962 resultados para metals in urine
Excretion of biopterin and the related pteridines neopterin and pterin was measured in urine samples from a group of 76 male and female unipolar and bipolar depressed outpatients receiving lithium therapy, and compared to 61 male and female control subjects. The ratio of neopterin to biopterin excreted (N/B) was significantly higher in the patients than the controls. The significant positive correlation between urinary neopterin and biopterin shown by the controls was absent in the patients, indicating disrupted biosynthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin.Urinary cortisol excretion in depressed patients was similar to controls, implying normal hypothalmus-pituitary-adrenal axis function in these patients, Serum folate was shown to correlate with urinary total biopterin excretion in female unipolar patients. Two groups of elderly females with senile dementia of Alzheimer type (SDAT) were examined for urinary pteridine excretion. In the first study of 10 patients, the N/B ratio was significantly higher than in 24 controls and the ratio B/B+ N significantly lower. A second study of 30 SDAT patients and 21 controls confirmed these findings. However, neopterin correlated with biopterin in both patients and controls, indicating that the alteration in tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism may be different to that shown in depression. Lithium had no effect in vivo or in vitro on Wistar rat brain or liver biosynthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin at a range of concentrations and duration of dosing period, showing that lithium was not responsible for the lowered biopterin excretion by depressed patients. No significant effects on tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism in the rat were shown by the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine, the anticonvulsant sodium valproate, the vitamin folic acid, the anticatecholaminergic agent amethylparatyrosine, the synthetic corticosteroid dexamethasone, or stimulation of natural cortisol by immobilisation stress. Scopolamine, an ant ichol inergic drug, lowered rat brain pterin which may relate to the tetrahydrobiopterin deficits shown in SDAT.
By employing G75 gel-filtration chromotography, it has been demonstrated that human plasma gallium speciation (and by implication, Al speciation) is bimodal. Normally, gallium was predominantly bound to a high molecular weight fraction which was presumably transferrin. Literature reviews and experimental work throughout this thesis provided evidence to support this idea. An aluminium-transferrin species was assumed to be relatively non-toxic and a protective function for this complex has been suggested. A second, low molecular weight species of gallium was observed and its identity has been suggested to be citrate. The results of this thesis support the concept citrate was a gallium binding ligand present in the plasma, but there was another species (tentatively identified as phosphate) which bound gallium to a much greater degree than did citrate in the majority of samples studied. The consequence of a low molecular weight species of aluminium is the possibility that this leads to a more rapid, uncontrolled deposition of the metal in the brain compared to a transferrin mediated mechanism. Plasma speciation studies in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Down's syndrome, and neonates has revealed an altered ratio of the two gallium species found in control subjects. In all groups there was an increase in the potentially more neurotoxic low molecular weight species. These observations have led to a suggested mechanism of accumulation of metals in the brain, which is known to occur in the first three groups. Possible pathogenic mechanisms are described. The results can also offer an explanation to the reported increased sensitivity to the toxic effects of aluminium in the neonate. Speciation studies on normal plasma has shown the balance between high and low molecular weight species of gallium to be influenced by many physiological factors. There appears to be a fine equilibrium between both species which can be altered without any great difficulty. Therefore, in the diseased groups studied, it is possible that there are subtle biochemical changes within the circulatory system to affect the equilibrium which results in an increased low molecular weight species of aluminium. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that there is a group of normal controls with no clinical signs of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease which have reduced transferrin binding. This indicates there is a population of healthy people who are at risk to the development of either disease.
The research examines the deposition of airborne particles which contain heavy metals and investigates the methods that can be used to identify their sources. The research focuses on lead and cadmium because these two metals are of growing public and scientific concern on environmental health grounds. The research consists of three distinct parts. The first is the development and evaluation of a new deposition measurement instrument - the deposit cannister - designed specifically for large-scale surveys in urban areas. The deposit cannister is specifically designed to be cheap, robust, and versatile and therefore to permit comprehensive high-density urban surveys. The siting policy reduces contamination from locally resuspended surface-dust. The second part of the research has involved detailed surveys of heavy metal deposition in Walsall, West Midlands, using the new high-density measurement method. The main survey, conducted over a six-week period in November - December 1982, provided 30-day samples of deposition at 250 different sites. The results have been used to examine the magnitude and spatial variability of deposition rates in the case-study area, and to evaluate the performance of the measurement method. The third part of the research has been to conduct a 'source-identification' exercise. The methods used have been Receptor Models - Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis - and a predictive source-based deposition model. The results indicate that there are six main source processes contributing to deposition of metals in the Walsall area: coal combustion, vehicle emissions, ironfounding, copper refining and two general industrial/urban processes. |A source-based deposition model has been calibrated using facctorscores for one source factor as the dependent variable, rather than metal deposition rates, thus avoiding problems traditionally encountered in calibrating models in complex multi-source areas. Empirical evidence supports the hypothesised associatlon of this factor with emissions of metals from the ironfoundry industry.
