971 resultados para log canonical center
We propose robust estimators of the generalized log-gamma distribution and, more generally, of location-shape-scale families of distributions. A (weighted) Q tau estimator minimizes a tau scale of the differences between empirical and theoretical quantiles. It is n(1/2) consistent; unfortunately, it is not asymptotically normal and, therefore, inconvenient for inference. However, it is a convenient starting point for a one-step weighted likelihood estimator, where the weights are based on a disparity measure between the model density and a kernel density estimate. The one-step weighted likelihood estimator is asymptotically normal and fully efficient under the model. It is also highly robust under outlier contamination. Supplementary materials are available online.
Tämän työn toimeksiantajaorganisaatio oli Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston alainen, kauppatieteitä, teknologiaa ja tuotantotaloutta työssään yhdistävä tutkimusyksikkö, Technology Business Research Center, TBRC. Erään innovatiivisuustutkimusprojektin (InnoSpring) yhteydessä haluttiin selvittää myös oman tutkimusyksikön innovatiivisuuteen vaikuttavia, edistäviä ja estäviä tekijöitä. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kartoittaa niitä seikkoja, jotka organisaation - tässä tapauksessa yliopiston tutkimusyksikön - henkilökunnan, projektityöntekijöiden, projektipäälliköiden sekä johdon mukaan vaikuttavat yksikön kykyyn luoda ja omaksua uutta, sen innovatiivisuuteen. Työ toteutettiin focus group-ryhmähaastattelumenetelmällä (kvalitatiivinen tutkimus), joihin osallistuivat omina ryhminään työntekijätaso, projektipäälliköt sekä johto.Haastattelut äänitettiin, litteroitiin ja koodattiin Atlas-Ti-ohjelmistolla. Loppuraportti verkostokuvineen luovutettiin tutkimuslaitokselle heinäkuussa 2005. Ryhmäkeskustelun teemoista ja kysymysten muodosta johtuen tulokset käsittelivät niin tutkimusyksikön nykyistä tilaa kuin eräänlaista "toivetilaa", millainen olisi ihanteellinen ja innovatiivinen työpaikka. Merkillepantavaa oli, että työssä tuli systemaattisesti esiin enemmän innovatiivisuutta edistäviä kuin ehkäiseviä seikkoja - vaikka osa edistävistä seikoista koskikin nimenomaan "toivetilaa". Keskustelluimpia teemoja olivat johtajuus,tavoitteellisuus ja strategian, yhteisen suunnan tarve. Samoin olemassa olevienprosessien kehittäminen, osaamisen (niin oman kuin koko organisaationkin) kokoaminen ja kehittäminen edelleen sekä tulosten jalkauttaminen.
Abstract Lipid derived signals mediate many stress and defense responses in multicellular eukaryotes. Among these are the jasmonates, potently active signaling compounds in plants. Jasmonic acid (JA) and 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA) are the two best known members of the large jasmonate family. This thesis further investigates their roles as signals using genomic and proteomic approaches. The study is based on a simple genetic model involving two key genes. The first is ALLENE OXIDE SYNTHASE (AOS), encoding the most important enzyme in generating jasmonates. The second is CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1), a gene involved in all currently documented canonical signaling responses. We asked the simple question: do null mutations in AOS and COI1 have analogous effects on the transcriptome ? We found that they do not. If most COI1-dependent genes were also AOS-dependent, the expression of a zinc-finger protein was AOS-dependent but was unaffected by the coi1-1 mutation. We thus supposed that a jasmonate member, most probably OPDA, can alter gene expression partially independently of COI1. Conversely, the expression of at least three genes, one of these is a protein kinase, was shown to be COI1-dependent but did not require a functional AOS protein. We conclude that a non-jasmonate signal might alter gene expression through COIL Proteomic comparison of coi1-1 and aos plants confirmed these observations and highlighted probable protein degradation processes controlled by jasmonates and COI1 in the wounded leaf. This thesis revealed new functions for COI1 and for AOS-generated oxylipins in the jasmonate signaling pathway. Résumé Les signaux dérivés d'acides gras sont des médiateurs de réponses aux stress et de la défense des eucaryotes multicellulaires. Parmi eux, les jasmonates sont de puissants composés de sig¬nalisation chez les plantes. L'acide jasmonique (JA) et l'acide 12-oxo-phytodienoïc (OPDA) sont les deux membres les mieux caractérisés de la grande famille des jasmonates. Cette thèse étudie plus profondément leurs rôles de signalisation en utilisant des approches génomique et protéomique. Cette étude est basée sur un modèle génétique simple n'impliquant que deux gènes. Le premier est PALLENE OXYDE SYNTHASE (AOS) qui encode l'enzyme la plus importante pour la fabrication des jasmonates. Le deuxième est CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1) qui est impliqué dans la totalité des réponses aux jasmonates connues à ce jour. Nous avons posé la question suivante : est-ce que les mutations nulles dans les gènes AOS et COI1 ont des effets analogues sur le transcriptome ? Nous avons trouvé que ce n'était pas le cas. Si la majorité des gènes dépendants de COI1 sont également dépendants d'AOS, l'expression d'un gène codant pour une protéine formée de doigts de zinc n'est pas affectée par la mutation de COI1 tout en étant dépendante d'AOS. Nous avons donc supposé qu'un membre de la famille des jasmonates, probablement OPDA, pouvait modifier l'expression de certains gènes indépendamment de COI1. Inversement, nous avons montré que, tout en étant dépendante de COI1, l'expression d'au moins trois gènes, dont un codant pour une protéine kinase, n'était pas affectée par l'absence d'une protéine AOS fonctionnelle. Nous en avons conclu qu'un signal autre qu'un jasmonate devait modifier l'expression de certains gènes à travers COI1. La comparaison par protéomique de plantes aos et coi1-1 a confirmé ces observations et a mis en évidence un probable processus de dégradation de protéines contrôlé par les jasmonates et COU_ Cette thèse a mis en avant de nouvelles fonctions pour COI1 et pour des oxylipines générées par AOS dans le cadre de la signalisation par les jasmonates.
