hospital, were classified by antimicrobial susceptibility, specimen type and hospital or community acquired . The PCR uniplex and multiplex was used for detection of 22 superantigen genes (18 enterotoxins, tsst-1 and three exfoliative toxins). Results: Ninety five point one percent of isolates harbored one or more of the genes with an average of 5.6 genes. Prevalence of individual genes was variable and the most prevalent was seg (51.9%). Thirty nine genotypes were obtained, and the genotype gimnou (complete egc cluster) was the most prevalent alone (16.0%) and in association with other genes (13.6%). The correlation between presence of superantigens and clinical specimen or antimicrobial susceptibility showed no significant difference. But there was significant difference between presence of superantigens and the origin of the isolates, hospital or community acquired (p= 0.049). Conclusions: The results show the variability of the superantigen genes profile in hospital isolates and shows no conclusive relationship with the clinical sample type and antimicrobial susceptibility, but there was correlation with community and hospital isolates. The analysis of the interplay between virulence, epidemic and antibiotic resistance of bacterial populations is needed to predict the future of infectious diseases.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Animal, 2016.


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BACKGROUND: The impact of early valve surgery (EVS) on the outcome of Staphylococcus aureus (SA) prosthetic valve infective endocarditis (PVIE) is unresolved. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between EVS, performed within the first 60 days of hospitalization, and outcome of SA PVIE within the International Collaboration on Endocarditis-Prospective Cohort Study. METHODS: Participants were enrolled between June 2000 and December 2006. Cox proportional hazards modeling that included surgery as a time-dependent covariate and propensity adjustment for likelihood to receive cardiac surgery was used to evaluate the impact of EVS and 1-year all-cause mortality on patients with definite left-sided S. aureus PVIE and no history of injection drug use. RESULTS: EVS was performed in 74 of the 168 (44.3%) patients. One-year mortality was significantly higher among patients with S. aureus PVIE than in patients with non-S. aureus PVIE (48.2% vs 32.9%; P = .003). Staphylococcus aureus PVIE patients who underwent EVS had a significantly lower 1-year mortality rate (33.8% vs 59.1%; P = .001). In multivariate, propensity-adjusted models, EVS was not associated with 1-year mortality (risk ratio, 0.67 [95% confidence interval, .39-1.15]; P = .15). CONCLUSIONS: In this prospective, multinational cohort of patients with S. aureus PVIE, EVS was not associated with reduced 1-year mortality. The decision to pursue EVS should be individualized for each patient, based upon infection-specific characteristics rather than solely upon the microbiology of the infection causing PVIE.


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The presence of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) was analyzed in different free-living wild animals to assess the genetic diversity and predominant genotypes on each animal species. Samples were taken from the skin and/or nares, and isolates were characterized by spa typing, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The proportion of MSSA carriers were 5.00, 22.93, 19.78, and 17.67% in Eurasian griffon vulture, Iberian ibex, red deer, and wild boar, respectively (P = 0.057). A higher proportion of isolates (P = 0.000) were recovered from nasal samples (78.51%) than skin samples (21.49%), but the 9.26% of red deer and 18.25% of wild boar would have been undetected if only nasal samples had been tested. Sixty-three different spa types were identified, including 25 new spa types. The most common were t528 (43.59%) in Iberian ibex, t548 and t11212 (15.79% and 14.04%) in red deer, and t3750 (36.11%) in wild boar. By MLST, 27 STs were detected, of which 12 had not been described previously. The most frequent were ST581 for Iberian ibex (48.72%), ST425 for red deer (29.82%), and ST2328 for wild boar (42.36%). Isolates from Eurasian griffon vulture belong to ST133. Host specificity has been observed for the most frequent spa types and STs (P = 0.000). The highest resistance percentage was found against benzylpenicillin (average, 22.2%), although most of the S. aureus isolates were susceptible to all antimicrobial tested. Basically, MSSA isolates were different from those MRSA isolates previously detected in the same animal species.


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BACKGROUND: Using multinational collections of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) isolates from infective endocarditis (IE) and soft tissue infections (STIs), we sought to (1) validate the finding that S. aureus in clonal complex (CC) 30 is associated with hematogenous complications and (2) test the hypothesis that specific genetic characteristics in S. aureus are associated with infection severity. METHODS: IE and STI isolates from 2 cohorts were frequency matched by geographic origin. Isolates underwent spa typing to infer CC and multiplex polymerase chain reaction for presence of virulence genes. RESULTS: 114 isolate pairs were genotyped. IE isolates were more likely to be CC30 (19.5% vs 6.2%; P = .005) and to contain 3 adhesins (clfB, cna, map/eap; P < .0001 for all) and 5 enterotoxins (tst, sea, sed, see, and sei; P ≤ .005 for all). CC30 isolates were more likely to contain cna, tst, sea, see, seg, and chp (P < .05 for all). CONCLUSIONS: MSSA IE isolates were significantly more likely to be CC30 and to possess a distinct repertoire of virulence genes than MSSA STI isolates from the same region. The genetic basis of this association requires further study.