Preeclampsia (PE) is characterized by widespread endothelial damage with hypertension, proteinuria, glomeruloendotheliosis and elevated soluble Flt-1 (sFlt-1), a natural occurring antagonist of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Cancer patients receiving anti-VEGF therapy exhibit similar symptoms. We suggested that a decrease in circulating sFlt-1 would alleviate the symptoms associated with PE. Adenoviral (Adv) overexpression of sFlt-1 induced proteinuria, caused glomerular damage and increase in blood pressure in female Balb/c mice. Circulating level of sFlt-1 above 50 ng/ml plasma induced severe vascular damage and glomerular endotheliosis. Albumin concentration in urine was elevated up to 30-fold, compared to control AdvGFP-treated animals. The threshold of kidney damage was in the range of 20-30 ng/ml sFlt-1 in plasma (8-15 ng/ml in urine). Co-administration of AdvsFlt-1 with AdvVEGF to neutralize circulating sFlt-1 resulted in more than a 70% reduction in free sFlt-1 in plasma, more than 80% reduction in urine and rescued the damaging effect of sFlt-1 on the kidneys. This demonstrates that below a critical threshold sFlt-1 fails to elicit damage to the fenestrated endothelium and that co-expression of VEGF is able to rescue effects mediated by sFlt-1 overexpression.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) increases in prevalence in the elderly. There is evidence for significant muscle loss and accelerated cognitive impairment in older adults with T2DM; these comorbidities are critical features of frailty. In the early stages of T2DM, insulin sensitivity can be improved by a “healthy” diet. Management of insulin resistance by diet in people over 65 years of age should be carefully re-evaluated because of the risk for falling due to hypoglycaemia. To date, an optimal dietary programme for older adults with insulin resistance and T2DM has not been described. The use of biomarkers to identify those at risk for T2DM will enable clinicians to offer early dietary advice that will delay onset of disease and of frailty. Here we have used an in silico literature search for putative novel biomarkers of T2DM risk and frailty. We suggest that plasma bilirubin, plasma, urinary DPP4-positive microparticles and plasma pigment epithelium-derived factor merit further investigation as predictive biomarkers for T2DM and frailty risk in older adults. Bilirubin is screened routinely in clinical practice. Measurement of specific microparticle frequency in urine is less invasive than a blood sample so is a good choice for biomonitoring. Future studies should investigate whether early dietary changes, such as increased intake of whey protein and micronutrients that improve muscle function and insulin sensitivity, affect biomarkers and can reduce the longer term complication of frailty in people at risk for T2DM.
Study of the physical properties of metals and oxides at extreme pressure and temperature conditions
The high-pressure and temperature investigations on transition metals, metal doped-oxide system, nanocrystalline materials are presented in this dissertation. The metal-doped oxide systems are technologically important because of their applications, e.g. LSC, opto electronic applications, luminescence from lasers, etc., and from the earth sciences point of view, e.g. the study of trace elements in the MgO-SiO2 system, which accounts for 50% of the Earth's chondritic model. We have carried out thorough investigations on Cr2O3 and on chromium bearing oxides at high PT-conditions using in situ X-ray diffractometry and florescence spectroscopy techniques. Having obtained exciting results, an attempt to focus on the mechanism of the coordination of transition metals in oxides has been made. Additionally, the florescence from the metals in host oxides was found to be helpful to obtain information on structural variations like changes in the coordination of the doped element, formation of new phases, the diffusion processes. The possible reactions taking place at extreme conditions in the MgO-SiO2 system has been observed using florescence as markers. A new heating assemblage has been designed and fabricated for a precise determination of temperature at high pressures. An equation combining pressure shifts of ruby wavelength and temperature has been proposed. We observed that the compressibility of nanocrystalline material (MgO and Ni) is independent of crystallite size. A reduction in the transition pressure of nanocrystalline ceria at high-pressure has been observed as compare to the corresponding bulk material. ^