The improvement of the dynamics of flexible manipulators like log cranes often requires advanced control methods. This thesis discusses the vibration problems in the cranes used in commercial forestry machines. Two control methods, adaptive filtering and semi-active damping, are presented. The adaptive filter uses a part of the lowest natural frequency of the crane as a filtering frequency. The payload estimation algorithm, filtering of control signal and algorithm for calculation of the lowest natural frequency of the crane are presented. The semi-active damping method is basedon pressure feedback. The pressure vibration, scaled with suitable gain, is added to the control signal of the valve of the lift cylinder to suppress vibrations. The adaptive filter cuts off high frequency impulses coming from the operatorand semi-active damping suppresses the crane?s oscillation, which is often caused by some external disturbance. In field tests performed on the crane, a correctly tuned (25 % tuning) adaptive filter reduced pressure vibration by 14-17 % and semi-active damping correspondingly by 21-43%. Applying of these methods require auxiliary transducers, installed in specific points in the crane, and electronically controlled directional control valves.
Actualment, el sector “gimnasos i centres esportius” constitueix una parcel·la de gran importància dins del panorama de la indústria del lleure. L’apogeu creixent del sector lleure-salut s’està produint des de fa diverses dècades, de manera que a hores d’ara el lleure i el temps de lleure, i l’exercici físic i l’esport com a lleure són predictors de qualitat de vida. En aquest sentit, podem relacionar i hem de relacionar el lleure amb la qualitat de vida, un concepte multidimensional que inclou tots els àmbits de la vida humana (estat de la salut, benestar, participació social, condicions de vida...). En aquest treball analitzem de quina forma han anat evolucionat els centres dedicats a la practica esportiva i a la salut. Un sector que des de l’antiguitat fins als nostres dies ha hagut d’anar adaptant i ampliant la seva oferta d’activitats i productes, segons les necessitats dels usuaris.
We prove that there are one-parameter families of planar differential equations for which the center problem has a trivial solution and on the other hand the cyclicity of the weak focus is arbitrarily high. We illustrate this phenomenon in several examples for which this cyclicity is computed.
In this work we study the integrability of a two-dimensional autonomous system in the plane with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by homogeneous polynomials of fourth degree. We give sufficient conditions for integrability in polar coordinates. Finally we establish a conjecture about the independence of the two classes of parameters which appear in the system; if this conjecture is true the integrable cases found will be the only possible ones.
In this work we study the integrability of two-dimensional autonomous system in the plane with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by homogeneous polynomials of fifth degree. We give a simple characterisation for the integrable cases in polar coordinates. Finally we formulate a conjecture about the independence of the two classes of parameters which appear on the system; if this conjecture is true the integrable cases found will be the only possible ones.
Background: Design of newly engineered microbial strains for biotechnological purposes would greatly benefit from the development of realistic mathematical models for the processes to be optimized. Such models can then be analyzed and, with the development and application of appropriate optimization techniques, one could identify the modifications that need to be made to the organism in order to achieve the desired biotechnological goal. As appropriate models to perform such an analysis are necessarily non-linear and typically non-convex, finding their global optimum is a challenging task. Canonical modeling techniques, such as Generalized Mass Action (GMA) models based on the power-law formalism, offer a possible solution to this problem because they have a mathematical structure that enables the development of specific algorithms for global optimization. Results: Based on the GMA canonical representation, we have developed in previous works a highly efficient optimization algorithm and a set of related strategies for understanding the evolution of adaptive responses in cellular metabolism. Here, we explore the possibility of recasting kinetic non-linear models into an equivalent GMA model, so that global optimization on the recast GMA model can be performed. With this technique, optimization is greatly facilitated and the results are transposable to the original non-linear problem. This procedure is straightforward for a particular class of non-linear models known as Saturable and Cooperative (SC) models that extend the power-law formalism to deal with saturation and cooperativity. Conclusions: Our results show that recasting non-linear kinetic models into GMA models is indeed an appropriate strategy that helps overcoming some of the numerical difficulties that arise during the global optimization task.