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La mammite bovine est l’inflammation des tissus internes de la glande mammaire des vaches laitières. Elle est la plupart du temps causée par l’intrusion d’agents pathogènes dans le canal du trayon de la glande mammaire causant ainsi une infection intramammaire (IIM). La mammite engendre des pertes économiques importantes pour l’industrie laitière en raison de la faible production du lait, des coûts de traitements élevés, la présence de résidus d’antibiotiques dans le lait suite à leur utilisation, le rejet de lait non destiné à la consommation et les faibles taux de rendement pendant la transformation du lait en divers produits laitiers. Le développement de l’inflammation est souvent associé au degré d’exposition des glandes mammaires aux pathogènes. Staphylococcus aureus est le pathogène le plus souvent responsable de la mammite bovine au Canada. Il est capable de causer des infections intramammaires persistantes sous-cliniques souvent réfractaires à l’antibiothérapie. En outre, le biofilm représente un facteur de virulence clé dans la persistance de S. aureus pendant la mammite, car il augmente la résistance des bactéries contre les antibiotiques grâce à la matrice extracellulaire qui recouvre et protège la communauté. Le biofilm représente donc, une problématique majeure de l’industrie laitière et le besoin de nouveaux outils thérapeutiques alternatifs adressant ce facteur de virulence est très urgent. Le chitosane est une molécule naturelle extraite de la carapace des crustacés. Elle est exploitée pour de multiples applications biologiques, y compris certaines activités antibiofilm. Dans cette étude, nous avons démontré que les formes de 2,6 kDa et 4 kDa empêchaient la production de biofilm des souches : S. aureus 2117 (forte productrice du biofilm) et le SARM bovin (S. aureus résistant à la méthicilline). Chez la souris, l’administration d’un chitosane de 2,6 kDa n’a démontré aucun effet inflammatoire comparativement au 4 kDa. Les tests de bactéricidie ont démontré que le 2,6 kDa était capable de tuer les bactéries incorporées dans les biofilms préformés d'une manière dose-réponse avec une réduction de > 3 log[indice inférieur 10] CFU / biofilm à la concentration de 4 mg / ml. En culture cellulaire, nous avons observé que le chitosane de 2,6 kDa pouvait empêcher la persistance du SARM bovin dans les cellules épithéliales bovines MAC-T. Les tests de combinaison sur plaque ont révélé que le 2,6 kDa produit une synergie avec les antibiotiques de la classe des macrolides (par exemple, la tilmicosine) contre S. aureus, en réduisant la CMI des deux molécules par 2-8 fois. Finalement, l'administration intramammaire de 2,6 kDa, seul (p <0,01) ou en combinaison avec la tilmicosine (p <0,0001), a réduit la colonisation de S. aureus dans les glandes mammaires de notre modèle de mammite aigu murin.


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Twenty-four S. aureus isolates were analysed. From those, 22 were isolated from milk of goats and sheep with clinical and subclinical mastitis, from the region of Vale do São Francisco in the Brazilian Sertão and S. aureus ATCC 25923 plus a MRSA strain were added. Alcoholic extracts were produced from several batches of green, red and brown propolis consisting of 300 g of raw propolis in 700 mL of 70 % ethanol. Four genes related to antimicrobial resistance were assessed: blaZ that determines the resistance to β-lactam antibiotics, and genes icaA, icaD and bap that influence the production of biofilm. For the tests of susceptibility to different types of propolis the microdilution method was used, in triplicate, and dilutions between 0.003672 and 15% were tested, 70 % ethanol consisted of a negative control. The gene blaZ was found in 15 isolates; icaA gene was present in 3 isolates, icaD gene in 2 and bap gene was detected in 6 isolates. All the propolis tested exhibited antimicrobial activity, ranging from 44 to 100 % of susceptible isolates depending on different propolis batches. According to the results of this experiment the green and red propolis appear to have better antimicrobial activity than the brown variety.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the action of inhibiting S. aureus biofilm formation, and the ability to eliminate formed biofilm, by alcoholic extracts of green, red and brown propolis from Brazil. Ten isolates of S. aureus have been tested, 8 field isolates, 1 MRSA and 1 ATCC 25923, by microplate quantitative method. For the evaluation of inhibitory action, the isolates were inoculated, in triplicate, in TSB 1% glucose in the presence of green (1), red (2) and brown (4) propolis extracts. Biofilm formation was evaluated by optical reading, compared to a negative control consisting of a mixture of TSB and extract. For biofilm elimination assay, extracts were added to plates with 24h cultures of the same isolates. Assays were repeated three times on three different days. Eight out of the 10 isolates produced less biofilm in the presence of the green propolis extracts, so the inhibitory effect is 80%. Brown propolis extracts inhibited the formation of biofilm in 10% to 70% of the isolates and the red extracts in 30% to 80%. Regarding the biofilm elimination activity, green propolis extract was positive for 9 out of the 10 isolates (90%), the brown propolis extracts were positive for 0% to 100% isolates and red extracts for 0% to 10% isolates.


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Emergence and dissemination of community acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) strains are being reported with increasing frequency in Australia and worldwide. These strains of CA-MRSA are genetically diverse and distinct in Australia. Genotyping of CA-MRSA using eight highly-discriminatory single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is a rapid and robust method for monitoring the dissemination of these strains in the community. In this study, a SNP genotyping method was used to investigate the molecular epidemiology of 249 community acquired non-multiresistant MRSA (nm-MRSA) isolates over a 12-month period from routine diagnostic specimens. A real-time PCR for the presence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) was also performed on these isolates. The CA-MRSA isolates were sourced from a large private laboratory in Brisbane, Australia that serves a wide geographic region encompassing Queensland and Northern New South Wales. This study identified 16 different STs and 98% of the CA-MRSA isolates were positive for the PVL gene. The most common ST was ST93 with 41% of isolates testing positive for this clone.