Reduced organic sulfur (ROS) compounds are environmentally ubiquitous and play an important role in sulfur cycling as well as in biogeochemical cycles of toxic metals, in particular mercury. Development of effective methods for analysis of ROS in environmental samples and investigations on the interactions of ROS with mercury are critical for understanding the role of ROS in mercury cycling, yet both of which are poorly studied. Covalent affinity chromatography-based methods were attempted for analysis of ROS in environmental water samples. A method was developed for analysis of environmental thiols, by preconcentration using affinity covalent chromatographic column or solid phase extraction, followed by releasing of thiols from the thiopropyl sepharose gel using TCEP and analysis using HPLC-UV or HPLC-FL. Under the optimized conditions, the detection limits of the method using HPLC-FL detection were 0.45 and 0.36 nM for Cys and GSH, respectively. Our results suggest that covalent affinity methods are efficient for thiol enrichment and interference elimination, demonstrating their promising applications in developing a sensitive, reliable, and useful technique for thiol analysis in environmental water samples. The dissolution of mercury sulfide (HgS) in the presence of ROS and dissolved organic matter (DOM) was investigated, by quantifying the effects of ROS on HgS dissolution and determining the speciation of the mercury released from ROS-induced HgS dissolution. It was observed that the presence of small ROS (e.g., Cys and GSH) and large molecule DOM, in particular at high concentrations, could significantly enhance the dissolution of HgS. The dissolved Hg during HgS dissolution determined using the conventional 0.22 μm cutoff method could include colloidal Hg (e.g., HgS colloids) and truly dissolved Hg (e.g., Hg-ROS complexes). A centrifugal filtration method (with 3 kDa MWCO) was employed to characterize the speciation and reactivity of the Hg released during ROS-enhanced HgS dissolution. The presence of small ROS could produce a considerable fraction (about 40% of total mercury in the solution) of truly dissolved mercury (< 3 kDa), probably due to the formation of Hg-Cys or Hg-GSH complexes. The truly dissolved Hg formed during GSH- or Cys-enhanced HgS dissolution was directly reducible (100% for GSH and 40% for Cys) by stannous chloride, demonstrating its potential role in Hg transformation and bioaccumulation.
The effects of the acidification associated with CO2 leakage from sub-seabed geological storage was studied by the evaluation of the short-term effects of CO2-induced acidification on juveniles of the bivalve Ruditapes philippinarum. Laboratory scale experiments were performed using a CO2-bubbling system designed to conduct ecotoxicological assays. The organisms were exposed for 10 days to elutriates of sediments collected in different littoral areas that were subjected to various pH treatments (pH 7.1; pH 6.6; pH 6.1). The acute pH-associated effects on the bivalves were observed, and the dissolved metals in the elutriates were measured. The median toxic effect pH was calculated, which ranged from 6.33 and 6.45. The amount of dissolved Zn in the sediment elutriates increased in parallel with the pH reductions and was correlated with the proton concentrations. The pH, the pCO2 and the dissolved metal concentrations (Zn and Fe) were linked with the mortality of the exposed bivalves.
Aims The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a pelvic floor muscle (PFM) rehabilitation program on incontinence symptoms, PFM function, and morphology in older women with SUI. Methods Women 60 years old and older with at least weekly episodes of SUI were recruited. Participants were evaluated before and after a 12-week group PFM rehabilitation intervention. The evaluations included 3-day bladder diaries, symptom, and quality of life questionnaires, PFM function testing with dynamometry (force) and electromyography (activation) during seven tasks: rest, PFM maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), straining, rapid-repeated PFM contractions, a 60 sec sustained PFM contraction, a single cough and three repeated coughs, and sagittal MRI recorded at rest, during PFM MVCs and during straining to assess PFM morphology. Results Seventeen women (68.9 ± 5.5 years) participated. Following the intervention the frequency of urine leakage decreased and disease-specific quality of life improved significantly. PFM function improved significantly: the participants were able to perform more rapid-repeated PFM contractions; they activated their PFMs sooner when coughing and they were better able to maintain a PFM contraction between repeated coughs. Pelvic organ support improved significantly: the anorectal angle was decreased and the urethrovescial junction was higher at rest, during contraction and while straining. Conclusions This study indicated that improvements in urine leakage were produced along with improvements in PFM co-ordination (demonstrated by the increased number of rapid PFM contractions and the earlier PFM activation when coughing), motor-control, pelvic organ support.