Actualmente el sector “gimnasios y centros deportivos” se constituye como una parcela de gran importancia dentro del panorama de la industria del ocio. El auge creciente del sector ocio-salud se viene produciendo desde hace varias décadas, de modo que en la actualidad el ocio y tiempo de ocio, y ejercicio físico y deporte como ocio son predictores de calidad de vida. En este sentido es cuando podemos y debemos relacionar ocio con la calidad de vida, un concepto multidimensional que incluye todos los ámbitos de la vida humana (estado de la salud, bienestar, participación social, condiciones de vida...). En este trabajo se analiza como han ido evolucionado los centros dedicados a la practica deportiva y a la salud. Un sector que desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días ha tenido que ir adaptando y ampliando su oferta de actividades y productos según las necesidades de los usuarios.
In this paper, we present a computer simulation study of the ion binding process at an ionizable surface using a semi-grand canonical Monte Carlo method that models the surface as a discrete distribution of charged and neutral functional groups in equilibrium with explicit ions modelled in the context of the primitive model. The parameters of the simulation model were tuned and checked by comparison with experimental titrations of carboxylated latex particles in the presence of different ionic strengths of monovalent ions. The titration of these particles was analysed by calculating the degree of dissociation of the latex functional groups vs. pH curves at different background salt concentrations. As the charge of the titrated surface changes during the simulation, a procedure to keep the electroneutrality of the system is required. Here, two approaches are used with the choice depending on the ion selected to maintain electroneutrality: counterion or coion procedures. We compare and discuss the difference between the procedures. The simulations also provided a microscopic description of the electrostatic double layer (EDL) structure as a function of pH and ionic strength. The results allow us to quantify the effect of the size of the background salt ions and of the surface functional groups on the degree of dissociation. The non-homogeneous structure of the EDL was revealed by plotting the counterion density profiles around charged and neutral surface functional groups. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
Wnt factors regulate neural stem cell development and neuronal connectivity. Here we investigated whether Wnt-3a and Wnt-3, expressed in the developing spinal cord, regulate proliferation and the neuronal differentiation of spinal cord neural precursors (SCNP). Wnt-3a promoted a sustained increase of SCNP proliferation, whereas Wnt-3 enhanced SCNP proliferation transiently and increased neurogenesis through β-catenin signaling. Consistent with this, Wnt-3a and Wnt-3 differently regulate the expression of Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Furthermore, Wnt-3a and Wnt-3 stimulated neurite outgrowth in SCNP-derived neurons through ß-catenin and TCF4-dependent transcription. GSK-3ß inhibitors mimicked Wnt signaling and promoted neurite outgrowth in established cultures. We conclude that Wnt-3a and Wnt-3 signal through the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway to regulate different aspects of SCNP development. These findings may be of therapeutic interest for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and nerve injury.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze complaints of patients, their relatives, and friends who consulted a complaints center based (Espace Patients & Proches (EPP)) in a hospital so as to better understand the reasons that motivated them and their underlying expectations. METHODS: This study was based on the analysis of written accounts of the 253 situations that occurred during the first year of operation of the EPP. The accounts were analyzed qualitatively using an inductive, thematic analytic approach. RESULTS: We identified 372 different types of complaints and 28 main analytic themes. Five clustered themes emerged from the analysis of the interconnections among the core themes: (1) interpersonal relationship (N=160-the number of accounts including a complaint related to this general theme); (2) technical aspects of care (N=106); (3) health-care institution (N=69); (4) billing and insurance; (5) access to information (N=13). CONCLUSION: The main reason for patients, their relatives, and friends going to EPP was related to the quality of the interpersonal relationship with health-care professionals. Such complaints were markedly more frequent than those concerning technical aspects of care. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: These results raise important questions concerning changing patient expectations as well as how hospitals integrate complaints into the process of quality health care.
Tässä diplomityössä pohditaan call centereiden asemaa tämän päivän palveluympäristössä ja myöskin call centereiden tulevaisuutta contact centereinä. Tämä työ tutkii kuinka asiakastarpeita ja uusia toiminnallisuuksia voidaan etsiä olemassaolevaan, mutta vielä keskeneräiseen call center tuotteeseen. Tutkimus on tehty lukemalla artikkeleita ja kirjoja tulevaisuuden contact centereistä, haastattelemalla asiakkaita ja järjestämällä ideointisessio yrityksen asiantuntijoille. Näin saadut tulokset priorisoitiin tätä tarkoitusta varten kehitellyllä matriisilla. Lopullisena tuloksena on lista toiminnallisuuksista tärkeysjärjestyksessä ja tuote roadmap kaikkein tärkeimmistä toiminnallisuuksista. Tämä roadmap antaa tuotekehitykselle ehdotuksen mitä tulisi implementoida nykyiseen tuotteeseen ja mitkä ovat prioriteetit. Tässä työssä pohdiskellaan myös tuotteen modulaarista rakennetta.