Dans les dernières années, les perturbateurs endocriniens ont été observés dans les rivières qui reçoivent des entrées importantes d’eaux usées. Parmi les perturbateurs endocriniens, les hormones stéroïdiennes naturelles et synthétiques sont des composés dont le potentiel d'imiter ou d'interférer avec les fonctions hormonales normales (développement, croissance et reproduction), est reconnu même au niveau ultra-traces (ng L-1). Bien que les hormones conjuguées soient moins actives que les hormones libres, elles peuvent être clivées et redevenir libres une fois exposées aux processus microbiens avant ou pendant le traitement des eaux usées. En raison de la nécessité d'identifier et de quantifier ces composés dans l'eau, une nouvelle méthode, entièrement automatisée, a été développée pour la détermination simultanée des deux formes de plusieurs hormones stéroïdiennes (conjuguées et libres) dans les matrices d'eau et dans l’urine des femmes. La méthode est basée sur l'extraction en phase solide couplée en ligne à la chromatographie liquide et la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (SPE-LC-MS/MS). Plusieurs paramètres ont été évalués dans le but d'optimiser l'efficacité de la méthode, tels que le type et le débit de la phase mobile, des différentes colonnes de SPE et de chromatographie, ainsi que différentes sources et modes d'ionisation des échantillons pour la MS. La méthode démontre une bonne linéarité (R2 > 0.993), ainsi qu'une précision avec un coefficient de variance inférieure à 10%. Les limites de quantification varient d’un minimum de 3 à 15 ng L-1 pour un volume d'injection entre 1 mL et 5 mL et le recouvrement des composés varie de 72 % à 117 %.
Aims The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a pelvic floor muscle (PFM) rehabilitation program on incontinence symptoms, PFM function, and morphology in older women with SUI. Methods Women 60 years old and older with at least weekly episodes of SUI were recruited. Participants were evaluated before and after a 12-week group PFM rehabilitation intervention. The evaluations included 3-day bladder diaries, symptom, and quality of life questionnaires, PFM function testing with dynamometry (force) and electromyography (activation) during seven tasks: rest, PFM maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), straining, rapid-repeated PFM contractions, a 60 sec sustained PFM contraction, a single cough and three repeated coughs, and sagittal MRI recorded at rest, during PFM MVCs and during straining to assess PFM morphology. Results Seventeen women (68.9 ± 5.5 years) participated. Following the intervention the frequency of urine leakage decreased and disease-specific quality of life improved significantly. PFM function improved significantly: the participants were able to perform more rapid-repeated PFM contractions; they activated their PFMs sooner when coughing and they were better able to maintain a PFM contraction between repeated coughs. Pelvic organ support improved significantly: the anorectal angle was decreased and the urethrovescial junction was higher at rest, during contraction and while straining. Conclusions This study indicated that improvements in urine leakage were produced along with improvements in PFM co-ordination (demonstrated by the increased number of rapid PFM contractions and the earlier PFM activation when coughing), motor-control, pelvic organ support.
The concentration of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Co, Ag, Mn, Fe, Ca, Mg, K and Na in molluscs Macoma balthica, Mya arenaria, Cardium glaucum, Mytilus edulis and Astarte borealis from the southern Baltic was determined. The surface sediments and ferromanganese concretions associated with the molluscs were also analysed for concentration of these metals. Species- and region-dependent differences in the metal levels of the organisms were observed. The properties of molluscs analysed which have a tendency toward elevated biological tolerance of selected trace metals were specified. The interelement relationship between metal concentrations in the soft tissue and the shell was estimated and was discussed.
Mineral and chemical composition of alluvial Upper-Pleistocene deposits from the Alto Guadalquivir Basin (SE Spain) were studied as a tool to identify sedimentary and geomorphological processes controlling its formation. Sediments located upstream, in the north-eastern sector of the basin, are rich in dolomite, illite, MgO and KB2BO. Downstream, sediments at the sequence base are enriched in calcite, smectite and CaO, whereas the upper sediments have similar features to those from upstream. Elevated rare-earth elements (REE) values can be related to low carbonate content in the sediments and the increase of silicate material produced and concentrated during soil formation processes in the neighbouring source areas. Two mineralogical and geochemical signatures related to different sediment source areas were identified. Basal levels were deposited during a predominantly erosive initial stage, and are mainly composed of calcite and smectite materials enriched in REE coming from Neogene marls and limestones. Then the deposition of the upper levels of the alluvial sequences, made of dolomite and illitic materials depleted in REE coming from the surrounding Sierra de Cazorla area took place during a less erosive later stage of the fluvial system. Such modification was responsible of the change in the mineralogical and geochemical composition of the alluvial sediments.
Environ 90% des composés produits industriellement sont fabriqués à l’aide de catalyseurs. C’est pourquoi la conception de catalyseurs toujours plus performants pour améliorer les procédés industriels actuels est toujours d’intérêt. De la grande variété de complexes avec des métaux de transition rapportés jusqu’à présent, les complexes zwitterioniques attirent notre attention par leurs activités catalytiques souvent supérieures aux complexes cationiques normaux. Un complexe métallique zwitterionique est un fragment métal-ligand neutre où la charge positive est située sur le centre métallique et où la charge négative est délocalisée sur un des ligands liés au métal. Nous proposons la synthèse de ligands anioniques phosphine comportant des groupements borates et boratabenzènes. Cette dernière espèce est un cycle à 6 membres où l’un des atomes de carbone est remplacé par un atome de bore et qui est négativement chargé. La capacité de ces phosphines anioniques à se lier à un centre métallique à l’aide de la paire libre du phosphore est due à la nature du lien P-B qui défavorise l’interaction entre la paire libre du phosphore et l’orbitale p vide du bore. Les propriétés de di-tert-butylphosphido-boratabenzène (DTBB) comme ligand phosphine anionique hautement donneur et encombré ainsi que la découverte de ses modes de coordination inhabituels pour stabiliser les métaux de transition insaturés ont été étudiés au cours de ce travail. De nouvelles perspectives sur les modes de coordination de phosphido-boratabenzène et la force de l’interaction du lien P-B seront discutées ainsi que les applications catalytiques. Nous avons d’abord étudié la coordination η1 avec des complexes de fer, ce qui nous a fourni des données quantitatives précieuses sur la capacité du DTBB d’agir comme ligand très donneur par rapport aux autres ligands donneurs bien connus. La capacité du DTBB à changer de mode de coordination pour soutenir les besoins électroniques du métal a été démontrée par la découverte d’une nouvelle espèce ferrocenyl phosphido-boratabenzène et sa nucléophilie a été étudiée. Au meilleur de notre connaissance, aucun exemple d’un ligand boratabenzène coordonné aux métaux du groupe 11 n’existe dans la littérature. Voilà pourquoi nous avons décidé d’explorer les modes de coordination du ligand DTBB avec Cu(I), Ag(I) et Au(I). A notre grande surprise, le ligand DTBB est capable de stabiliser les métaux du groupe 11 aux états d’oxydation faibles par une liaison MP qui est une coordination du type η1, un mode de coordination guère observé pour les ligands boratabenzène. Pendant nos travaux, notre attention s’est tournée vers la synthèse d’un complexe de rhodium(I) afin de tester son utilité en catalyse. A notre grande satisfaction, le complexe Rh-DTBB agit comme un précatalyseur pour l’hydrogénation des alcènes et alcynes à la température ambiante et à pression atmosphérique et son activité est comparable à celle du catalyseur de Wilkinson. Dans un désir d’élargir les applications de notre recherche, notre attention se tourna vers l’utilisation des composés du bore autres que le boratabenzène. Nous avons décidé de synthétiser une nouvelle espèce phosphido-borate encombrée. Lorsqu’elle réagit avec des métaux, l’espèce phosphido-borate subit un clivage de la liaison P-B. Toutefois, cette observation met en évidence la singularité et les avantages de la stabilité de la liaison P-B lors de l’utilisation du fragment boratabenzène. Ces observations enrichissent notre compréhension des conditions dans lesquelles la liaison P-B du ligand DTBB peut être clivée. Ces travaux ont mené à la découverte d’un nouveau ligand ansa-boratabenzène avec une chimie de coordination prometteuse.
This paper describes a sediment survey undertaken to unravel patterns of distribution and dispersion of trace metals in an Iberian Peninsula northwestern coastal lagoon (Ria de Aveiro). Cadmium, lead, chromium, copper and zinc were analyzed in bottom sediments. Geochemical normalization is performed and two different regression models for each metal versus aluminum are tested and compared using the respective enrichment factors (EF), an estimation of the relative importance of anthropogenic contributions to the studied sediments. Mean sediment quality guideline quotients (mSQGQ) are used to evaluate sediment quality and associated potential risk to biota with effects range low as empirical sediment quality guideline (SQG) in the basis for mSQGQ calculation. Additionally, the geoaccumulation index is calculated to compare studied sediment levels to global baseline levels. The application of SQGs revealed insufficient characterization capability, especially when contrasted to EF calculated from the regression methods. These pointed a mildly enriched system with localized “hot spot” areas. Therefore, it can be considered that bottom sediments in the Ria de Aveiro system are in their majority unpolluted, zinc being the only metal of concern, presenting enrichment in all four main channels. The major rivers outlets (Caster, Antuã, and Vouga) constitute point sources, thus presenting potential risk for biota. Yet, the strong tidal influence creates a damping effect by efficiently redistributing sediment bound metals.